Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 370 I Want You To Continue To Line Up

Chapter 370 I Want You To Continue To Line Up

"Zhang Kun, you probably don't know their identities. Xie Zhenglang is the ninth son of King Li, Jiang Tianming is the fourteenth son of King Yan, and Cheng Yuxi is the seventh daughter of King Geng. There are nine princes in our Xiaoshuo Empire. You have offended me all at once. What should I do if I lose three of you?" Taishou Lin said anxiously, he loved Zhang Kun's talent, so he tried to persuade him.

"I suggest you meet them as soon as possible, keep a low profile, make an apology, and double refine the elixir for them!" Prefect Lin said earnestly.

Zhang Kun listened to Taishou Lin with a calm face, but finally shook his head slightly and said, "Taishou Lin, it seems that you don't understand very well."

"Little friend Zhang Kun, what do you mean? Did the old man say something wrong?" Lin Guanyu was very puzzled. Just now, Zhang Kun actually spoke to him in that tone, and suddenly there was a lump in his heart.

"I open this Huaxiangtang. I sell pills in exchange for items. I need to queue up. Come one by one. I still have a batch of orders from customers to refine. How can I take care of them? Let them line up." Zhang Kun indifferently Said, ignoring Lin Guanyu's increasingly gloomy face.

"Rules are for everyone. In the eyes of our alchemists, everyone is the same." After Zhang Kun left this sentence, he stopped talking and continued to refine the explosives. With his current alchemy attainments, pause for a while The refining process can also be done!
Lin Guanyu shook her head and sighed: "Forget it, forget it, if something happens, you should take care of it yourself."

Zhang Kun remained silent, and Lin Guanyu had no choice but to back out. He didn't want to negotiate with Zhang Kun in an orderly tone, which meant that there would be an irreparable rift between him and Zhang Kun, and everything he had done before would come to naught. In vain!

Seeing Lin Guanyu walking out, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, how will things develop, Zhang Kun should give in now, right?
"Hmph, I want to look at Zhang Kun's stinky face crying, and I have to refine the elixir for us!" The arrogant and domineering young man said coldly.

And Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming are also in the hands of Zhizhu, and they look proud. In their view, Zhang Kun is doomed to lose this time, and they can only succumb to their power. At that time, Zhang Kun will definitely come to apologize. If not, they magnanimously spared him, to show the elegance of both of them.

On the other hand, Cheng Yuxi's eyes flashed a trace of complicated emotions, as if he was not interested, he stayed quietly aside, and the female companions around him were a little puzzled, Cheng Yuxi should be very interested in ridiculing defeat at this time on weekdays Zhang Kun is.

"Prefect Lin, can we go in and get Zhang Kun's elixir?" Xie Zhenglang walked up and said with a smile. Everyone was slightly surprised. Everyone in Zhang Kun's Huaxiang Hall had to line up. Could it be that they wanted to break the barrier? Rules?

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's expectations. Lin Guanyu shook his head indifferently and said, "Sorry, Mr. Xie, Alchemist Zhang Kun wants you to continue queuing."

"What did you say?"

"Did he really say that?"

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" The royal disciples immediately exploded, and this time even Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming, who seemed to be very well-mannered, couldn't help but angrily scolded.

They didn't expect that the result of prefect Lin's negotiation would be like this, and they were immediately angry.

"If you don't want to drink a toast, get out of here, Zhang Kun! I want you to make alchemy today!" Xie Zhenglang yelled at the floor angrily!

Xie Zhenglang completely tore off his hypocritical mask, revealing his ferocious fangs!

He was so out of breath that the internal force in his body erupted instantly, and a burst of energy broke through the air. For a while, Huaxiang hall fell into a terrible silence. Only Xie Zhenglang's roaring voice with internal force still echoed in the room. The children were all angry and threatened to tear down Zhang Kun's shop!

Qin'er was standing by, when Xie Zhenglang suddenly erupted, and a breath swayed indiscriminately. Several guests including her were also injured, but no one dared to speak out!

"My son, calm down." Prefect Lin sighed, he knew that things would develop like this, so he could only go up to be a peacemaker.

"Hmph, tell that Zhang Kun to come out, otherwise he won't be able to keep his shop here!" Xie Zhenglang's attitude was extremely tough, and Prefect Lin's face turned slightly chilly.

"A mere brat dares to offend us, he wants to die!"

"If you don't come out again, I'll kill your maid to see how long you will be a coward!" Jiang Tianming sneered.

Everyone felt sorry for Zhang Kun, and couldn't help but worry about Zhang Kun. If Huaxiangtang could not continue to open, where would they go to buy such a good medicine?

There were also many people who sneered in their hearts. Zhang Kun's rise was too fast, and he was envied and envied by many people.

"Hmph!" Xie Zhenglang raised his right hand, and his energy was already condensed like a cyclone. He moved his mouth and looked at a plaque in the hall. Everyone was shocked. This is a public blow. Did Zhang Kun in the back compartment respond at all?

"Who dares?" A cold and majestic female voice came from outside the door!

At this moment, a chariot stopped outside Huaxiang Hall, and everyone was immediately attracted by the luxurious decoration on the chariot. They saw a small and exquisite jade foot protruding from the luxury chariot, white and beautiful. The ankles are exposed outside the shoes carved from crystal jade. Looking up, a pair of straight and slender beautiful legs are warm and fair, and the waist is graceful and seductive. What is even more admirable is her refined and pure face!
"It's Princess Jue!" The trembling guests kneeling on the ground couldn't help raising their heads to look at her. The Lord seems to often go in and out with Zhang Kun, inseparable!

And at this time, Princess Jue came here, and the presence of this distinguished princess here means self-evident!

"Who dares to do something here?" Nangong Jue floated over. After she was able to cultivate, her aura became more and more detached. Her icy muscles and bones were like a heavenly being. Frozen generally no one dares to speak!

Even Jiang Tianming turned off. He is the fourteenth son of King Yan. He is just a prince's concubine, but what about Nangong Jue?She was the eldest daughter of King Wojia, and her status was far beyond his reach, not to mention that this was the city of King Wojia, the territory of Nangong Jue!

How dare Jiang Tianming do anything wrong?He couldn't help but took a step back, leaning against the wall to prop up his body without weakening!

And Xie Zhenglang was even more embarrassed, he was still raising his right hand, ready to smash the scene, the moment he saw Nangong Jue appearing, his complexion suddenly became extremely pale, his head went blank, and his hands were stiff Now, at this time, he doesn't fight or doesn't fight, it's really a dilemma!

"Go back before you make a big mistake!" Nangong Jue spit out the cold words from the show, the temperature in the audience kept dropping, and everyone opened their eyes wide. They didn't expect Nangong Jue's attitude to be so tough. , The faces of those royal children suddenly changed!

Xie Zhenglang's face was extremely exciting, and he stared at Nangong Jue with a deep frown, but couldn't say a word.

"You can make trouble if you want, anyway, those behind you will help you wipe your ass, but in the future, don't even think about developing in the family!" Nangong Jue said lightly, she was stating a fact, even if this The facts are hard for those royal children to accept!
The children of the royal family were stunned. What did Nangong Jue mean? He just stepped on a small fourth-level alchemist. There should be more or less such people in their palace. Can the elders in the family give up on them completely?
But these words came from Nangong Jue's mouth, and everyone dared not believe it. Compared with their own development prospects, the current situation seemed not at all important.

Of course they know who Nangong Jue is. As the children of the top royal family, they can spend their days and nights and indulge in extravagance, but they can't mess with people they can't afford. Great people of the same generation, in front of her, they can only bow their heads!
"Okay! Let's go!" Xie Zhenglang forcibly suppressed his irritable internal energy, his face turned blue and white, and he lowered his head, as if mourning!He left in despair with the group of petrified companions.

Everyone gasped and couldn't help covering their mouths with their hands. They couldn't believe that all this was true. Unexpectedly, the arrogant Xie Zhenglang and Jiang Tianming also lowered their heads, watching them leave the scene angrily but dared not What they said made everyone's jaw drop in shock!
"Is this the power of the master?" The injured Qin'er leaned against the wall and muttered to herself, feeling a burst of joy in her heart.

Prefect Lin was in a daze. According to his understanding, Zhang Kun and Nangong Jue only met once and had a few words of friendship at the banquet. How could she do this for Zhang Kun?He did not hesitate to offend the three powerful princes!

Could it be that all of this is because Zhang Kun's energy is far beyond his imagination, and it is completely worth Nangong Jue's actions?

At this time, Zhang Kun came over, holding a bottle of elixir in his hand, with a look of joy on his face. He just used the thousand-year-old white flame flower to refine a more destructive explosive, so he came out to stretch.

Seeing everyone looking at him as if they were looking at a monster, he suddenly felt puzzled, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong, what happened?"

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped again and again, Zhang Kun didn't pay attention to the upside-down disturbance of the royal family's children just now. Instead, he was refining medicine in the alchemy room with peace of mind?

Nangong Jue walked up with a chuckle, and the previous iceberg aura instantly disappeared, as cute and cute as the girl next door.

(End of this chapter)

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