Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 371 Uncle Zhongren

Chapter 371 Uncle Zhongren
"It's just some brats, but the master has made a new medicine?" She said softly, with joy in her eyes, it seemed that she didn't take Xie Zhenglang and others seriously at all!
Zhang Kun nodded, twitching the corners of his mouth, a petal of white flame flower was used as medicine, and three wild fire pills were refined. These are not the small explosives before. All the soldiers have to drink a pot, and three of them together can tear apart the spiritual body of the qi practitioners!
Zhang Kun glanced lightly at Prefect Lin in the distance, as if he was responding to what he had said to him.

The consequences of offending Xie Zhenglang?This has no consequences at all!

The guests who came to buy the elixir couldn't suppress their admiration, and congratulated Zhang Kun repeatedly: "Congratulations to alchemist Zhang Kun for refining the new medicine!"

The eyes of the guests were full of shock, and they looked at Zhang Kun with more and more reverence, and Zhang Kun became more and more difficult for them to see through.

He refined new elixirs too fast. Since he came to Wangcheng, the types of elixirs sold in Wangcheng have doubled. Many new and unheard of elixirs were sold from Zhang Kun. The alchemists beat their chests and stamped their feet, jealous but they could only watch large sums of gold flow into Zhang Kun's hands!
In terms of wealth, today's Zhang Kun is no less than a middle-class family in Wangcheng. Not counting the background and inheritance, he can buy all the Su family and Zhao family when he returns to Changyang. There is no difference between the inside and the garbage, the storage ring can't fit in it at all, the Qin family built a warehouse for him, and Zhang Kun just discarded those priceless magic weapons there at will!
The bosses of Wangcheng's medicinal materials market saw Zhang Kun with a smile on their faces. As long as this young man appeared in the market, it meant a million-level transaction of medicinal materials. The sword-wielding girl under Jue went to pull a few carriages of alchemy materials back, and the medicinal materials were piled up like a mountain in Zhang Kun's alchemy room.

However, it didn't take long for Zhang Kun to transform them all into small pills. At the same time, their worth was ten times or twenty times higher. Now Zhang Kun's pills can no longer be described as cheap. Under the packaging of the pavilion, his pair of flowers, Bilan Zesan, has been able to sell for a million taels of gold in the auction house, and with it, the value of Zhang Kun's other medicines has also risen sharply.

Everyone was regretting it. When Zhang Kun exchanged the iron pan and copper pieces with the pills, why didn't he use the scraps at home to exchange a few more pills with him?

However, Zhang Kun himself had no concept of wealth and was too lazy to manage it, so he simply handed it over to Su Fangmeng. This little girl learned how to manage the family by Su Yin's side since she was a child. Under Fangmeng's management, it grew day by day, and every bank owner in Wangcheng knew Zhang Kun and Su Fangmeng, a boy and girl.

At first they thought they were here to play games, but when Zhang Kun casually took out a large stack of ten thousand taels of gold tickets, they all opened their mouths wide and couldn't say a word!
Last time the Great Elder gave Zhang Kun the real estate that originally belonged to Mi Xiuyong was also transferred to his name. Su Fangmeng simply bought all the surrounding land and buildings, and the land area was not weaker than that of Changyang The Su family, you must know that this is the royal city where every inch of land is expensive. The middle-level families such as the Xia family and the He family stared wide-eyed.As long as this scourge stays in Wangcheng, they will have no peace!
The various auction houses sent Zhang Kun various VIP cards, and the Alchemist Association came to upgrade Zhang Kun's guest badge to a higher level, embroidering gold thread on the original pattern and presenting jade, Zhang Kun smiled Asked their humanity: "What level am I in the Alchemy Association now?"

"Back to Mr. Zhang Kun, your alchemy level is a fourth-level alchemist, but your identity is the chief guest official, and you are at the same level as the president of the Wangcheng Association!" The person in charge of the alchemy association said tremblingly. I can't believe this is true, because the evildoer in front of me is too young no matter what, but the president of the Alchemy Association is already an old man with a white beard!

From the elders to the maids in the Seven Star Pavilion, they have been carefully instructed by the elders. Seeing Zhang Kun is like seeing him in person. They must be respectful and meet all his needs. All the items Zhang Kun wants to buy will be given to him. He tried his best to help Zhang Kun bring in the highest discount, even the scarce medicinal materials and animal bones from other places.

And Zhang Kun's elixir was placed on the most conspicuous display cabinet in the Seven Star Pavilion, and the beautiful receptionist was responsible for selling it. In fact, there was no need to sell it at all. Naturally, countless people flocked to buy Zhang Kun's elixir.

Zhang Kun grew up step by step. While reaching the peak, the price of his elixir was also soaring. There was even a commoner who became rich with a elixir refined by Zhang Kun in his hand. He bought a house in Wangcheng Land and married everyone. Girl, who reached the pinnacle of her life, was instantly hailed as a good story!
At this time, in the resting place prepared by the Xu family for those royal children, everyone's faces were gloomy. Xie Zhenglang's expression seemed to be able to eat people up. He broke down, and said through gritted teeth, "Why, why did that woman Nangong Jue help him?"

"Why doesn't he even listen to Lin Guanyu? What kind of confidence does he have?" Xie Zhenglang couldn't figure out why.

At this time, Xu Heyu looked at them lightly. Although he didn't expect Zhang Kun to treat them so toughly, he could vaguely feel that it would never be a good idea for them to provoke Zhang Kun. When the news came back, , Xu Heyu was also shocked.

Even if Zhang Kun is a genius alchemist, so what if he can refine a fifth-level elixir at the age of 14, he is still just a fledgling, and he has no background and no backing, so how can he force them to meet those noble royal children? so embarrassed?

Even Xu Heyu wanted to know what kind of energy Zhang Kun had to pick the most noble and beautiful flowers in Wangcheng and make Nangong Jue support him?
"At this point," Jiang Tianming stood up, looked around for a week, and finally said, "The only thing we have to do is to find Uncle Zhongren."

"That's right, Zhongren is in Wojiawang City, I remembered it just after you reminded me!" Xie Zhenglang stopped venting hysterically when he heard that, his eyes lit up.

"If it's Uncle Zhongren, he will definitely help us!" Xie Zhenglang smiled again. If Prefect Lin couldn't do it, he would go to Uncle Zhongren. These royal children have a lot of contacts and connections.

The Xiaoshuo Empire has a vast territory. Except for the vast land that His Majesty the Emperor personally controls, the territory of the empire is divided up by nine princes, forming nine royal cities. The nine princes are actually kings in their own territories. They did not Blood ties are the independent nine kingdoms, but after the Xiaoshuo Empire was unified, they also began to marry to strengthen their relationship with each other.

Therefore, although they are the heirs of King Li and King Yan, they are more or less blood related, and this Uncle Zhongren is known as Wu Kuang. The younger brother of Yan Wang and others, but because he followed Lord Wojia to fight the border, he stayed in Wojia King City after retiring from the army.

Zhong Ren was obsessed with martial arts, and he didn't have the slightest thought to manage the land and population. He rejected the fief granted to him by King Wojia, but his title was still there. Zhong Ren was called Marquis of Lingwu. The block city belongs to this Marquis of Lingwu!
In Lingwuhou Mansion, a thin man stared at the void in the distance, his eyes burst with light, and the breath around his body became rhythmic with the rise and fall of his chest. Suddenly, it seemed to be There was a thunder on the flat ground, and he punched with a bang, it was just a very ordinary straight punch, but it shook the void, the air was swaying, and the surrounding leaves rustled and fell one after another.

"Papa papa!" A string of applause sounded like popping beans. The place where Marquis Lingwu lived was quiet, and there shouldn't be such a noisy sound, but Zhong Ren was not surprised at all. His five senses were extremely keen, and his realm was profound. Unpredictable, it seems to have reached a terrifying situation, the peak of Qi training level nine, this person only needs one step to step into the foundation building state!

"Uncle Zhongren's martial arts are becoming more and more exquisite. I believe it doesn't take too long to see Uncle Zhongren stepping into the Foundation Establishment." Xie Zhenglang waved a beautiful folding fan. It is the word Mingyue.

"Why did nephew Zhenglang come here? Could it be elder brother?" Zhong Ren didn't look at him, but stared at Xiuzhu in the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

"Everything is fine with my father. I have a personal matter this time." Xie Zhenglang didn't dare to be too arrogant in front of his uncle. His father, Li Wang, would not frown either.

What a joke, a youngest son who is ranked ninth is really insignificant compared to a top powerhouse who is about to step into Foundation Establishment.

"Say." Zhong Ren only had a faint word. He knew who Xie Zhenglang was.

Xie Zhenglang saw that he had no choice but to be left out in the cold, and he flinched a bit in his heart. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Zhongren, you must uphold justice for me!"

Zhong Ren didn't know why he suddenly smiled, and said flatly: "Continue."

Xie Zhenglang immediately recounted the fact that he was rejected by Zhang Kun when he asked for medicine in Huaxiangtang, portraying himself as a caring and warm man who wanted to ask for medicine for his girlfriend for the sake of his partner. He also lined up honestly, but was driven out by Zhang Kun, a villain, and even called Nangong Jue to scold him.

(End of this chapter)

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