Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 372 Because You Are Stupid

Chapter 372 Because You Are Stupid
In short, he described himself as innocent and wronged, while Zhang Kun and Nangong Jue were evil young men who were in collusion!

After hearing this, Zhong Ren laughed instead of anger, making Xie Zhenglang's heart flutter, and he unconsciously closed the folding fan in his hand and stuffed it around his waist.

"Is that Zhang Kun?" Zhong Ren asked back.

"Which one else!" Xie Zhenglang said, "It's that alchemist!"

Zhong Ren nodded, beckoned to Xie Zhenglang and said, "Come here."

Xie Zhenglang felt something was wrong, his body instinctively resisted and wanted to retreat, but he didn't dare not listen to Zhong Ren's words, he obediently stepped forward and took a few steps.

"Crack!" A photon with a big ear hit Xie Zhenglang's face unexpectedly, and a huge red handprint appeared on his delicate skin and tender flesh like a woman's cheek!
With his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, Xie Zhenglang couldn't believe it was true, but with a burning pain on his face, he couldn't help but look at Zhong Ren and said, "Why did you hit me?"

"Because you are stupid, how could Brother Li have an heir like you?" Zhong Ren's stern face burst into anger.

"Do you know who you provoked, who his master is, do you know his relationship with Nangong Jue, do you know what his talent represents?"

"Confused!" Zhong Ren scolded angrily, and then told Xie Zhenglang the answers to these questions one by one.

Zhongren is an old subordinate of King Wojia. A few days ago, King Wojia came here to discuss Zhang Kun with him. They all came to the conclusion that Zhang Kun's future is limitless!
Xie Zhenglang was immediately blindfolded, his eyes became hollow and then numb, he lowered his head and remained silent.

Zhong Renyu said earnestly: "It's still too late to make amends, as long as you show sincerity, alchemist Zhang Kun is not unreasonable."

"No, I want to leave here, I want to go home!" Xie Zhenglang panicked as if he had been frightened by something.

"Bastard, then you just wait to be neglected by your father, and then sent to the army to practice in the bitter cold!" Zhong Renhan said.

Xie Zhenglang panicked when he heard about the bitter cold in the army, it is not a place for people to stay, especially for a pampered son like him, it would be a crime to go there, besides the enemy army, there are terrifying monsters and beasts there, even There are things like ghosts and spirits appearing, which is extremely terrifying!
"Okay, I'll listen to you, Uncle Zhong Ren." Xie Zhenglang finally let go of all his posture and arrogance, his guts were filled with regret, and he would not have provoked Zhang Kun if he had known earlier!

Zhong Ren didn't bother to take a second look, and walked ahead, he just said: "Take your group of cronies and dog friends, and you have to be more careful when making friends in the future. A genius like Zhang Kun is the person you should make friends with!"

"Yes, uncle." Xie Zhenglang followed Zhongren out of Lingwuhou's mansion like a well-behaved child. He called Jiang Tianming and others who were waiting outside the door. Jiang Tianming and the others saw Xie Zhenglang coming out with Zhongren, and went their separate ways They were all very excited, and they leaned over and asked: "How, how, can we go and deal with that kid Zhang Kun?"

"Clean up? Clean up! Follow us to apologize to Zhang Kun obediently!" Xie Zhenglang glared at Jiang Tianming angrily, blaming him for giving him such a bad idea. Uncle Ren hit!
"What did you say?" Jiang Tianming froze on the spot, as if he had already petrified. He stared blankly at Xie Zhenglang following Zhongren like a puppet on a string, and walked out. He gasped again and again. .

"This time, we lost!" Jiang Tianming gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go!"

Zhong Ren is their elder, and even a terrifying strong man whose strength is about to enter the foundation building stage. No matter how dissatisfied and puzzled they are in their hearts, they dare not say anything on this point, and can only follow up obediently , the face no longer has the slightest arrogance before!

"After this incident is over, I will go home and never come to Wojia again. How can there be such a monster as Zhang Kun!" Everyone thought exactly the same as Xie Zhenglang. The empire is domineering and domineering, but it hits the iron plate here.

Wuzhefang City is still a bustling scene. There are people coming and going in Huaxiang Hall. Many spectators have not dispersed and are still staying here. Obviously, what happened just now was too shocking for them, and people are still talking about it. relish.

"It's almost time to close the shop. It's evening." Zhang Kun sat comfortably in the front hall and took a short rest. Long-term alchemy put a lot of mental load on him. The combination of work and rest is very important, and he can recall the past when he is not alchemy Flaws and mistakes in the alchemy process.

Qin'er received a small injury, and Zhang Kun directly took out Poria cocos green pills for her, and she recovered completely within half an hour. She looked at the leisurely Zhang Kun and couldn't help but smiled and said: There are the last batch of customers, wait for them to finish buying before closing the store."

Zhang Kun nodded, and suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a thin man quietly walking in from the door. His waist was straight, his clothes were ordinary, his face was thin but very energetic, as if he was not out of his scabbard. The blade is average.

He walked without a sound, and walked into the crowd like a ghost. If it weren't for Zhang Kun's extraordinary spirit, he wouldn't have noticed that there was suddenly another person in the crowd.

"This person must be a master, I'm afraid he is not an ordinary Qi practitioner!" Zhang Kun quickly made a judgment, his body froze, and his spirit became alert. He didn't know the purpose of the visitor, so he had to be cautious.

"It seems that my shop is very lively today." Zhang Kun smiled self-deprecatingly. Xie Zhenglang, Jiang Tianming, Cheng Yuxi and others appeared one after another!

This is the third time they have come here, and the sharp-eyed guests suddenly went into an uproar, not only the people in Huaxiang Hall, but also the people on the whole street were attracted, and people from restaurants, teahouses and other places also came out one after another. The head wanted to see what happened in Huaxiang Hall.

"Are they making this place their home? Are they going to come here three times a day?" Zhang Kun smiled helplessly, and looked at Xie Zhenglang and the others playfully, but saw that they didn't even dare to lift their heads, and followed obediently with their heads downcast. Behind the lean man.

Zhang Kun wondered, who is that thin man? He looks a little ordinary from the outside, but he is so mysterious in terms of spirit, that even those royal children have to obediently follow behind him?
"Ah, isn't that Lord Lingwuhou?" A rich businessman with a big belly in the teahouse suddenly opened his eyes wide, his chubby face was full of horror. Lingwuhou Zhongren usually rarely shows up, but as a lord, Wo There are still many people in the upper class of Jiawang City who know him!
"Marquis Lingwu has left the customs? This is a big deal!" In the wine shop on the other side, a man in blue shirt squinted his eyes and poured himself a drink with a jug.

At this time, the guests in Huaxiang Hall also recognized them. The children of the royal family were too eye-catching. This is the third time they have come here. Many people have already remembered their faces, and the guests were a little gloating.

Who walked away angrily just now, and now came back like a mangy dog?

Surrounded by such gazes, Xie Zhenglang and the others' expressions were extremely gloomy, their facial muscles twitched uncontrollably, their mouths were full of bitterness but they could only swallow it!

"That's Lord Lingwuhou!" Immediately, sharp-eyed people noticed a mysterious man at the end of the line. Qi Shi was also taken aback, and hurried up to salute.

"Senior Zhongren! I'll help you report to Alchemist Zhang!" Qi practitioners from the Qin family said in succession.

"Lord Lingwuhou!" Many people also stepped forward to salute quickly, but Zhong Ren just glanced at them lightly and said, "Get up, I'm here to line up to buy medicine, and so are they."

As he spoke, he pointed to the children of the royal family behind him, and everyone suddenly realized that they had been brought here by Lingwuhou Zhongren. Zhang Kun looked.

"Hiss!" Everyone looked at each other in dismay and took a few breaths. Lingwu Hou actually did this for Zhang Kun. Those royal children will be miserable, throwing their faces into the sea, and come to Huaxiangtang again and again to make troubles , As a result, he was driven out again and again!

Then the conflict escalated, and Xie Zhenglang called in reinforcements, but he was still defeated. In the end, he was sternly reprimanded by Zhong Ren, who educated them and brought them here to apologize to Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun looked at Zhong Ren and nodded silently, he already knew his identity from the words of others.

Huaxiangtang is indeed a unique pharmacy. In other stores, there are often several alchemists sitting in charge. Only by making alchemy together can the supply of elixir be guaranteed. Here, only Zhang Kun does alchemy alone, and sometimes he does not even need to show up. The elixir in the store can always guarantee the quantity and quality!

Zhang Kun has his own set of procedures. In the mirror domain, there are five spirit-enlightening monsters who are at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training to help him refine Qi-enhancing pills, Xuanyuan pills and other internal strength supplementary pills, and then Zhang Kun Kun then used these low-level elixirs as raw materials to refine high-level elixirs with alchemy. This speed can be much faster!

Because the most time-consuming step in refining elixir is to give enough energy to the elixir. This step originally required the inner strength of the alchemist himself, but Zhang Kun has a unique secret recipe. Melting a Qi-enhancing elixir can completely satisfy the alchemy. demand.

As for another difficulty in the process of alchemy, the essence of the refining materials, under the burning of Zhang Kun's embers, no matter whether it is a hard animal bone or a delicate flower petal, all impurities are removed and the essence is precipitated.

After counting the rebuilding of the Dao Temple, Zhang Kun’s speed of alchemy soared again at ten times the speed of time. It seemed that only Zhang Kun was doing alchemy in Huaxiang Hall. In fact, it was equivalent to ten Zhang Kun and fifty A monster at the pinnacle of the ninth level of Qi training is also making alchemy!

This is not a small workshop, it can be called a factory!
(End of this chapter)

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