Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 373 For the Lord of the Black Moon

Chapter 373 For the Lord of the Black Moon
Soon the customers in front bought the elixirs. Generally speaking, they would not have any special requirements. They bought ordinary elixirs. Beyond level five, Zhang Kun can quickly satisfy them.

Zhang Kun narrowed his eyes, and saw the figure of Lingwu Hou Zhongren in front of him. He had a serious face, but when he saw Zhang Kun, he showed a rare smile and said, "Alchemist Zhang Kun, I have admired his name for a long time."

"Marquis Lingwu is here in person, and my Huaxiang hall is full of splendor. I wonder if Marquis Lingwu needs anything?" Zhang Kun greeted him with a smile.

"I don't need anything, I just brought these young people here. They have contradicted alchemist Zhang Kun before, and I hope you can forgive them." Zhong Ren said lightly.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "I have no enmity with them, I just hope they abide by the regulations and line up to buy medicine."

"Haha, alchemist Zhang Kun has such a heart at such a young age, and he will become a great weapon in the future!" Marquis Lingwu praised, and he pulled Xie Zhenglang and others together and said to them, "Why don't you thank alchemist Zhang Kun quickly?"

"Thank you!" Those people were obviously reluctant, but they still bowed their hands decently.

Zhang Kun looked at them indifferently, raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "You guys are here to ask for Xueyan Pill and Huabi Lanzesan. These two kinds of pills are not easy to refine, and they are the most scarce and cheapest in the store. Expensive pills, at the Seven Star Pavilion auction a few days ago, a pair of Huabilan Zesan sold for 100 million taels of gold."

Xie Zhenglang and the others were shocked. What kind of elixir cost 100 million taels a pair. Who can afford such an exorbitant price of elixir?

"I happen to have three pairs of flowers here, Bilan Zesan. Seeing that there are three female cultivators in your team, it's really just right. You are all children of the top royal family. I think you won't haggle over the price with Zhang, so let's use the price of the Seven Star Pavilion." Well, they are the most fair!" Zhang Kun said with a smile, he will eat them for this sum of money!
Jiang Tianming's complexion darkened. They endured humiliation and queuing up all the way here, and Uncle Zhongren was watching here. They couldn't say no to selling it, and they were still noble royal children, so they wouldn't say that they were too shy to buy it. How about some pills?

Gritting their teeth, Xie Zhenglang, Jiang Tianming and others took out a few magic weapons, and a few bags of spirit stones made up 300 million taels of gold. They slapped everything in front of Zhang Kun, and said indifferently: "Take it!"

Zhang Kun was not angry at all, and put away the goods with a smile, and took out three sets of flowers, Bi Lanzesan, and gave them to them. He glanced at Zhong Ren and nodded. It is to teach these guys who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth a lesson. He earns these guys' money without any burden in his heart.

Smiling as Zhongren and the others turned around and left with Xie Zhenglang, Zhang Kun also said to Qin'er and the maids, "Okay, let's stop here today, let's close the shop."

"Yes, Master!" All the maids responded sweetly. Now their admiration for Zhang Kun has reached several levels. Even Marquis Lingwu treated him respectfully and politely. Zhang Kun had already walked away inadvertently. Reached the pinnacle of Wangcheng!
But this year, Zhang Kun is only 14 years old. When a child from an ordinary family is still practicing ancient martial arts, thinking about how to enter the Huang-level Xuan-level, when a dude is spending his days and drinking, Zhang Kun has already completed them. A point that can never be reached in a lifetime!

After Lin Taishou knew about this, he was silent for a long time. As Zhang Kun said, he would not pay attention to the children of the royal family at all. This time, Lin Guanyu was wrong.

Just when Zhang Kun was flourishing in the city of Wojia, an unprecedented storm was brewing.

In the depths of Shiwanda Mountain, there is a boundless dense forest. The towering trees are hundreds of feet high, straight into the sky, and the dense branches and leaves block the sun tightly. The forest is pitch black, with only some fragmented sunlight. Leaked.


Somewhere in the forest, a few branches blocking the way were cut off by Yuanli, revealing the silhouettes of a group of people, all wrapped in black clothes, with only a pair of eyes exposed, they walked silently, constantly going to The heart of the forest goes deep.

In this perilous forest, all the monsters that can live in it are extremely fierce. The sky-level monsters that can dominate one side in the outside world are just the lowest-level existence here. Occupy a piece of land surrounded by surroundings.

The people in black suddenly stopped in their tracks, and a group of thunder cloud leopards appeared in front of them. The patterns on the leopards were like blue clouds, and the lightning flashed all over their bodies, exuding a tyrannical aura. This is a group of innate monsters. .

Humans and beasts looked at each other, the leading one looked at each other for a long time, sniffled its nose, let out a deep growl, and then left quietly with the other Leiyun leopards, unexpectedly letting go of this slap good meal.

The man in black didn't react at all, and still walked forward at a regular speed. As they continued to go deeper, the trees began to become short and twisted, and they seemed to be some deformed trees. Even the monsters seemed to have disappeared here. There was an eerie silence all around.

"It's here, let's go in." The leading man in black made a muddy voice under his mask, unable to distinguish gender and age.

"What about those tails at the back?" a man in black asked.

"Don't worry about it." The leader man in black said, and walked forward first, while the other men in black seemed to believe him without asking why, and followed him one after another.

"Hmph, King Wojia hunted me down for so long, but he finally let me survive, and then I will make them pay the price!" The leader of the man in black snorted coldly in his heart, leading a group of people through the woods.

Until they disappeared at the end of this strange forest, several monsters appeared at the place where they were standing just now with silent steps. They were actually the group of Thundercloud Leopards just now, and they wanted to follow the group of men in black and attack them.

But at this moment, the Leiyun Leopard, which is famous for its insidiousness and cunning, looked very disturbed. In front of them was a black forest. The trees in the forest were black from branches to branches, and even the soil was pitch black, as if this The forest was carbonized, and there didn't seem to be any living things in the entire forest. A very dark and strange breath emanated from the depths of the forest, giving people a terrifying feeling.

There was a bit of unwillingness in Lei Yunbao's eyes, but it seemed to be very afraid of this forest. Its front paws kept grabbing the ground, but finally retreated quietly into the forest behind.

A group of men in black continued to go deep into the black forest, and no sound could be heard around them, but the bones of various monsters under their feet gradually increased, and they made a toothache sound when they stepped on them.

"Here we are." The leading man in black suddenly stopped in his tracks, looking forward.

It was a small open space. Although the twisted trees around were all kinds of strange things, they were all facing this open space, or the square stone platform on the open space.

The stone platform is black, and it seems to be made of some unknown material. It looks rough, and it seems to be stained with some dried blood, and an evil breath emerges.

The leading man in black put down his hood, revealing an old face. He stepped on the bones piled up everywhere, walked to the side of the stone platform, observed the shallow groove in the middle of the stone platform, turned around suddenly after a while and said, "You guys A few, come here for me."

A few men in black came out, and stood by the stone platform according to the old man's instructions. The old man nodded, waved his sleeves, and a black light flashed out, circled around the men in black, and returned to the old man. in the sleeve.


The heads of those men in black disappeared, and pillars of blood shot up into the sky. The blood did not fall, but all flew towards the groove in the middle of the stone platform, and finally poured into the groove.

It wasn't until the blood was sucked dry that the headless mummies fell down, but there were only a few drops of strange blood in the groove.

The entire stone platform was shrouded in a faint layer of blood, as if yearning for more blood.

A group of men in black at the back watched their companions die tragically without any reaction, as if this was a matter of course.

"That's right, the seal on the altar has been weakened! The power of the Infusion Corona is really amazing!" The old man smiled sinisterly after seeing it instead of being surprised.

The old man looked like he was insane, and shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, another group of people will come, and the miracle of the moon god will reappear in the world!"

A few men in black came out with fanaticism in their eyes, as if it was an honor for them to die like this.

"For the Lord of the Black Moon!" Several men in black shouted in unison, took out a short blade and inserted it into their own heart, blood spewed out again, and a few more drops of thick blood appeared on the stone platform.

The man in black kept falling down beside the stone platform. The light in the old man's eyes became more and more intense. He took off his hood excitedly. This man was the Special Envoy Zhou who once turned Changyang City upside down. His body was shaking with excitement When he got up, he stared closely at the flowing blood, as if he was looking at the naked body with fanaticism!
Finally, the groove was filled with blood, and countless blood-colored complex lines suddenly appeared on the stone platform. The blood in the groove flowed along the lines, and slowly connected, the entire stone platform turned into blood, a dark and evil The breath gushed out, slowly covering the entire black forest, and finally turned into a black beam of light as thick as a mountain, breaking through the sky.

In this black beam of light, it seems to be connected to another place, which is bloody and dark, and countless figures can be seen among the shadows, all of which are full of evil spirits, as if they will break free at any time.

At the same time, patches of black mist spread out from the black forest. After the originally lush trees came into contact with the black mist, they carbonized at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming the same as the trees in the black forest.

The few thundercloud leopards just now were perched under the tree. Seeing the black mist not far away slowly filling in, there was some doubt in their eyes, but they were soon enveloped by the black mist. The few leopards in the black mist Lei Yunbao suddenly fell to the ground, as if he was already dead, but slowly stood up again, and walked out with dull eyes, his limbs seemed to be very stiff, and his body began to emit a rotten stench that only dead bodies have.

(End of this chapter)

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