Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 374 Something Happened!

Chapter 374 Something Happened!
The same thing happened in other places of the Xiaoshuo Empire. Beams of light shot up from the ancient altars one after another. Bloody and black light instantly enveloped the land around the altars. Beasts were killed and corrupted one after another. Turned into a scary monster!

Near several ancient royal tombs, thunder and lightning, strong wind and rain, ghosts crying and wolves howling, many villagers said that many terrible creatures emerged from the ground!

Between the mountains and rivers, an ancient battlefield filled with the bloody atmosphere of killing, suddenly a bloody light shot up into the sky, a coquettish woman was dressed in a piece of coarse cloth, without any other clothes on her body, and there was a spring in her steps. A girl with a good face is better than a girl. Her tall figure, well-proportioned waist and long legs are called a stunner, but who would have thought that she is already 80 or [-] years old. She is clearly dressed in revealing clothes and has a flirtatious figure, but there is something about her that makes people say The taste of holiness that does not come out, ordinary mortals will probably kneel down to worship and call it a fairy when they see it!
"Archbishop, the special envoys have completed their summons, and the Lord of the Black Moon is about to descend." Several old men with white beards and hair behind her saluted him respectfully.

The black hair of the coquettish woman fluttered in the air, making him even more charming. She smiled brightly and said, "Very well, now let the world remember our existence and start our era!"

"And this place will be the place where the Lord of the Black Moon descends, and we will also be the first to meet the gods!" After finishing speaking, she took out a piece of black copper mirror that shone like a diamond, and pointed it at the sky in the sky. When the full moon chanted the incantation, suddenly thousands of black glows came out from the ground, and the dead soldiers stood up one after another as if they were summoned, howling at the moon like wolves!
"It seems that the prepared materials are not enough. There was a mistake in Changyang, a large number of tributes were missing, and the Lord of the Black Moon did not come!" An old man's tone was extremely regretful, as if he had missed everything, and he was extremely lost.

However, the woman smiled and said: "Don't worry, the soldiers from the ancient battlefield have returned, and they will harvest lives for us. Everything is under my control."

"The leader is wise!" Those old men flattered again and again.

"The show is about to begin. Priests and special envoys, guard the altar until the Lord of the Black Moon arrives!" the coquettish woman ordered!

In the royal city, there was silence, and there was a curfew in the city late at night, except for a few kabuki halls that were still playing music every night, the entire royal city was asleep.

However, King Wojia was suddenly awakened from his cultivation, and a wave of news gathered towards him like a sea, urgent news from all over the place filled his desk!

"The royal tombs in many places are suddenly haunted by ghosts, and the ghosts of the undead are rushing towards the villages where people live like an army!"

"A batch of rotten corpse beasts rushed out from the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Wherever they went, there was no grass growing. The killed creatures would stand up again and join the team of corpse beasts to attack creatures!"

"What, Cuidong County fell? The city gate was breached, the county magistrate died in battle, and the people were torn in half in their sleep. The whole county seemed to have been ransacked and turned into a ghost city overnight!"

An unprecedented, sudden and terrible change is taking place in the northern part of the Xiaoshuo Empire. An army of more than ten million undead is pouring out from the hundred thousand mountains. Along with the army of undead, there are corrupted ancient beasts that spread the plague of death!

"How could this be?" Witnessing countless undead rolling over the plain, the soldiers defending the city suddenly lost all fighting spirit. This is simply invincible, there are too many, and even if their heads are chopped After they get down, their bodies will continue to move, and only by cutting them to pieces can they completely annihilate their vitality!

"The end of the world is coming!" Many people went crazy after seeing this scene, running around in the street, mad and lost their minds.In the vast and endless wilderness, a wave of men in black came along with the undead, muttering: Lord of the Black Moon above!

In the city of Wojia, Zhang Kun rubbed his sleepy eyes and put on his robe casually. The dawn was slightly exposed. He was awakened by a rapid knock on the door. He stepped forward to open the door, only to see Su Fangmeng in a white nightgown as if A frightened little hare jumped into Zhang Kun's arms like a frightened little hare.

"Meng'er? What's the matter, did you have a nightmare?" Zhang Kun gently rubbed her little head, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I'm here."

"No," Su Fangmeng shook his head and said, "Something has happened, the wave of undead has come, and in just one night, three of the six counties in the northern part of the royal city are full of undead, and one county has been slaughtered!"

"What?" Zhang Kun couldn't restrain his horror. The Xiaoshuo Empire hadn't been in war for a long time. Even if there were some frictions with the enemy country on the border, it had no effect on Zhang Kun and the others. They still lived in a very distant place. In a quiet environment, but now the sudden change, something really big happened!
"What about our hometown Changyang, is there anything wrong?" Zhang Kun asked quickly.

Su Fangmeng said worriedly: "The undead come out of the [-] mountains. Changyang is a county surrounded by [-] mountains. Changyang is the first to bear the brunt!"

Zhang Kun turned pale when he heard the news, his father, mother, brother and sister are still in Changyang City!If the army of undead broke through the city, ordinary people like them who had no ability to resist would have no chance of surviving!
"Zhang Kun, don't worry, the tide of undead just appeared in the middle of the night. They move very fast, but the land of a county is also very large. They will not go to Changyang City within a week. Besides, those counties were destroyed because The attack happened at night, people were unprepared, and Changyang City has the garrison of the Marquis Mansion and my father, so it will not be so easy to cause accidents!" Su Fangmeng said, but her tone also contained deep Worrying, seems a little emboldened.

Zhang Kun frowned. He hadn't figured out what was going on with the sudden wave of undead, but he deeply knew that Changyang was in danger. Changyang County was surrounded by mountains on three sides, and only one side had a wide road leading to Wojia King City. That's how Zhang Kun came to Wangcheng at that time.

And if the [-] mountains are full of corrupted ancient beasts and armies of undead, they will attack Changyang City from three directions, and the several counties under it are even more dangerous. It is a basin-like terrain. It is dangerous to defend, but when the tide of undead annihilates Changyang and goes south to Wojia King City, even Wojia King City will be impacted, and it will be over!
Even Zhang Kun didn't dare to imagine such a scene anymore. He shuddered. Suddenly, a chariot drove up outside his residence. A pretty woman in the luxurious carriage opened the door curtain and faced Zhang Kun. He said anxiously: "Master, something has happened, my father told you to come to the palace as soon as possible!"

Zhang Kun also read deep worry from the bottom of Nangong Jue's eyes. Such an expression should not belong to a girl at an innocent age, let alone Nangong Jue who is a princess. How can there be eggs?After hearing the news, everyone was restless.

Zhang Kun nodded and quickly changed clothes with Su Fangmeng and got on Nangong Jue's chariot. This chariot was not pulled by horses, but by strange beasts mixed with a trace of dragon blood at both ends. After running for a few steps, he flew up, ignoring the air ban of Wangcheng and went straight to the palace!

"Did something really happen?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking, it happened so suddenly that he couldn't believe it.

Nangong Jue nodded vigorously and said: "Yes! It's not just our place, it seems that the whole country has been affected to varying degrees. Master, get ready for the disaster. I hope we can all survive."

Su Fangmeng bit her lip lightly, and unconsciously grabbed Zhang Kun's finger.In a short while, with the help of the speed of the dragon and beast chariot, the three of them had already arrived at the platform in front of the palace, where the carriages were already parked. Judging from the flags and emblems above, it seemed that there were heads and faces in the whole palace. The family is here!

Moreover, outside the gate of the palace, there were already several people who looked like strong generals in helmets and sharp generals, and their brows and eyes were full of killing intent.

"Hiss!" Everyone who saw this scene gasped, deeply feeling the seriousness of this incident.

Inside the palace, King Wojia sat on the throne with a gloomy face, resting his chin in thought. He received too much bad news overnight, his hair was a few gray, and he was no longer the heroic spirit of the previous few days. As compelling as a teenager, he gave birth to an old look that fit his age.

The main hall was already full of people, and Zhang Kun was led by Nangong Jue to the front of the crowd. Along the way, he saw many familiar faces, including the elders of the four major families, Lin Guanyu and Lin Guixin from the prefect's mansion, and Lin Guixin from the Seven Star Pavilion. The Great Elder, Lingwu Hou Zhongren was also wearing a treasured armor and carrying a golden knife, standing a little far away from the crowd, and some dignitaries who often came to Zhang Kun's shop to buy pills also came.

"What's going on?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking the people around him, but they also shook their heads. They just heard about it and didn't know the cause and effect of it!

King Wojia stood up and said in a slightly tired but still majestic voice: "A few days ago, I sent a team to track down a member of a cult organization called Shadow of the Eclipse, all the way to the Hundred Thousand Mountains , but no news came back after that.”

"When I summoned people to investigate again, I found that the place was already occupied by the undead army. At this moment, countless undead are rushing towards our place, and the black hand behind all this is the shadow of the lunar eclipse!" King Wojia said angrily.

"Didn't the shadow of the lunar eclipse be destroyed in the great war a hundred years ago?" Everyone was shocked and puzzled when they heard the words. They seemed to have deep memories of this organization. I have also more or less understood its fierce name!

(End of this chapter)

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