Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 375 Without Me, I Will Fail

Chapter 375 Without Me, I Will Fail
Zhang Kun's face changed slightly. He encountered people from the shadow of the eclipse one after another. It seemed that they had planned for a long time and wanted to do it!
"In the past few years, people from all over the world have appeared to make troubles, but we have ignored them. I didn't expect them to spend a few years setting up such a big chess game. Let us drill it!" King Wojia The fist slammed the armrest of the throne hard.

"My lord, the army of undead has already crossed Cuidong County, and next is Haomen County. If Haomen County falls, Changyang County will have no danger to defend. If Changyang falls, the northern part of Wangcheng will be drowned in the sea of ​​undead."

"There is only one trail in the south of Changyang, but it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The general's mansion has drawn up three countermeasures, please make a decision!" A general wearing heavy armor and holding a helmet in his hand stood up and said, in times of crisis, They were very efficient, drawing up a response plan at dawn!
"General Wang, please speak." King Wojia took a deep breath to calm down from his anger and remorse. The most urgent task now is to resist the tide of undead and provide time for the evacuation of the people.

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully. General Wang waved his hand in the air, and a map composed of light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of everyone. There were three light spots shining on the map. General Wang pointed to the first light spot and said: "That's Haomen County, which is a barrier for Changyang County. The ideal solution is to send people to guard here to resist the undead tide and continue southward, but it is too difficult. When our army arrives here, the undead tide should have arrived. Obviously, the strength of a county alone cannot stop the massive undead and corrupted ancient beasts!"

"You can send an elite team to Haomen for assistance. Do those undead have a leader? The leader who defeats them should be able to slow down their footsteps. If Haomen can hold on, Changyang will have no worries, and there is no need to evacuate the people of Changyang." The owner suggested.

General Wang shook his head and said: "But now we don't know the size of the undead army, nor whether they have a leader, whether they obey the order of a certain high-level will, nor their purpose. If they are just a group of wild beasts, Even if it loses its leader, it will frantically hunt and kill all living creatures!"

"What about the second plan?" King Wojia asked.

General Wang took a deep breath and said, "Abandon Haomen, and quickly send an order to the magistrate of Haomen to withdraw as many people as he can."

"It's impossible to evacuate all of them, and there are two counties in the north that are also on the path of the undead march. What about the rest?" Someone immediately raised a question.

General Wang said with a vague gaze: "The rest of the people may have to rely on themselves. Their sacrifice will buy time for us to defend Changyang."

Everyone gasped again and again, sweating down their spines from General Wang's sternness and determination.

"The second plan is to defend Changyang until the people of Changyang evacuate from the southern mountain road." General Wang said.

"However, there are millions of people in the city of Changyang, and there are three counties in the south with a total of millions of people. The mountain roads are difficult and difficult, and it will take ten days and a half months, or even several months, to evacuate them all!"

"The problem is that the royal city can't accommodate so many refugees!" The Patriarch of the Xu family, An Yan, shook his head and said, there are millions of people in the royal city, which can be said to be quite crowded, and displaced refugees gathered from all directions If not, the royal city will be overwhelmed!

The expressions of everyone in the palace were extremely ugly. The situation was far more serious than they imagined. The tide of undead not only appeared in Changyang County, but the [-] mountains stretched for tens of thousands of miles. These horrible monsters appeared!

"There is a lot of pressure from all aspects. The entire empire is in chaos. The third plan is to abandon even Changyang City and concentrate on defending the Royal City." General Wang said indifferently, as if without a trace of emotion.

The situation in Changyang County is the most serious. A county town was slaughtered overnight. This kind of thing is extremely rare even in the war years. It is really shocking. The worst plan is to let Changyang County fend for itself. Other counties and counties that have been less impacted are well arranged, and the difficulty is also the lowest.

"No, absolutely not!"

"." Zhang Kun didn't say a word, but his brows were furrowed tightly. Many people looked at him. They knew that this genius alchemist came from Changyang.

This proposal was rejected by everyone as soon as it came out. Let alone how important a county is to King Wojia, once Changyang in the north is left alone, the Changyang Basin surrounded by mountains on three sides will become a magic cave that nourishes the undead. There will be a steady stream of undead emerging, and Wangcheng will lose the possibility of counterattack!
If Changyang City is still there, Wangcheng still has the possibility of going north to counterattack, so Changyang must be defended without a doubt!

"Then the problem now is whether we can defend Haomen County or not." General Wang said lightly. He is an iron-blooded soldier honed through life and death on the battlefield, and he can remain unmoved even in the face of such a situation.

"It can't be defended, it's too much manpower and resources, and there are many counties in the south and west. We can't send troops there one by one. It's too dangerous. Those counties are deep in the hinterland. They are places surrounded by wild beasts. Once they are ambushed Otherwise, the casualties will be heavy, so it is better to concentrate resources to defend Changyang City." Ouyang Xiu, the Patriarch of the Ouyang family, said with reason and evidence.

"Hmph, your Ouyang family has no property in Haomen, of course you can give it up at will, but what about the people over there, have you been treated as sacrifices by you? And if you abandon Haomen, Changyang doesn't have enough time to be lower than the undead, and you will definitely lose " Qin Hanyang, head of the Qin family, said in a cold voice, extremely disdainful.

Ouyang Xiu folded his hands on his chest and was noncommittal. Anyway, it was nothing to do with him. Among the four major families, the Ouyang family's power is mainly located in the southeast, but it is the safest in this wave of undead.

On the contrary, the power of the Qin family is mainly in Changyang and other counties. Even Qin Liangjie, the governor of Changyang County, is also a member of the Qin family. It is impossible for them to give up Changyang County.

"It's impossible to deploy a large army. We can only send a small team." Everyone quickly agreed on a policy, and now is the time to determine the size of the team and the candidates.

"Each family sends out a number of Qi trainers according to their level, and the Taishou Mansion is responsible for sending out innate masters. Those who are good at long-distance and fast marching are required. After arriving, they will immediately investigate whether there is a leader among the undead. It is to assist Haomen County to hold on for a week, waiting for the reinforcements from Wangcheng to buy time for Changyang." King Wojia ordered.

All the families took orders one after another and began to select suitable candidates in the family, but everyone knew that it was very dangerous to go to the front line, especially when the situation was not clear now, going up was basically death, but the military orders were so high that they were related to the safety of these families themselves , They dare not be sloppy.

Just now Ouyang Xiu was reprimanded by Qin Hanyang, feeling very dissatisfied in his heart, suddenly he turned to Zhang Kun and said, "I remember alchemist Zhang is from Changyang County, right?"

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. He was already very upset about the disaster in his hometown. At this time, Ouyang Xiu stopped him. He didn't know what his plan was, so he just nodded and said, "That's right."

"I don't think there can be no alchemist in the team. If someone is disabled or poisoned, they can't be cured, and it is said that those undead are carrying toxin plague, so it can be guaranteed only by the alchemist accompanying them!" Ouyang Xiuyu said earnestly.

Qin Hanyang frowned and said: "We will naturally equip the team with alchemists, Zhang Kun doesn't need to risk himself."

"Where is Brother Hanyang, Zhang Kun is from Changyang County, everyone is responsible for the country's rise and fall, presumably Zhang Kun's alchemist also contributed to his hometown, driving those dirty undead back to the ground, right? And Zhang Kun's alchemy is endless, There are countless styles, only he can deal with emergencies." Ouyang Xiuxiu said awe-inspiringly.

"You!" Qin Hanyang was about to say something anxiously, but Zhang Kun waved his hands and stood up and said, "It's okay, I'll go!"

"Zhang Kun, what are you talking about? Do you know what you are talking about? It is a wave of undead. Even Qi practitioners will be torn to pieces by endless undead!" Qin Hanyang became anxious immediately. With a very high future and a bright future, how could he risk his life like this?
"Hahaha, I knew that little brother Zhang Kun would not just sit idly by." Ouyang Xiu stroked his beard and smiled, but there was a hint of triumph in his eyes. On the battlefield, he will understand the cruelty of war!

When Zhang Kun falls into the hands of the undead, the so-called genius can only be a legend.

"Master, why?" Nangong Jue couldn't hide the horror on his face, and asked Zhang Kun in a soft voice as possible.

Su Fangmeng grasped her little skirt tightly, her face was a little pale, Zhang Kun shook her head and said, "Because just like Patriarch Ouyang said, only I can do it, and no one else can do it."

"But you..." Nangong Jue and Su Fangmeng wanted to say something more, but seeing Zhang Kun's firm eyes, they had no choice but to give up. Changyang is Zhang Kun's hometown, and he would never allow his hometown to be ravaged by the undead. trample.

He is not so noble, he just knows that only he has the ability to do it!

King Wojia frowned at this moment and said, "You can decide whether you want to go or not, alchemist Zhang Kun, and we won't force you. Your contribution to the war by refining pills in the rear to support the front line is also your contribution to this war."

"Thank you, my lord, but I still play my role in a key position. This time without me going to Haomen, the operation will inevitably fail." Zhang Kun said lightly.

The hearts of everyone in the hall were trembling. How could Zhang Kun have the confidence to say such a thing? Although he was calling the wind and rain in the royal city, it was because the major forces were optimistic about his future and talent, and now it was time for war. , Facing a wave-like army of undead, Haomen County can't survive without Zhang Kun?

(End of this chapter)

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