Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 385

Chapter 385
Zhang Kun nodded and said, "What happened? I refined the pill overnight in the alchemy room, and when I came out, I found undead soldiers on the street!"

Dong Zechao pursed his lips and sighed: "Last night, the battle was horrific. There were too many undead besieging the city. The towers on all sides were under terrible pressure. Last night alone, we lost one-fifth of the soldiers. , The statistics of casualties are still going on, and this number is likely to increase!"

"The city has not been breached, why are there undead on the streets?" Zhang Kun asked.

Dong Zechao frowned deeply, as if thinking of something he didn't want to recall, he said with a gloomy face: "Those Lunarians are interspersed among the undead army. They moved out the siege equipment last night and threw many undead directly into In the city!"

"What?" Zhang Kun was slightly shocked. The Lunar Cult followers of the Shadow of the Eclipse were so frenzied that they came up with such a frenzied tactic.

"Can't our people go and kill the Moon Cultist who controls the catapult?" Zhang Kun asked.

Dong Zechao shook his head and said: "No, it's too difficult. Those Lunar believers are surrounded by strange black creatures for protection, plus the tide of undead creatures, our people can't kill them at all, but they will die The elite sent out."

Zhang Kun's brows became more and more dignified. As an alchemist, even if he found a elixir for the undead, if the shadow of the lunar eclipse directly used the army to flatten this place, Zhang Kun would be useless. !

At this time, many people came in one after another from the outside. The sun came out, and the undead's offensive was suspended. They finished the battle and cleaned the battlefield, and then came in a hurry.

"Isn't this Zhang Kun? Didn't you say that you can refine the elixir to deal with those undead? Have you refined it?" The old man who came in was the old man who advocated breaking out of the siege yesterday. His surname was Jiang. He went into battle to kill the enemy, but the several blades standing behind him were unrolled, obviously they had just come off the battlefield.

Zhang Kun shook his head and said, "It hasn't been refined yet."

"Hmph, didn't you refine it?" The old man looked at Zhang Kun contemptuously, showing a sneer.

"If you haven't refined it, what face do you have to come here? Do you know how many people we sacrificed last night, just because we expected you to refine the elixir, and our family members would fight here, otherwise we would have run away Let's go!" Mr. Jiang said angrily.

Dong Zechao's face suddenly changed. He flashed in front of Zhang Kun, and said to Mr. Jiang, "What do you mean by that? Do you still think that you can escape by chance? We only have to choose to fight!"

"Hmph, then you can bet your hopes on this brat, then we will know how stupid you are, idiot!" Mr. Jiang sneered, spit on the ground, and took his head with him Gone without looking back!

Zhang Kun stared at the back of Mr. Jiang, and suddenly murderous aura surged up, as if the real killing intent condensed into silk threads, as if it would penetrate Mr. Jiang's heart in the next moment. As long as Zhang Kun had a single thought, Cheng Ying would come out of the sheath , cut off his head!
But in the end Zhang Kun still didn't make a move, not because he didn't want to cause trouble, but now that Haomen County has reached a critical moment of life and death, and the pressure on the towers is increasing day by day. The old man is the pillar of the Jiang family. If I kill him here, it will not bring any benefit to the defense of Haomen County.

"That's all." Zhang Kun took a deep look at Mr. Jiang's back, and said nothing more.

Dong Zechao frowned and said: "Master Zhang Kun, many people were injured in the battle last night. The alchemists in our county are almost overwhelmed. I heard that the quality of your alchemy is very high and the speed is also very fast." , can I ask you to treat them?"

"Of course!" Zhang Kun nodded. This is his job as an alchemist. Of course he will not refuse. This is the purpose of his coming to Haomen County. In addition to killing the enemy, he also wants to protect the future war Kill more soldiers.

"That's really great. I heard that alchemist Zhang Kun once completed the ancient secret recipe Fuling Qingdan. With that kind of elixir, the injuries and disabilities of these soldiers should be easily solved, right?" Dong Zechao said expectantly, thanking Zhang Kun Stand with them.

Zhang Kun slightly raised his forehead and said: "It's not that simple. Fuling Qingdan can only preserve their vitality. If you want to cure them, you must use Shengshenghuadan. It is a kind of panacea. There is no way to refine it with my ability." system."

"Hey, yes, it would be great if there is a master alchemist here. Faced with such a situation, they will definitely have a solution." Dong Zechao said with some regrets. Very young and limited in ability.

Zhang Kun followed Dong Zechao to the Wounded Barracks, and a bad smell of decay and dilapidation spread over the surface. The wounded soldiers were thrown on the ground one by one. The ground was only covered with straw mats. Their festering wounds were exposed, and some even Full of maggots!

The ground was covered with colorful paste and unknown filth and mucus, and there were green big-headed flies flying in the air, making it disgusting to want to vomit out.

Dong Zechao smiled shyly and said, "I'm making alchemist Zhang Kun laugh, but now the conditions are limited, and we only have this condition."

Zhang Kun nodded, but Jingyu had already communicated in his mind and asked Luo Quan, the Lord of Dark Veins, "Did you see these wounded? Is there any medicine that can heal them?"

"Why should it be cured? It's best to kill them directly. The undead plague in their bodies should be burned immediately, otherwise your city will be infected with this plague and eventually turn into a dead city. If you want to survive, you'd better stay away from them." Luo Quan Said coldly, in his eyes these people are not worth saving.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly and said, "I didn't ask for your opinion on whether to save them, tell me how."

"It's still the same, you have to hunt a few more undead first, let me observe a few more times, the most important thing is that I need some water from the underworld, I don't have that kind of low-level undead material here, and there are no other materials in this hall. No, I can only rely on you to get it." Luo Quan said.

"Water from the Yellow Spring, what is that?" Zhang Kun asked.

Luo Quan chuckled as if mocking Zhang Kun's ignorance, and said: "Undead creatures are most afraid of daylight and sunlight. They can only hide in caves and underground during the daytime, because there are things that can sustain their existence there." , that is the water of the underworld, you are flooded with undead, you only need to dig three feet into the ground to find these things, but they are similar to ordinary muddy well water, and it is difficult to distinguish them."

"But if I'm here, it's still easy." Luo Quan said.

Zhang Kun nodded and was about to say something when he suddenly felt his arm being pulled violently. An old woman with a wrinkled face like old tree bark grabbed his arm, knelt down on the ground and begged bitterly: "You are Master Alchemist from Wangcheng, please save my child, his name is Xiaojun, he just suffered a little injury on his leg, but they want to kill him!"

"Killed?" Zhang Kun was slightly startled. Sure enough, many people in Haomen County had the same thoughts as Luo Quan. The possibility of these soldiers bitten by the undead being cured was very slim. In order to prevent further infection, it was finally The best way is to kill it.

In fact, Zhang Kun is not willing to work hard, but they are all fresh lives, and they are all soldiers who were injured fighting the undead to protect Haomen County from harm. It is too cruel to kill people!
And they also have parents, relatives and children, who can be ruthless enough to do it?

"Help me, Master Alchemist."

"Please, I still have a wife and children."

"Help, help!" The battalion of wounded soldiers screamed and pleaded continuously.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to treat them. Give me one night, and I will definitely find a way to cure them tomorrow." Zhang Kun helped Xiaojun's mother and said solemnly.

At this moment, a sneer sounded from Zhang Kun's back: "Hmph, yesterday you said you could make a pill, but after a day you didn't even see a trace of the pill, so you're just talking big!"

"Who are you?" Zhang Kun turned his head to look at the man, only to see a half-bald, fat middle-aged man walking out of a group of soldiers.

The obese middle-aged man glanced at Zhang Kun and said: "Oh, you don't know me, let's put it this way, I am the head of the Jiang family, do you understand now, let me tell you the truth, my Jiang family has been unhappy with you for a long time , Get out of the way, I'm going to burn these people!"

Zhang Kun snorted coldly. Just now he wanted to spare Mr. Jiang's life, but he didn't expect his son to still want to fight against Zhang Kun.

With a wave of his sleeves, Zhang Kun stood in front of the wounded soldiers. He had just made a promise that he would save them, and now he would not sit idly by!

"I see whoever dares, whoever dares to take a step here, will be an enemy of Zhang Kun!" Zhang Kun said with a cold look.

Patriarch Jiang laughed, looked back at the soldiers under him, and laughed wildly: "Oh, our alchemist Zhang Kun really thinks of himself as something, you can figure it out, this is not yours. Wang Cheng, without the support of the prince and the prefect, you are not even a fart here!"

"Hahahaha, the brat talking big, I'm laughing to death!" Everyone in the Jiang family laughed.

Dong Zechao's face was extremely cold. Haomen is facing such an unprecedented crisis. As a local big family, the Jiang family is still engaging in internal strife here, which is even out of date. Shrouded in mist, a figure in the mist was extremely fast, approaching behind Patriarch Jiang in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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