Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 386 Dispelling the Undead Plague

Chapter 386 Dispelling the Undead Plague
The figure is naturally Zhang Kun, and the smoke was also created by Zhang Kun with the elixir. Everyone's vision was instantly deprived, and the Jiang family leader who was directly in front of Zhang Kun was completely fascinated. Beside Patriarch Jiang, Chengying Sword appeared in Zhang Kun's hands out of thin air, and hung on Patriarch Jiang's neck!

Soon the smoke dissipated, and everyone looked at each other when they saw the scene inside. No matter how bad Patriarch Jiang was, he was still a qi trainer. Although he only had the strength in the early stage of qi training, it was far from being able to be defeated by Zhang Kun, a 15-year-old youth. However, they ignored Zhang Kun's other identity. He is an alchemist with endless methods of elixir!
The members of the Jiang family were stunned for a moment, then quickly drew out their weapons and forced them towards Zhang Kun!

"Protect the Patriarch!" They shouted repeatedly.

Zhang Kun's face remained unchanged, the blade slowly approached Patriarch Jiang's throat, and the sharp sword intent could cut off his fat body!

What about Qi practitioners, under the shadow, they were just chopping vegetables. Patriarch Jiang felt as if he had encountered the greatest crisis in his life, and his whole body trembled. The smoke just now contained a toxin, which made him His vitality can't work, and based on his combat experience and physical strength, he is no match for Zhang Kun at all!
"Let them go, or I will kill you!" Zhang Kun said lightly in his ear, the Jiang family leader panicked instantly, and now the Jiang family's manpower is deployed around the city wall of Haomen County, which is far away from here , In a short period of time, he could not get support at all.

"Damn it, you all put down your weapons, what are you doing in a daze, do you want me to die!" Patriarch Jiang roared with a big grin, and those people retreated one after another and put down their weapons.

Zhang Kun said lightly: "Don't hinder me again, or you will die. You have the poison I planted in your body. Without my antidote, you will definitely die!"

"Yes, yes, alchemist Zhang Kun, don't scare me, I'm cowardly, I promise you, you let me go soon." Patriarch Jiang cried sadly, now he just wants to live, everything Zhang Kun said He believed in everything.

Zhang Kun kicked him viciously on the back, using [-] points of strength, and kicked him into the ranks of the Jiang family. The leader of the Jiang family immediately flew out, like a useless dog. Being kicked away by a young man like trash!
Zhang Kun didn't care at all. What kind of thing is the Patriarch of a mere county town?Even if the patriarchs of the top four families in Wangcheng come, they must be polite to Zhang Kun. If he dares to jump in front of Zhang Kun like this, he can only usher in this humiliating end!
Patriarch Jiang stood up in embarrassment, and looked at Zhang Kun with horror in his eyes. Could it be that this kid was born with supernatural power? He seemed to have received a full blow from the innate level just now, although he was a Qi trainer He was not injured, but fell to the ground extremely unbearably, he snorted coldly and said to his subordinates: "Go!"

After Patriarch Jiang left, Zhang Kun's complexion did not improve at all. The situation in Haomen County was complicated, with an army of undead approaching outside, and the undead he faced every night were more and stronger than before. With all kinds of power struggles and disunity among people, it is really difficult for me to defend Haomen County for a week.

"Alchemist Zhang Kun, although Patriarch Jiang has left, the current situation is very tense," Dong Zechao came to Zhang Kun and said, "If they can't be cured, the spread of the plague will be more terrifying than the army of undead outside!"

"Death is not the end, infection is what the undead are good at." Dong Zechao sighed.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Do you also think it would be better to deal with these people?"

"Yes." Dong Zechao took a deep breath and said, after all, he still couldn't see any hope of healing the injured.

At this time, the county magistrate of Haomen visited here, seeing the two talking here, he couldn't help asking: "It seems that alchemist Zhang Kun has any confidence?"

Zhang Kun glanced at them lightly, pointed at a wounded man and said, "If I can heal him, can you agree to save their lives?"

"Of course, if Alchemist Zhang Kun has such abilities, we would not want to attack our compatriots! It's just that there are very few people who study the way of the undead. As an alchemist, does Alchemist Zhang Kun also know this way?" the middle-aged county magistrate sighed. With a sigh of relief, killing them to prevent the plague is a last resort, but they really don't have too much expectation for Zhang Kun. After all, all the alchemists in Haomen County have tried hard, but all failed !

Although Zhang Kun came from Wangcheng and was born in the sky, he is not proficient in the way of the undead at all. Zhang Kun can also refine ordinary medicines for injuries, but the bite and cut of this undead is particularly special, and it cannot be treated with common sense. Of.

"Please don't worry, magistrate, I am proficient in the way of the undead." Zhang Kun said lightly, his confidence came from Luo Quan, the Grand Gu Master of Xilan Kingdom who was on call at any time in the Mirror Realm, if there is anyone in this world who can say If he is proficient in the way of the undead, Luo Quan is the only one.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked sideways. A Dantu who is proficient in the way of the undead does not seem to be very convincing. They were a little surprised, only to see Zhang Kun take out a small dark green pill and feed it to the wounded man beside him. In his mouth, he stood aside without saying a word.

This is a temporary elixir that Zhang Kun asked Luo Quan to take out. If he wants to deal with the undead plague here, he needs to collect more information about the undead, and Luo Quan still has some commonly used undead elixirs. Now The one he took out was the Fading Resentment Pill, which can remove the undead toxins entangled in the body of the injured!
However, Zhang Kun is not sure whether this kind of elixir will have an effect on the wounded. It is the first time he has come into contact with this kind of elixir, and he has question marks about Luo Quan's reputation and conscience, because his old Action is not about making pills to save people, but using pills to make slaves for him to drive.

Dong Zechao looked at the wounded man expectantly, hoping to see a slight improvement in his sick face, but a quarter of an hour passed, and he still hadn't moved at all, with a decadent look on his face, as if he was plagued by various diseases.

"The plague of undead is not a disease, but being possessed by a resentful spirit to absorb the yang energy of a living person. After all the yang energy is absorbed, the resentful spirit can occupy this body, that is, the resurrection of the dead as the undead we see " Luo Quan explained in Zhang Kun's mind.

"The effect of Fading Resentment Pill is to dissipate those resentful spirits, but the undead here are really special. They were summoned by humans and have the marks of those people on their bodies."

Zhang Kun was silent, hoping that Luo Quan didn't lie to himself this time, he repeated what Luo Quan said to everyone.

The county magistrate of Haomen frowned. He saw Zhang Kun closing his eyes calmly, but he had doubts in his heart. It had been so long, why the wounded hadn’t moved at all? Flashing across the road, he snorted coldly, mocking Zhang Kun for pretending to understand.

"It seems that alchemists are useless. Why don't we find a master who understands Feng Shui to do a set of methods, maybe we can dispel these undead." Someone shook his head.

"That's right. I haven't heard that to deal with the undead, an alchemist is invited. Even a few Taoist monks and chanting scriptures are more effective than him. People take pills, but ghosts still take pills?"

"It's better to kill them. It's painful to see them all. It's not a solution to torture them like this. It will endanger us in the end." Many people have such thoughts.

Everyone nodded again and again, and just as they were about to jump over Zhang Kun and attack the wounded, they saw something and suddenly stopped what they were doing.

The wounded man twitched, a puff of smoke rose from his head, and a ferocious ghost escaped from his body and disappeared without a trace!

"Ah, what's wrong with me, my head is a little heavy." The wounded man suddenly opened his eyes and said in a daze. Although he was still in a semi-conscious state, the paleness on his face had faded, and a blood color that represented health appeared.

"Successful?" Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide in an instant, with horror written all over their faces.

The wounded man is out of danger now, but the skin trauma still needs treatment, and there is no danger of his life anymore!
"Hahaha, alchemist Zhang Kun is so powerful!" Dong Zechao laughed happily, came up and punched Zhang Kun's chest and said, "I thought you did alchemy overnight, but you really didn't research anything. With such a sharp weapon!"

Zhang Kun shook his head noncommittally, he was not yet happy, because Luo Quan said in his mind: "It's not that simple, don't be too happy, the resentful spirit has been eliminated, but the entanglement of the undead The black mark has not been eliminated, with this mark, the wraith will still come back, it is only a matter of time."

Zhang Kun's frown couldn't be stretched. The group of people in the shadow of the eclipse have a profound understanding of driving the undead, and the method they created to deal with humans is almost incomprehensible. Luo Quan.

"These black marks are probably used by the shadow of the lunar eclipse to prepare for the coming of their God Lord." Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

"Alchemist Zhang Kun, I admire you. I really admire you. There is no problem that alchemists in Haomen County can solve. You can easily solve it here. I know why everyone in the royal city respects you so much!" Haomen The county magistrate was full of praise.

They were all sweating for Zhang Kun just now, and if Zhang Kun failed, they were all determined to kill the wounded.

"Yo, this kid is really lucky."

"That's right, it's actually a coincidence that the resentful spirits were actually expelled?" Some yamen servants were still talking softly, but the way they looked at Zhang Kun changed, and they became more serious.

 I'm sorry, something happened these few days, and the update was delayed. I will resume today, and I will make up the few chapters that were in arrears first!

(End of this chapter)

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