Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 391 Changyang Sword Immortal

Chapter 391 Changyang Sword Immortal
"What are you talking about, what are you joking about, how is it possible!" As soon as the words came out, no one believed them, even the county magistrate of Haomen was confused. Is there anything abnormal in the east gate? At first I thought it was The fact that the undead didn't storm the east gate resulted in very few casualties there, but that doesn't sound like it now!
And Dongmen killed [-] enemies overnight?One must know that when an undead rushes up, humans have to use three or five soldiers to besiege it to kill it. There is no such force in the East Gate!
The county magistrate of Haomen moved his mind, and said to his subordinates: "Security here, I will go to the east gate to see for myself!"

On the side of the east gate, half an hour ago, a group of catapults joined the battlefield under the impetus of the Moon Cultists. The rumbling sound of the wheels broke the silence, and everyone on the tower held their breath. Last night they just ate a It's a big loss for things, this time they reappeared, and everyone's heart rose to their throats.

Zhang Kun, who was fighting bloodily below, also noticed the change in the distance. He knew exactly what was coming. He had communicated with Dong Zechao during the day and knew that the people in the shadow of the lunar eclipse had such a trick. After several bombings, the top of the city tower will be full of undead, without a high wall to rely on, the defenders will be slaughtered, and everything he has done before will come to naught!
"In this case, let them see my strength." Zhang Kun curled his mouth, and the sword rotated, clearing out a vacuum area again. The next moment he jumped up, standing in the void, with a soft drink, Gao Tian The last round of black moon still exudes a faint glow, but a star suddenly lights up beside the black moon, twinkling, and the water blue light hangs down!
The sword energy soars to the sky, communicating with the stars!
Beiluo Xingchen once again became Zhang Kun's powerful trump card. The splashed stardust turned into pale golden light and poured into the Chengying Sword. This transparent crystal long sword had turned into light. Looking from a distance, they locked on the five trebuchets behind the battlefield.

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and he said softly to Cheng Ying in his hand: "Go!"

Immediately, Chengying flew out like a meteor with boundless star power. In the dark night, it seemed as if a white rainbow had drawn across. The archers on the watchtower who fired arrows to suppress the undead, and the powerful but incapable Qi trainers all opened their eyes wide at this moment, staring at the bright light, which was their only hope!
"Boom boom boom!" Five explosions sounded one after another. Zhang Kun, who was standing proudly in mid-air, was not happy or sad. In his mind, Jingyu said lightly: "With such use of power, the life and death assessment must be advanced again." It's been a month."

"It's okay, it's worth it." Zhang Kun shook his head and said calmly, only to see five bright and gorgeous sword lights rising into the sky one after another as far as his eyes could see, and the colossal trebuchets collapsed!

"What did I see, true or false, all the trebuchets were destroyed?" The soldiers defending the city opened their mouths wide open. They couldn't see what happened from a distance, but only saw five extremely gorgeous The light flashed, and a sword shadow was like a white horse passing through the gap, and the second was like a day, like an antelope hanging horns, it can't be traced.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Qi practitioners who sacrificed their lives might not be able to destroy the successful trebuchet, but it was destroyed by that man with a single sword?

This guy is too scary, completely beyond everyone's imagination!
"Impossible, what is that move? Is this a martial skill that can be possessed in the world?" The gas trainer on the tower opened his mouth wide. He has practiced for so many years and comprehended the evolution of heaven and earth. , but this time seeing Zhang Kun's extremely gorgeous sword, his Dao heart began to shake!

I have lived in vain for so many years, his strength is completely scum compared to Zhang Kun's hand.

However, countless soldiers defending the city couldn't see the mystery of this attack, but they actually saw that the trebuchet was completely destroyed, and they cheered one by one, which meant that the pressure they would face tonight was greatly reduced. Those undead who were thrown directly onto the tower, their barriers will not be broken through!

"Amazing! Awesome!"

"That strong man is really my idol!"

"God help me Haomen!" All the soldiers shouted excitedly, but their hands were not slow, and they hit the undead who dared to climb the tower one by one. Negative looks completely different.

At this time, the county magistrate of Haomen also brought people to the east gate. He saw the undamaged fortifications of the east gate and the soldiers who had not suffered too many casualties. He opened his eyes wide and was speechless for a while. Come.

"What's going on, are you okay?" Haomen county magistrate asked in astonishment.

The soldiers frowned and said, "What happened?"

The soldiers fought bloody battles and defended the city, but the county magistrate came up to ask such questions, and they were naturally a little upset.

"Sorry, I was wrong, but the other three gates have almost fallen, but your east gate is basically intact?" The magistrate of Haomen County coughed a few times, but still expressed his doubts.

At this time, the messenger said: "Master County Magistrate, do you believe it now, the reason why the East Gate is safe is because of the help of a mysterious strong man!"

"The mysterious strong man?" The magistrate of Haomen was stunned, several possibilities popped up in his mind.

"A traveling disciple from the great sect? A super strong man from the royal city or from the imperial city?"

The soldiers exclaimed, and another group of dead warriors climbed up the city wall, baring their fangs and sharp teeth, trying to devour their bodies. Seeing this, the magistrate of Haomen immediately waved his sleeves. Wan Jun, sent those dead warriors directly down the tower.

"Go on, who is the strong man?" Haomen county magistrate asked curiously.

The soldiers pointed down while guarding and said, "That's the young man in white with the long sword."

"Eh? Where's the strong man?" The soldiers poked their heads out, but they saw nothing but black and boundless undead below, and no human beings.

"That strong man disappeared?" Everyone panicked. The reason why the east gate can be guarded to this point is because of Zhang Kun. Without Zhang Kun, there is really nothing special about them.

The magistrate of Haomen's face changed slightly, and he frowned tightly.

"Master County Magistrate, that strong man left a name, called Zhang Tianmeng." At this time, the captain of the archery team, the middle-aged man with a mustache came down and said respectfully.

As soon as the words came out, everyone changed their colors slightly and fell into silence, as if they were thinking about the name.

Suddenly someone shouted: "It's him! The hero who saved Changyang City!"

"Who is it?" Some people fell into confusion.

"Changyang Sword Immortal, Zhang Tianmeng!" Someone shouted excitedly, and said the name that they had sought after.

At this time, there were discussions all around, exclaimed again and again, Changyang Sword Immortal, Zhang Tianmeng, what does this mean?
That is a peerless genius who will last forever, he has already entered the Tao at the age of less than twenty, a heaven-defying evildoer who broke through the shackles of innateness and ascended to practice Qi, he is an army alone!
The Ziyue barrier that the coalition forces composed of Changyang clans could not break through was cut off by him with a single sword!
Countless innate masters were wiped out with a wave of his sleeves, just like killing chickens!
Facing the siege of two top masters without any fear, they were killed with the sword, and even the strange woman who had broken through to the realm of Qi training was the head of a sword. Such a brilliant record is admirable.

But the most legendary thing is that he prevented the explosion of the Profound Sky Cup by himself. It was a terrifying Taoist artifact that could destroy even half of Changyang City, but it was dispelled by a young man like him!

If such a person appeared in Haomen County, then this crisis of undead tide might really have a turning point!
"But he disappeared, isn't he unwilling to see us?" Someone said regretfully, Changyang Sword Immortal was only a flash in the pan, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, as if he had never appeared before.

The county magistrate of Haomen nodded and said: "These strong men have different personalities, some are proud of their talents, and some are withdrawn and unwilling to see others. Since he didn't take the initiative to come to us, we shouldn't approach him rashly, but as long as he is Those who stand with us are enough!"

Only then did everyone feel relieved, no matter whether Zhang Tianmeng was willing to show his face or not, as long as he could help Haomen get through this difficult time, that would be enough.

"Okay, if it's Changyang Sword Immortal Zhang Tianmeng, it can be explained that the situation at the East Gate is good, but he disappeared, and you are about to face a more difficult situation. You must cheer up and wait till dawn!" Haomen said. The county magistrate scanned the surrounding soldiers and said.

"Yes, magistrate!" The soldiers did not lose morale because of Zhang Kun's disappearance. Instead, their blood boiled with enthusiasm, and the murderous undead came with a rhythm.

And Zhang Kun, who used the power of the stars to complete the world-shattering sword, disappeared on the battlefield. He was not engulfed by the undead, nor was he trying to avoid being recognized, but because he suddenly heard In my mind, Luo Quan's voice came from the mirror domain: "I feel a familiar taste, digging the ground three feet, and the water of the underworld will surely come out!"

"Water from the Yellow Spring?" Zhang Kun's spirit was lifted. The reason why he went underground so desperately to fight these dead warriors at close quarters was to let Luo Quan take a closer look at the special features of these undead. Also look for the key to refining the undead elixir, the water of the underworld!
Zhang Kun recalled the Chengying Sword, which was full of blood, and held the hilt tightly with both hands. The vitality in his body swelled, and he plunged the sword into the ground suddenly. After a moment of shaking, a huge hole was left on the ground , while Zhang Kun entered the crypt opened up by Chengyingjian.

(End of this chapter)

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