Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 392

Chapter 392
Sure enough, as Luo Quan, the master of the dark veins, said, there is a large amount of water from the yellow spring underground. The liquid flows underground, and it looks like ordinary turbid spring water. The space in the room seemed to be slightly distorted. When Zhang Kun stretched out his hand to touch it, he felt dizzy, and the vitality in his body seemed to stop flowing.

"Don't go near there, this is Yan Luoshi." Luo Quan reminded Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun frowned, and retreated from the distorted space. Sure enough, all the abnormalities in his body disappeared.

"Yan Luoshi, what is that?" Zhang Kun asked curiously, he knew nothing about the way of the undead, and this was the first time he had heard of the term Yan Luoshi.

Luo Quan was also used to Zhang Kun's questioning, so he patiently explained: "Simply speaking, it is the underworld, where the undead should stay. It is opposite to the yang world. When a creature enters the world of Yama, its energy will be absorbed, and its internal force and vitality will be absorbed. Seals are difficult to use, but the undead are just the opposite in Yamashita, they will be greatly strengthened, and they can absorb a steady stream of Yama's power from the surroundings, making it difficult to kill!"

Zhang Kun nodded, and Luo Quan continued: "You take away the water from the Yellow Spring, and I can use it to refine the Yellow Spring Water Pot and Yan Luo Zhan Mie Pill."

"Oh?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but feel a little moved. It seems that the water of the underworld is indeed the basic material for refining undead elixirs, and it can play many wonderful functions in the hands of the great Gu master Luo Quan.

"How do I get these yellow spring water?" Zhang Kun asked.

"Just use your tattered alchemy furnace, it is a treasure tripod made of the wood of the god's fence, it can hold everything." Luo Quan said in amazement.

Zhang Kun twitched the corner of his mouth. He got this tattered medicine cauldron at Changyang Night Market at a very cheap price. He didn't expect it to have such a background!
Zhang Kun didn't talk nonsense, and took out the tattered medicine cauldron from the Wojia King Power Ring. No, it should be called the God's Fence Cauldron now. Zhang Kun didn't use any vitality to set it off. The God's Fence's Cauldron appeared in the cave Zhong then spontaneously suspended in the air, which seemed particularly extraordinary.

"Take it!" Zhang Kun said lightly.

The Cauldron of the Divine Fence immediately released a suction force like a black hole, and the turbid water of the underworld was collected by it. Zhang Kun nodded with satisfaction, indicating to Jingyu to take it into it.

Although there is such a vast space as the Mirror Domain, its level is too high, and material exchange from there consumes a lot of Mirror Domain energy. The low-level elixir is nothing, and it will not cause any burden to Zhang Kun. This time, when the cauldron of the hedge was sent into the mirror domain, Zhang Kun suddenly felt empty in his body, and all the vitality was turned into the mirror domain energy.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that the level of these waters of the underworld is very high. Generally speaking, only a battlefield or a slaughterhouse with millions of corpses can form such a terrible corpse aura. When the corpse aura is strong enough, it will condense into the underworld. water." Luo Quan was amazed.

"Okay, can you start refining the undead elixir?" Zhang Kun said lightly.

"It's not safe here. Go back to the alchemy room in the city and stay there. The smell of corpses is too heavy here, and it's not suitable for you to stay for a long time. Moreover, big ghosts are likely to be born in such an environment!" Luo Quan persuaded.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said, "It's too late, it's already here."

"Well, boy, are your senses very sensitive? Obviously, the six senses of human beings will be suppressed very low in such an environment!" A voice came from a distance, and a pale guy walked away holding a scepter come over.

"Hmph, it's you Lunarians again." Zhang Kun snorted coldly, and he could tell who they were from the way they were dressed. They were dressed in black and black robes, with black or cyan facial lines on their faces, not lunar eclipses. Who could the shadow guy be?

"Hehe, it's good to know who we are, at least we won't be unclear when we die!" The Moon Cultist smiled coldly, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Zhang Kun.

"You killed so many of our undead, and you still dare to come underground. I'm worried that there is nowhere to catch you!" The Moon Cultist laughed.Behind him, a huge red ghost appeared out of nowhere, as if summoned by the scepter in the hands of the Moon Cultists.

Zhang Kun didn't take it seriously, and stood there calmly and asked unhurriedly, "What is your position in Shadow of the Eclipse?"

"I am a priest of the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs. Why, boy, are you still interested in joining us? It's not impossible. After all, with your talent, you will definitely be appreciated by the bishop. Maybe she will give you a spring night~!" Ling The priest smiled evilly.

Zhang Kun smiled and said disapprovingly: "Before, one of your high priests wanted to pull me into the religion, and even summoned the incarnation of Black Moon, but I cut him off with a sword!"

"What, you killed the high priest?" The face of the priest of the Spirit Department changed drastically. The plan of the shadow of the lunar eclipse has been progressing very smoothly, but there were serious mistakes in two places. One was in Changyang City. The sacrifice was stopped, and the other one was that the high priest who was a Qi trainer was beheaded in Wojia King City!

At that time, the high priest was preparing to plan together with Special Envoy Zhou a blood disaster ten times greater than the Changyang disaster to befall Wangcheng, but Zhang Kun accidentally hit and smashed it and destroyed it by himself. Shadow's two major plans have been destroyed, can the people of Shadow of Eclipse not hate him to the bone?
"Since this is the case, you must die!" The priest of the Lingbu was furious immediately, his eyes glowed red, and the huge evil spirit in front of him also went berserk at the same time, walking two The thick giant legs stomped towards Zhang Kun!

The evil ghost is because the bones were not buried, so the resentment of the soul turned into the form of huge bones, which appeared in the middle of the night, and would grab people and eat them when they saw them. He opened his bloody mouth to swallow Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun sneered, and Chengying had already split three phantoms in his hand.

Inheriting Shadow Sword Skills, Obscure Moon!
Obscure Moon is a new combat technique that Zhang Kun realized when he was fighting those golden phantoms in the Taoist Palace recently. Of course, it was also learned by Chengying Sword under the guidance of Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun only felt that this technique was extremely mysterious and could not be understood at all The principle can only be roughly used like a gourd.

When this trick is used, it is like light clouds pulling the moon, and the sword intent is as ethereal and illusory as clouds, dreamlike and indescribable!

The phantom sword soared up and turned into three beams of light and flew forward. At the same time, the vitality in Zhang Kun's body was depleted at an unprecedented rate. He took out a milky white pill and took it to offset it. Obscure Moon's consumption of Zhang Kun's vitality!
However, such a high price was exchanged for extremely terrifying power. I saw the three phantom swords strangling the evil ghost like butterflies flying in the forest. Traces, bits and pieces like a dream!
"Roar!" The evil ghost was obviously the first to attack, but the speed of the obscurity moon was too fast, and the attack was completely suppressed by the enemy. Instead, it suppressed him fiercely in place. The scepter in the priest's hand also lit up with a dark light.

In a moment, the evil ghost's body soared several times again, and the wounds on his body cut by the phantom sword miraculously healed completely, and a sharp giant ax suddenly appeared in his hand, as if it could split mountains and crack rocks, and cut everything down.

"Huh, is it the ultimate strength?" Zhang Kun sneered, the so-called extreme peak is just the limit after innate, and he still hasn't entered the realm of Qi practitioners. How can he be Chengying's opponent if he doesn't enter Qi training?
"Wild wind!" Zhang Kun changed suddenly, took a step forward, retracted the phantom sword, stepped forward and slashed, the sword came out of the full moon, and with one round of strikes, the cave was immediately filled with bright sword shadows, even the hard cave. The walls were scratched by Zhang Kun, destroying everything!
How could that evil ghost resist such a powerful attack? He collapsed slumped, his body was already covered with wounds, and his thick skin was torn open like tofu!

However, the evil ghost has a strong body and terrible recovery ability, but Zhang Kun will not give him any chance to breathe. The shadow in his hand changes again, the moon is used again, the sword intent soars to the sky, and the golden light in Zhang Kun's eyes With a burst of shots, with a low shout, the three sword blades slashed down at the same time, chopping the body of the evil spirit into a pulp!
"Seal!" Zhang Kun said lightly, the three sword blades suddenly exuded an ancient and wild atmosphere, and a supreme coercion came to this world, suppressing the last trace of the evil spirit's soul!
Zhang Kun understands that undead composed of vengeful spirits like evil spirits are very difficult to kill, and ordinary physical methods are difficult to be effective. On the contrary, this method of suppression is the most effective!
"Resurrect, stand up quickly!" The priest of the Lingbu shouted feebly, looking at the evil ghost in front of him, his body trembled!

Zhang Kun snapped his fingers impatiently: "Don't shout, it's already dead, and you will die next!"

A light bullet of the color of chaos flew out from Zhang Kun's fingers, hit the fragile body of the priest of the Spirit Ministry, and burst instantly. Zhang Kun's strength had reached the heavenly level, and the vitality of the heavenly level had been used up already. It's the innate power, how can the spiritual priest with weak physical strength be able to withstand it?

His eyes were wide open, his face full of disbelief, his hands covered his bleeding throat, and he swallowed unwillingly.

"Ignorance." Zhang Kun stepped over his corpse and ignored him, but Zhang Kun told him that he even killed the high priest with a single sword, and how dare he, a little priest of the spiritual ministry, dare to do it to him?The head is squeezed by the door.

"But this time I got a lot of information. The leader of the shadow of the eclipse is called a bishop, and it seems to be a woman. The priests of the shadow of the eclipse are divided into several parts. The spirit part should drive the undead, and the moon part is Using the power of the black moon." Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

Just when Zhang Kun was about to leave, Luo Quan's voice came from his mind: "Zhang Kun, don't rush away, the horns on the head of evil spirits are good materials for refining medicine."

 Now it is the update of yesterday, which is the 11th!

(End of this chapter)

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