Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 395

Chapter 395

But Zhang Kun didn't know when he had already entered the wounded barracks, and distributed the Fading Resentment Pill to several powerful wounded. After the medicine was cured, they all recovered their fighting strength in an instant, and thanked Zhang Kun very much.

But Zhang Kun just waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, someone outside wants to bully your companions, go and kill him!"

"Yes, my lord!" When the wounded heard this, they immediately became angry. They originally possessed great strength, but after suffering from the undead plague, they became weak and could not use their strength. They immediately became the objects of ridicule by those people. It's been a long time, and it finally broke out suddenly today!
"Hmph, what's the use of you defeating me, Grandpa, I have a lot of people!" The fat man led the crowd forward, and looked at Zheng Ziqiu with a sneer, as if he was looking at a dead person.

Zheng Ziqiu's face turned sullen and he said, "Didn't we agree to have a competition between us, I have already won!"

"Children, I'm the one who reasoned with you, naive!" The fat man mocked fiercely, and with a wave of his hand, his subordinates rushed forward!

"Get out!" At this moment, roars came from the wounded barracks, and the fierce men who had recovered their fighting power rushed out one by one. They wanted to return to the battlefield a long time ago. They were full of anger in the wounded barracks!

The wounded soldiers shot out one after another, shooting out colorful vitality from their hands, which seemed to be able to cut through the iron wall, and the shadows of swords and knives covered the sky and covered the sky, attacking the fat man and them, countless attacks erupted instantly!

Even a hill here would be easily smashed to pieces, and the floor would be punched into deep pits one after another. Three or five people, and Zhang Kun released dozens of people, and the number suddenly became overwhelming. Before the fat men realized what happened, they were beaten up severely!
"Grass, it's been a long time since I've been so cheerful!"

"Finally let out a breath of anger. These people either come to fight for the magic weapon in our hands every day or threaten to drive us out of the city!"

"Thanks to that little brother, his elixir is really powerful. After the medicine cured his illness, he recovered his strength immediately!" The wounded soldiers regained their vitality. This battle made them very happy, and they talked happily one by one. up.

"Yeah, I should really thank him. Now I finally understand that Wangcheng's genius alchemist, Mr. Zhang Kun, really lives up to his name!"

Someone recognized Zhang Kun and praised him endlessly.

"It turned out to be Master Zhang Kun. No wonder, someone said yesterday that Master Zhang Kun's medicine can cure our injuries!"

"Yes, Master Zhang Kun has never forgotten us. Brothers, I will follow Master Zhang Kun in the future, how about you?" Zheng Ziqiu clenched his fists and said solemnly.

Everyone responded one after another: "Okay! Master Zhang Kun has saved our lives. From now on, we will follow Master Zhang Kun and go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire!"

Zhang Kun waved his hand in disapproval, took out a few jade bottles from the storage space again, and handed the Fade Resentment Pill to the person suffering from the undead plague. There will be alchemy disciples from the Alchemy Association to send pills!
The people in the wounded barracks immediately rejoiced and chattered around Zhang Kun one by one: "Master Zhang Kun, I heard that you are calling the wind and rain in the royal city, making the four major families bow their heads, and forcing the disciples of the royal family to line up obediently?"

"Yes, yes, I also heard that alchemist Zhang Kun is very lucky. The jewel of the Xia family, the prince's princess is all kept in the pharmacy by alchemist Zhang Kun!" The gossiping wounded soldiers laughed and chatted.

Zhang Kun touched his nose and smiled awkwardly: "It's all about disappearing, I'm just an alchemist."

At this moment, a soldier's voice came from outside: "Master Zhang Kun, the magistrate calls you to go to the county government to discuss matters."

Zhang Kun nodded, explained a few words, and went out with the soldiers. Everyone looked at his back and bowed deeply in respect.

The soldier led Zhang Kun through the streets and alleys for a long time. Looking at the ruined streets around him, Zhang Kun frowned. This is not the way to the county government at all. Where do you want to take me?"

"Where?" The soldier suddenly turned around and sneered, "I'm going to take you to hell! Do it!"

As soon as the words fell into the wreckage of the house, masked men in black suddenly appeared one after another and surrounded Zhang Kun!
"Zhang Kun, didn't you think of it?" The soldier smiled coldly, took off his helmet, and revealed his face, which was somewhat similar to the head of the Jiang family.It seems that he is the son of Patriarch Jiang, Young Master Jiang.

The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth turned up slightly, and he nodded indifferently, "I didn't expect that."

The man showed a smug look, as if he was mocking Zhang Kun, the group of men in black immediately surrounded Zhang Kun, all the weapons in their hands were unsheathed, and the cold light was cold, and the swords were on the verge of attacking Zhang Kun. .

"Sorry, what I didn't expect is why you are so stupid?" Zhang Kun grinned, spread his hands and said with a smile.

"What did you say, that you said I was stupid? You are already dying, I will kill you!" Young Master Jiang's face flushed immediately. As the youngest of the Jiang family, he was usually pampered and respected in various ways, but Today, he was ridiculed by Zhang Kun. He couldn't restrain his anger at all, and he took the lead before waiting for the men in black to surround him!
It's a pity that he chose the wrong target. Zhang Kun just stood there motionless and didn't dodge. The expression on Young Master Jiang's face became even more brilliant. How did you get tricked by this brat?
Just when Young Master Jiang thought he had the chance to win, Zhang Kun flicked his fingers lightly, and a chaotic light wheel hit Young Master Jiang. The light wheel crushed everything like a millstone. The weapon that Young Master Jiang was proud of was In front of the light wheel, it was as brittle as a piece of paper, which was directly crushed into slag!

And its owner is not feeling well at all, the huge impact force is on Young Master Jiang's body, he only feels two kinds of air currents, one cold and one hot, rushing into his body alternately, starting from the dantian and rushing straight to the head!
"Ah!" Under the intertwined torment of ice and fire, Young Master Jiang knelt on the ground in pain. At this moment, his meridians have been completely frostbitten and burned, and his internal energy has also been directly abolished!

This is the supernatural power attached to Zhang Kun's cultivation of Kunyu's physique. It does not consume any internal energy at all. It is completely instinctive. Use it at will, but Young Master Jiang just can't resist it!

"Quick! Protect the young master!" The men in black who surrounded Zhang Kun suddenly panicked. If Young Master Jiang died here, they would not be able to explain to Master Jiang and Mr. Jiang!

All of a sudden, Zhang Kun's body exploded with lights of various colors, and several fierce attacks flew towards him!

Zhang Kun looked at the crowd rushing towards him calmly, his eyes turned cold, and the Dongyue epee suddenly appeared in his hand, and the heavy sword energy burst out with Zhang Kun as the center!
"Sword Style Annihilation!" Zhang Kun let out a low voice, and the signature move was used in an instant, and seven sword patterns lit up brightly, appearing on the simple sword of Dongyue's epee, and the brilliant light burst into Zhang Kun's eyes. Making a move, he stabbed the great sword hard into the floor!

"Boom boom boom!" The sky collapsed, and a series of sonic booms resounded. The Dongyue epee seemed to be poured with gold under the blessing of the seven sword patterns. The terrifying power immediately swallowed all the Jiang family's children around them. His strength is nothing more than heaven-level to innate, and it can be said to be vulnerable in front of Zhang Kun.

The reason for using the sword-style annihilation is entirely because Zhang Kun didn't want to waste time. Shocking fluctuations spread from the tip of the sword to the surroundings, and the entire ground was destroyed by Zhang Kun, not to mention the flesh and blood of those people?
In an instant, all the people sent by the Jiang family to kill Zhang Kun were wiped out!
Zhang Kun had vaguely guessed what was going on. Patriarch Jiang was very annoyed after he went back yesterday, because there was no sign of poisoning on his body at all. He was played by Zhang Kun, so he was naturally furious. In a blink of an eye, he thought of a poisonous plan .

Now that the battle in the city is so chaotic, what is the death of Zhang Kun? His face was destroyed and he was thrown in the pile of corpses. Who knows who did it?
So he sent his own son, Young Master Jiang to deal with Zhang Kun, plus dozens of heaven-level and innate masters, wouldn't Zhang Kun be easily captured?

At this moment, Patriarch Jiang is sitting on the ground in the county office, listening to the patriarchs below discussing with the county magistrate what to do next, but he is a little absent-minded. According to the time, his son should It's already got it
At this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, because he saw a young man walking up step by step with a long sword dripping blood in the distance. There is no possibility of melting!

"Not good!" Patriarch Jiang's face changed drastically. He had already guessed the ending. His son should have died in Zhang Kun's hands. Judging by his posture, he was looking for trouble for himself!
But after all, Patriarch Jiang is also an old owl who has been in Haomen County for decades, so he will not be frightened by Zhang Kun so easily, not to mention that this is the county government, the county magistrate and other adults are here, so he dares to start here ?

"Zhang Kun?" The people in the county government were suddenly surprised, why did Zhang Kun come with a sword?

Zhang Kun glanced coldly at the person standing in front of him and said, "Get out of the way."

"No, what are you doing, you dare to kill people in the county government?" A family elder frowned.

Zhang Kun smiled slightly: "Patriarch Jiang, get out if you are a man, otherwise I will start from the disciples of your Jiang family, from the elders to the patriarch, and finally kill Mr. Jiang and break through your house!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. Why did Zhang Kun say such a thing suddenly? Could it be that the Jiang family and him have some mortal hatred? Isn't it because Zhang Kun was said a few words by Mr. Jiang before?

 Six chapters are updated today, to make up for yesterday's, and what was supposed to be updated today!

(End of this chapter)

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