Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 396

Chapter 396
"Young people don't have such a temper, this is not a place where you can run wild!" Hearing this, the county magistrate of Haomen understood the matter completely, but after all, this is his county government, and now Haomen How could he allow Zhang Kun to behave like this when the county people were fighting against each other all the time?

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang's mouth. Zhang Kun was still too young. It was ridiculous that such a young man rushed to kill him in anger. Everyone here would help him.

However, Zhang Kun didn't pay attention to the county magistrate of Haomen at all. His eyes were fixed on Patriarch Jiang, and he kept silent, but the Dongyue epee in his hand let out a clear howl.

"Zhang Kun, stop, what are you doing!" Someone roared again, offering a magic weapon to stop Zhang Kun!
However, Zhang Kun's sword was faster, Dongyue made a slash, and what flew out was Chengying Sword. How could they detect that shadowless and invisible sword?As long as Zhang Kun doesn't take the initiative to show the shadow-bearing sword shape, it will be difficult for Qi practitioners to catch its trajectory!

"Sword control?" Only this term appeared in the minds of the Qi practitioners present. They heard the sound of swords piercing through the air, but they couldn't tell where Zhang Kun drew the sword. The head of the master of the Jiang family fell to the ground, and gurgling blood flowed out from his throat, which was cut off by the sword, and scattered all over the ground!
A deathly silence descended on Haomen County Yamen, as if everyone's heartbeat was clear, and even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard.

"You killed him?"

"The head of the Jiang family died just like that?"

"As Qi practitioners, we don't even know how he died?"

Everyone's doubts followed one after another, and they looked at Zhang Kun one after another, only to see his calm face, calm and calm.

Everyone was stunned, instantly petrified, unable to speak for a long time.

"Boy, do you dare to kill people?" Everyone's eyes widened, they didn't expect Zhang Kun to do this!

"Bastard! Dare to kill my son?!" An old voice rang out, and the aura of the stooped old man, Mr. Jiang, rose violently. His old state was swept away, and strong muscles appeared on his arms and thighs, and his face changed. be young.

"Mr. Jiang is old, and it is difficult to use his strength. This is desperate!" Dong Zechao saw it clearly from the side, and was suddenly shocked. Mr. Jiang's use of strength not only consumed his vitality, but also his longevity.

Apparently he was extremely angry because his son was cut off by Zhang Kun with a sword. Mr. Jiang rushed towards Zhang Kun in a rage, roaring, "Die to me!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, twitching the corner of his mouth and said, "Stupid!"

Mr. Jiang practiced a lightning-type kung fu, and his whole body was surrounded by lightning, and the entire county government office was filled with rumbling thunder. Every time he took a step towards Zhang Kun, his aura rose a bit. , he actually took nine steps in a row.He is not as old as before, and has completely turned into a young man full of energy. He seems to be holding a thunderbolt in his hand, and he wants to give Zhang Kun divine punishment!

However, Zhang Kun stood there safely, motionless!
"What are you doing, get out of here!" The magistrate of Haomen County was in a hurry, Mr. Jiang was the leader of the local clan, and Zhang Kun was a genius alchemist in Wangcheng, so he didn't dare to stop him for a while.

However, something unexpected happened. In the county government office, a middle-aged man punched Mr. Jiang, and a huge shadow of the fist formed in the air instantly, as if cast from gold, crushed and overwhelmed. The lightning on Mr. Jiang's body!

There was a series of crackling sounds, and Mr. Jiang's body, which had recovered to its peak state, was crushed directly. The flesh and hair on his body were torn off, and even his bones were crushed!
"Ah!" With a scream, Mr. Jiang returned to his slumped old state again, and all the blood on his face disappeared in an instant. His teeth fell out and his internal organs were shattered by that punch!

The middle-aged man was merciless, and he punched again, and a huge fist shadow formed again. Everyone was suffocated and could not speak. They could only watch helplessly as his heavy punch landed on Mr. Jiang's body. !

A generation of heroes, the man who ruled half of Haomen County's underground world, Mr. Jiang, died suddenly like this today, and the root cause of all this was because he provoked Zhang Kun.

I saw that middle-aged Qi practitioner killed Mr. Jiang, walked up to Zhang Kun respectfully, bowed and said, "Alchemist Zhang, I surprised you."

Zhang Kun glanced at the middle-aged qi trainer, and understood his identity from the emblem on his robe. This person is one of the Qin family qi trainers sent by Qin Hanyang, and he is Qin Wei, the leader of the Wangcheng dispatch team. Jia, his strength is very strong, he is a strong man of the ninth level of Qi training, facing the strong attack of Mr. Jiang, he can destroy it with one hand, it can be seen that the strength of this person is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Even the magistrate of Haomen County was not his opponent, who dared to come up to stop him, the audience was dead silent, looking at the Jiang family leader and old man Jiang who were lying in a pool of blood, everyone felt a little dazed, couldn't believe it was real!

With the death of these two people in the Jiang family, plus the young master Jiang who Zhang Kun killed casually, three generations died in a row, and the Jiang family was almost destroyed!

Everyone in Haomen County was shocked. The Jiang family, which had stood in Haomen for hundreds of years, collapsed in one day?
"Qin Weijia was so respectful to Zhang Kun, and even killed Mr. Jiang for him, this!" Everyone was shocked in their hearts, as if a thunder rolled over.

"Qin Weijia is an elite master of the Qin family, and the counties in the north of Wangcheng are actually controlled by the Qin family!"

"Even Qin Liangjie, Marquis of Changyang County, is from the Qin family! The county magistrate of Haomen is Qin Liangjie's subordinate, and Qin Weijia's status can be said to be second only to Qin Liangjie!"

"A person who is comparable to the lord of a county is so respectful to Zhang Kun?" Everyone's eyes widened, and their jaws dropped to the ground. What is Zhang Kun's background?

"Master Zhang, now is the time for employing people, how can you kill the entire Jiang family?" The magistrate of Haomen's face was a little dark, even if Qin Weijia was present, he frowned.

After everyone was shocked, there was also a lot of discussion. Now it is the critical moment of Haomen, and the undead army is approaching the city. This night is already difficult to pass. If these members of the Jiang family are still there, they can also make a contribution to the defense of the county. , especially Mr. Jiang, as a veteran powerhouse, can block many hundreds of undead with one enemy!

But Qin Weijia killed him so casually, it was tantamount to beheading a general in front of the battle, and it hurt morale, which can be seen from the terrified eyes of everyone.

Someone whispered below: "That Zhang Kun actually has the strength to kill Jiang's family leader, but he has been staying in the alchemist and doesn't know what he is doing, and he doesn't go to battle to kill the enemy. Now he has raised his butcher knife inside!"

"That's right, he didn't take us seriously because of his relationship with the Qin family!" Someone whispered.

"I think he came to the front line to be gilded. If there is any danger, he will definitely be the first to slip!" The Jiang family is still very famous in the local area, so it is natural to help the Jiang family. Talk over there.

Qin Weijia frowned and said coldly: "Why, do you still have opinions?"

There was a sharp murderous look from between his brows, as if someone dared to say anything, and he was about to kill.

But Zhang Kun just nodded to Qin Weijia indifferently and said, "It's okay."

Qin Weijia retreated immediately, and he stood back in the Wangcheng advance team. The members of the Qin family's advance team were all puzzled, why did Qin Weijia do this for Zhang Kun?
Although Zhang Kun is a man of influence in Wangcheng, Qin Weijia's behavior is not like a general help, but a naked act of protection. Could it be that the Qin family gave him a secret order?

No wonder the Qin family here took it for granted. It seemed that everything had been discussed. In an instant, the Wangcheng dispatch team understood that the Qin family was not only a member of the dispatch team, but also had a hidden identity. That is Zhang Kun's protector, and even the priority of protecting Zhang Kun is to beat Haomen County!

Thinking of this, everyone shuddered, thinking in their hearts that the Qin family is a lunatic!For Zhang Kun, leave everything else behind!
"Hmph, I gave the Jiang family a chance, but they actually sent someone to kill me, so you can't blame me, Mr. Zhang, for being rude!" After Zhang Kun finished speaking in a cold voice, the magistrate of Haomen's face froze and remained motionless. Qin Weijia was here, but he didn't say anything.

Zhang Kun didn't bother to pay attention to what these people thought. Standing in the middle of the crowd, neither happy nor sad, he glanced at the faces of the people below and looked at their fearful or doubtful eyes. He said lightly: "You must think that Zhang Kun is here. Is it gold-plated here?"

Everyone kept silent, but Zhang Kun also understood their thoughts from their pupils, and he continued: "But you are wrong, now I will tell you how we can win this war!"

"Five days have passed since the start of the battle, and the offensive every day is far higher than before. We are suffering casualties every moment, and our strength is getting weaker and weaker. It is very likely that we will lose tonight!" Zhang Kun said heavily.

"The task given to us by Wojia King City is to defend here for seven days, and to send troops to Changyang City to prepare food and grass to evacuate refugees to buy time. I think everyone is very upset after learning about this decision?" Zhang Kun looked at the venue. The faces of the representatives of the clans in Haomen County spoke word by word.

"In order to defend the city, you can't leave. If you want to make sacrifices here, you will definitely feel wronged. Why should we be sacrificed?"

"But have you ever thought that the tide of undead and corrupted beasts is so strong, if their strength is not weakened and they are allowed to easily attack from Haomen County, what will happen? Changyang City will not be able to resist it, and Wangcheng will not be able to withstand it." That's enough, where are you going to hide? Where are you going?!" Zhang Kun asked forcefully, and the series of questioning made everyone feel suffocated.

(End of this chapter)

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