Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 400 Elixir, turn the tide of battle

Chapter 400 Elixir, turn the tide of battle
"If you dare to come, I will kill you all, the shadow of the lunar eclipse, how about trying my plan?" Zhang Kun whispered.

The sky outside the city was completely dark, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the night of the black moon came again. Countless dead warriors stood up from the mud, and the water of the Yellow Spring surged up directly, covering the vegetation on the surface, turning into tides to the vast sea. Door County is full of ups and downs.

"Hoo hoo hoo!" All kinds of strange monsters appeared, among the clusters of dark clouds, phantoms the size of mountains swayed, and pairs of frightening vertical pupils suddenly opened to peek into the world!

Will-o'-the-wisps scattered on the ground strangely. Numerous evil spirits dragged their stiff corpses and walked aimlessly towards the only remaining city wall. The ghostly Lunar believers held the scepters to drive away the ghosts, and a statue appeared beside them. The strange incarnation of the black moon, they chanted together: "The Lord of the Black Moon is above! The Lord of the Black Moon is above!"

"Roar!" The howls of the monsters sounded, and the corrupted monsters with black air in their eyes charged forward. Vulnerable to the monsters!
"Crazy rocket, shoot!" At this moment, a military order resounded all over the field, and there were less than a hundred archers left in Haomen County who drew their long bows. Among them, one of them was still childish. The boy on the face looked very determined. It was Weng Hewen. After Zhang Kun helped him overcome his fear, he finally understood the meaning of fighting!
"Die!" The rocket soared into the sky, falling down like a shower, interweaving a dense fire net in midair, crashing down, exploding, countless monsters were instantly killed, the flames spread all over the field, burning everything!
Countless fire arrows were shot from all sides of Haomen County at the same time, as if the entire city was set on fire, and the corrupt monsters that rushed into the city were immediately turned into coals and burned in the flames.

"Good job! That's great!" In the Alchemist Association in the city, the alchemists clapped their hands and celebrated this scene. These rockets were using the Blazing Flame Pill that Zhang Kun taught them. Huge use, keep the enemy at the door!
"Hmph, it's too early to be happy!" The chilling voice of the priest of the Spirit Ministry came, and in the dark night, a series of light footsteps sounded in everyone's ears.

"Fireproof female corpses, let's go!" Zhizhu, the priest of the Lingbu, waved his hand suddenly, and rows of ghostly women in white clothes floated out of the darkness. Her bright long hair fell to her waist, her ivory-white body was covered only by a white cloth, and her beautiful face seemed to come from a mold.

They were so beautiful that even the guards of Haomen County couldn't help but stop at this moment to look at their beauty.

"Don't stop, keep shooting!" The magistrate of Haomen's voice sounded again, and the energetic words sounded in everyone's ears. Everyone was shocked, and then continued to fire.

Fire arrows fell like a torrential rain as always, and the bodies of those beautiful women were engulfed in the boundless sea of ​​flames.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and were about to celebrate, but suddenly they heard gentle calls, the explosion and flames caused by the wild fire pill were swallowed into the body by those women, and disappeared!
"How is it possible!" Everyone was stunned. What kind of thing is this? Even flames can be swallowed. Are these women monsters?
At this time, no one regarded them as beauties anymore, and the archers put on conventional sharp arrows one after another, aiming at the heads of the women and shooting them in bursts!

"Hoosh!" The arrows fell like locusts, and the fire-resistant female corpses could only defend against the flames just like their names. Under the blocking of the sharp arrows, blood burst out and fell down. Once the female corpse fell down, there would be corpses The ghosts came up to devour their delicious flesh, and the scene was extremely bloody!
In the county office, Zhang Kun communicated with Jingyu while triggering the ground veins: "Mirror Yu, how many undead are there in the explosion coverage area?"

"130 million." Jing Yu replied mechanically, and he reminded at the same time: "Those who left with the shuttle are still within the range of the explosion."

"Understood." Zhang Kun knew that this battle had just begun, and his goal was to wipe out tens of millions of enemies. Now he has only attracted 130 million, which is still too little.

"Kill!" Gaocheng was breached with ease. When the archers shot and killed the fireproof girl, everyone lost the suppression of the firepower of the wild fire pill, and immediately let the undead and monsters break through the city defenses one after another. Sprinkled all the way, was disembowelled by the dead warriors, and the internal organs were taken out!

After the corrupted monsters joined the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield became even more one-sided. The number of soldiers defending the city was several times smaller than before. The troops of Haomen County were in a hurry to deal with it, and soon the gates on all sides were breached.

The undead poured in like a tide, and the entire city was full of terrible undead, like a purgatory, the ground cracked, and the water of the underworld surged up one after another, forming a strange world of Yama after another, in that distorted space The internal force and vitality of human beings run extremely slowly!
"Quickly use Yan Luo Mie Mie Pill!" A commander shouted loudly, and the soldiers fighting in the streets quickly took the pill. , it can ensure the normal operation of human's internal force and vitality, and it can reverse Yamashita, forming a yang world full of yang energy like daytime!

In the mortal world, human beings are full of energy, but the undead will become extremely weak!A soldier seized the moment when the undead became stiff when he was shrouded in the yang world, stabbed the undead's chest fiercely with the sword in his hand, then pulled out the weapon suddenly, and swung it several times, completely ending the life of the undead!

With the assistance of Yan Luo's Zhan Mie Pill, for a while, the army of undead was completely blocked out. In the mortal world, the combat effectiveness of the undead was severely weakened. The earth is like a fragile skeleton!

"What is that, that can even break the gift of the Lord of the Black Moon?" The priest of the Spirit Department's eyes were like psychics, and he could see the situation here from a distance.

"I don't know, it seems to be a certain kind of elixir. Don't panic, my lord. Our undead enslavement is endless. Just increase the strength!" A black-clothed man under the priest seat of the Spirit Department shook his head.

"I don't know what's wrong with the undead today. It's like going crazy. I almost can't drive it!" The priest of the Ministry of Spirits frowned, seeing the abnormality of the undead, especially some low-level undead, who seemed to be attracted by something. , just walking like a walking dead, did not respond to the human attack at all, and was easily beheaded by the human beings!

His subordinates were also puzzled, this kind of thing was completely beyond his comprehension!

Zhang Kun looked at the cup of Profound Sky in his hand. It had already been charged to one-fifth of its energy. The continuous power of the earth veins was transmitted through Zhang Kun's body, and the cup of Profound Sky was already buzzing.

At that time, the two priests of the shadow of the lunar eclipse in the Yanmo Cave took a few days to fully charge the cup of Tianxuan. With Mirror Field, he knows how to supply energy in the most efficient way, and the time to complete charging is greatly shortened!

"There are 200 million undead. They have broken through the city wall and started street fighting." Jingyu sent back the information from the front line for Zhang Kun. Sweat was dripping on Zhang Kun's forehead. The cup had already fallen before it was fully charged. In this case, Zhang Kun's plan would have completely failed!

"Hmph, kid, to tell you the truth, you still have time to leave now, don't you have a flying sword, you can just leave with Yujian, none of those undead can fly!" Come, he can also see the situation outside through the mirror field, such a vast ocean of undead, even he has never seen it before!
Zhang Kun snorted coldly, ignored him, the vitality in his body was high, and he tried his best to control the earth veins.

"Zhang Kun, the power of the earth's veins is comparable to a blow from heaven and earth. If the situation is critical, you can release part of the power of the earth's veins and pour it into the Yingying Sword to clear the field." At this time, Jing Yu gave a suggestion.

Zhang Kun focused his eyes, then frowned and said, "Will that slow down the charging progress of the Profound Sky Cup?"

"That's right, you can figure it out." Jing Yu said indifferently, as if there was nothing he could take to heart.

Zhang Kun pondered for a moment, then passed the sound transmission to Haomen County Magistrate: "Master County Magistrate, if there are major omissions in the city defense, I can release the power of the earth veins a few times, temporarily relieve the crisis, and free up time to rearrange personnel!"

"Okay, I will notify you if necessary!" Haomen county magistrate responded, he was guarding the county government outside the gate, he was Zhang Kun's last line of defense, the moment the undead's sharp claws pierced his heart, it was Zhang Kun It's time for Kun to detonate the Cup of Profound Sky!

The stock of Yan Luo's Zhan Mie Pill is not large. Even if the alchemy disciples in Haomen County burst their livers and refine it, they can only supply one piece for each sky-level soldier, and it will be exhausted soon. Because of Zhang Kun's reinforcements from Wangcheng, the archers can fire at will, and every soldier holds one in his hand!
"For Haomen!" A soldier whose lower body was scratched by the undead showed determination. He had reached the last moment of his life. The explosion took away the lives of soldiers and dozens of undead around them at the same time.

The same thing happened everywhere on the front line in Haomen County, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly. Every time an explosion came, it meant that a soldier who had fought side by side with them had died, but at the same time, there must be ten times as many soldiers as them. The undead are buried with him!
The first attack of the undead army was miraculously defended by the defenders of Haomen County!

(End of this chapter)

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