Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 401 Reappearance of Black Moon's Avatar

Chapter 401 Reappearance of Black Moon's Avatar
Yan Luo's Zhan Mie Pill and Kuanghuo Lieyan Pill played a role in turning the tide of the battle. In the previous night, even relying on the high wall, the people of Haomen County could not achieve the kill ratio like today. The life of the dead warrior, now as long as he uses the wild fire pill, he can take away the lives of dozens of undead.

"Lord county magistrate, the casualties were heavy. The Qi practitioners were basically safe and sound. Only Master Baishizhou was besieged by the undead and died. The heavenly soldiers suffered heavy casualties. There are only 1000 people left, and there are [-] innate powerhouses!" The messenger rushed to see the county magistrate with the news.

The county magistrate of Haomen is guarding Zhang Kun and at the same time commanding the overall situation. He said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and treat the wounded with the Poria Green Pill and Fade Resentment Pill bestowed by Master Zhang Kun. How about the archery team?"

"The situation is not optimistic, the Wildfire Flame Pill is almost exhausted!" said the orderly, frowning. He was sweating and running around the battlefield to collect information.

"Let those people from the Alchemy Association quickly refine it and guard it!" Haomen county magistrate shouted.

"Yes!" The soldiers quickly responded and got busy. The entire Haomen County army was operating in an orderly manner. In order to deal with this boundless army of undead, they had to exert their abilities to the extreme to win a glimmer of life.

Time passed by bit by bit, the Eight-Direction Demon King Yan Luo's recruiting pills had completely dissipated, and countless undead demons surged in all directions. It seemed that the fall of Haomen County was only a matter of time.

But the human side is still fighting hard. Qi trainers are flying in the air, showing their magical powers, flames, purple thunder, astral wind, and sword energy are falling one after another, and they are all killed to the point of madness. It exploded on the battlefield, and countless undead moved flat together with the empty houses.

A qi trainer who controlled thunder and lightning had exhausted his vitality. He pulled out the saber at his waist. It was a middle-grade magic weapon, extremely sharp and powerful. He cut it down impressively. Splitting open thousands of dead warriors around him, he took out the elixir in his bosom, which was the Tongyuan Zhengqi pill refined by Zhang Kun. After taking one, the vitality in his body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the vitality in the sea of ​​​​qi suddenly pregnancy!
Tongyuan Zhengqi Pill was originally prepared for qi practitioners. This fourth-level elixir from Mirror Domain can provide the vitality equivalent to an entire elementary qi practitioner. Zhang Kun used this pill before, and his vitality overflowed of!

And the gas trainers who took it just perfectly replenished their vitality. His eyes once again jumped out like electric floods, and the unparalleled energy overflowed. His limbs flew away, and were shattered into slag in the bright lightning strike!

Every blow of the qi practitioners has the power of the explosion of the flaming pill. A strong qi practitioner can block a hundred with one blow, and when he turns his palms, visions will appear, and the undead will be wiped out.

However, in the wilderness outside the city, there were treacherous screams, and a fat evil ghost stood up, holding two sharp knives in its hands, and grabbed a large number of nearby undead and stuffed them into its mouth.

"Crunch, crunch!" There was a toothache chewing sound, and the undead were chewed to pieces by the evil ghost and swallowed them all. Then he raised his head to the sky and howled at the moon wolf!

"Evolve, evolve into the body of the black moon!" The priest of the Lingbu shouted excitedly, and saw that the evil spirit became extremely black, with spiral horns growing on its head, fangs growing out of its mouth, emitting a foul smell, and turning into Become, the incarnation of the black moon!
If Zhang Kun could see this scene, he would definitely look very solemn. The Black Moon incarnation is extremely terrifying and powerful, and as long as there are Moon Cultists or undead around, he can absorb energy infinitely and resurrect countless times. Impossible to kill them all!
The Shadow of the Lunar Eclipse finally dispatched such a trump card!

"The Lord of the Black Moon is here!" The Moon Cultists chanted piously, and their souls were immediately absorbed by the Black Moon Avatar, and dozens of Black Moon Avatars were slowly solidifying on the battlefield.

"What kind of monster is that!?" The Qi practitioners had far-sighted eyesight, and seeing the changes in the battlefield, all of them stared wide-eyed. They have never seen such a terrifying creature until today. , Weird, evil, mysterious, these contradictory specialties all appeared on such a creature at the same time!
"Crack!" A black phantom flashed in front of the eyes of a Qi trainer manipulating a magic weapon, and the black moon incarnation instantly killed him, and the pitch-black sharp claws directly pulled out the heart of the Qi trainer. Without any blocking effect at all, it was instantly torn apart!
"Not good!" The qi trainer was still conscious after losing his heart and most of his body. His face was extremely pale, and his whole body's vitality was surging. With the secret method of burning blood, his aura suddenly reached its peak, and it seemed that he still had the strength to fight!
However, the incarnation of Hei Yue sneered, and the giant claws swung down again, and the Qi trainer's body instantly turned into fly ash!

"Ants." Hei Yue's avatar chuckled, and with a sway, he rushed to the next Qi trainer again. The speed was so fast that even the Qi trainers couldn't catch his figure!
"Old Wang!" The Qi trainers around were all stunned. Old Wang is a good Qi trainer among them. As a veteran strongman, he only lasted a few seconds against the black moon incarnation?

"Run away!" Everyone made a decision at once, they couldn't resist at all, they had to run away!

But can it outrun the incarnation of the black moon?Under the shroud of the black moon, his power was raised to a heinous level. He flew at a terrifying speed as if teleporting, breaking the sound barrier, and in an instant, his sharp claws pierced the throat of the next Qi trainer He opened his mouth wide and bit him, even his head was bitten off!
"Quick, go find the county magistrate!" They panicked, separated and fled for their lives, and fled in a hurry. The power of Black Moon's incarnation was too terrifying, and they didn't even have the strength to fight back!

The same thing happened in various places in Haomen County. Dozens of black moon incarnations composed of countless undead spirits and the souls of Moon Cultists turned into violent demons under the blessing of the black moon in the sky. The soldiers fell in pieces, and the innate masters fell into a pool of blood before they realized what happened. The Qi practitioners could still escape, but it was only to slow down the time of being hunted down a little bit!
"Maggots." The incarnations of the black moon who killed the Quartet coldly glanced at the panicked crowd and smiled coldly, Haomen County once again fell into boundless fear.

Several Qi practitioners in front of the county government office finally escaped here, their bodies trembled slightly, it was a trembling feeling that originated from the depths of their souls!

"Please, the county magistrate, take action and kill the demon!"

The county magistrate of Haomen raised his head and saw a black moon incarnate in the shape of a devil standing in the void, looking down at him as if looking down on an ant.

"Mortal, it's not easy for you to cultivate, don't come to die, surrender to me as soon as possible, and allow you to be a sacrificial priest!" The avatar of Hei Yue said indifferently, unexpectedly trying to win over the county magistrate of Haomen.

The magistrate of Haomen snorted coldly and said, "Don't even think about it!"

"Death!" The incarnation of the black moon stopped talking nonsense, and gathered the monstrous black tide at his hand, and the endless undead below fell down and turned into energy to replenish the body of the incarnation of the black moon. The black tide surged, the stars dimmed, and the space gradually distorted. Powerful to the point of affecting the space!

Everyone's expressions changed, and they looked at the county magistrate Haomen worriedly.

I saw the magistrate of Haomen hold his breath and concentrate, his hands flew up and down in unison, and cast Taoist spells, like golden characters suppressing the void, and the mantras turned into knives.
"Kill!" The golden knife slashed upwards, coming through the air, and the golden light was like a sky full of brilliance, a brilliant sun!That was the manifestation of Haomen county magistrate's Taoism. He is a ninth-level qi-training expert, who is only a piece of paper away from the foundation-building realm. It's so commonplace!
"Rough." The black moon avatar didn't dodge or dodge, sneered, and shot out the black tide in his hand, meaning annihilation, coming across, and immediately collided with the golden knife, causing a terrible explosion, and the aftermath caused the surrounding buildings to crash collapse.

"Resist the aftermath together!" All the Qi practitioners joined hands to withstand the aftermath of the explosion. They all looked up and saw the magistrate of Haomen with a serious face, the golden knife in his hand had been broken, and the palm was bleeding There was unstoppable blood, and the incarnation of Black Moon over there was also cut in two, but the power of boundless black shadow poured in, and after a while, he appeared in front of everyone again intact.

At this time, the magistrate of Haomen spit out a mouthful of blood, almost unable to support his body, he quickly took the pills, which were Fuling Qingdan and Tongyuanzhengqi pills.

"Mortal, you still have some meaning, believe in me, or die, I will give you one last chance!" Black Moon's incarnation stood under the moon like a god, looking down.

At this moment, a young man's clear voice came from the room of the county office: "Noisy!"

What came with it was a divine sword shining with stars, it was Cheng Ying, and the incarnation of the black moon suddenly changed color, horror flashed in the bewitching vertical pupils, and he dodged left and right in an attempt to dodge, but at this moment Cheng Ying The shadow is infused with the power of the boundless earth veins, arousing a powerful force, the sword is like a dragon, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog, killing in an instant!
"Damn it!" Hei Yue's incarnation was far faster than ordinary Qi practitioners, but he didn't score a single bit of points against Shang Chengying!

Excalibur Yukong left one after another hard-to-heal scars on Heiyue's incarnation. The incomparable brilliance cut across Heiyue's dark body, and cracks appeared from it. No matter how much he sacrificed the surrounding undead to no avail!

"It's you again!" Hei Yue's incarnation rose sharply with hatred, terrifying barbs appeared on his body, and the black tide in his hand tried to lock Chengying one after another. , The sword made a phantom, forming a sword array, with infinite power, and came to suppress the incarnation of the black moon. The light illuminated half of the sky, and even the black moon in the sky seemed a little swaying and disillusioned!

(End of this chapter)

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