Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 402 Yujian Swallows Stars, Destroys Heaven and Earth

Chapter 402 Yujian Swallows Stars, Destroys Heaven and Earth

"Boy, you can't hold on for long!" Black Moon's incarnation snorted coldly. Zhang Kun held him back for too long. The sharp knife light, with a long howl, slashed again!
"Wow, that sword is..." Everyone below raised their heads one after another, looking at the extremely gorgeous ray of sword light with obsessive expressions, and they all admired it. Its power is so powerful that even the incarnation of Black Moon would shy away!
"He is Changyang Sword Immortal Zhang Tianmeng?" The Qi practitioners all looked at the county government office in puzzlement. Cheng Ying flew out from there, and Zhang Kun was the only one who stayed in the county government office. Yes indeed!

The Qi practitioners opened their eyes wide. They were originally aloof, but now they were as surprised as ordinary people in the market. "Could it be that Zhang Kun is Changyang Sword Immortal, Zhang Tianmeng?"

"It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this!" the Qi trainees murmured to themselves, all of them terrified, the impact of this information on them was too great, Zhang Kun was only 15 years old, how could he be a fifth-level alchemist at the same time , and at the same time a master of swordsmanship, this is too shocking and unacceptable!

"Woohoo, I miss seventy and six, but I'm only at the third level of Qi training, and I was run away like a dog by the incarnation of the black moon!" An old man sat on the ground limp and slumped, his eyes were empty.

"And that Zhang Kun, who changed the entire battle situation in Haomen by himself, without anyone showing it, forced back the incarnation of the black moon with just a long sword!" The old man sighed.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped, they understood what this meant, a 15-year-old peerless genius, the monster among monsters, if given another ten years of hard work, wouldn't he want to win the world and ascend to the top of the world?

The battle is still going on, and the incarnation of Heiyue relied on countless undead to make him supplements, and he survived again and again under the bearing sword. !"

His voice came out like Huang Zhong Dalu, resounding through the heaven and earth, and I saw Chengying draw a beautiful arc, so fast that a phantom appeared, attacking the chest of the incarnation of the black moon, and then piercing the earth, suppressing everything.

"No! Impossible!" The black moon's face changed wildly, and several stars in the sky lit up at this moment, and the star power pierced through and fell into the ground. Meteors could be seen passing by hundreds of miles away. The moon incarnation was nailed to the ground, the power of the seal in the Yingying sword gushed out at this moment, and the broken body of the black moon incarnation trembled suddenly, he knew that he would never be resurrected again!

At this moment, the county magistrate of Haomen slashed at him with a knife. The golden long knife turned into a dragon shape, and the slash fell like a mountain collapsing. Under the suppression of Zhang Kun and Haomen county magistrate, he lost his last trace of breath!
One black moon avatar was knocked down, and the remaining dozens of black moon avatars seemed to sense it. They all screamed at the moon, abandoned the target they were hunting, and gathered together. Their bodies split and turned into a monstrous black moon. The tide, the powerful energy of darkness, crushed everything around, and the space was shattered several times. When it condensed again, there was only one black moon incarnation left in the city.

No, he is no longer the incarnation of the black moon, he has been promoted to become the clone projection of the Lord of the black moon, with infinite power, he sent a palm to fly the shadow, the ground collapsed, and there were heavy casualties!

"Such a powerful force, ants, prepare to face death!" Outside the city, the priests of the Spirit Ministry knelt down and kowtowed as if seeing the gods, as if they had seen the most wonderful things.

The black moon clone is invincible, and wherever it goes, it is fragmented. No one is his single enemy. His huge body is wriggling in the city, destroying everything. The undead are crushed under his ravages like humans. Crushed!
"It's over, I lost this time!" The Qi trainers were discouraged and lost confidence in the face of such a creature. Unless the Venerable Foundation Establishment came, there was absolutely no possibility of defeating it.

"Is this the end?" Everyone murmured to themselves, under the terrifying coercion of the black moon clone, human soldiers could not even stand up, and they were so powerful that they couldn't hold their heads up!
"Although there are many enemies, they can be killed with one blow!" Zhang Kun sat cross-legged in the room, his eyes shot out golden rays of light, as if they would never go out. It seems that the person sitting here is not Zhang Kun himself, but someone The ancient great existence!

He flicked his fingers, and Chengying outside flew high into the clouds. In the dark night, a divine sword hung high under the moon, and the boundless aura of heaven and earth was absorbed by Chengying like a funnel, but this sword seemed to have no limit at all. Normally, absorbing the brilliance of the stars again, the crystal clear sword body finally turned into pure light!

"Father, father, look, the stars are so bright!" Thousands of miles away, a little girl in Changyang City pulled her father to look up, and there was a star in the sky that was unscrupulously emitting light!

Ye Zhiping and Qin Liangjie stood side by side in the Junhou's mansion. They opened their mouths wide and could not be calm for a long time.

"How is it possible, what is this that actually covered up the fairy traces of the Lord of the Black Moon?" The priest of the Spirit Department let out a strange cry, staring blankly at the Bearing Shadow, which covered up the vision of the Black Moon!

"Sword Immortal can swallow stars with his sword, what realm has he reached?" the magistrate of Haomen muttered to himself, and stopped killing the enemy for a moment.

"Cut!" Zhang Kun shouted resolutely, and Chengying pierced down like a sword falling from the sky. From a height of tens of thousands of feet, even a falling needle can kill people, let alone a sword that has absorbed a huge amount of heaven and earth. Excalibur of vitality?
Like a divine punishment, a divine punishment descended from the sky, the sword energy overflowing with golden light cut through the night sky, enveloped the airspace where it was located, and locked onto the black moon clone below. The supreme demon body of the moon clone!
The sword qi slammed, tearing apart the body of Black Moon's avatar. Its spine was blown apart inch by inch, and every muscle was shattered like paper. The supreme mighty force drove it into the ground. Black Moon The avatar let out the most terrifying scream in the world, and the sound pierced everyone's eardrums, making one's teeth sore!
But soon all his screams disappeared, because he was dead, and he was nailed to the ground fiercely by the Yingying Divine Sword. The ground cracked and the city shattered. Fluctuating, the sword energy still lingered, and it swayed for several miles. Wherever it went, all the undead creatures exploded and died. They were swept away, and the situation suddenly reversed. Hundreds of thousands of undead died instantly!
"Gulu! Gulu!" Everyone couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and gasped for air. They were numb by now.

"This situation reminds me of the battle between gods and demons recorded in the annals of history!" the magistrate of Haomen muttered to himself and clenched his fists.

"Falling stars? Which powerful person is performing the immortal technique?" Many people in Changyang, thousands of miles away, were startled, staring at the sky, the expressions in their eyes flickering.

"Is it that Lord Sword Immortal? He made another move!"

The Qi trainers looked at each other, even if they joined forces, they might not be able to achieve such a terrifying power, but how could there be such a powerful person in Changyang? Could it be the head teacher of the Hidden World Sect, or a super organization? The great existence, or it is really a vision of heaven and earth!
Because of this situation, people can't imagine that this can be done by manpower!
"Magistrate Haomen, I can only use this sword a few times, and it will slow down the charging progress of the Tianxuan Cup. Now that the black moon incarnation has been eliminated, the only thing left is the undead. Organize the defense line and guard for another two hours! "Zhang Kun's voice came from the county office, without emotion at all, but with a trace of exhaustion.

He didn't know how many times he had overdrawn his body that night, and he could only make up for it with pills, but his body was resistant to pills, and no matter what level of pills were used later, they couldn't replenish the vitality consumed in Zhang Kun's body. Alright, it took a lot of effort to activate the earth veins, and he felt extremely tired, but he still persisted!

"Yes! Defend Haomen to the death!" After seeing Zhang Kun's strength, the county magistrate and Qi practitioners of Haomen didn't have the slightest intention to back down. In this battle, the strong human beings withered away, and now there are very few high-level soldiers left. Hiding in the streets and alleys, fighting to the death with the undead pouring in like a tide, taking away the lives of dozens of undead with the last flaming pill!

The innate powerhouses also withered away and there were only a few people left. They led their heavenly soldiers and tried to fight a bloody path, but under the siege of the undead, they could only drink their hatred, and even a few people temporarily broke through to the realm of Qi training, but were still killed. The tide of undead tore apart the body!
There were only the last few gas trainers left. The impact of the incarnation of the black moon just now was too terrifying. The gas trainers were their primary targets. Countless people fell at once, and blood scattered the night sky of Haomen.

The battle is still going on, even without the terrifying existence of the black moon incarnation, the undead are still completely suppressing the human beings, the alchemist association has fallen, and hundreds of alchemists inside have been slaughtered, the archers no longer release fire arrows, Because the Wildfire Flame Pills have all been used up, and Yan Luo's Slashing Pills have also been used up, and the whole city is filled with rancid water from the underworld, depriving human energy, and Haomen County has been turned into a dead city!

"It's all messed up! I don't know how long we can hold on," Zhang Kun sighed in the county office, and asked, "Ming Yu, help me check how many undead are around here?"

"860 million, there are 50 in the city, several circles around the city, the undead who should have attacked other counties have also come to Haomen." Jing Yu said indifferently.

In his eyes, no amount of quantity is meaningful. Zhang Kun once saw the phantom of a man in a green shirt in the fairy palace. The planet exploded between the palms of his hands, the galaxy perished, and trillions of lives were wiped out. Compared with this, Haomen The scale of the county battlefield can only be described as kindergarten children fighting, no matter how many ants there are, they are nothing more than ants.

(End of this chapter)

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