Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

Zhang Kun also slowly opened his eyes. He lived a quiet life in the Yaohuang Mountain. The soldiers came to cover the water and soil, and dealt with them calmly one by one.

"Lao Cai, let's go, call all the disciples of the sect." Zhang Kun walked out of his small house at the foot of the mountain, came to Cai Xunan's residence, knocked on his door and said.

"Squeak!" The door opened quietly, and Cai Xunan saw a smile on Zhang Kun's face, but it froze immediately. He glanced at Zhang Kun and said hesitantly, "Zhang Kun, listen to the frequency and tone of the bell." , it beeped seven times softly, then beeped once heavily, and then began to cycle."

"This means that they are the true disciples of Summoning the Seven Supreme Elders, and the direct disciples of Master Gongsun, and it also means that something big is about to happen in Yaohuang Mountain!" Cai Xunan said with his head down, a little disappointed.

Zhang Kun was slightly taken aback. It turned out that the bell still has such a way. He nodded and said, "Then Lao Cai, you can accompany me. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. Although I am a disciple of Master Gongsun, I don't know what to do either."

"Hey, I really can't help you, okay!" Cai Xunan said helplessly, he knew that his junior brother's ability was almost enough to face all emergencies, and he could be alone without him being around.

The reason why he wanted to bring himself was because Zhang Kun read a trace of curiosity from his eyes, what happened to summon these elite children from Yaohuang Mountain?
Cai Xunan is really concerned about this. He usually likes to collect big and small things in the sect, and chats with fellow seniors. Now that he has encountered such a big thing, it would be a pity if Cai Xunan lost him!

"Hahaha, Lao Cai, come." Zhang Kun smiled and pushed him forward, and after a while, he arrived at the mission hall. The mission hall is a bit solemn at the moment, like an auditorium. Everyone raised their heads from the silence.

"Everyone is here, who is this little brother? Doesn't he seem to be the one we summoned?" A mysterious old man holding a golden round hammer looked at Cai Xunan in doubt.

Zhang Kun said quickly: "I brought him here. I just joined Yaohuang Mountain and I don't understand many things. I need to ask my senior brother for advice."

"Zhang Kun, quickly apologize to the secret alchemist, you have broken the rules of our Yaohuang Mountain!"

"Hmph, don't think that even rotten fish and rotten shrimp can come here, don't think that you can mess around because you are Master Gongsun's apprentice, let that kid go out quickly, we are here to discuss the important matter of dealing with Pill King Valley, if any secrets are leaked What should I do?" Immediately, two disciples of the Supreme Elder said dissatisfiedly, and the two who spoke out were Peng Huangwei, a disciple of the Third Elder, and Feng Feng, a disciple of the Fifth Elder.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly. This old man was probably the secret alchemist they were talking about, but he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. He raised his head and said, "Brothers of the same school, is it necessary to distinguish between high and low?"

"You, do you still dare to talk back? Is this the virtue of the disciples taught by Master Gongsun? My Yaohuang Mountain has always been orderly, and strength is everything. If that friend of yours has the strength to defeat me, I will not let it go!" Mind his existence!" Peng Huangwei said disdainfully, with a playful smile on his face.

Cai Xunan's face suddenly turned pale. He tugged at the corner of Zhang Kun's clothes and gave him a hard look.

"Hmph, Cai Xunan, I could have given you a break because of your hard work in the past, but your younger brother doesn't seem to be convinced. Does it mean that Master Gongsun's disciples have some privileges? "Feng Feng said strangely. Looking at his 30-year-old appearance, he is already a sixth-level Alchemist with alchemy cultivation base, and he is also a leader with good strength in Yaohuang Mountain.

Hearing this sentence, Cai Xunan's face turned blue. Feng Feng could be called his elder brother to some extent, and he usually respected him very much.

"It's you who have the privilege. I don't think you have anything to be proud of. You are still at the sixth level of alchemy in your [-]s and [-]s. You can be called a waste!" Zhang Kun dismissed this and directly refuted Feng Feng.

"Enough, the powerful enemy came to visit, did I ask you to come here to listen to your quarrel here? It won't matter if a disciple of the sect stays here!" Come, everyone suddenly felt a chill behind their backs.

Both Peng Huangwei and Feng Feng obediently closed their mouths and stopped making any noise, but their eyes were still glanced at Zhang Kun and the two intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing that everyone stopped arguing, the secret alchemist said slowly: "Today, Alchemy King Valley is coming to challenge, you listen to me, you will swear to the death to defend the glory of my Yaohuang Mountain, I called you here because of the confrontation between the two sects. The best way is to fight at the same level, and you are the elite disciples of my Yaohuang Mountain, you are invincible among the same level, but you have to be careful, the group of people in the Pill King Valley are also carefully selected from the Wangwen Empire Selected geniuses and elites!"

"If you are not careful, you will be defeated by them. Although I believe in your strength, you must remember one thing. You must not be careless. This is different from those low-level alchemists you usually meet at the foot of the mountain!"

"Lao Cai, what is the origin of this alchemist? I think they look very afraid of him." Zhang Kun poked Cai Xunan who was dazed aside and couldn't help asking.

"The secret elixir is a legend. He once refined some kind of strange elixir, which was thought to not belong to this world!" understood.

"What kind of elixir is so magical?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking.

Cai Xunan bit his lip and said: "That thing is really strange. It has a metallic texture and is wrapped in a layer of jelly-like substance, but inside it is powder particles. It is very different from our usual pills. But the effect is extremely good. However, no one can learn his alchemy, and he doesn't have a medicine cauldron of quasi-dao level, so he is not ranked among the top seven. Supreme Elder, we generally call him the Secret Pill Master!"

"But it is said that this person's strength will not be much lower than Master Gongsun! Even Master Gongsun would respectfully call him a senior." Cai Xunan said a piece of news that made Zhang Kun's heart skip a beat!

Zhang Kun paused for a moment, then asked Cai Xunan who was beside him softly: "The two sects compete, why don't the strongest alchemists fight against each other, but us disciples?"

"Alchemists are generally master-level figures, and they rarely make shots. It's about face, and they can't afford to lose to each other. In addition, the time it takes for alchemists to refine elixir is too long. It can take days or weeks, or even A few months is not suitable for competition." Cai Xunan also explained in a low voice, although the alchemist allowed him to stay here, but he was a little cautious and afraid.

"Hmph, aren't they the losers of the Pill King Valley? Ten years ago, they were defeated by their brothers and uncles. Ten years later, I will let them understand how powerful Yaohuang Mountain is!" Feng Feng waved his fists, looking The look of winning.

The alchemist took a deep look at him and said: "This time the people they sent are all sixth-level alchemy disciples, and they want to compete with us at this level, so only the sixth-level alchemy disciples among you are needed." Go out to fight, and other people can just watch the battle and assist."

"Yes, Master Secret Alchemist!" Everyone bowed and saluted, and the mysterious secret alchemist disappeared into the shadows, as if he had never appeared here.

Zhang Kun stared at the place where he disappeared and couldn't stop thinking about his every movement and expression, but in the end he couldn't see any way out. This person gave him the feeling that he didn't exist in this space, and his strength and Alchemy and other stages are even more unpredictable.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you are only a fifth-level alchemist, so you are not qualified to participate in this competition, but it doesn't matter, I know you want to show off your strength, how about you come to me as an assistant, I want us to join forces , must be able to defeat the group of people in Pill King Valley!" Feng Feng came to Zhang Kun and said hypocritically, revealing a taste of conspiracy inside and outside the words.

Everyone couldn't help but cast sympathetic looks. To be spotted by someone like Feng Feng is like being targeted by a poisonous snake. If it were someone else, they would definitely be a little terrified, but this Kun's expression did not change. As if the person being targeted was not him.

"How about it, Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you come to be my assistant, and you will have a share of the credit for winning the Pill King Valley!" Feng Feng said with a smile. He, Feng Feng, is on you, Zhang Kun, because you are the assistant!
"It doesn't matter, I've wanted to learn about Feng Feng's alchemy for a long time." Zhang Kun nodded his head indifferently.

"Junior Brother Zhang Kun, it's such a pity, you are only one step away from the sixth-level alchemist, otherwise you can join the battle, why should you be his assistant, it is thankless!" Cai Xunan said angrily Looking at Zhang Kun and said.

Zhang Kun didn't care, he nodded slightly and said, "Compared to this, I would like to see the alchemy process of both sides, it must be very helpful for me to make a breakthrough."

"Hey, Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you are too optimistic. At this time, you still want to break through by yourself. If Feng Feng loses, he will definitely put the blame on you. Even if he wins, he will never admit you. Thanks to the credit." Cai Xunan was a little anxious, for fear that Zhang Kun would fall into a trap.

"Okay, everyone, come with me to meet the challengers in the Valley of the Medicine King." Zhang Juzheng, as the leader of his disciples, led the crowd to the outside of the mission hall.

(End of this chapter)

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