Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 435

Chapter 435
Snowflakes fluttered in the gray sky, and the white snow covered Yaohuang Mountain in silver, and the strong wind and snow lowered the trees. Wind and snow damage.

In Yaohuang Mountain, there is a spacious platform built with white jade, called Baiyu Terrace.It is the place where the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain usually practice martial arts and Taoism, but at this moment it is specially used to fight against the people of Pill King Valley.

The suzerains of both sides are already ready, sitting high in the stands, drinking and chatting happily, showing the demeanor of pointing out the country, and the elders who usually live in seclusion have also come out today, sitting beside Gongsun Yangyan. Old and worn out, but his eyes sparkled like sparks.

"Master Gongsun, please stay safe. I haven't seen you for so many years. I didn't expect you to look younger." On the side of Yaowang Valley, the leader was a man with a beard and thick eyebrows. He didn't seem to want to practice Taoism. The man is so elegant, but he looks like a butcher, but everyone can detect a unique charm from his gestures, thick and subtle, which coincides with the way of heaven.

Zhang Kun couldn't help nodding. He only saw this feeling in Gongsun Yangyan and Luo Quan. The person who came here was at least in the Foundation Establishment Realm, and he was an alchemist with extraordinary strength. Cultivation is comparable to Jindan!
"Haha, Master Yuan Ao, you are still the same. Ten years have passed in a hurry, and it is time for our two factions to compete and compete for a match!" Gongsun Yangyan directly explained the other party's intentions without talking nonsense.

"Grandmaster Gongsun is indeed a straightforward person. It is not convenient for us to fight a dispute, and it will involve our whole body. Let those junior disciples decide the outcome!" said the bearded man Yuan Ao.

Gongsun Yangyan nodded and said: "Yes, this matter is related to the honor of the two factions, but I want to see a wonderful competition, so that I can see the demeanor of the young people!"

Yuan Ao sneered, but also nodded: "Come on, I'm really curious, is it your Yaohuang Mountain that has produced a large number of talents, or Pill King Valley is superior!"

"Okay, all the people from the Pill King Valley are sixth-level alchemists, so I, Yaohuang Mountain, will naturally fight with sixth-level alchemists!"

"Level [-] is the watershed for whether a alchemist has any hope of becoming an alchemist. Levels one, two, and three are elementary alchemists. Pills can only be used in the realm of ancient martial arts, while level four, five, and six are intermediate alchemists. Practitioners, the alchemy medicine can already be used by monks in the realm of Qi training, the sixth level is the peak of the middle-level alchemy disciples, and the talent of an alchemist is most likely to be revealed at the sixth level!"

Master Yuan Ao stroked his beard and said indifferently, every time the two sides fight, the level of alchemy disciples is not fixed. The battle between the two factions did not focus on the comparison of peak strength at the beginning, but more on the ability to teach the apprentices of both sides.

Therefore, they have also conducted a competition between the first-level alchemy disciples, using the most basic and simple standards to measure the strengths and weaknesses of the foundations of the two factions. Come on with a lot of spirit!

Soon on the Baiyutai, someone brought a large amount of medicinal materials from the treasure house, arranged the alchemy props, and made everything ready. The heavy snow has been falling silently, but the fire on the Baiyutai is not extinguished, it is full of heat, and it is not affected by the cold air .

"Five games, the first one!"

"Ren Shuo!" Master Yuan Ao shouted.

"The disciple is here!" A burly young man wearing a navy blue robe stood up. He was only 28 years old, but he was already a sixth-level alchemist, much younger than Feng Feng and others.

"Ren Shuo is the disciple that my Alchemy Valley has cultivated in recent years. In order to show my respect for you, I will send him to take the lead!" Yuan Ao laughed, as if Zhizhu was grasping his ambition to win.

"Haha, Xinuo, you go and meet him." Gongsun Yangyan lowered his fingers, and one of the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain had a golden light shining above his head.

"Yes, President!" The young man who was targeted by Gongsun Yangyan also stepped out of the crowd. He has a very handsome appearance, with a warm smile on his face, and a clean alchemy robe, like a gentle and elegant young man.

"Hino was selected by me from the Kaiyang City Alchemist Association and brought to Yaohuang Mountain. He has read a lot of books, traveled all over the country, and has extremely rich experience. With him in the front line, I think he can make a good start! "Gongsun Yangyan nodded lightly.

The next step is to extract the types of pills that both players need to refine.Everyone held their breath, only to see Gongsun Yangyan and Master Yuan Ao teaming up to release two vitality, one gold and one red, intertwined into a vast book in the mid-air in front of them, with densely packed pills on it Names are all over it, shining with strange brilliance.

The two streaks of golden and red vitality clashed against each other in the book. It seemed that the two suzerains were competing for power and control, but they were sitting on the high platform, smiling and indifferent.

After a while, the two rays of light disappeared almost at the same time, and the spot of light they stopped at last corresponded to a elixir.

"The elixir formulated for this competition is - Xue Xuanqing!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be Xue Xuanqing, which just fits with today's snow scene!" Master Yuan Ao laughed.

But Gongsun Yangyan seemed to be lost in memory: "I haven't seen Xuexuan Qingdan for many years, the last time I personally refined this pill was for her."

"Xuexuanqing is an excellent medicine that is needed for the cultivation of ice and snow skills. With the help of this medicine, it is easier to cultivate the Taoism of the frost attribute. It's just that the difficulty of refining this thing is not small. !" Zhang Juzheng was standing among the players who had just entered the stage, Nian Xu said.

"Both, please!" The suzerains of both sides confirmed the pills to be refined, and the competition officially began.

Hino did his part, walked to the alchemy furnace, stroked his palms and ignited the fire, a misty and warm light wheel appeared on the top of the alchemy furnace, fell slowly, and the flame in the furnace was immediately dyed milky white.

"Hino has a trace of light energy in his internal force, which can transform the alchemy flame into bright light fire, slowly calcine the elixir, absorb all the medicinal power in it, and polish the elixir to the strongest level!"

Everyone in Yaohuang Mountain nodded frequently. Among them, Xinuo's strength is not considered top, but the most important thing is that he is very stable and hardly makes any mistakes. Since he came to Yaohuang Mountain to practice, he has rarely seen He failed in refining!

Originally, such an arrangement was the most appropriate, but it is a pity that Alchemy Valley already had a countermeasure. Before Ren Shuo came to the alchemy furnace, he raised his finger to the sky, and the sky was surrounded by wind and snow in an instant. Falling into the medicine cauldron, all kinds of medicinal materials have been baptized by ice and snow one after another, entering like a stick!

"Oh?" Gongsun Yangyan couldn't help but raise his head slightly, "I didn't expect that you, Dantu, know how to use the environment very well, and you are very courageous. He is not familiar with the climate of my Yaohuang Mountain at all!"

"Hmph, Master Gongsun didn't expect that his on-the-spot performance should be superior to yours. The medicine like Xue Xuanqing pays attention to a quick process, and it should not be contaminated with too much anger, otherwise The frost attribute of the pill will be greatly weakened!" Master Yuan Ao narrowed his eyes slightly, very satisfied with the performance of his players.

Gongsun Yangyan frowned slightly. It's not good to feel that his player is taking advantage of the environment when his player is at home. According to the regulations of the competition, others can't give any advice during the refining process. It all depends on Hino's own understanding!

Xinuo's originally calm eyes began to panic, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. His specialty is bright flames, but he is very unsuitable for refining Xuexuanqing!
"Should I take back the Bright Light Flame? Wouldn't it be halfway to do it now?" Hino lost his footing all of a sudden, took the next ingredient handed over by his assistant, and threw it into the alchemy furnace with trembling hands.

"Calm down, calm down, I have refined countless pills in the secular world, it is impossible to stumble here!" Xinuo took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his emotions.

On the other hand, Ren Shuo carried out every step of refining the elixir with ease, and with the addition of a trace of frosty breath, his elixir would become even more perfect!

Others couldn't see any tricks, but at this point in the competition, the two people in the stands had already understood the result. At the last moment, Xinuo still made the elixir completely, but it was too reluctant, and Ren Shuo's Xue Only Xuan Qing can be called flawless!
"In the first round, Ren Shuo wins, Pill King Gu wins!"

Everyone watched helplessly as Ren Shuo took out a sky-blue elixir from the alchemy furnace. Under the witness of everyone, it turned into snowflakes, and a refreshing feeling spread over the surface, and everyone present could feel it. The powerful ice and snow breath contained in the pill!
There are many high-ranking alchemists and alchemists present here. Naturally, they can understand it from the appearance and breath at a glance. The quality of this elixir is very high, it is top-grade!

Ren Shuo held his head high and straightened his waist
"Senior Brother Hino didn't deserve to lose. The opponent is the trump card cultivated by Pill King Valley by concentrating resources on it, and its strength is indeed very strong." Zhang Kun saw a little way, and his resolute eyes became a little clearer.

In contrast, Xinuo's Xue Xuanqing was a little bleak. He was refined in a panic. Although he maintained his integrity, he didn't have any added value. In the end, he could only be mediocre, and he could reach the middle grade.

Hino clenched his fists fiercely, and walked off the stage with a livid face, with boundless regret in his eyes.

"It's really embarrassing for him. His flame attribute is not suitable for refining ice attribute pills. It's a mistake in the selection!" Gongsun Yangyan stroked his beard and looked away from Xinuo's dejected face.

"Tsk tsk, I thought your disciple, Gongsun Yangyan, was the best at refining such fancy pills!" Yuan Ao Desheng had a smile on his face, and he laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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