Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 436 The Dusty Past

Chapter 436 The Dusty Past

Gongsun Yangyan suddenly recalled a distant memory. It was when he was a sixth-level alchemist. In order to be a female cultivator, he spent a lot of money to buy Xue Xuanqing's alchemy formula from the Alchemist Association. He didn't eat or drink flowers. It took a day and a night to refine the elixir.

Then he called the female cultivator to come to the lake, and took a small boat to the pavilion in the center of the lake. In the scene where the moonlight was like water and the breeze was coming, he crushed the snow, and suddenly the snow fell from the sky lightly.When the silver-white snowflakes fell like rain, he squeezed the cold hand of his girlfriend.
"Damn it, we lost the first round. We have to win the next three rounds. If we lose this round, we will have no way out. Why don't we send out the strongest players!" The arrogance and confidence faded away, and turned into an extremely dignified look.

"I see that Yaohuang Mountain is nothing more than that, and the people sent out don't know how to be flexible. How can they become masters like this?"

"Yeah, Brother Ren Shuo won easily. With Yaohuangshan's strength, how dare you call yourself the Daoist of Alchemy?" The disciples of Pill King Valley suddenly laughed and chatted happily, facing Yaohuangshan. The disciple pointed.

"Damn it, they're too jumpy, the suzerain chose me, I'll kill them!" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain could only clenched their fists secretly, staring at their opponents, their eyes were bloodshot, one by one they asked to fight.

Above the stands, Gongsun Yangyan and Yuan Ao scanned their respective camps, and everyone held their breath, waiting for their respective suzerains to assign them.

"Xiao Dai, come here." Gongsun Yangyan took the lead in appointing candidates, a man wearing a black robe with sword eyebrows and star eyes, his face was as if carved out by a knife and an axe, and he was as firm as a rock.

"Xiao Dai is the strongest among the sixth-level alchemy disciples of Yaohuangshan. With him on the stage, this small score must be won!" Nodding lightly, obviously full of confidence in Xiao Dai.

However, Zhang Juzheng's brows flashed a hint of worry: "Xiao Dai is the seventh elder's apprentice, he once took charge of the seventh elder's treasure tripod, if he loses, then my Yaohuang Mountain will really be over."

Seeing this, Yuan Ao sneered: "Master Gongsun can't hide it. Are you so impatient, so you will send the strongest player on your side? Aren't you afraid that I will trade you with a lesser player?"

"You, Yuan Ao, have always been competitive and don't bother to play tricks. Come and send your strongest disciple!" Gongsun Yangyan said with a faint glance at him.

"Okay!" Yuan Ao grinned and waved his hands: "Yiyu, go meet the so-called strongest disciple of Yaohuang Mountain."

"It's Master!" A female disciple came out, her voice was as soft as an oriole coming out of a valley, her white and ruddy face had a straight and beautiful little nose, she was extremely young, as if she had just grown up.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by her beauty and youth. At such an age, she is a sixth-level alchemist, and she can be called a genius girl!
But what is more noticeable than her appearance is the two words she said to Yuan Ao just now, Master, doesn't this mean that she is Yuan Ao's personal disciple?
"Alchemy is a process of accumulating experience. If you have a master to impart experience, you can make rapid progress. Therefore, who the master is has a great influence on an alchemist. This girl can be accepted as an apprentice by Yuan Ao, she must be extraordinary. place!" Zhang Juzheng said in a deep voice.

"It's a pity that none of Master's apprentices is a sixth-level alchemy disciple!"

Gongsun Yangyan's brows were also furrowed. This girl looks very young, and her strength should not be strong, but if she is Yuan Ao's disciple, it's a different matter. Every suzerain's direct disciple should not be underestimated. .

On the white jade stage, there was a lot of snow, but the two of them didn't take out their own medicine cauldrons. One must know that Xiao Dai got the true biography of the Seventh Elder, and he might still hold the Seventh Elder's precious cauldron, the Seven Stars Chasing the Moon Cauldron.

It is said that in the process of refining with this tripod, the power of the Big Dipper can be attracted to make the refining result more perfect. Xiao Dai once used this tripod to refine alchemy, refining a elixir higher than his own level!
Zhang Kun was a little puzzled and asked Cai Xunan who was on the side: "Lao Cai, what are these two people doing? They are standing still without taking out the alchemy furnace. Could it be that they are seeing each other?"

He spoke softly, but Yiyu's hearing was surprisingly good, and when she heard Zhang Kun's words, she couldn't help but glared at Zhang Kun with anger in her beautiful eyes, casting a disgusted and disgusted look.

Cai Xunan said helplessly: "This second round of competition, according to the rules over the years, is not alchemy, but material selection!"

"Oh? Selection, such a basic assessment, it's interesting." Zhang Kun couldn't help but nodded, and suddenly became interested.

"Oh, what a shame, Master Gongsun. It is said that the disciple you sent has a treasured tripod, but it's a pity that we used the materials for the competition. Why don't we switch to ordinary alchemy." Yuan Ao looked embarrassed, and his shrewd eyes turned Gongsun Yangyan swept away.

But Gongsun Yangyan waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let's follow the competition system over the years. I believe that Xiao Dai didn't rely on Baoding to get to where he is today!"

"Then don't regret it, since it's snowing today, let them choose three materials with the strongest ice attribute!" Master Yuan Ao smiled.

"Okay!" After saying that, Gongsun Yangyan waved his robe sleeves, and a gust of wind and snow hung up out of thin air, and a mountain of ice-attributed materials appeared in front of the two people in the audience.

Master Yuan Ao also pointed at the same point, and the hill in front of the two of them rose a little bit higher. The two masters took out the ice-attribute materials that they treasured at will. A hill doesn't look very high, but it's probably worth hundreds of millions or even billions of taels of gold. That's a hundred thousand spirit stones. It's not just talking about the wealth of top alchemists!

As soon as the two finished speaking, the contestants from both sides made a move. Xiao Dai turned into a breeze, took a few elusive steps, and took the lead in entering the material mountain.

"Wow!" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain and the surrounding villagers couldn't help exclaiming. Many female disciples cast admiring glances at Xiao Dai. His figure is so charming.

"It's not bad, it's quite chic, but it's a pity that we didn't compete with this today!" Yuan Ao exclaimed in rare admiration.

Gongsun Yangyan took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Yuan Ao, aren't you worried that my disciples will get the strongest ice material first? As far as I know, there is only one strongest ice material among the pile of materials."

"Hmph, how can I not know, but you have no chance to find someone!" Yuan Ao said confidently.

Xiao Dai's face was calm, and he searched calmly. His speed was very fast, and he could slightly sense the ice energy in it when he picked up one material. The file stays.

He is very cautious, because this round of competition is very critical. If he can win, the two sides will return to the same starting line, but if he loses, there will be no way out for Yaohuangshan. Winning three rounds is obviously too difficult!
On the other hand, Yi Yu here, she remained motionless, closed her eyes, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, her mouth moved as if she was reciting a certain mantra.

Luo Quan's voice, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly sounded in Zhang Kun's mind: "Boy, this girl is interesting, you'd better have a fight with her, it will do you a lot of good?"

"I'll go, Luo Quan, I really didn't expect you to be an old whore!" Zhang Kun slandered repeatedly.

"Hmph, it's not about being a prostitute. This girl's physique can naturally sense the strength of the surrounding objects. It is an excellent material for becoming an alchemist, and it is also very useful for treasure hunting!" Luo Quan said.

"What's interesting is that her ability comes from a certain part of her body. I don't need to say more about the rest, you understand!" Luo Quan chuckled, his eyes shining in the alchemy hall.

Zhang Kun twitched the corner of his mouth, ignored the old guy, and turned his gaze back to Yi Yu. If this person's physique is really as special as Luo Quan said, wouldn't Xiao Dai be in danger?

Yiyu seemed to have a sense of something, walked to the front of the material mountain, stretched out the white lotus root arms, and went straight to the mountain, ignoring the many kinds of shining ice materials, and walked directly to a dry bone. With a pinch of scallion-like fingers, the dry bones were collected.

At this moment, on the viewing platform, Gongsun Yangyan's face was a little ugly. He looked at Yuan Ao with a somewhat incredulous expression, and he was puzzled in his eyes. How did Yu do it, but he already understood when he saw Yiyu holding the bone, Xiao Dai lost this time!
"Does Master Gongsun still remember what happened back then?" Surprisingly, Yuan Ao's face did not show the slightest bit of complacency, but looked rather gloomy.

Gongsun Yangyan was also silent, he no longer wanted to think about what happened back then.

"Do you still remember that day, you and I, Xiaozhi, went to the Great Frost Sea to look for the ice dragon grass. When we found this elixir in a deep valley and hidden reef, an ice dragon attacked us. We fought hard but But it didn't help, Xiaozhi pushed us away and swallowed the Ice Dragon Grass, freezing the entire Great Frost Sea." Yuan Ao looked straight into Gongsun Yangyan's eyes and told the past expressionlessly.

Gongsun Yangyan's body trembled visibly, and he came back to his senses after a while, a trace of unbearableness flashed across his deep eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Yuan Ao, you came here for her today, right?" .”

"She fought desperately with the ice dragon back then, but she had one finger cut off, flew out of the valley, and was picked up by you, but you still carried it, but unfortunately you dare not go back!" Yuan Ao said coldly, feeling aggrieved for Xiaozhi.

"The Ice Dragon is a divine beast in the Yuandan Realm comparable to a strong Jindan. How can I face it? Do I have to die!" Gongsun Yangyan had already clenched his fists tightly in the stands, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

(End of this chapter)

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