Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 437 Zhang Kun Plays

Chapter 437 Zhang Kun Plays
Yuan Ao's gaze became incomparably cold: "Then you can continue to be your good clan and good master here, but what kind of tricks can you make? Today I am here to destroy your so-called honor of Yaohuang Mountain. Only in this way will you follow me to the Great Shuanghai to avenge Xiaozhi!"

Gongsun Yangyan lowered his head and remained silent.

"Hey, what is that woman doing with that dry bone, it doesn't look like ice material at all, you're right!"

"It's probably an embroidered pillow, but I have a beautiful skin, but I don't know anything about it! Brother Xiao Dai already has three pieces of ice materials, and I can feel a chill from such a distance!" Feng Feng said.

"That's right, thanks to the presence of Senior Brother Xiao Dai, we were able to win the round!" Everyone echoed.

At this moment, in Yiyu's hands, the brownish-yellow substance on the skin of the severed bone broke away, revealing its true face.

That piece of emerald-like jade finger, although severed, can be called icy muscle and jade bone, showing a bluish-white color, containing full of frost elements, Yi Yu quickly let go of her hand, otherwise she would To be attacked by the icy breath on the severed finger.

An unprecedented chill broke out, and everyone couldn't help shivering. The snow on the ground seemed to have increased several layers.

"What on earth is this? How can a woman's finger be blue? Could it be the finger of a woman of a different race?"

"No, it's a human woman, but it seems to be corroded by some kind of ice energy, and the extremely powerful cold energy is contained in it, it seems, it seems to be more powerful than the three pieces of ice materials in Xiao Dai's hand!" A disciple of Yaohuang Mountain They showed expressions of incomparable horror.

Seeing this, Xiao Dai also widened his eyes. After taking a deep breath, he put down the ice material in his hand, and said to the viewing platform: "I lost this round."

After saying that, he returned to the team of Yaohuang Mountain with a gloomy face. Everyone was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that even they realized that the strength of the severed finger was far beyond the comparison of a few ordinary ice materials. Can be compared with this severed finger.

I'm afraid that only the legendary golden elixir level materials can compare with it.In the Yaohuangshan camp, there was no sound, a dead silence, they had no way out, if they lost the next game, Yaohuangshan would lose!

"Hahaha, Junior Sister Yiyu is really powerful. This kind of physique is hard to find in the world. Where can you ordinary people in Yaohuang Mountain compare to it?" The people in Pill King Valley mocked again and again, victory is in front of them, they are extremely relaxed.

Although Xiao Dai's overall strength in alchemy can firmly overwhelm Yiyu, but no matter how good he is in selecting materials, he is still not as powerful as his opponent's unique talent!

"Is this a trick you set up?" Gongsun Yangyan said weakly with his eyes closed.

"This is a trick you set yourself, and you still know that you have her remains? But you treat it as a material, I really feel worthless for Xiaozhi!" Yuan Ao sneered again and again, tearing at the bones mercilessly See Gongsun Yangyan's wound!
"Forget it, it's the third round. This time it's regular alchemy. Feng Feng, come on." Gongsun Yangyan casually named him as if he had lost his strength.

However, Feng Feng is not an underdog. He is not very talented at the age of 40 or [-], but he has accumulated a lot of experience. At this juncture, there is no better choice for Yaohuangshan.

"Zhang Kun, come up with me and help me well. If you lose, you will be welcome!" Feng Feng threatened viciously.

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, and didn't bother to say anything. In his eyes, this kind of person was nothing more than an ant.

"Just don't hold me back when the time comes." Zhang Kun said lightly, and walked forward slowly with Feng Feng.

"What are you talking about, how dare a mere fifth-level alchemist say that? Shut up and do what I say!" Feng Feng scolded angrily.

On the other side, Yuan Ao glanced at the disciples of Pill King Valley, and selected a young man. He was dressed in linen, barefoot, with short silver hair, and came to the front of the formation with stern eyes. tripod.

There was a goat-shaped totem engraved on the tripod, as if a living thing was about to jump out, an old breath came over the surface.

"No, the other party has a quasi-dao weapon!" Feng Feng suddenly panicked. The alchemist sent by Pill King Valley turned out to be a quasi-dao weapon. The presence!

Zhang Kun frowned slightly, and asked Luo Quan in his mind: "Luo Quan, what kind of artifact is my God's Fence Cauldron?"

"Shenli wood is at least the material of the golden core level. Your tripod is a quasi-spiritual weapon, but it has been buried for too long and cannot exert its maximum effect. If you can find a suitable material, I can introduce you to a Master craftsman, help you build it." Luo Quan's old voice came.

"Hey old guy, you weren't so enthusiastic before, why do you still care about my affairs?" Zhang Kun's mouth twitched a playful smile.

"Hmph, that master of yours, Gongsun Yangyan, can he do it? If he can't, I advise you to leave Yaohuang Mountain as soon as possible, come to my Xilan Kingdom, and worship under my sect. My Nutao Tower is not so good!" More rules, I, Luo Quan, have the final say, and all the resources can be poured into you!" Luo Quan seduced.

His power in Xilan Kingdom is great, far surpassing Gongsun Yangyan's status in Xiaoshuo Empire. This is not because Gongsun Yangyan is not as powerful as Luo Quan, but because Luo Quan knows how to manage his own power. The country is in his hands, and he is the real emperor of that empire.

"I didn't admit that you are my master." Zhang Kun said proudly. If you want to be his master, you have to show some real skills. Luo Quan is not enough to impress Zhang Kun except that Luo Quan's all-hands Yan Luo recruited Dan, which surprised Zhang Kun. Zhang Kun was convinced.

"This time what you need to refine is Lingyun Pill." On the viewing platform, Gongsun Yangyan and Yuan Ao used the previous method to randomly select the pill that needs to be refined this round.

The sixth-level elixir, Lingyun Pill, is a high-level substitute for Qi-enhancing Pill, Xuanyuan Pill, etc., that is to say, it is a elixir for supplementing vitality and internal strength. This kind of elixir can be said to be the most basic and common elixir Yes, but if you want to practice Lingyun Dan well, you still need a solid foundation.

"An ordinary spirit pill can support a novice Qi practitioner for a quarter of an hour, but a high-grade spirit pill can last for a full hour!" Discussed the disciples of both sides.

"Isn't it just Lingyun Pill, I can make it easily!" Feng Feng waved his hand, full of confidence.

"Zhang Kun, you just need to bring a few herbs that are full of aura." There is no fixed formula for this kind of elixir that replenishes internal strength and vitality. It only needs enough aura to extract the liquid essence from it to synthesize the elixir. .

Zhang Kun nodded slightly, and chose a qi-yi fruit and two white frost grasses. These are medicinal materials with pure attributes and sufficient aura, which are very suitable for refining Lingyun Dan.

"Why do you just take this little bit? Go get some more. If we want to win the opponent, we need to refine a elixir with higher aura content." Feng Feng frowned and scolded Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun held the medicinal materials and did not move around. He stared at Feng Feng and said: "The aura contained in these medicinal materials is enough to refine Qi-invigorating pills of level seven or higher, and it is more than enough to refine top-level Lingyun pills." , if you feel that you need more medicinal materials to refine it, then your utilization rate of medicinal materials is too low."

"What did you say, you dare to talk back, you fight me again and again, what is your intention, don't you want me to win Yaohuangshan?" Feng Feng immediately put a big hat on Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly and said: "Senior brother, you can take a look at the situation on the other side. He only holds one Qi-enhancing fruit in his hand. I brought you two more Baishuang grass. I think you can definitely beat him!" the opposite."

"Hmph, brat!" Feng Feng was so stunned that he couldn't speak, and could only give Zhang Kun a hard look.

Zhang Kun had an expression of asking you to do it yourself, Feng Feng had an annoyed expression on his face, but he had no choice but to raise the fire and start refining, warming the cauldron, releasing the medicine, and starting to purify. Zhang Kun watched from the sidelines and helped remember. time.

"Brother, if you refine it again at this time, the effect will be better." Zhang Kun looked at Feng Feng with a stinky face and reminded him.

"Damn it, I don't need you to teach me, isn't it just to purify it?" Feng Feng immediately turned on the cauldron and channeled the internal energy to be purified again.

Feng Feng said cursingly: "I don't need you to remind me, I know I need to purify again now!"

"Wait a minute, what is the second purification? Is there such a step in alchemy?" Feng Feng quickly followed Zhang Kun's words, and suddenly he reacted and looked at Zhang Kun in doubt.

Zhang Kun looked at Feng Feng with eyes that seemed to be looking at an idiot. After seeing the empty and confused eyes of the other party, he realized that the so-called secondary purification, even Gongsun Yangyan himself was shocked after seeing it!

Zhang Kun still remembers that he was conducting the test of the mirror field at that time. It was through this second purification that the quality of the pill was improved to a higher level, and the later method of dividing pills was made, three pills at a time!
This is entirely the manifestation of Zhang Kun's personal talent. At that time, he had not experienced much teaching from Gongsun Yangyan, and he mastered this technique entirely with his own understanding.

Because he has been using this method in his usual alchemy process, he almost forgot, others will never purify it again!

"Boy, are you kidding me? I'll go. Not only was my time wasted, but I also opened the lid of the alchemy furnace, causing the temperature of the flame to be unstable, and the elixir cannot be refined. You have to take full responsibility for me!" Feng Feng spat viciously With a mouthful of saliva, he blamed Zhang Kun again and again.

"I'll go, this Zhang Kun is going to make trouble in such a crucial game, really, Master Gongsun must be very regretful now, right?" A senior brother next to him shook his head in disappointment.

"Hehe, I saw it from the time he handed in the elixir in the mission hall, this kid just likes to sensationalize!" Feng Feng laughed again and again, as if he had seen through Zhang Kun a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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