Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 438 In Trouble

Chapter 438 In Trouble
Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly. He saw that Feng Feng beside him was completely in a hurry. He was delayed for some time just now. He had forgotten how long he had been exercising.

"Brother Feng, step back, I'll come." Zhang Kun patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to stand back.

"Get out!" Feng Feng was furious, and continued refining in a panic, while cursing: "You don't understand anything and you are still giving orders, shut up, if we lose, it's all your fault .”

"Senior Brother Feng, if you don't get out of the way, I will really lose. Can we not lose face? Lose it, what will we lose in the future? Save some and throw it later. Now is the critical moment, you don't need to be so shameless." Zhang Kun said calmly, it didn't matter to him whether Yaohuangshan lost or not, but Feng Feng's idiot behavior really made him very unhappy!
Feng Feng was so busy that he didn't have time to pay attention to Zhang Kun. He was controlling the temperature in the furnace. Beads of sweat appeared on his head. Inflated balloon.

On the other hand, the players from Pill King Valley possessed a simple square tripod with a calm temperament, controlled the fire in the tripod, and kept burning. After a while, a strong medicinal fragrance wafted out and penetrated into the nostrils of everyone.

"Well, the taste is very pure, at least it is a middle-grade spirit pill. If it is handled well later, it should be a top-grade pill." Many elders couldn't help but nodded. They haven't seen it yet. The pill, but the quality of the pill can already be judged from the fragrance of the medicine.

"It's interesting. That quaint Fang Ding seems to have the ability to save materials. I think this contestant from Pill King Valley only used half a Qi-yi fruit." A grand elder from Yaohuang Mountain said quietly, Then he closed his cloudy old eyes.

"It seems that this time, our Yaohuang Mountain has suffered a crushing defeat!"

Gongsun Yangyan had also given up, he had witnessed Feng Feng's flurry, and Zhang Kun seemed to have some dispute with him.

"Zhang Kun? How did he become Feng Feng's assistant? He seems to be a fifth-level alchemist." Gongsun Yangyan became puzzled.

Seeing this, the brothers of Yaohuang Mountain have completely given up hope, and they are dejected and no longer speak.

On the other hand, the Pill King Valley was full of laughter and cheers. They raised their heads arrogantly and stared at the people in Yaohuang Mountain.

"It seems that the alchemy of the Wangwen Empire is destined to overwhelm the Xiaoshuo Empire!"

"Pill King Valley is invincible, Yaohuang Mountain lost everything, and couldn't even win a game!" The disciples of Pill King Valley have already started bragging, and when the results come out and the dust settles, they will definitely ridicule again and again!

"What's the situation, the immortals on the fairy mountain lost, and it was a crushing defeat!" The villagers at the foot of Yaohuang mountain were ashamed. In their eyes, the disciples and elders of Yaohuang mountain were gods in the sky, and now they are about to lose. They suddenly felt that the faith in their hearts had been destroyed, and they knelt on the ground one by one, their faces losing all color.

"Boom!" A loud noise pulled back people's thoughts, and everyone cast their gazes. Suddenly, a flame in Feng Feng's alchemy furnace lost control, causing the temperature in the entire cauldron to go out of control. The solidified pill suddenly became precarious, on the verge of collapse!

"It's really eye-catching. Who taught Feng Feng to make such a low-level mistake?" Gongsun Yangyan saw this scene, no matter how elegant and calm he was, he couldn't help but curse!

This kind of mistake should not be made even by entry-level alchemists. Feng Feng has practiced alchemy for many years and is already a sixth-level alchemist. How could he make a mistake in such an important competition?

An elder from Yaohuang Mountain blushed, and said to Gongsun Yangyan with embarrassment: "Sect Master, Feng Feng is my disciple."

"But Feng Feng can't be blamed for this, it was caused by Zhang Kun's blind command!" The elder and Feng Feng were of the same virtue, and instantly dumped the blame on Zhang Kun, picking himself off completely.

Gongsun Yangyan frowned heavily, wanting to speak for Zhang Kun, but at present, it seems that this is the case, and it is difficult for him to say anything.

Immediately all the criticisms were directed at Zhang Kun, Peng Weihuang sneered and said: "Feng Feng is a veteran disciple among us, this kind of mistake is impossible, this time he is all because of that Zhang Kun!"

Peng Weihuang and Feng Feng conspired to slander Zhang Kun and guide public opinion. In the eyes of the disciples of Yaohuangshan, Zhang Kun was the culprit of this mistake.

"Is a person like Zhang Kun worthy of staying on Yaohuang Mountain? Let him roll as far as he can forever!"

"His origin is unknown. It is said that he was an apprentice accepted by Master Gongsun before, but we all know that Master Gongsun has been silent on this matter before, and only recently brought it up. There must be something tricky in it!"

"That's right, this kid is making trouble everywhere. My Yaohuang Mountain is the Holy Land of Alchemy, how can I tolerate him?" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain immediately exploded, looking at Zhang Kun angrily, wishing to drive him out now Mountain Gate!

On the side of Pill King Valley, there was a lot of sneering, and many people couldn't help but burst out laughing. The appearance of this low-level mistake meant that Yaohuangshan had already lost. It won three out of five rounds, and Yaohuangshan lost three rounds in a row. He couldn't lift his head up in front of their Pill King Valley.

The Alchemy Valley disciple who is in charge of the simple square tripod over there has shown a triumphant smile, and his hands are moving more calmly. He is already sure of victory. Even if he refines a semi-finished product, it is better than the blasted furnace over there. .

Just when everyone thought that the alchemy was going to end in a farce this time, Zhang Kun went straight up and took a picture on Feng Feng's back, and a huge suction force locked Feng Feng's body firmly. Zhang Kun threw Feng Feng away as if he was throwing rubbish. This person's martial arts strength is too ordinary, not even innate.

"Put your position right for me, don't fart, don't take yourself too seriously, Brother Feng." Zhang Kun said indifferently, there was no trace of emotion in his deep eyes.

He patted the alchemy furnace with his bare hands, squinted his eyes, and the fiery temperature of the furnace came from Zhang Kun's palm, but he seemed to be unaffected at all, taking out the elixir that was on the verge of collapse with one hand .

"Zhang Kun, what the hell are you doing!" Feng Feng was so angry that he was thrown to the general public, but he didn't dare to say anything more. Zhang Kun showed his strength just now, so he can be lifted up and beaten!

"What is he doing, everyone knows the temperature in the furnace, and ordinary innate masters dare not do it!" Everyone in Yaohuang Mountain opened their mouths when they saw this strange scene.

However, the eyes of Gongsun Yangyan on the viewing platform gradually showed extraordinary splendor. Zhang Kun's appearance gave him hope, even though he knew that Zhang Kun was only a fifth-level alchemist at the moment.

"Wait a minute, what does this kid do? He's just an assistant and can't directly participate in the alchemy process!" The disciples of Pill King Valley quit immediately, seeing that they were about to win, how could Zhang Kun be allowed to come out to make trouble.

"Hmph, whatever, that's just a fifth-level elixir, and he can't make any waves!" The player in charge of the ancient square tripod looked disdainful, saying that it doesn't matter, anyway, the elixir in his hand can definitely be completely destroyed. To crush Zhang Kun, he didn't care about Yaohuangshan's substitutions at all.

"It's interesting, the competition can continue!" Seeing this, Yuan Ao couldn't help being a little more curious, and nodded his head.

After getting everyone's permission, Zhang Kun took out a tattered medicine cauldron from the storage space. The copper rust on it was very serious, and there was even moss growing on it, which was short of a little more rancid smell.

Everyone shook their heads when they saw this. Zhang Kun was a fifth-level Alchemist after all, and he was the object of everyone's pursuit at the foot of the mountain.

"It's over, it's too embarrassing!" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain fainted one after another.

"Gongsun Yangyan, isn't your Yaohuangshan not willing to give out a good cauldron to your disciples?" Master Yuan Ao sarcastically said, anyway, Pill King Valley is sure to win this time, and now he just wants to humiliate Gongsun Yangyan.

Gongsun Yangyan had never seen Zhang Kun use such an alchemy furnace, so he couldn't help but feel a little worry on his face, but he felt an inexplicable sense of peace when he saw Zhang Kun's firm eyes.

"He is only a fifth-level alchemist. Could it be possible that he needs super-grade alchemy to refine Lingyun pills? Even the most common Lingyun pills among the sixth-level pills are completely complicated to refine." Above the fifth-level elixir!" Many people are not optimistic about Zhang Kun at all, thinking that he has no hope at all.

Cai Xunan clenched his fists tightly, stared at Zhang Kun, and murmured in a low voice: "Junior Brother Zhang Kun, you must win!"

And Zhang Kun didn't say a word, his face was heavy, the spiritual control required to take over the elixir refined by others was too huge, and he felt like his head was about to be torn apart at this moment!
Feng Feng has always had a spiritual connection with the elixir during the refining process, but now Zhang Kun wants to intervene in it. The difficulty is really unimaginable. He not only wants to erase the spiritual imprint left by Feng Feng on the elixir, It is also necessary to maintain the integrity of the elixir during this process!
"Damn it, ah!" Zhang Kun snorted. His mental strength was comparable to that of a mid-level Qi trainer, but at this moment he also felt dizzy for a while, and a storm suddenly set off in his sea of ​​consciousness. Doomsday scene.

He was exhausting his mental strength, he could not have completed such a difficult task, but he gritted his teeth and fought hard at the risk of mental loss.

Zhang Kun's head was only running at high speed like a clockwork machine, and he couldn't support his body and fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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