Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 439 Breakthrough, accept orders in the face of danger!

Chapter 439 Breakthrough, accept orders in the face of danger!
"Zhang Kun!" Gongsun Yangyan couldn't help shouting, such a risky behavior was beyond his ability. Easy to be taken over by Zhang Kun?

"I'm fine!" Zhang Kun gritted his teeth, and a stream of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, which was the backlash from him forcibly taking out the elixir from the original alchemy furnace.

"Damn it, do you want to give up?" Zhang Kun's mind suddenly flashed such a thought, because at this moment his energy was extremely concentrated, so such a thought was infinitely magnified!His thinking began to stagnate, and he felt the pleasure of relaxation emerging!
"No, I can't give up. If I give up, Yaohuangshan will lose!" Zhang Kun has only been in Yaohuangshan for a few days. Although many senior brothers don't want to see him, there are Gongsun Yangyan and Cai Xunan here, and they all gave him a little bit of help. A sense of belonging, so he wants to do something for Yaohuangshan.

He shook his head vigorously to support himself, and at this moment he felt that his soul was trembling.While controlling the elixir, he actually began to visualize the river pattern attached to the Kunyu Huazhang. The torrent rushing to the sea washed his soul, making his spiritual power like a flat boat, driving in the dark and surging sea Above, almost overturned.

However, Zhang Kun gritted his teeth, let out a muffled groan, and tried his best to hold on.

"Boom!" Zhang Kun suddenly felt a light hit his head, an unprecedented feeling of enlightenment appeared, and his spiritual power broke through!

His mental power is like a thick fog on the sea. It was exhausted before, but now it is thick and foggy and continuously rising from the sea of ​​consciousness!Pang Ran's spiritual power already has a tide-like texture, and Zhang Kun can clearly feel that his mental power has broken through a whole lot compared to just now!

Even many powerful Qi trainers can't do this. Generally speaking, a monk's spiritual power is atomized. With activities such as comprehending the meaning of the Tao, comprehending the Dao of Heaven, refining elixirs and armor, etc., he will be tempered. The polishing spirit is more pure, and can even develop in the direction of liquefaction. Now Zhang Kun has taken a solid step in the process of liquefaction!
Now his spiritual power is several times that of just now in terms of quality and quantity, and he has easily controlled the situation of this spirit pill. Among the tripods of the fence.

"Huh!" Gorgeous flames surged high, and an indescribable coercion descended on this place. Everyone opened their mouths, because the rain and snow in the sky stopped at this moment, and something directly affected the world. meteorological!

The remaining flames of the sky, the embers and seeds of the sky fire, can evolve the power of the sky fire again from it, even the most powerful Qi practitioners dare not face-to-face confrontation with this violent and incomparable energy of heaven and earth!
All eyes were on Zhang Kun. Is this young man creating any miracles?

And the semi-finished Lingyun Pill in the Godly Fence's Cauldron has already shed its skin, and the arrangement structure in it has been completely disassembled. Zhang Kun's eyes are like a torch. He has never seen the formula of this Lingyun Pill. But as a qi-invigorating elixir, Zhang Kun has not refined [-], but has refined thousands of elixirs. He can judge the general condition of the elixir based on this semi-finished elixir!

"Isn't he a fifth-level alchemist? Why do I see that his technique of refining Lingyun Dan is perfect in speed, and he doesn't look like a novice at all!" Everyone was completely puzzled, and Zhang Kun's performance was completely complete. It exceeded anyone's expectations.

Gongsun Yangyan couldn't help but nodded frequently, as if he could see a bit of himself in Zhang Kun's alchemy process.

Yuan Ao involuntarily grasped the armrest of the seat, and he could see how powerful Zhang Kun was from his state of mind!

The level of alchemy is imaginary, and it is generally judged by being able to refine five kinds of elixir of that level, but if one can refine a top-grade elixir of this level, even if there is only one, can't it be called a elixir of this level? Dantu?

Moreover, some people need several hours to refine a kind of elixir, and some people only need a stick of incense time. You can tell which of the two is stronger and weaker at a glance, so there is a huge gap in strength between the same level.

And Zhang Kun's alchemy cultivation is so superb and his foundation is so solid, once he understands the refining technique of high-level elixir, he will be able to master the refining of this elixir in an instant, that is to say, once he breaks through the level, he can Reach the upper-intermediate level of the level.

Obviously, Feng Feng's class is just the last among the sixth-level alchemy disciples.

Zhang Kun's operation speed is fast, and novel refining techniques emerge in endlessly. He first refined the whole elixir into liquid medicine, separated the original liquid of several medicinal materials, and then carried out secondary purification. After purification, the accuracy has reached ninety-nine Five!
"What is this? What is this kid doing? Why can't I understand these operations at all?" The disciples of the two sects who were sitting were stunned, and they watched Zhang Kun's fantastic operations with wide eyes. , I only saw a few rays of light flowing between his hands, blocking their sight and preventing them from prying into the mysteries in the fire.

"Gongsun Yangyan, did you teach him this?" Master Yuan Ao couldn't help standing up, not to mention those disciples, even he, a power at the suzerain level, stared straight at him. This is definitely a genius among geniuses, completely different from those mediocre disciples!
"The most important thing for an alchemist is to have his own creativity, otherwise he is just a machine."

"Alchemists at the alchemy level are limited by their level and cannot create new alchemy formulas by themselves, but the alchemy techniques are not static. Zhang Kun is the most innovative disciple I have ever seen, and his efficiency is very high. All innovations are progress!" Gongsun Yangyan couldn't help but praise, with his usual style of doing things, it is rare for him to directly brag about his disciples like this.

But at this moment, he really couldn't restrain his desire to praise Zhang Kun, he was really great and outstanding.

"He has been the most amazing disciple of my Yaohuang Mountain for a hundred years!" Several Supreme Elders couldn't help but praise when they saw it.

"Gongsun, you have taken in a good apprentice!" The elders nodded in admiration. Zhang Kun's strength has indeed exceeded their expectations of him, which can be said to be a pleasant surprise.

"So what, the decline of Yaohuang Mountain is irreparable!" Yuan Ao sneered. Heavy treasures such as weapons have also been brought out of the sect, and now the alchemist who refines Lingyun Dan in the Alchemy Valley, his strength has long been able to reach the level of a seventh-level alchemist, and has been suppressed at the sixth level, just for today's World War I.

"Phew!" With a long breath, Zhang Kun slowly took out the Lingyun Pill from the cauldron, and put it in the brocade box that had been prepared aside under the gaze of everyone.

Although Zhang Kun's method is weird and magical, and the alchemy effect of the God's Fence Cauldron combined with the remaining flames of the sky is excellent, this is Zhang Kun's first time refining a sixth-level elixir, and he took over halfway, so in the end he It was just refining a top-grade elixir.

In normal times, he would be able to refine at least three, or one of the best!

"It's a pity, if I let me refine it from the beginning, it will definitely be better than the current one," Zhang Kun shook his head with some regret, "But then again, if I didn't take over halfway to temper my spiritual power, I wouldn't be able to break through To the realm of the sixth-level Dantu!"

Naturally, the alchemy in Pill King Valley has already been finished, and they have been waiting for Zhang Kun to finish.

The alchemists from both sides cast their eyes one after another, whose elixir is better?

"This game is a draw." Finally, Gongsun Yangyan and Yuan Ao came to a conclusion.

"Tie, it turned out to be a tie, that is, Yaohuangshan has not lost yet!" At this moment, the disciples of Yaohuangshan were refreshed, and Zhang Kun saved the situation that they were bound to lose.

"But in the next two rounds, Yaohuang Mountain is in danger!" Before everyone was happy for a long time, they had to face this problem. They couldn't lose even once in the next two rounds!Even if they win all, they will only maintain a tie, and there is no possibility of winning!

Zhang Kun frowned. Although he took a timely action to turn the tide, he still didn't see the chance of winning at Yaohuangshan.

"Excuse me, the two suzerains, can you listen to me?" Zhang Kun shouted to the two alchemy giants on the viewing platform.

Yuan Ao snorted coldly, Zhang Kun blocked the progress of Pill King Valley's victory with a horizontal thrust, he was a little annoyed at the moment, "Junior, you are still competing now, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I would like to ask Master Yuan Ao, would you dare to bet with me?" Zhang Kun stood below and stared at Yuan Ao closely.

Yuan Ao laughed again and again. As a top alchemist, he naturally had his own arrogance. He didn't want to pay attention to the request of an ant like Zhang Kun, but as the master of the sect, how could he be afraid of a mere junior?
"You just say it's okay!" Yuan Aohan said.

Zhang Kun took a deep breath and said: "In the next competition, I will fight against all the sixth-level alchemists in your Alchemy Valley alone. If the pills they refine are stronger than mine, then my Yaohuangshan will directly admit defeat, otherwise It is my Yaohuangshan victory!"

"I'll go, what is this kid talking about, his head is squeezed by the door, he challenges a sect by himself, thanks to him he can say it!"

"Zongmen competition is a joke, Zhang Kun is too self-reliant!" Everyone in Yaohuangshan shook their heads again and again. Even if Zhang Kun saved Yaohuangshan just now, it would not help. His bet is too funny!

"Are you not paying attention to my Pill King Valley?" The disciples on the other side of Pill King Valley were furious, pointing at Zhang Kun's nose and cursing.

"Hahaha! Arrogance!" Yuan Ao laughed instead of anger when he heard the words: "It doesn't matter if I promise you, I can add one more thing, if you win, the Pill King Valley will always be respected by Yaohuang Mountain and pay tribute from generation to generation. , your Master Gongsun has to promise me one request!"

 Well, today is the Ghost Festival, so I won’t talk about being happy, everyone, eat and drink well, don’t go out after twelve o’clock in the evening!

(End of this chapter)

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