Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 441 Final Victory

Chapter 441 Final Victory

"Ahhh!" The two suzerains couldn't calm down anymore, they covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming!

At this moment, several people in Pill King Valley have also completed refining, and they all shot provocative smiles at Zhang Kun!

"Okay, the refining is finally finished, and I can't help but see Zhang Kun making a fool of himself!" The five people in Pill King Valley have finished refining one after another, eagerly waiting for the victory.

"Oh? That kid has already refined it. It's a bit unexpected, but it's normal. Gongsun Yangyan trusts him. If he still can't refine it, it will be a big joke!" The disciples of Pill King Valley thought They already had the winning ticket in their hands, and they laughed and chatted easily.

The idea of ​​the people in Pill King Valley is very simple. It is impossible for Zhang Kun to beat them. This competition is just a joke. As long as both parties complete the refining, they can automatically declare the victory of Pill King Valley!
Defeating them at Yaohuang Mountain's home court was a blast. The members of Pill King Valley raised their heads proudly, and even started discussing the celebration banquet that will be held for a few days after returning!

But Zhang Kun just glanced at them lightly, shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to waste time with him, looked at the people on the viewing platform, and waited for them to speak.

"I think the result is self-evident. This time, I must have won everything in the Alchemy Valley." Ren Shuo of the Alchemy Valley opened his hands and looked at the crowd, as if waiting for applause. Before he could finish speaking, Yuan Ao, the suzerain of Pill King Valley, had already taken a big step, and hurriedly came to Zhang Kun from the stage.

Without saying a word, he directly held Zhang Kun's hands, stared at him very hotly and said, "Zhang Kun, are you interested in coming to our Pill King Valley and worshiping me as a teacher? I will immediately canonize you as the owner of the small valley. After I retire, the Pill King Valley will be handed over to you directly!"

"As long as you open your mouth, you can freely use the resources of the entire Alchemy Valley. By the way, I have a Taoist artifact that can be given to you directly. As long as it is the alchemy formula that has been circulated in the Wangwen Empire, I can also give it to you. Not only that, you are not a Qi trainer now, are you?"

"This is not a problem. I will find the best medicinal materials for you, refine the magic medicine for you, and help you reach the realm of Qi training as soon as possible. You should not have a wife at a young age. I am the daughter of the royal family here. Xianzong saintess, the proud daughter of heaven is up to you to choose, as long as you say a word, you don’t care what Gongsun Yangyan thinks, I am his eldest brother, and he listened to me in everything back then!” Master Yuan Ao was very excited, and said a series of words A lot of words, without a pause!
Zhang Kun was a little stunned. These conditions are not unreasonable, but it is impossible for him to go to Pill King Valley. He pulled his fingers from Master Yuan Ao's hand one by one, and bowed deeply. : "Thank you, Master Yuan Ao, for your kindness, but I can only say sorry!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was so shocked that there was nothing to add, and everyone's eyeballs dropped from shock at this moment!

The audience was so quiet that even the sound of hair falling to the ground could be heard, and the two sides fell into a sluggish state, as if time stood still.

Ren Shuo's neck protruded so long that his facial features were about to stare out. He stared blankly at Yuan Ao and said, "Suzerain, what are you doing? Didn't we win this time?"

"Win?" Yuan Ao glanced at him coldly, and snorted coldly, "You win!"

Ren Shuo couldn't understand what happened at all, he gritted his teeth and forced Yuan Ao to bear the powerful coercion and said: "Please learn from the suzerain, we have five sixth-level alchemists here, and they have refined five sixth-level alchemists." High-grade pills are all of the highest quality!"

"As for the opponent, there is only one person. No matter how powerful he is, he will never be able to beat us!" Ren Shuo shouted frantically as if he was afraid that the suzerain would not know how powerful he was, his voice almost broke .

"That's right, that's right!" Everyone in Pill King Valley looked at Zhang Kun with a strong sense of rivalry in their eyes.

Some people even said angrily: "Sovereign, how can you talk to people outside!"

"Have you finished, you?" Yuan Ao seemed unmoved, even still facing Zhang Kun, with his backs to his disciples.

Yuan Ao said: "Don't you think it's embarrassing? Five people have refined five six-level pills, what a fart!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded. What happened to the sixth-level elixir? The sixth-level elixir is worth tens of millions of gold. Why is it just a fart in Yuan Ao's eyes?
"I also want to save some face for you guys. Since you want to die and understand, come here and see for yourself!" Yuan Ao's voice was extremely cold, without any emotion at all.

Amidst the doubtful eyes of everyone, Ren Shuo walked over and stared at Zhang Kun all the time, his fierce eyes seemed to be able to eat him up.

Zhang Kun looked indifferent, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"I'd like to see what you are capable of?" He said as he opened the layer of tulle that was covering the tray in front of Zhang Kun.

A red and white elixir is lying there quietly, red like clouds, white like snow, the two are intertwined like a match made in heaven, perfect harmony, completely natural.A quiet medicinal fragrance spread over the surface, and Ren Shuo suddenly felt that his mouth, nose, and even his whole body were bathed in a wave of pure life energy. The oral ulcer he had just got angry was healed just like that!

"My God! How is this possible?" He exclaimed, completely in admiration, and sat down on the ground!
All the pride in his eyes was completely wiped out at this moment, his mouth opened involuntarily, and he just stayed there all the time, but he was completely speechless!

"Senior brother, you're like this, senior brother, are you poisoned?" Everyone in Pill King Valley was stunned. What kind of elixir can make Ren Shuo show such an expression? They think it is poison, right?

They went up one after another, but saw that there were four trays in front of Zhang Kun, and they opened one respectively. After seeing the elixir made by Zhang Kun, they all had the same expressions as Ren Shuo!All of them are extremely difficult to see, as if they are mourning their concubines!

"Chibai Fuling Mixed Color Pill!"

"Level [-] Peerless Elixir!"

"There are five of them!"

They let out exclamations one after another, one higher than the other, and each one was more horrified than the other!In the end they all knelt and sat down powerlessly!

"Now, do you know where you lost? The rubbish produced by the five of you is not enough to lift people's shoes!" Yuan Ao said fiercely. on the spot.

"They mean that Zhang Kun has made five pills by himself, and each of them has completely surpassed the person in the Pill King Valley?" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain seemed unable to believe this fact, and asked their surroundings over and over again. People who want to confirm this fact!

"That means, our Yaohuang Mountain won?" Everyone suddenly came to their senses and cheered loudly!

"We won, we won!" All the disciples of Yaohuangshan went crazy, and Cai Xunan shouted the loudest, his throat was about to go dumb!

"Zhang Kun led us to win!"

"Zhang Kun! Zhang Kun!" The shouts of the crowd shook Gao Yun in the sky, and thunderous applause sounded. , Zhang Kun completed one step to the sky!
Feng Feng, on the other hand, looked like he had eaten shit, not to mention how ugly his face was. The brothers around him were all shouting for Zhang Kun, and they didn't take him seriously at all!
At this moment, Yuan Ao didn't care about the bets he had made with Gongsun Yangyan at all. In his opinion, these things were not worth mentioning. The important thing was Zhang Kun. If he could switch to his sect, everything would be worth it!
"Zhang Kun, think about it again!" Yuan Ao's voice was almost begging, regardless of his disciples who had already been petrified.

Everyone in Pill King Valley was dejected and their eyes were gloomy. It was so easy to win the first two rounds, and they were about to take down Yaohuang Mountain. Why did Zhang Kun appear out of the sky later, completely changing everything!
"Zhang Kun, what kind of evildoer is he?" The only thing left in everyone's mind was this sentence. The elders present had lived for nearly a hundred years, and they had never seen such a genius!
"It's too strong, he's only in his teens!" Zhang Kun's action really shocked them, and they were terrified!

Even ordinary people watching at the bottom of the mountain remembered the name Zhang Kun. He was a peerless genius who even Master Yuan Ao had to put down his dignity and seek for it in person. His future achievements would be limitless.

However, Zhang Kun smiled apologetically at Yuan Ao, and put away the pill and pill furnace with a wave of his hand, as if he did not take away a cloud, and walked slowly towards the viewing platform. In front of Gongsun Yangyan, he respectfully saluted and said: "Master is above, the disciple is lucky not to disgrace his life."

Gongsun Yangyan showed a gentle smile at this moment, which is a very rare thing for him in normal times. His eyes gently fell on Zhang Kun's increasingly mature and resolute face: "Okay, Zhang Kun, you have done a good job, as a teacher. Proud of you!"

"I'm announcing now that on the fifteenth day of next month, I will sacrifice the divine cauldron to refine the magical medicine for you, and spread the hero post widely, so that colleagues in the world of martial arts and alchemy can witness this moment together!" Gongsun Yangyan was in a good mood, Proud.

"Wow, the sect is going to use the divine cauldron, my god, I didn't expect to see this scene!"

"I'm so envious of Junior Brother Zhang Kun. Now he will be able to break through to the Qi training stage. The suzerain really treats him well!" Everyone was envious, but no voice of doubt came out, and everyone was convinced!

Because Zhang Kun is qualified to let Gongsun Yangyan do this, he defeated the huge Pill King Valley by himself. This feat is enough to go down in history, and Zhang Kun is already an idol in everyone's mind.

Those disciples who had ridiculed him were in panic all day long, thinking about what gift to give this junior brother to make amends. Now, just a word from Zhang Kun can make them lose power in the sect!
(End of this chapter)

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