Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 442 Be My Dandao's Heir

Chapter 442 Be My Dandao's Heir
Ma Lei and Peng Weihuang desperately wanted to escape. They wanted to die. They finally found an opportunity to humiliate Zhang Kun in front of everyone, but they shot themselves in the foot!
"Senior brothers, please stop." Suddenly Zhang Kun's clear and clean voice sounded, but it sounded like the death knell of hell to the two of them. They froze, unable to take a step!
Their legs were so frightened that they turned around and crawled to Zhang Kun's feet. In front of everyone, regardless of any image, they knelt down and kowtowed like garlic.

"Master Zhang Kun, please forgive us. We were fascinated by ghosts for a while and didn't know how powerful you are, so we did that." Feng Feng was about to cry, and he never thought that Zhang Kun would turn over.

Obviously relying on the previous mistake in the competition, he was able to put him to death. A hat who interfered with the senior brother's refining of the elixir and lost an important round was deducted. Even if Zhang Kun is a disciple of Gongsun Yangyan, he will not escape punishment. You may even be driven down the mountain!

But it is the two of them who are going to be punished now. They have lived on Yaohuang Mountain for many years, and it is the first time they have been so nervous. But at this time, their eldest brother Su Qianjue went to retreat to practice. Calling every day should not be called, and the earth and the earth are not working!

"I didn't bother to pay attention to you, you are just incapable." Zhang Kun said lightly: "But I didn't expect that you would still want to blame me for your mistakes?"

"Don't dare, dare not!" Feng Feng and Peng Weihuang began to twitch their cheeks, "Damn the small ones, damn the small ones!"

Zhang Kun's eyes dropped without a trace of emotion, and he began to say slowly: "From the beginning of my entry, Brother Feng Feng arranged ten times the normal number of entry tasks for me, saying that if I can't complete it, I don't deserve to stay in the medicine department." Mount Huang."

Feng Feng's face turned pale with fright. Zhang Kun actually knew the truth of that incident. Here he brought up the old incident again. His body trembled as if he was sifting chaff, and he said in a mosquito-like voice: "It may be that the mission water curtain came out. What's the problem?"

"You still dare to quibble?" Zhang Kun chuckled lightly, feeling very funny, and beat Feng Feng vigorously. His three layers of clothes wrapped in brocade robes and satins were instantly shattered, and Zhang Kun only left him A pair of floral pants!

"Ah!" Feng Feng's face was about to turn red, he was shivering in the cold wind, and continued to kowtow like garlic, not caring that his forehead was broken and blood flowed all over the floor!
"Master Zhang Kun, please forgive me, I am willing to dedicate all the elixirs I have refined to you, as long as you don't kill me!" Feng Feng was about to cry out of aggrieved.

But Zhang Kun continued to say with a blank face: "Then you recommended me to Elder Yuan Hao with ill intentions. If I hadn't completed his task, I'm afraid I would have been fed to the turtle by now!"

"In the end, you chose me as an assistant, but you were passive and sabotaged. You thought about failure long ago, and then blamed me. Don't you think you're boring?" Zhang Kun said indifferently.

Feng Feng felt that he was doomed, and Zhang Kun shook off all these piles. He couldn't survive on Yaohuang Mountain at all!
"Shameless!" Everyone pointed at him. Even the people in Pill King Valley and the villagers watching at the foot of the mountain felt that Feng Feng was really disgusting. Those simple villagers had long regarded Zhang Kun as a hero.

And Feng Feng, as the person who framed the hero, is naturally a villain. They unceremoniously threw fruits and vegetables, as well as rotten eggs and cow dung. Fortunately, the disciples of Yaohuangshan were stopped, otherwise the place of Qingxiu would be changed. It's a vegetable market!
"I beg Master Zhang Kun to spare your life!" Feng Feng buried his head in the dust, terrified in his heart,

"Feng Feng is ferocious, he repeatedly framed his younger brother, Peng Weihuang is regarded as an accomplice, he should be expelled as a disciple according to the school rules, and driven down the mountain!" Gongsun Yangyan said with a frown, this Feng Feng is really a black sheep, he felt disgusted when he saw it up.

Unexpectedly, not long after he served as the emperor in the mortal world, Yaohuangshan was polluted by these disciples. If Zhang Kun was not born, he would not have known such a thing. He took advantage of this time to punish him wantonly Hit them!
"Get out!" Zhang Kun spat out a word lightly, then turned his head and left, not bothering to pay attention to the two of them anymore.

However, at this moment, a blood-colored figure crossed the viewing platform, and a man in a black brocade robe like ink flashed in front of Feng Feng. A blood-colored lotus blossomed in his hand, which was astonishingly powerful. One blow hit Feng Feng's Tianling cover.

Immediately, the brain and blood burst together, and under the crush of the blood lotus, Feng Feng died before he could scream. His body was crushed to the point that only bones remained!
"It's really embarrassing, keep it in the eyes, kill it." The person who shot was an elder who was also Feng Feng's master. After killing Feng Feng, he nodded to Zhang Kun and said, "I'm sorry, I'm causing you trouble!"

After speaking, he seemed unwilling to stay for a long time, so he turned into a blood shadow, flew towards his mountain peak, and disappeared into the sky.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they saw this scene. What's the situation, Feng Feng's master directly killed him. The meaning of the suzerain Gong Sun Yangyan is just to expel him from the sect!

What's even more shocking is that after he killed someone, he saluted and apologized to Zhang Kun, regardless of whether he was a high-ranking elder who had lived for a hundred years!
What does this mean, that little junior brother who has only been in the door for a few months, has already reached a level that makes people look up to, and even the Supreme Elder wants to look him squarely and salute him?
The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain were all stunned. They began to think about themselves. How long have they been in the beginning?
On the other hand, Zhang Kun, who is only in his teens, has accomplished feats that they could not accomplish even in their decades, and is supported by thousands of people.Thinking of this, cold sweat left countless people's cheeks, Zhang Kun is really too evil, too scary!
"Is this the gap between mortals and geniuses?" The disciples of the Supreme Elders all took a step back. They thought that they had already stood at the pinnacle of the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain, and only a few people could suppress themselves Unexpectedly, Zhang Kun turned out to be born, completely crushing their fantasies!

"I feel like I've lived most of my life as a joke."

"I'm going to retreat to practice, no, what's the use of retreat, I can't keep up with that boy in my life!" Many people are desperate, if the gap between the two can be bridged, they may motivate themselves to catch up, but When the gap between them reaches a certain level, all those mortals can do is look up!

The farce ended, and Peng Weihuang was expelled from the division and driven off Yaohuang Mountain. Before leaving, he kowtowed 81 to Zhang Kun to thank him for not killing him. Then he went down the mountain in embarrassment and returned all the way The villagers at the foot of the mountain all pointed and ridiculed him!

Everyone in Pill King Valley came back in a big defeat. They looked like defeated roosters, dejected. They were also shocked by Zhang Kun to the point of autism, lost their direction, and felt that their life was like a joke. It's not good enough to mention Zhang Kun's shoes!

Yuan Ao relentlessly begged Zhang Kun to join his sect, and even promised him that he could become the lord of one royal city of the Wangwen Empire. If not, two cities would be fine!
It's a pity that Zhang Kun was unmoved and declined all of them. Yuan Ao glanced at Gongsun Yangyan with extreme jealousy, and finally took his defeated soldiers back helplessly.

"Hahaha, Yuan Ao, do you still remember the bet? Your Pill King Valley will be a vassal for generations and pay tribute every year!" Gongsun Yangyan is as energetic as a young man, and the significance of Zhang Kun's victory this time is far beyond the previous ones. , Yaohuang Mountain will always be higher than Pill King Valley!

This kind of feat has never been achieved by the suzerain heads of all dynasties, but it has been accomplished by Zhang Kun, a young man!

"Gongsun Yangyan, I am here this time, winning or losing is not important, I just want you to remember what happened back then!" Yuan Ao left a sentence before leaving, and Gongsun Yangyan fell silent immediately.

Zhang Kun couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Master, what exactly is that thing Yuan Ao has been talking about, and who is responsible for that broken bone? I heard you have been saying a name, Xiaozhi?"

Gongsun Yangyan looked at his beloved disciple with some embarrassment. He and Yuan Ao blocked the surroundings while talking with Yuan Ao. However, Zhang Kun's spiritual power under the blessing of the mirror field is so overbearing. How can this kind of shielding path stop Zhang Kun?

Although he had no intention of eavesdropping and only heard a few fragments of words, he was still puzzled. There must be a past between Yuan Ao, Gongsun Yangyan and Xiaozhi.

"That's an old thing for some years, now is not the time to tell you," Gongsun Yangyan rubbed his chin to hide his emotions.

His eyes were deep, as if he had traveled through a long time and returned to that cold and desolate ice field.

"In the future, maybe master will rely on your strength to unravel the dusty past." Gongsun Yangyan sighed quietly, and immediately the gloomy expression was swept away from his face, and he patted Zhang Kun on the shoulder He said with relief: "Remember our promise?"

"I want to hold an unprecedented apprenticeship ceremony in this Yaohuang Mountain, invite Xiaoshuo Empire's big and small sects, and officially announce that you are my Gongsun Yangyan's future heir to alchemy!" Gongsun Yangyan said.

Everyone present froze, especially Zhang Juzheng and other direct disciples of Gongsun Yangyan. They knew that the successor of alchemy is not just talking about it, there can only be one in this position!
Although they thought that they were not qualified enough, many people thought that this position belonged to the prince of the ovary, but they did not expect that today, Gongsun Yangyan would openly announce that Zhang Kun is the one!
At this moment, Zhang Kun is full of glory!

(End of this chapter)

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