Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 443

Chapter 443
It was already the end of winter when Zhang Kun entered Yaohuang Mountain. After the last snow fell, the climate gradually warmed up. In a blink of an eye, all kinds of flowers bloomed on Yaohuang Mountain, and the exotic flowers and plants were swaying. The wind blowing through the green leaves, It has become very gentle, the sun has become warm, and the green leaves are holding out delicate flower buds.

"Have you prepared everything for the ceremony?" Xue Zhenghao commanded a few drug boys below to carry things. He practiced Qi strength and lived in Yaohuang Mountain for several years. It was the first time he saw such a large-scale Giant ceremony.

These days, Yaohuang Mountain is decorated with lanterns and festoons, as if celebrating the New Year, and everyone's faces are beaming with joy.

"Hey, this time it's not just a simple apprenticeship ceremony!" Several disciples who had good deeds under a peak of Yaohuang Mountain gathered together to watch the two disciples play chess.

"Master Gongsun is going to sacrifice the magic cauldron to refine the magic medicine for Zhang Kun. If you miss that kind of scene in a hundred years, you will never see it again!" Han Dongxu, the chess player holding the white piece, said expectantly. nod.

And Ding Yingshang, the female disciple holding the sunspot, looked around with a slight smile, and there was a gleam in her beautiful eyes. She pressed her hand and smiled and said: "And the suzerain asked the guests from all over the world. Their big shot."

"There are quite a few of them, comparable to Zhang Kun!" Ding Yingshang looked like a nympho, imagining that a disciple from a big sect would fall in love with her and marry her back.

"Tsk tsk, that's right, my Yaohuang Mountain ranks third among the sects of the Xiaoshuo Empire, and there are even more powerful Jinghonglou and Huangjimen, as well as many big and small strengths comparable to Yaohuang Mountain." , I have already promised to come this time!"

"Oh my god, it's the heroes of the world who gathered on Yaohuang Mountain. This kind of scene is really rare!" Everyone was amazed, and all of this was prepared for one person, that is Zhang Kun!
After the sect duel between Pill King Valley and Yaohuang Mountain ended, the news spread, and the entire Xiaoshuo Empire was in a state of excitement.

The whole world was shocked, the sect of the Wangwen Empire in the Alchemy King Valley was well prepared and aggressive, the sect master came in person and vowed to discredit Yaohuang Mountain!
Yaohuangshan was defeated in the first two rounds, and there was no way to fight back. At this time, a young alchemist stood up and turned the tide with his own efforts!
And this person is called Zhang Kun, and the alchemy and martial arts circles of the empire have deeply remembered this name.

"Zhang Kun will be Xiaoshuo's second Gongsun Yangyan, and he will even be the next Mo Zunyan, the true daughter of Yuxu!"

An old martial arts senior living in seclusion in the rivers and lakes showed his face, and he only left this sentence in the teahouse in Kaiyang City!

All the people who heard this sentence were unconvinced, and they cited the names of countless arrogances in the world, compared with Zhang Kun, but when they learned about Zhang Kun's deeds, they were all shocked, and they all kept silent and admitted that Words of the hermit.

"Zhang Kun is the first genius in our empire!" The hottest topic in Kaiyang City is about Zhang Kun, and people in the streets and alleys are chanting his name.

"The name Zhang Kun, I have never heard of it before. It turned out to be a peerless evildoer who has been hiding and secretly cultivated in Yaohuang Mountain. How old is he this year?"

"Wait a minute, the name Zhang Kun is a bit familiar, is he from Wojiawangcheng?" Someone suddenly slapped the table and stood up abruptly, thinking of the past!
"That's right, what's wrong?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Fuck, that's okay, guess how old he is?" The man asked himself and answered, "15 years old, my son is also at this age, not even a fart, Zhang Kun is already the first genius !"

"Damn, is this still a human?" Everyone in the taverns, teahouses, and streets and alleys was boiling. This is a miracle!

"Wait a minute, Zhang Kun from Yaohuang Mountain, does he know how to make alchemy?" Someone suddenly stood up and said.

Everyone was puzzled, their hearts were pounding, and it seemed that there were some surprises waiting for them, and they kept saying, "Yes, that's right, what's wrong?"

"That's not right, that genius Dan Tu from Wojia King City seems to be dead, and Wojia King even made him Marquis of Haomen!" The man's eyes widened in confusion.

"What?" Everyone immediately became interested, and quickly put down the tea cups and wine bowls in their hands and asked repeatedly.

The man came from Wojia King City, heard about Zhang Kun's deeds, so he told the whole story.

"One person killed thousands of undead?"

"Is he not only a genius alchemist, but also powerful and terrifying?"

"Frustrated the conspiracy of the shadow of the eclipse many times, and even their high priest fell into his hands?" The crowd asked more than once, and finally the tavern and teahouse boiled!

Everyone went crazy: "Zhang Kun is a great hero, he saved Changyang City and Wojia King City!"

"I'll go, I thought how powerful the people in Jinghonglou and Huangjimen are. Compared with Zhang Kun, this is not at the same level at all!"

"That's right, this kind of feat has never been achieved by a prince who led troops to fight very early. What a pity, if he is in the emperor's house, he should be made a prince!" The common people shook their heads and said happily Almost.

"I don't think it's a problem. We'll call him Prince Zhang in private, hahaha!"

At this time, someone sighed, and everyone looked at him suspiciously, asking, "What do you mean, what are you sighing for?"

"I sigh that Zhang Kun is still young, and now he is just showing his talents. After ten years, when he looks down on the world, he will be truly invincible in the world!"

Everyone nodded in admiration. In Kaiyang City, Zhang Kun's name overshadowed everything for a while.

"Mr. Zhang Kun, you are really extraordinary." Under a gorgeous palace, Cheng Yuxi stood alone in the sunset, muttering to himself, with a trace of remorse and regret in his eyes.

"Heroes come out of troubled times. The shadow of the lunar eclipse brazenly launched a war. We have long expected someone to stand up!" The people in Kaiyang City were looking forward to it, but it was a pity that Zhang Kun was not a Qi practitioner, and there were many alchemists. Help for the war is just a drop in the bucket.

After all, it is impossible for the scene in Haomen County to be repeated again. The Tianxuan Cup has been completely disintegrated in that explosion and no longer exists!

The territory of the Xiaoshuo Empire is very large, and it took several days for the news to spread from Yaohuang Mountain to Kaiyang City, and it was already several weeks later for the news to reach Wojiawang City by warriors traveling around and well-versed businessmen.

"Zhang Kun, is he still alive?" Compared with what kind of miracle Zhang Kun has created, the people of Wojiawangcheng are more concerned that Zhang Kun, who died as a hero in Haomen, is not dead, he is still alive, and he ran to the imperial capital , went to Yaohuang Mountain, and made it known to the whole world, shocking the whole world!

"Zhang Kun did not let us down!" The people cheered happily, all of them were sincerely happy for Zhang Kun. When the news of Zhang Kun's death came, they all fell into despair and anger. Why would King Wojia send him to front?
Prefect Lin hurriedly walked into King Wojia's hall without knocking on the door. He shouted excitedly, "My lord, Zhang Kun is still alive. He is in Yaohuang Mountain!"

He excitedly handed over a roll of silk paper, which recorded everything Zhang Kun had done in the past few months, which was spread from the mouths of the citizens, and it was written on several large papers.

King Wojia, who was sitting on the throne and frowning, woke up suddenly, his tiger eyes were full of excitement, he grabbed the silk paper, and looked at it carefully.

Nangong Jue, who was standing by the side, covered her small cherry mouth in disbelief. Her beautiful eyes were full of excitement, and she shed two lines of tears unconsciously. More feminine and moving.

"Good boy, there really is him!" King Wo Jia slapped his desk hard after watching it. Zhang Kun's performance exceeded everyone's expectations, and it was really shocking!

"My lord, Wojia King City and Changyang City haven't fallen yet, and there aren't even many undead in the territory. I think this matter has something to do with Zhang Kun!" Lin Guanyu said.

"Oh? It's this kid again?" King Wojia was pleasantly surprised.

"That's right, look at his trajectory. To get from Haomen to the imperial city, you need to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains. You are thinking about the violent explosion in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains a few months ago. A huge explosion rose near Changyang. mushroom cloud!"

"Since then, the number of undead has been greatly reduced. We sent people to explore the depths of the mountain and found a ruined altar!" Lin Guanyu said.

King Wojia stood up excitedly, he swung his fist violently and said, "It's Zhang Kun, it must be Zhang Kun, the altar he blew up!"

"The fate of tens of millions of people in my Wojia King City was actually reversed by this young man alone!"

"Reward, come and send a reward to Zhang Kun!" King Wojia couldn't hide his emotions, and immediately he sat down and said with some disappointment: "No, Zhang Kun is now a disciple of the Shangzong, the heir of Gongsun Yangyan, he I'm afraid I'll look down on worldly rewards!"

Nangong Jue bit her cherry lips, her beautiful eyes were blurred, her eyes dimmed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

In the Xia family, after the news of Zhang Kun's death came out, Xia Hui'er was called back by the Xia family. She was the jewel in the palm of the Xia family but no one could marry her, and she was confined at home all day long.

"Miss, there is news from Master Zhang Kun!" one of her maids sent a message.

"News about Zhang Kun?" Xia Hui'er's gray face suddenly brightened, like a blooming flower!
In Changyang City, Su Fangmeng was lying on the desk with a tired face, looking at the red candles flickering in the wind in front of her, she didn't know what she was thinking, she was so tired from dealing with the family business all day that she could barely stick to the pillow. sleep.

However, she suddenly saw her father Su Yin walking in with a big smile on his face: "Meng'er! There is news about Zhang Kun, he is still alive!"

"Yeah!" The girl suddenly woke up, smiling like a flower, her face flushed with memories in her eyes, and she murmured: "Brother Zhang Kun, you really didn't lie to me, you're back!"

(End of this chapter)

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