Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 445 Fairy Xixian, the Prince of Taoism

Chapter 445 Fairy Xixian, the Prince of Taoism

There are nine princes in the Xiaoshuo Empire, and each of them can be said to be an existence of less than one person and more than ten thousand people. Now that King Geng has come, several elders from Yaohuang Mountain came out to greet him in person.

King Geng came to the Bank of Banyue Lake, and after greeting the leaders of the sects, he smiled and pulled out his ninth daughter from behind. Hong Qingshui looked at Zhang Kun with affection.

"Little friend Zhang Kun, you are still unmarried. This king intends to betroth your daughter to you." King Geng wore a gold crown and a purple robe. His hearty laughter resounded throughout the Yaohuang Mountain. I was taken aback.

Today is Zhang Kun's teacher apprenticeship ceremony, is it rare that King Geng wants to add another layer of engagement ceremony to today's ceremony?

"Wait a minute, Your Highness King Geng, hasn't your ninth daughter, Cheng Yuxi, been betrothed to Liu Xicheng of Tianhuozong?" Suddenly someone shouted, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on Tianhuozong.

Liu Xicheng's face was gloomy and ugly. He had already been thrown in the face by the Yao pool, and he was slapped in the face by Zhang Kun crazily and ordered to break off the engagement. He didn't expect to be dragged out here to flog the corpse once!
Liu Xicheng's master also turned cold when he saw this. On such an occasion, he must not swallow his anger. He glanced at his senior brother and said softly: "Senior brother, our Tianhuo sect must not be underestimated by others, Zhang Kun This kid is too arrogant, there will be other sects who will find him unhappy, we can unite their forces"

"Yeah!" The head of the Tianhuo Sect nodded, then turned his head and said to the sects in the world: "Yes, Cheng Yuxi is already the fiancée of Liu Xicheng, a disciple of my sect, Your Highness King Geng, what are you doing? Isn't it a bit unkind?"

"Hmph, you trash from the Tianhuo Sect still has the face to mention this?" King Geng waved his sleeves and snorted coldly: "Do you dare to let your kid come out and talk about how he was begging for mercy in front of Zhang Kun? of?"

"Hahaha!" As soon as the words came out, everyone laughed.

The corners of Zhang Kun's mouth turned up slightly, and today's scene really made him excited. He felt that at this moment he was standing at the pinnacle of the young generation of the Xiaoshuo Empire!

King Geng exposed their backgrounds without any regard for affection. The faces of the Tianhuozong people changed wildly, and they all turned into the color of pig liver. They almost left the scene angrily, but the suzerain of the Tianhuozong still suppressed it Tempered, looked coldly at the suzerains who were close to each other, and understood each other's meaning!
Zhang Kun is too arrogant and domineering. He is not only envied by heaven, but also by others. No one wants to see a young boy born out of nowhere, turn into a spoiler and turn their original world upside down!
"If you want to talk about the marriage contract, this old man is the head of the Xia family. When we were in Wojiawangcheng, we proposed marriage to Zhang Kun." Mr. Xia stood up with a smile and said tremblingly. He is old, his face is full of wrinkles, but when he said these words, he smiled.

"Wait a minute, I also have something to say in Qingyun Pavilion, ahem!" The pavilion master of Qingyun Pavilion stood up with a green sword on his back and said, "There is a disciple in my pavilion who is the cousin of Xiaoyou Zhang Kun. They are childhood sweethearts and childhood sweethearts."

Everyone immediately understood what he meant. In Xiaoshuo Empire, it is very common for cousins ​​to marry each other.

Zhang Kun, on the other hand, woke up suddenly, and cast his eyes towards Qingyun Pavilion, looking for Liang Lingxue's figure, only to see a girl in a fluttering white shirt, with a delicate and beautiful face, so refined, without the slightest smell of human fireworks, quiet and elegant , so pure, tender, like a budding hibiscus, spotless.

She also seemed to have seen Zhang Kun's burning eyes, and her master said so publicly about her relationship with Zhang Kun, her pretty face blushed immediately, and she smiled lightly at Zhang Kun, touching people's hearts and souls. Applauded.

"Hey, boy, what's the matter with you, today is the ceremony for you to worship me as your teacher?" Gongsun Yangyan repeatedly touched his forehead, he was almost speechless.

"How did it become the day when your little girlfriends get together? I said that you still learn to be a teacher?" Gongsun Yangyan said jokingly.

"Ahem, master, that, actually." Zhang Kun smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not all here yet!"

"??" Gongsun Yangyan looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, this kid is quite flirtatious!

"By the way, there's that girl from the Su family that you desperately saved." Gongsun Yangyan nodded, thinking of something.

Seeing Zhang Kun being so young and energetic, countless sect disciples cast envious, adoring or jealous eyes on him, including Qiu Mo from Qingyun Pavilion and Liu Xicheng from Tianhuo Sect, and he once killed Zhang Kun with a single sword. Yuyang's master, Master Yuji, was shrouded in mist and rain, so he couldn't see his face and men and women clearly.

"Hmph, it's just a group of bumpkins who are just having fun on their own. The real giants haven't come yet. Zhang Kun and Yaohuangshan are at this level!" Master Yuji said sourly, he has no chance to kill Zhang Kun now.

But if he was given a chance, he didn't mind at all, and cut off Zhang Kun with a sword to avenge his apprentice!
That's why Gongsun Yangyan held the apprenticeship ceremony with great fanfare, just to beat these old guys, but it seems that this move is not enough to deter them.

Because in the eyes of those hostile forces, Zhang Kun is like a thorn in the flesh, and it must be removed quickly. Even if Gongsun Yangyan protects him, it will be useless. They are going to take the risk!

Otherwise, let Zhang Kun continue to develop at such a fast growth rate, and they will all be finished!

There is also Su Qianjue, his handsome face is quite frosty, he is a member of the Su family, the head of the Su family has also come here today, he should be the favored son of heaven, the focus of everyone, but now everyone is watching Zhang Kun!

"That's right, the real big sect has not appeared, so the Jinghonglou and Huangjimen must not look down on a genius of Zhang Kun's level, right?"

"Yes, there are so many outstanding talents in the world. There are not a few who have achieved high-level alchemy disciples and innate realms at a young age, but as long as they have not reached the alchemist state and Qi training state, they are nothing. It can be wiped out!" The sect members said sourly, as if they had eaten lemons.

Suddenly, at this moment, seven brilliant rays of light flashed across the sky, and a rainbow flashed past, and only seven women were seen flying in the sky. As if descending, they turned into streamers of light and lightly landed on the bank of Banyue Lake.

"What? This...this!" Master Yuji's fingers could not stop trembling slightly. He just said that it is impossible for the top master to participate in this ceremony, and he saw this scene the next moment!
Liu Xicheng, Su Qianjue and the others were instantly ashamed and stunned!

There is also a forbidden formation on the Yaohuang Mountain, and the cars of various sects and sects have to get out of the car and walk up the mountain when they come to the foot of the mountain, but at this moment the fairies directly ignore the prohibition and come here!

At this moment, all the male monks present couldn't help but fix their eyes on them. The appearance of a peerless beauty was enough to shock the minds of the audience, but this time there were seven fairies?
"Jinghonglou came to pay a visit to Master Gongsun, little friend Zhang Kun!" A beautiful mature woman wriggled her plump waist and came to Gongsun Yangyan to salute generously.

"Mr. Zhang, my concubine is Xixian, so I'm being polite here." Beside the mature woman, a peerless beauty smiled faintly and cast a wink at Zhang Kun.

"Who is she?" At this moment, Liang Lingxue, Xia Hui'er, and Cheng Yuxi were all nervous, staring at the girl closely.

Zhang Kun's pupils shrank sharply. There was not much charm in this person's eyes. On the contrary, there was a hostility that made people feel cold. What's more, the girl seemed to be less than twenty years old. The strength is already in the realm of Qi training!

To be able to practice qi at the age of 30 is a genius, to be able to practice qi at the age of 20 is enough to shock the world, and to be a qi practitioner at the age of less than 20, what kind of monster is this?For the first time, Zhang Kun felt the existence of being able to compete with him, and he couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

"My god, that's the first disciple of Jinghonglou, Fairy Xixian!" Someone murmured in private: "She seldom shows her face in public, and everyone thought that there were no geniuses born in Jinghonglou's generation. She's at!"

"It seems that it is the first time she has made such an expression to a man, ah, why not look at me, if she is willing to treat me like this, I am willing to reduce my life by 20 years!" A male disciple was about to faint, Fang Caixi Fairy Xian's glance is enough to charm all living beings.

Just when everyone was engrossed in Fairy Xixian's peerless beauty and supreme talent and couldn't extricate themselves, there was a dragon chant in Tianji Chad!
Resounding through the heaven and earth, the distant and clear dragon's cry burst out, the sky was covered with golden clouds, and a dragon shadow broke through the sky, supreme and incomparable, everything around seemed to have lost its color, with an aura of supremacy, a man Standing from the cloud with hands behind his back, he walked down slowly.

Every time you take a step down, there is a bang of a bronze bell, which seems to be announcing the arrival of the king to heaven and earth.

"It's the prince, Lord Daosheng!" Everyone said tremblingly, the prince of the most powerful emperor of the Xiaoshuo Empire, unexpectedly also came!

"Impossible, a mere Zhang Kun shocked the Taoist Prince?" Everyone in the Tianhuo Sect couldn't help taking a step back, almost sitting on the ground, Master Yuji clenched his fists, almost bleeding, Su Qian Jue looked at all this coldly, his heart was extremely unbalanced at the moment.

"I have never regarded you Zhang Kun as an opponent. What qualifications do you have to face Fairy Xixian and Prince Daosheng, who I dare not match, are they blind?"

"Huangji sect disciple Daosheng, come to visit on behalf of my master." The Daosheng prince has a dignified body and a dignified appearance, and he has already walked down the ladder to Gongsun Yangyan's side.

(End of this chapter)

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