Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 446 Divine Cauldron Alchemy

Chapter 446 Divine Cauldron Alchemy
"Master, this person has a lot of ostentation." Zhang Kun quietly passed the sound transmission, such a powerful way of appearing on the stage seemed to be overwhelming.

"The crown prince is busy with affairs, and he came to our Yaohuang mountain today, and it is really full of glory." Gongsun Yangyan said politely. However, the knowledge of alchemy is still learned from Gongsun Yangyan.

"Master Gongsun, my son Fang Huang is your student, and I'm also your half-disciple. Naturally, I want to come." Daosheng Prince's black and golden deep eyes gleamed, and his handsome and extraordinary face was comparable to that of a beautiful woman. Now he exudes a natural dominance of an emperor, but at this moment he appears courteous.

Everyone nodded frequently, the prince's performance was really admirable, he deserved to be the future master of the Xiaoshuo Empire.

"The prince is polite. Please take your seat. The apprenticeship ceremony can finally begin." Gongsun Yangyan looked as usual.

"Zhang Kun, the most important thing you need to be careful of is this Daoist. Some people look fierce but are harmless, and some people look polite, but in fact," Gongsun Yangyan glanced at Zhang Kun, and said calmly.

Zhang Kun raised his forehead slightly, as if he understood something. He raised his head and glanced at the Daoist Prince, only to find that the other party was also looking at him, his pupils as black as black jade shone with a warm brilliance.

The two of them didn't say anything, and Prince Daosheng was seated as chief, a level higher than the suzerains.

"The ceremony begins." By the half-moon lake, bursts of fairy music came, and the two standing on the high platform by the lake suddenly became solemn and solemn, and Zhang Kun suddenly had a few sticks of incense in his hands.

Everyone held their breath, and their eyes were firmly fixed on them. Today, Zhang Kun also deliberately dressed up, wearing a moon-white alchemist brocade robe, wearing a sword and wearing a jade. He has a handsome face, The black broken hair was blown tousled by the wind, but it added a bit of unruliness.

"It looks pretty handsome like this." Several women looked at him and said involuntarily. Liang Lingxue, Cheng Yuxi and the others were all flushed, as delicious and attractive as cherries.

"The first stick of incense, respect the emperor to go to heaven, and make all things good!" Gongsun Yangyan's majestic voice spread throughout the entire Yaohuang Mountain, and everyone was solemn and solemn.

Zhang Kun bowed down to the sky, and there seemed to be some invisible fluctuations in the sky, and a blue light surrounded his body, and he suddenly felt that his body was much lighter, and his spirit was also refreshed.

"The second stick of incense, respect the vast land, live the people and educate people!"

Zhang Kun bowed to the earth again and offered incense, sincerely and piously.Another khaki-yellow light surrounded Zhang Kun's body, making his body seem to be covered with a layer of brilliance.

"The third stick of incense, respect the virtues of the ancestors, and pass on the Dao veins!"

The last stick of incense is to respect the ancestors, ancestors, sages and teachers of Yaohuang Mountain for thousands of years. Zhang Kun bowed his head devoutly to Wendao Peak in the distance, and the names of his ancestors were written in golden brushes on the mountain. A ray of light also glowed in the middle, jumping into Zhang Kun's side.

"Certificate!" The apprenticeship ceremony was not complicated, and it was completed after a few more ceremonies. Zhang Kun came to Gongsun Yangyan with a smile, kowtowed and saluted, and shouted: "Master, please accept the apprentice's worship!"

"Okay, okay!" Gongsun Yangyan said with a smile, today is the happiest day for him in so many years!

"The teacher apprenticeship ceremony in Yaohuang Mountain was really wonderful. These three radiances are actually the power of faith." The landlord Jinghong smiled and looked at the Taoist prince beside him.

The Daosheng prince kept silent and didn't say anything. As the prince of the royal family, the child of the emperor who is in charge of the common people, how could he be unfamiliar with this kind of power?
The lord of the empire must be a great monk with the strength of the golden core. Even if he was not a golden core before he ascended the throne, he can use the power of the whole country's faith to rush to the golden core in one fell swoop!
The Daosheng Prince is only 20 years old this year, and his strength is already hard to see through. Not only is it as simple as entering the realm of Qi training, he may have reached the middle level.

This is related to the massive power of faith he can use, and of course it is also inseparable from his proud talent!

Zhang Juzheng nodded frequently below and said: "A teacher pays attention to the harmony of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and only in this way can Zhang Kun's condition be adjusted to the best, so that he can absorb the effect of that magic pill."

This apprenticeship is only one aspect, and more importantly, Gongsun Yangyan will use the divine cauldron to refine the divine elixir and give it to Zhang Kun to help him break into the realm of Qi training in one fell swoop!
At this moment, the three rays of light turned into three cyclones, and the vitality of heaven and earth poured in like a funnel. Everyone was surprised. They felt that the vitality around them was sucked away, forming a vacuum!
"Come on, Zhang Kun, you are not qualified to fight with us yet, but when you are also a Qi practitioner, I will let you know who is the number one genius in the world!" The Taoist Prince held his head high and stared disdainfully. With Zhang Kun.

Fairy Xixian looked at Zhang Kun who was standing among the three cyclones with a light smile, and lightly parted her lips: "For so many years, there have been very few people who have advanced to practice Qi before the age of 20, and it seems that there will be one more today." Already!"

Fairy Xixian and Prince Daosheng are extremely cold at the top, and there is no one among their peers who can fight. They are all looking forward to Zhang Kun growing up and competing with him again. They will not do that kind of killing opponent's business.

Because that will frustrate their desire to seek Tao, and prove that you are afraid of him, so you dare not confront him head-on, and you can only suppress him by other means, but every genius who has reached the top has only one way to go, and that is to fight , fight, fight, fight until the world is invincible!
"Boom!" There was a loud noise that spread all over the world, and everyone couldn't help covering their ears. The sound of the dragon chant brought by the Daosheng prince's appearance just now was far less vast and grand than this time. A divine tripod hangs high in the sky, on which are painted mythical beasts and rare birds, everything in the world!
"Origin Dao Cauldron!" All the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain couldn't help kneeling down and kowtowed reverently at this moment. This fetish is the foundation of Yaohuang Mountain's sect. If they see this cauldron and see the suzerain himself, they have to kneel!
Gongsun Yangyan looked solemn, and with a wave of his sleeves, the Canglan Yaoshui horse chestnuts shone with miraculous brilliance, and hundreds of auxiliary materials also lit up at the same time, flying into the Dao Origin Dao cauldron one after another.

In the cauldron, it was like chaos, and several kinds of medicinal materials were like the elements that build everything, exuding all kinds of splendor, they were crystal clear and bright, and even the phantom of Dao Dao's soul could be seen!

That is the essence of the medicinal material, which can only be revealed when it is purified to the extreme.

Zhang Kun tightened his pupils. The last time he refined Chibai Fuling Mixed Color Pill, he only made one material of Chi Fuling appear as a phantom of the soul. Gongsun Yangyan is worthy of being the number one alchemist in the empire. All show the essence at this moment.

"咻咻咻!" As if the stars were shining and communicating with the heaven and the earth, within the Dao Cauldron, it was as if the heavens and the earth were opened up, and the chaos was first divided, and the fiery fire covered the entire world inside the Dao Cauldron!

"Ask!" On the top of Wenwen Peak, one of the seven peaks of Yaohuang Mountain, an elder stood in the distance. The Supreme Dao Fire is burning in the cauldron!

"Tai Chi!" The owner of another mountain peak, a high-ranking elder, made a move, and ignited the imperial flame in the Dao Ding. This elder has royal blood and a supreme status. Even the Holy Prince Dao bowed slightly in that direction at this moment.

"Bihu!" Elder Yuan Hao stood on the back of the spirit turtle, and the milky white spirit turtle pill flew out of the void, and several spirit turtle beast fires crackled in the cauldron.

"Luoxia!" Feng Feng's master, the strange man who looked like a blood clan, stood on the top of the mountain, and with a touch of both hands, a ray of sunlight fell into the cauldron.

"Mu Xue!" "Zuiqiu!" Their own vitality completely turned the Dao of Origin into a melting pot!

Dao Dao Yuan Qi contains the century-old skills of the Supreme Elders!

"Master, let me add fire to myself!" Zhang Kun smiled, starlight flickered in his dark eyes, he pointed to the sky, and above the nine heavens, a brilliant star rose brightly, breaking through the obstacles of layers of dark clouds , Turning the clouds to see the sun, countless streams of water-blue starlight descended, following Zhang Kun's fingers, and merged into the cauldron of origin!

The starlight entered the cauldron, and the world in the furnace completely boiled. The seven flames merged into one, and a little bit of Dao rhyme flowed in it!
"Hiss!" Everyone gasped. What kind of evil is Zhang Kun? Can he control the power of stars?

"Is this the legendary son of the plane?" Someone opened his eyes wide and muttered to himself, Zhang Kun's aura of turning his hands into clouds and rain is like the holy emperor of the world, even the stars have to obey him order!

"Looking like the Son of God!" There was only one word left in everyone's minds. At this moment, Zhang Kun really seemed to be a person favored by the heavens.

"Even if a pig is here, it can rely on this energy to break through the innate shackles and reach the realm of Qi training!" Everyone in the sect was amazed, the elixir refined in this way is more than just a word that can be described as a divine elixir?
"I think that if this elixir is successful, if Gongsun Yangyan takes it himself, he can be promoted to the golden elixir!" Pavilion Master Qingyun commented.

"Oh my god!" Everyone was extremely envious, even Fairy Xixian and Prince Daosheng couldn't sit still, even if they hadn't seen such a scene a few times, the few sect disciples who were in a bad mood were eager to move , my heart is itchy like a cat scratching, if they can reach this pill, it would be great!
"Okay!" Gongsun Yangyan laughed wildly and flew towards the Dao of Origin cauldron. His body turned into a monstrous flame, wrapping the Dao of Origin cauldron, as if the two merged into one!

(End of this chapter)

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