Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 447 Breakthrough Failure?

Chapter 447 Breakthrough Failure?

Gongsun Yangyan turned into a ball of real fire, wrapped in the cauldron of origin, burning blazingly.

One hour, two hours, five hours, ten hours!

For two whole days, a furnace of great medicine was finally refined. All the sects, aristocratic families, and great clans present were waiting for this moment. To them, the two-day wait was nothing at all. The magic medicine is waiting for the birth of the half-moon lake!

"Look, the capital of clouds in the sky." A young disciple of the sect pointed excitedly at the high clouds in the sky, and saw countless clouds floating from all directions. A sacred breath descended involuntarily on Yaohuang Mountain!

"It's just like the legendary Ascension!" Someone couldn't help but screamed, seeing such a scene, he has no regrets in his life!
"Auspicious clouds cover a radius of hundreds of miles. This is like the auspiciousness bestowed by heaven and earth when the emperor ascended the throne!" The heads of several big sects were so excited that they completely fell into a daze.

"When the elixir is refined, it will surpass the fortune of the world!" Zhang Juzheng muttered to himself: "This elixir has no name, and it can also be called the elixir of origin. Master is actually super-grade alchemy. This is one of the ninth-order elixir." The Holy Spirit Pill can only be refined by a legendary alchemist!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone exclaimed, what is the concept of a great alchemist?The entire Xiaoshuo Empire couldn't find one, not only the Xilan Kingdom, but also the Wangwen Empire. Maybe this is just a legend, and it doesn't exist in this world!
Holy Spirit Pill is a pill that can only be practiced by a great alchemist, and I can't find a single one. There are only a few words in the most secret ancient books that record their magic, which is the master of many empires. Teach and ask for a fetish that cannot be obtained by all the major alchemy sects!

There used to be rumors that both Yaohuang Mountain and Pill King Valley stored a holy spirit pill refined by ancient sages, which is the most treasured treasure!

But no one has really seen such a level of pills, and today one was refined by Gongsun Yangyan. Could it be that he is about to reach the realm of a great alchemist?
"This trip was worthwhile, this trip was worthwhile!" Many elders of the sect were already old, and this was the first time they saw such a scene, and they couldn't help feeling relieved to die without regrets!
"I really want to go up and snatch this magic pill!" Many people have this idea in their hearts. Gongsun Yangyan actually wants to give this pill to that kid Zhang Kun?Violence!

Why don't he eat it, and the Xiaoshuo Empire will add another Jindan Supreme!
The strong man who established the foundation has already been called the venerable, and the golden elixir is even called the supreme. A pill may be able to become a supreme already. Is Gongsun Yangyan not tempted?

At this moment, Gongsun Yangyan has retreated and no longer transformed into real fire. The Dao of Origin Cauldron continued to cool down, the fires went out, and several streamers flickered. The Dao of Origin Cauldron sank slowly to the bottom of Banyue Lake. The flames were rekindled on the seven peaks of Mount Huangshan.

"Come on, good apprentice, it's time to step onto a bigger stage." Gongsun Yangyan walked up to Zhang Kun and handed him the Origin Dao Pill. This pill looked simple and unremarkable, as if it was the simplest It's like the refined qi-enhancing pill.

"Master, isn't your heart moved?" Zhang Kun said with a faint smile, but Gongsun Yangyan was taken aback for a moment.

"Master is old, and there is only one unfulfilled wish in his life. As long as you promise me to help me when the time comes, I will be relieved." Gongsun Yangyan said softly, his eyes drooping like soft water.

"The disciple will not disgrace the master's order!" Zhang Kun took the elixir, stood up on one leg, stood in the void, and then sat down cross-legged, in front of tens of thousands of sect disciples and elders, he started a breakthrough!

The auspicious clouds in the sky have not yet dissipated, and a large amount of vitality poured into Zhang Kun, the center of the cyclone, like a funnel. The starlight of Beiluo spread, and the light of Chengying sword shone, completely protecting Zhang Kun.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped again and again, "Is this an innate breakthrough in Qi training? Why do I feel like the Heavenly Emperor's performance, the saint's preaching!"

"It's really exciting to look forward to his strength after breakthrough!" Even some people who don't like Zhang Kun can't help admiring at this moment. Everyone knows that Zhang Kun will definitely be able to break through, and they are more concerned about how Zhang Kun will break through. What level is there.

"It seems that the revenge of the magic sword can't be avenged!" A middle-aged man with a cut head clenched his fist fiercely. He is the head of the Tiandao sect. Yun, he came here this time to seek an explanation!
"I can only forget what happened that day!" On the bank of the Canglan River and Yaoshui Pond, Zhang Kun had harmed many elders of the sect, and they still remembered this enmity. Master Yuji moved Zhang Kun's, but now it seems that it would be good if Zhang Kun didn't move them!

"Come on, Zhang Kun, I need to see your strength!" The fighting spirit in the eyes of Daosheng Prince is rising, he can't wait to fight Zhang Kun, and let the world know who is the real one. Genius!
"If you can defeat me, I don't mind being your woman." Fairy Xi Xian's beautiful eyes were blurred, looking at Zhang Kun who was sitting alone in the void, she showed a smile that captivated all living beings.

Zhang Kun was not in a hurry, he inhaled a large amount of vitality, and then took out a elixir like colorful glaze from his hand, it was Xuancheng Nanci Dan, the appearance of this long-lost elixir, many sects could not bear it Stand up!
"It's too extravagant, Zhang Kun's ambition is so big!" Many sect elders stared wide-eyed, it is the supreme elixir that can save a ray of life for Qi practitioners, Zhang Kun actually used it to strengthen the soul, it is really reckless !
"Huh!" At this moment, everyone is numb. If you say that people from the sect have been soaked in medicine jars since childhood, and the medicine has never been broken, but compared with Zhang Kun, it is a fart!

That's a chicken, not even a chicken, just chicken feed for chickens!

The two pills entered the body at the same time, and two torrents of energy washed over Zhang Kun's body and soul!

"It's very comfortable." Zhang Kun only felt this way at the moment. He seemed to be bathed in milk, as if he had thrown himself into the arms of his mother. He wants to achieve Qi training!
Endless energy flows through his meridians, all the acupuncture points of the human body are lit up one after another, several internal organs emit divine light, and the Supreme Secret Store is opened. Zhang Kun can feel his strength rising rapidly until reaching the peak!
"Kunyu Huazhang!" Zhang Kun gently recited the profound scriptures recorded in this supreme secret tome. Make the mountains and rivers shine brightly, the sun and the moon!

Zhang Kun was running the records about the Qi training environment in the Kunyu Huazhang, and a huge amount of information flooded into his mind.

"Origin Dao Pill not only contains a large amount of vitality to catalyze the internal force of ancient warriors into vitality, but also can make the heaven and earth dao appear in the mind of the user for a short time!"

"As long as a person with a little bit of talent can rely on this comprehension of Dao Yi to achieve Qi training!" Zhang Juzheng kept nodding, and finally revealed all the mysteries of the Origin Dao Pill!

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words. Such a powerful effect exceeded their expectations. The Dao will is vague and uncertain, and it is impossible to see it at ordinary times. How could a elixir trigger the Dao will come?

Sure enough, around Zhang Kun's body, everyone could feel an unprecedentedly powerful artistic conception flowing, shattering the void, and making everyone present couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

Under the influence of Xuancheng Nanci Dan, a phantom seemed to appear beside Zhang Kun, which was the result of the materialization of his soul. The terrifying power of the soul made him understand the world without any hindrance!
Zhang Kun closed his eyes. At this moment, he felt as if he was immersed in the sea of ​​Dao. , Dan Dao is like a star, as long as he has a thought, he can control one of them!
At this moment, as long as Zhang Kun has a thought, he can break the shackles of heaven and earth to him, and directly practice Qi. His precious appearance is solemn, his body shines like a galaxy, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds are sung.

"If you want to ask questions, first cultivate your heart." At this moment, the last paragraph of Kun Yu Huazhang's Xiantian chapter was printed in Zhang Kun's mind, and when he turned a page, what was recorded in this Supreme Dao Jue was not about training. Atmosphere!
Zhang Kun was suddenly puzzled. It's not that he hasn't read the chapter on Qi Cultivation. He only thought it was obscure and difficult to understand before, but it is indeed recorded at the end of the Xiantian chapter.

Why is there an extra page of non-detailed records between the two realms after today's vitality spurred Kunyu Huazhang's movement route?
"Refining the state of mind?" A tidal wave of vitality surged through Zhang Kun's meridians, and he had to make a decision immediately, otherwise the powerful medicinal power would break through his body!
"Boom boom boom!" His meridians were so swollen that they were about to shatter, and his whole body instantly turned red, surging spiritual energy howling and flowing through his meridians.

An invisible wave spread out, spread across the entire Yaohuang Mountain, and then continued to reach Kaiyang City thousands of miles away. The monks of the Shuo Empire can more or less feel the existence of that power!

Everyone was astonished, what is the difference between this and the Supreme Dao Fruit aura emitted by Jindan monks when they advanced?
Suddenly Zhang Kun spat out a mouthful of blood, like an angel with broken wings, he fell straight down from the clouds, in the eyes of everyone expecting, he fell from the sky like a lonely bird dust!

"Pfft!" The blood splashed on the bank of the half-moon lake, staining half of the lake red, Zhang Kun's realm fell crazily, his aura was ten to one, and even his innate talent was preserved, he could barely stop at the peak of the heavenly level!

(End of this chapter)

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