Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 448 Who dares to touch her

Chapter 448 Who dares to touch her
"Breakthrough failed?" Everyone who saw this scene was shocked to the point of petrification. Zhang Kun actually failed to break through under the watchful eyes of thousands of people under such circumstances?
And the people who paid attention to his breakthrough this time were not just those people present. All the people in the sect, the people in the major cities of the empire who had heard of Zhang Kun’s deeds, and even the bishops, priests, and followers of the shadow of the eclipse all paid attention. Watching him!
At such a highly anticipated moment, it should have been the best time for him to ascend to the sky in one step and soar into the sky as a real dragon, but at this time, Zhang Kun failed!
"What a waste!" Many sect elders sneered again and again, even the Origin Dao Pill couldn't let him break through, which shows that this person is really a waste to the extreme!

"Damn it, even a pig can be sent to the Qi training state. This kid failed, even worse than a pig!" The person who was jealous of Zhang Kun burst into laughter.

The origin of Dao Ding, Canglan Yaoshui Horse Chestnut, with the help of seven elders, Gongsun Yangyan, the number one alchemist in the empire, turned into fire to refine the magic medicine, and this is what they got in exchange? !

"What a farce!" Someone sighed again and again, all the gorgeous and grand scenes before turned into a dream bubble, and finally turned into dust!
There was a deathly silence in the audience at first, and then bursts of noise rang out, mocking laughter resounded throughout Yaohuang Mountain!

"Fu Linjing, the true daughter of Yuxu, if she knew that Canglan Yaoshui Horse Chestnut was ruined like this, she would be so mad!"

"Gongsun Yangyan should have regretted his death. The opportunity to achieve Jindan and His Majesty the Emperor has been given up, but Zhang Kun is so disappointing. It's so ridiculous!"

"Garbage, Gongsun Yangyan misjudged his eyes, and accepted such a person as the first disciple, what kind of successor is he?" The master of the Shendao Sect was very excited. He gritted his teeth and wanted Zhang Kun to die. Now he is laughing. Get people off their backs!

"Hmph, ants are ants after all, do you want to reach the sky in one step and go against the sky?" Master Yuji laughed heartily, "Delusion!"

"You made me lose face in front of the world's sects, now it's your turn, Zhang Kun, taste the taste of the people's accusations!" Liu Xicheng's eyes were morbidly happy, and the worse Zhang Kun fell, he laughed the happier you are.

"It's really disappointing." Prince Daosheng shook his head, feeling calm in his heart.

He was very much looking forward to fighting Zhang Kun after he broke through, but now his interest has faded, and he has lost his interest. He only feels extremely disappointed.

"It's nothing to regret, it's his fate." Fairy Xi Xian, like a fairy in the sky who doesn't eat fireworks, said calmly, and sentenced Zhang Kun to death, then she stopped looking at him and completely lost interest.

Su Qianjue showed a faint smile, as if Zhang Kun had fallen into the mortal world and was no longer as good as him.

"This..." His Royal Highness King Geng, the master of Qingyun Pavilion, and the master of the Xia family were all stunned. They came this time to propose marriage. Marriage with Zhang Kun, a future star, can bring hundreds of millions to their family or power in the future. Years of prosperity, but now he failed?

They couldn't help but took a step back and called back their own girl.

But at this moment, a white-clothed figure ran out from the team of Qingyun Pavilion, came to the bank of Banyue Lake, hugged Zhang Kun's blood-stained body, and held his hand tightly regardless of the blood stains all over his body.

"Brother Zhang Kun!" Liang Lingxue's eyes were full of sorrow at the moment, and her beautiful face with icy muscles and bones was full of grief. Her soft hands hugged Zhang Kun's body tightly, but she felt cold. Kun was still in a state of half-consciousness, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, but his expression was serene and peaceful, even a little sacred.

"Zhang Kun is just a useless person now, a sky-level ant!" Many hostile sects are about to move.

"Master Gongsun, I'm sorry, but I have something to ask Zhang Kun for an explanation!" The master of the Shendao Sect stood up and walked slowly to the lakeside.

"My elder Tang Cui of the Divine Sword Sect died at the hands of your apprentice Zhang Kun, and my sect's artifact Xueqi Liyun was also destroyed by your apprentice Zhang Kun. About this matter, you Yaohuangshan can give me an explanation?"

"I am Yuji. Yuyang, my direct disciple, was brutally killed by Zhang Kun. Even though he said my name, Zhang Kun still didn't stop. Isn't it so cruel, especially the agreement between my sect?" Yu Ji The master was smelling like rain, and said in a strange way.

"My Tianhuo Sect and His Highness King Geng's marriage, Zhang Kun intervened, so doesn't Yaohuangshan need to give us an explanation?" Liu Xicheng's master sneered again and again.

"And us, Zhang Kun used tricks to trap us, causing several elders in the sect to fall by the side of the Yaoshui pool. This revenge has to be avenged!" Leaders stand up!
There are even more forces that are unwilling to watch Zhang Kun grow up and fabricate various reasons to come up and state Zhang Kun's crimes one by one!

"Take advantage of his illness to kill him!" A completely undisguised sternness flashed in the eyes of the sect members!

"Gongsun Yangyan, hand over Zhang Kun! A waste that failed to break through is no longer worthy of your protection!" The master of the Shendao Sect has the most fiery personality, pointing at Gongsun Yangyan and shouting.

Everyone also shouted in unison: "Hand over Zhang Kun!"

They even started to walk towards Zhang Kun step by step, with malicious smiles on their faces.

"Zhang Kun's breakthrough failed, and the medicinal effect of Yuanyuan Dao Pill has not been fully exerted. He still contains extremely powerful medicinal power. Take him back and refine it into a batch of pills. Although it is not as good as Yuanyuan Dao Pill, it is still a treasure!" Someone thought to himself, looking at Zhang Kun as if looking at a treasure!
"Stop talking nonsense with them, do it directly!" The head of the Skyfire Sect sneered, and waved his hand to shoot out a burst of stellar energy, bringing up hot sparks, and the extremely high temperature can melt gold and stone!
"No, you are not allowed to hurt Brother Zhang Kun!" Liang Lingxue stepped forward to protect Zhang Kun, and directly received the flame!
The head of the Tianhuo Sect is almost the most powerful one using fire in the entire empire except for the few alchemy masters in Yaohuangshan. His strength is even more unpredictable. A secret method of Qingyun Pavilion was used to condense into a spirit body, but it couldn't resist it!

A bright red bloodstain suddenly appeared on her snowy and warm chest, and the color of her pretty face suddenly lost half of its color, and she fell down sadly, but the determination in her eyes did not change at all.

"Who dares to touch her!" At this moment, Zhang Kun suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils seemed to be the deepest and darkest void, and seemed to be able to swallow everything!
"Huh!" A palpitating aura spread from Zhang Kun's body. His cold eyes seemed to be able to kill people. He stared straight at the suzerain of the Tianhuo Sect. The sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was a loud thunder. There is a violent storm between heaven and earth!
"What!" The suzerain of the Tianhuo Sect couldn't help taking a step back. The moment he was stared at by Zhang Kun just now, he felt like he was being watched by the god of death. Even facing the lord of the Xiaoshuo Empire, the Supreme Emperor , did not bring him such a sense of oppression.

"Pfft!" The face of the Sect Master of Tianhuo Sect changed drastically. He felt that his soul seemed to be pulled away in an instant, and he broke out in a cold sweat. The vast vitality in his body stopped flowing, but he recovered immediately. As it turned out, he quickly looked inside his body, but saw that it was intact and nothing unusual!
"Playing tricks!" He made a false alarm, and when he looked at Zhang Kun, he saw that the aura on his body was really only heavenly.

Seeing this, everyone took another step forward, and Zhang Kun hugged Liang Lingxue's tender body tightly. With an unprecedented chill on his face, he said solemnly, "Sect Master Tianhuo, your life is not long!"

As if the god of death pronounced a sentence, Zhang Kun spoke calmly, but it seemed that he could not follow his words. Everyone present was shocked. Although Zhang Kun failed to break through, there was something wrong with this kid, which gave them an indescribable feeling. Uneasy feeling!
"Dare to curse me, die!" Sect Master Tianhuo was so angry that he jumped into a rage, condensed the real fire and blasted towards Zhang Kun, wanting to take his life.

"Get lost!" At this moment, Gongsun Yangyan, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up. He took a step forward and burst out the true essence in his body. The powerful aura shook the rainstorm that could not be stopped, and the aura of arrogance came from all directions. , Everyone in the sect retreated violently!

"So strong!" They couldn't help admiring, and they retreated ten steps to stabilize their figures, while those with weak strength were blown away from the mountain, paralyzed half of their body!

"Brother Zhang Kun, I..."

"Lingxue, don't talk." Zhang Kun held Liang Lingxue's hands tightly, stroking her bully Saixue's skin, and said softly.

Immediately, his eyes were filled with anger and frost. He glanced at the people of the sect, and said solemnly: "I, Zhang, wrote down what happened today, and I will definitely step through the gate of you and others in the future!"

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

"Wishful thinking!" Those sect leaders were furious and furious, all kinds of vitality in their hands flashed, and the arrow seemed to explode!
"Boom, thump, thump, thump!" At this moment, bursts of sound came from the sky, and the rain suddenly stopped.

"Daosheng?" Everyone looked around, only to see Prince Daosheng standing on the cloud at some point, his pupils turned into a golden light, and he said slowly: "Everyone, please put aside the grievances at this moment, something big has happened That's it, father and emperor summoned the sects of the world!"

"What? What!" Everyone froze, the lord of the Xiaoshuo Empire, the supreme being, unexpectedly summoned the world's sect forces at this time.

"All the leaders of the sect, first go to Kaiyang City for a secret discussion, and the remaining disciples will order the disciples of the same clan to rush to Yaohuang Mountain!" The Taoist prince conveyed the emperor's will.

"Hmph, you're lucky this time!" Those sects who besieged Zhang Kun put away their weapons, and glanced at Zhang Kun's eyes with a gloomy expression, wishing to devour him.

(End of this chapter)

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