Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 449

Chapter 449
Following the emperor's imperial decree, the heads of various sects and sects set up their seats and rode away on the clouds, while the rest of the disciples stayed in Yaohuang Mountain. All the high-ranking and powerful people went to Kaiyang City for a while, Fairy Xixian and Prince Daosheng also went, only Pavilion Master Qingyun and Gongsun Yangyan were still standing by the lake.

"What an idiot." Pavilion Master Qingyun shook his head and walked forward helplessly to heal Liang Lingxue. Seeing this, Gongsun Yangyan bestowed a life-changing pill. Pavilion Master Qingyun nodded and sent the pill into the From Liang Lingxue's mouth, she slowly conveyed vitality to her.

"Don't worry, you handled it well, and she's fine." Gongsun Yangyan said this to Zhang Kun. The moment Liang Lingxue was injured, Zhang Kun used his vitality to seal her meridians to prevent her from getting hurt. The injury spread.

Zhang Kun smiled wryly, stood up, walked up to Gongsun Yangyan and bowed slightly as if to apologize, but was supported by Gongsun Yangyan with his hand.

"You don't need to apologize, I know, refining the state of mind, you come with me." Gongsun Yangyan was unexpectedly not angry at all. It is said that the elixir he worked hard to refine was so wasted by Zhang Kun, so he should be extremely angry. yes.

Zhang Kun was taken aback for a moment. The word came from Gongsun Yangyan's mouth. He couldn't help but froze, and then followed Gongsun Yangyan into his wooden house.

After Gongsun Yangyan finished, he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and finally found an old silk book. He rummaged through it, and then said: "If you want to ask questions, first cultivate your heart."

"The seven realms of ancient martial arts are perfect, they can break the demons of the heart and cultivate the state of mind." Gongsun Yangyan muttered to himself.

His deep eyes seemed to hide the stars and the sea, and there seemed to be memories in his eyes: "I also wanted to cultivate this kind of realm, but unfortunately, the conditions are too harsh, and it is impossible to achieve it."

"This time I will refine the Origin Dao Pill for you, and I also have such a glimmer of expectation!" Gongsun Yangyan's eyes showed joy: "I didn't expect you to really do it. After reading the records in ancient books, it is true, that means, There is also a legendary realm, which should also exist!"

Zhang Kun nodded: "This master also knows, asking about the realm, between Qi training and foundation building."

"That's right, but it's too difficult." Gongsun Yangyan said with a sigh.

"Then how to cultivate this realm?" Zhang Kun couldn't help asking curiously.

Gongsun Yangyan was at a loss for words at once, slightly startled, and finally said: "This legendary realm is not for us and other mortals to get our hands on. If you practice hard, maybe there will be hope."

"If you don't ask about refining your mind, becoming an immortal is vain fantasy. It's a pity that there are very few people who become immortals in this world, and they are even just legends. Some powerful Jindan monks are regarded as immortals!" Gongsun Yangyan sighed. At his level, The only thing that can be pursued is the supreme law and immortality.

Zhang Kun nodded thoughtfully. If people in this world can't do it, it doesn't mean he can't do it!
"What's so magical about refining the state of mind?" Gongsun Yangyan asked curiously, looking at Zhang Kun tenderly.

"The mysteries are endless. I just entered this realm, and I still need a few days to explore and consolidate." Zhang Kun suddenly stopped and smiled, "But I said that the Huozong's lord died soon, so I didn't aim for nothing."

"Huh?" Gongsun Yangyan's face changed slightly, as if he realized something, he looked at Zhang Kun as if he was looking at a monster.

"His dao heart is fragile and has been crushed by me." Zhang Kun said with a smile, "In less than a week, his dao heart will collapse, and his body will die."

"The realm of refining the mind is so terrifying?" As calm as Gongsun Yangyan, he couldn't sit still. The master of Tianhuo is the head of the great sect, the overlord of one side, the old monster of the foundation realm, and Zhang Kun even took a look. , will die?

Zhang Kun continued indifferently: "Although the vitality in my disciple's body is only heaven-level, it can be recovered with a little practice. The blood I spit out is the last trace of impurity in my body. From then on, I have blessed the spirit body with my mind, and it is already a diamond." not bad!"

"Those who refine the state of mind are so powerful that they are beyond the reach of ordinary people who train qi." Gongsun Yangyan thought of a sentence in an ancient book, and was shocked and muttered to himself, speechless for a while.

"If you re-train Qi to perfection, what about your strength?" Gongsun Yangyan couldn't help asking.

Zhang Kun shook his head and said: "I don't know, but master, if you don't enter the golden core, I'm afraid you won't be my opponent."

As soon as these words came out, Gongsun Yangyan's face changed wildly, and he could no longer restrain his ups and downs.It took a long time for him to calm down, thinking about it, too, how could the realm cultivated by using the two magic medicines of Origin Dao Pill and Nanci Xuancheng Pill be an ordinary realm?

It is natural to have these miraculous effects.

"Master, the emperor suddenly summoned all the sect members, what is the so-called?" Zhang Kun smiled gently, pulling Gongsun Yangyan out of the shock.

Gongsun Yangyan looked at Zhang Kun with satisfaction and nodded: "You should have guessed it. I didn't go to Yaochi to fetch flowers for you before. It was the emperor who asked me to discuss important matters. Next, I let them come here to participate in the apprenticeship ceremony. Get ready for this."

"Is it the shadow of a lunar eclipse?" Zhang Kun asked tentatively.

"Not bad!"

Pingchang City, located hundreds of kilometers west of Kaiyang City, is adjacent to the imperial city to the east and Shiwanda Mountain to the west. It has always been an important trade channel for the Xiaoshuo Empire. After the undead wave broke out, there was even an imperial city guard army stationed here.

Less than ten kilometers away from Pingchang City, at the foot of the Shiwanda Mountain, a small team is patrolling. The black armor on their bodies hides faint rune fluctuations, and they are holding the most sophisticated Bailian spears in the empire. The whole team walked silently but in unison, and the invisible momentum was not comparable to the bravery of these local soldiers.

"Stay in place for a quarter of an hour." The person walking in front stopped and ordered to the team behind. The originally neat team immediately dispersed, and everyone sat on the ground without any image. Wearing such a heavy armor is indeed not something ordinary people can bear.

"I said Captain Zhou, we have been patrolling this place every day, and we haven't found anything unusual. I think the higher ups are overly nervous." A guard took off his helmet, wiped the sweat from his face, and cursed.

"Shut up, Wang Dayi, if you can't keep up with the team later, I'll see if I don't hang you naked at the gate of the barracks when you get back." Lieutenant Zhou also took off his helmet, showing a serious face, he is the guard The leader of the army, Zhou Xiaoxi.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Zhou Xiaoxi's words caused a burst of laughter, and they all started booing, and Wang Dayi also blushed, holding the water bag and filling it with water while muttering.

"The tide of undead is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from here. Those desolate beasts in the center of the Hundred Thousand Mountains are not vegetarians. Back then, even His Majesty was helpless. Those undead who fell when they touched them used to be extra meals."

"You're the one who talks a lot, so get the hell out of here later."

A smile appeared on Zhou Xiaoxi's serious face. When he first joined the Imperial Guard, because his name was more feminine, he was often ridiculed by his colleagues because of it. He was in charge of the Praetorian Guard.

At the beginning, many veterans were still unconvinced, but after several battles, everyone was convinced. The boss who took the lead in each battle and was willing to take the most dangerous position, what else could they say? Wang Dayi was the one who called out the most fiercely at the beginning, but now he is also his most loyal supporter.

"Assemble!" Zhou Xiaoxi put on his helmet and shouted in a low voice.

Brush brush!
The group of people who were still in a mess were lined up in less than ten breaths, and under the leadership of Zhou Xiaoxi, they continued to march towards the inside of Shiwan Dashan.

"Have you noticed anything unusual?" Zhou Xiaoxi's uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense as he got deeper and deeper into the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

"There's nothing wrong, it's just that it's too quiet here today, and I feel bored." Wang Dayi's voice came from the thick armor.

Zhou Xiaoxi stopped abruptly, and finally realized the source of the anomaly. As the Hundred Thousand Mountains of the Desolate Beast Paradise, they have never seen a single desolate beast. This is too weird.

The suffocating silence around him enveloped him like a tide, making his heart sink continuously.

"Immediately, go back!" Zhou Xiaoxi said decisively, as a commander, he didn't want to easily bring the team into a dangerous situation.

Although many people were very puzzled, they subconsciously obeyed the order, and everyone immediately turned around and walked back.

"Oh my god! What, what is this!" Wang Dayi looked back subconsciously, but was stunned, and his mouth began to tremble.

Straits of black mist meandered like snakes, rushing towards them crazily, and farther away, the forest was completely covered by black mist.

"When is this, we didn't find out at all." Someone in the Imperial Guard shouted in horror. They patrol here every day, but they don't know that the black fog is in front of them.

"Let's go!" Zhou Xiaoxi yelled sharply, turned around and fled towards the outside of the mountain, those imperial guards also followed, dozens of people kept looting in the woods, the talisman array on the armor shone with dazzling light, It increased their speed by a large amount, but the black fog behind them was chasing closely, and the speed was even faster than them by a few points.

"Ah!" Zhou Xiaoxi suddenly heard a scream from behind, and then there was no sound, followed by ups and downs of the scream, but soon quieted down again, it was a few guards who had fallen behind.

Zhou Xiaoxi's eyes were red, he glanced at the guards beside him, and gestured for them to continue running, but he stood where he was, as if he had given up hope of survival.

Wang Dayi and the remaining imperial guards continued to run out. They knew what Zhou Xiaoxi wanted to do, but they had to spread the news, otherwise it would be a catastrophe for the empire.

They turned their heads with tears in their eyes, and saw the black mist surrounding the lonely figure from all directions, Zhou Xiaoxi was swallowed by the black mist in an instant.

An earth-shattering explosion sounded from the black mist, and the thick black mist was blown to pieces, revealing a clear land again, but Zhou Xiaoxi was nowhere to be seen, only a piece of broken armor lying in place.

(End of this chapter)

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