Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 450 Fighting for Yaohuang Mountain

Chapter 450 Fighting for Yaohuang Mountain
On Yaohuang Mountain, endless black clouds shrouded the sky, and an extremely uncomfortable sense of oppression appeared in everyone's heart. Many people felt that their hearts were in a mess recently and they couldn't calm down.

On Taiji Peak, which is the supreme mountain, stands an ancient bronze bell, engraved with plants, trees, fish and insects, everything in the world.Many disciples have never seen this bell ringing before, but now the hammer is blowing without wind, hitting the copper bell in a strange rhythm, and waves of sound spread out and surround the seven peaks.

Zhang Kun was concocting alchemy at this time, but was suddenly interrupted by an ancient and long bell. Looking at the batch of elixirs that had been practiced, Zhang Kun's expression darkened, and he was about to go out to find the source.

It has been a few days since he failed to break through the elixir under the watchful eyes of all the sects. These days he has been constantly challenging his state, exploring the mysteries of refining the state of mind, and his strength has been continuously improved and he has returned to the innate state. realm.

In the eyes of others, he just spent a few days in seclusion to cultivate himself, without any other changes at all.

Liang Lingxue had fully recovered with the Shengshenghaohua pill bestowed by Gongsun Yangyan, and the two hadn't been able to see each other for a while, but Zhang Kun was surprised to find that this little girl had died in just two years of not seeing each other. Grow into a gas trainer.

This talent seems to be stronger than Fairy Xixian and Daosheng Prince who have been cultivating intensively in the sect since childhood!
It even surpassed Zhang Kun, because many of Zhang Kun's realms were cultivated with the help of the mirror domain, and there is still a ten-fold acceleration in the mirror domain space. Zhang Kun's practice time far exceeds his actual age, but at the same time Zhang Kun Kun's state is the most solid and perfect, otherwise it would be impossible to enter the state of refining mind.

When he just got up, he found that the bell was ringing again, and now it felt the abnormality of the bell, as if it sounded directly in his sea of ​​consciousness.

The bell rang nine times in a row before it stopped, and the mountain where Zhang Kun was located seemed to suddenly become noisy.


The door was slammed open, revealing Cai Xunan's anxious face. After seeing Zhang Kun, a trace of joy finally appeared on his face. He pulled Zhang Kun and walked out, still muttering: "Finally found you!" , Come with me quickly, something serious happened to the sect, all the disciples have already rushed to Wenwen Peak, even the few Supreme Elders who have been locked away for many years have come out."

"Is it related to the bell just now?" Zhang Kun frowned slightly, watching the disciples beside him all look anxious, and many figures flew into the sky directly and flew towards Wendao Peak.

"That bell is called the soul-suppressing bell, and it is the treasure of the sect. The bell will not ring easily, and it will only ring when something important happens." Cai Xunan explained, "And I haven't seen the town for so many years. The soul bell rings nine times, and the more times it rings, the more dangerous the situation is, and the soul-suppressing nine rings only appeared when Yaohuang Mountain was destroyed hundreds of years ago."

Looking at Cai Xunan's lingering fear, Zhang Kun seemed to understand the urgency of the matter. He had also heard of the disaster of Yaohuang Mountain a hundred years ago. , barely retained the blood.

"Go up the sword!" Zhang Kun pinched out a spell, saw that Cai Xunan was still there in a daze, and dragged him up. The Chengying sword rose from the ground and drew an arc towards the top of Wendao Peak. That speed even surpassed the cars of some elders.

When the two of them came to Wendao Fengding, the place was already crowded with people, and everyone didn't know what happened, and they were anxiously whispering to their colleagues next to them.

"My God, who is he? Why does Master Gongsun treat that man so respectfully?" Everyone looked up at the sky, only to see an old man with white hair and a childlike face appear out of thin air, standing in midair with a dignified expression. The water curtain spanned the entire square, but what appeared on the water curtain was pitch black, and there seemed to be a shadowy city inside.

This person is the Supreme Master of Yaohuang Mountain, who is usually closed in the residence, but today he showed up!

All the disciples were puzzled, and the Supreme Master said coldly: "The water curtain shows the current scene of Pingchang City."

The entire square exploded like a thunderbolt. Everyone looked at the water curtain in disbelief. Finally, someone found the city in the black mist and the words "Pingchang City" on the gate, and believed it. Everything is true.

"The tide of undead has spread to less than a hundred kilometers away from the imperial city, and Pingchang City has fallen and turned into a ghost city." The head of the Supreme Master said solemnly, the situation is extremely serious, if the tide of undead is not stopped The Empire may be destroyed!
"Your Majesty has announced to all the sects that our Medicine Emperor Mountain can't stand alone. Now, all the disciples who are above the innate and the fifth-level alchemy disciples, you can choose to leave, or you can choose to fight for Yaohuang Mountain!"

There was a moment of silence in the square, and immediately there was a shout like a tsunami: "Fight for Yaohuang Mountain!"

The Taishang head nodded in relief, said that Elder Wen Wenfeng would be responsible for all matters, and then disappeared again.

"Zhang Kun, do you want to join the battle?" Cai Xunan approached Zhang Kun and whispered.

"Go!" Zhang Kun hesitated for a moment, and said decisively. The scene just now gave him a big shock. He didn't expect those disciples to have such a strong sense of belonging to Yaohuang Mountain, and Yaohuang Mountain treated him well. He is not an ungrateful villain, and he has an obsession with destroying the Moon Tide.

Asked about the peak, those disciples who met the requirements lined up to register, while those disciples who were not strong enough looked at them enviously, thinking that it was a great honor to fight for the sect.

When it was Zhang Kun's turn, Zhang Kun stepped forward and pressed his hand on a piece of jade, and his information was displayed on it.

"Okay, next one, fifth-level alchemist, Zhang, Zhang Kun?" The registered elder read out Zhang Kun's message, and the next moment he suddenly raised his head, and saw Zhang Kun smiling brightly at him.

"Zhang Kun, are you sure you want to fight?" the elder scratched his head and said in distress.

"Yes, elder, although I started late, I also want to contribute to the sect, which is what you all think in the same sect." Zhang Kun looked upright and said righteously.

"You failed to break through, you should rest well in the sect, find a way to get back to the realm as soon as possible, break through and practice Qi!" The elder persuaded earnestly: "It's very dangerous to go this time, and the undead can die on the battlefield. It’s not a joke, the Holy Majesty’s iron cavalry has been repeatedly frustrated, let alone you disciples of the sect.”

Zhang Kun shook his head, he had already made up his mind, and he knew one thing better than anyone else, that this disaster could only be ended by him!
He saw the mysterious bishop of the shadow of the eclipse through the vision of the mirror field, holding a bronze mirror fragment in his hand!
When the situation has reached this point, I am afraid that practitioners in this world cannot calm down. Only Zhang Kun can end all this with the help of Jingyu.

"Forget it, then you go, pay attention to protecting yourself!" The elder who registered said helplessly, registered Zhang Kun and issued a jade card.

However, many Yaohuangshan disciples around looked at Zhang Kun with unfriendly eyes. Good guy, the whole Yaohuangshan was busy with him in the past few days, and finally prepared a grand apprenticeship ceremony for him. Also failed to break through.

Not only did Zhang Kun lose face, but the entire Yaohuang Mountain lost face in front of the sects of the world!

There are quite a few people who come to Zhang Kun's residence these days. They accuse Zhang Kun again and again, thinking that he has provoked too many hostile sects, which has caused the relationship between Yaohuang Mountain and the sects of the world to be very tense!

Moreover, there are still a large number of neutral sects who are watching the joke of Yaohuang Mountain. With all the strength of the sect, they can't even train a Qi trainer?It's ridiculous!
Zhang Kun didn't pay any attention to the infamy he was carrying. He glanced coldly at the people present and smiled slightly: "Brothers, I need to ask for more advice from now on."

"Hmph, just don't hold us back on the battlefield!"

"You should go to alchemy, the luggage is more suitable for you. Although you failed to break through, we still recognize your skill in refining five sixth-level pills at a time. It is too reluctant to kill the enemy with your current strength. "Su Qianjue appeared and patted Zhang Kun's shoulder gently, with an expression of consideration for you.

Cai Xunan clenched his fists, wanting to say something more, but he was powerless to refute. Now Zhang Kun's strength can only be slaughtered!

Everyone laughed, and they said softly: "Just live under the protection of Master Gongsun for the rest of your life!"

"Heaven-level waste hahaha, the lower limit of my Yaohuangshan's strength is about to set a record, and some medicine boys are stronger than him." The laughter was endless, and Zhang Kun just ignored it.

"Ignorance." Zhang Kun shook his head, stopped looking at them, withdrew his eyes, and left. He controlled his eyes, for fear that they would not be able to bear his thoughts, and would die suddenly like the suzerain of the Tianhuo Sect. And they are far inferior to the Skyfire Sect Master, I am afraid they will collapse on the spot!

After all, he is a brother of the same school, and at the moment when he is employing people, Zhang Kun doesn't want to make more troubles.

"Okay, you will set off to the front line with the disciples of other sects in a few days, you should prepare well in the next few days!" The registered elder sighed, feeling sorry for Zhang Kun, and then stopped talking up.

When he came outside his residence, Zhang Kun looked at the rising and falling of the endless clouds and smoke below. He felt a little feeling in his heart, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more rising. !
"The shadow of the lunar eclipse? The sects of the world?"

"Let you see my true strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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