Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 452 Dao Heart Cracks, Zhang Kun's New Power

Chapter 452 Dao Heart Cracks, Zhang Kun's New Power

Before breaking the spirit list, several people looked up at the golden list, their eyes were full of envy and anticipation, it was a very impressive thing to be able to engrave their names on this kind of place and be respected by thousands of people. People are excited about things.

"I didn't expect that with the strength of Senior Brother Zhang, he could only be ranked No. 40. The strength of the people in front of him can be imagined." Han Dongxu said with emotion, and thinking of himself, he couldn't help but feel a little sad. , Zhang Juzheng has been ranked in the Yuan list, but he is still unknown, only when he really breaks through the Qi training realm, he knows that even if he is in the same realm, the strength is even more different.

"Brother Zhang came here for the first time, so it's normal that the number of kills is not high." Ding Yingshang hurriedly argued, and everyone around nodded after hearing this. According to Zhang Juzheng's real strength, it should be no problem to enter the top ten.

"The number one ranking is indeed him!" Xue Zhenghao suddenly exclaimed, and everyone looked up, only to see the three words dragon, flying and phoenix dancing engraved on the top of the list.

"Bai Yangxuan?" Zhang Kun said in a low voice. The name was unfamiliar to him, but it seemed that Han Dongxu and the others were very familiar with it.

Ding Yingshang glanced at Zhang Kun, and explained to him very understandingly: "Bai Yangxuan is not from our empire, he seems to come from a famous sect in the world, and he has experienced in our empire in recent years, and he The ranking above the yuan list is thirteenth, and he almost entered the top ten, even our king is very polite to him."

Zhang Kun silently wrote down the name. He had a hunch that the two of them would definitely meet in the future, and he knew that even Zhang Juzheng had only just entered the Yuan list, but this person was about to break into the top ten, so he must be not an ordinary person .

"It would be great if we can also enter the breaking spirit list. If I can also rank first." Xue Zhenghao looked at the list obsessively, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Hahaha, this broken spirit list is not something that the rotten fish and rotten shrimps of Yaohuang Mountain can enter." A piercing chuckle came from behind, and everyone looked back. When the man came over, the faces of the people around him changed drastically when they saw him, and they all gave way to him.

"Sui Jinchao, I didn't expect him to come too."

"Hehe, it's interesting that Yaohuang Mountain faces Shanghuangji Gate."

"I didn't expect Huangjimen to release this lunatic. I think these people from Yaohuangshan are going to fall into a fight."

Zhang Kun didn't know him, but seeing Han Dongxu's dignified expressions, he knew that this person must have a lot of background.

"Who is this person?" Zhang Kun asked Ding Yingshang in a low voice.

It caused Ding Yingshang to look sideways for a while, as if looking at a monster, and Zhang Kun was also a little ashamed. Indeed, he knew almost nothing about the young generation in the imperial city. Ding Yingshang looked at him for a while, and explained aloud: "He is a disciple of the Huangji Sect. He seems to have some kind of bloodline and is highly valued by the Huangji Sect. However, the reason why he is so famous is that he has some personality problems and is too troublesome. But with the backing of the Huangji Sect, No one would dare to retaliate, but last time he actually provoked Bai Yangxuan, and after being repaired by Bai Yangxuan, he went back to retreat, and this time he has broken through to practice Qi."

Zhang Kun was subconsciously familiar with it, and looked back at the broken spirit list. Sure enough, Sui Jinzhao's name was listed at number 63 on the broken spirit list.

"Sui Jinchao, since you have made a breakthrough in Qi training, you should know the severity. Are you not afraid of causing disputes among the sects by insulting our sect?" Han Dongxu took a step forward and said coldly.

"Tsk, what's wrong with me telling the truth? Besides Zhang Juzheng, what else can you see in Yaohuangshan?" Sui Jinzhao shook his head, looked in front of Han Dongxu, and said with disdain: "Even if you , so what if it’s the Qi training state, isn’t it just a waste?”

"Are you looking for death?" Xue Zhenghao's youthful heart, seeing someone humiliating his respected brother in this way, his inner strength surged, and he wanted to go up and fight Sui Jinzhao.

However, he was held back by a hand. Xue Zhenghao looked back and saw that it was Qi Zhengyan who was firmly holding his arm.

"You are not his opponent." Qi Zhengyan said expressionlessly, but there was a convincing magic in his tone.

Xue Zhenghao also calmed down at this time, knowing that he was only humiliating himself by going up, but he was still a little annoyed, and lowered his hands sullenly, only hating that he was not strong enough.

Sui Jinzhao looked at them, and said with a half-smile: "This is your teammate? Sure enough, people flock together, and waste should be with waste. Let me see, there is actually a heaven-level Garbage? How can there be such garbage, is there no one in Yaohuang Mountain?"

Sui Jinzhao seemed to have discovered something funny, pointed at Zhang Kun and kept laughing, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you useless. This is really flattering you."

Han Dongxu clenched his fists tightly, and he was also strongly restraining himself. Fighting is forbidden in Poling City. It was built to resist the undead, and there are extremely strict rules in it. As long as he makes a move, Sui Jinchao will have a reason to do so. , and although he is at the second stage of Qi training, judging from Sui Jinchao's past record and his unfathomable aura, he knows that he is not his opponent, even if he makes a move, it is just to humiliate himself, and it may even hurt him. teammates.

Ding Yingshang's pretty face turned pale with anger, and Qi Zhengyan's expressionless poker face exuded a chill, but none of them made a move, and they could all see that Sui Jinchao was tempting them to make a move. As long as they couldn't help it, Then the Sui and Jin dynasties would have a legitimate reason to teach them a lesson, and they would be expelled from Poling City for violating city regulations.

"It's really boring. I didn't expect it to be a group of cowards. Forget it, let's go." Sui Jinchao didn't expect that he had humiliated them like this, and they couldn't help but feel a little bit discouraged. They waved their hands and went To take people away.

"Hehe." A burst of crisp laughter was very clear in this quiet square.

"Zhang Kun, we have been humiliated like this, what are you laughing at?" Xue Zhenghao turned his head and saw Zhang Kun's brighter smile, and blamed him, but he was even more dissatisfied with this so-called alchemy genius.

"Some people are going to be unlucky, of course I'm happy." Zhang Kun said quite naturally.

Sui Jinzhao turned his head abruptly, staring at the young man with a bright smile, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Are you provoking me?"

Ding Yingshang grabbed Zhang Kun's clothes corner worriedly.Zhang Kun gently brushed her hand away, smiled at Ding Yingshang, and walked towards Sui Jinchao step by step under everyone's gaze.

"Junior Brother Zhang" Han Dongxu hesitated to speak, he knew that Zhang Kun was trying to help them regain their position, but Zhang Kun's current strength was comparable to Sui Jinchao, it was no different from courting death, but he couldn't bear to hit Zhang Kun like this , I was at a loss for words for a while.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, why don't you contact the elders of the Zongmen as soon as possible, so that I won't beat the young one out of the old one." Zhang Kun said to himself.

Now even Han Dongxu is speechless. I really don’t know where Zhang Kun’s confidence comes from. The difference between the two is two big steps, and there is a natural barrier of Qi training. This is not a secret treasure at all. If there is a real fight, Zhang Kun may not be able to catch even one move.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I, Sui Jinzhao, would meet someone crazier than me today. Although I don't know where you, a celestial ant, get your confidence, I'll allow you to tell me my name." Sui Jinzhao was crazy With a smile, there was a hint of cruelty at the corner of his mouth.

"There's so much nonsense, I'll tell you when you're on your stomach." Zhang Kun walked towards Sui Jinzhao step by step, with no energy flowing out of his body, as if he was an ordinary person, but the corner of his mouth The smile is getting bigger and bigger.

"Sigh." Han Dongxu sighed silently, feeling the vitality of the world rushing towards Sui Jinzhao, and knew that he had to make a move. This Sui Jinzhao has always shot fiercely, even if he didn't dare to kill in public, Zhang Kun was sure of it. will be scrapped.

"Why, do you want to go together? Then I'll give you this chance." Sui Jinzhao was full of madness, his black hair fluttered in the air, his vitality was condensed to a terrifying level, and the surrounding void kept jumping There is an electric arc, like a demon king who controls thunder and lightning.

"Sure enough, he has broken through Qi training, and it's not an ordinary Qi training. His lightning method seems to be even more terrifying. Those lightning lights may be able to instantly kill Xiantian."

"Sui Jinchao is indeed Sui Jinchao. Even though the iron plate was mentioned last time, but this time he made a comeback after breaking through Qi training, I'm afraid it will set off another storm."

"It's a pity that the Yaohuangshan group is about to become the target of demonstrations by the Sui and Jin Dynasties."

"Kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe I can spare your life." Sui Jinzhao laughed wildly after listening to the discussion of the crowd. Under the background of thunder and lightning, he really looked like a god and demon, looking down on everyone.

"Oh?" Zhang Kun saw the astonishingly powerful Sui Jinchao, and his smile became more vigorous, and he had already walked within ten steps of Sui Jinchao. Zhang Kun raised his foot and slowly fell, even a wisp of dust Neither was aroused.

There was a burst of booing from around, Sui Jinzhao also sneered and said: "Pretend to be a ghost, go die."

But soon he couldn't laugh anymore. The vitality he condensed quickly dissipated, the electric light disappeared without a trace, his face turned pale instantly, and beads of sweat flowed down his forehead.

Zhang Kun took another step forward, still without any vision, but Sui Jinzhao's face became even paler, and his whole body began to shake.

Others wondered what happened, but only Sui Jinzhao knew that Zhang Kun's silent foot that landed on the ground sounded like thunder to him. It stepped on his Dao heart, making his Dao heart tremble, as if Will break anytime.

(End of this chapter)

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