Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 453 I will take you all forward

Chapter 453 I will take you all into the top ten

Daoyi is the rule of the movement of heaven and earth that appears outside. Countless practitioners comprehend Daoyi and continue to pursue this ethereal path of cultivation.

On this almost endless road, people's tireless pursuit of Taoism is the Taoist heart. If the Taoist heart is firm, the natural practice will be twice the result with half the effort, and one can perceive the Supreme Dao intimately.

Dao heart is slack, drifting in the secular world, it is like sailing against the current, not advancing but retreating, Sui and Jin Chao is a genius, definitely one of the best geniuses in the Xiaoshuo Empire, but unfortunately his temperament is very problematic, extremely impatient, Dao heart is naturally unstable, and his strength is advancing by leaps and bounds At the same time, it left a huge hidden danger!
That's why he was called the lunatic of Huangjimen!
At this moment, Zhang Kun took another step, as if a god had descended into the world. Wherever he landed, a lotus flower with vitality bloomed gently, and a lotus was born in one step!
"Pfft!" Sui Jinchao's eyes widened to the extreme, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding uncontrollably. Not only did his heart collapse, but his heart was about to burst under this invisible pressure!

He suddenly slumped down, his eyes became extremely hollow, like a dementia.

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly, then withdrew his eyes.

"Take it down, it's useless." Zhang Kun said indifferently, motioning to his colleagues from the Huangji Gate of the Sui and Jin Dynasties to take him down.Abolishing a peerless genius doesn't require him to do anything, everything can be done in one thought!
"By the way, you are lying down now. I can tell you that my name is Zhang Kun." Zhang Kun smiled gently at Sui Jinchao, who was unconscious on the ground, but the latter didn't seem to hear half of it, and was stunned.

"Senior Brother Sui? What's wrong with you, talk!" The disciples of Huangjimen suddenly changed their expressions. The contempt they had looked at Zhang Kun disappeared completely, and they all looked at him with monster-looking eyes.

"Zhang Kun, what did you do to Senior Brother Sui?" They also realized that the culprit of all this must be that Zhang Kun!
Zhang Kun said lightly: "I taught him a little lesson, let him remember that there are some people he can't afford to provoke, and his character has too many loopholes, I suggest you let him go back and cultivate his mind for ten years. "

"Damn it, Zhang Kun, you're courting death!" The members of Huangjimen usually thought that they were superior, how could they bear Zhang Kun's accusation at this moment?

But after seeing Zhang Kun's indifferent, but breathtaking eyes, they all cringed, and no one wanted to fall down in an instant like Sui Jinchao. They retreated slowly and carefully, for fear of what Zhang Kun might do to them.

"I'm not mistaken, the arrogant and domineering disciples of the Huangji sect will retreat on their own initiative!" Ding Yingshang couldn't hide her surprise, her beautiful eyes were full of horror.

"What kind of secret technique did he use?" Qi Zhengyan, who was silent at first, couldn't help but questioned again and again.

Han Dongxu's eyes widened even more, and like the crowd watching, he was completely speechless. Is this the trash with only heavenly strength? Sui and Jin defeated?

"What the hell, that's the Sui Jin Dynasty, Huangjimen won't let it go!" Han Dongxu frowned immediately, the Suijin Dynasty had a bad reputation, and the elders of Huangjimen were very protective of him, so Zhang Kun directly abolished him Wouldn't it incur their revenge?

Everyone looked at Zhang Kun one after another. Although they were shocked, they were more of a kind of sympathy and pity.

"If you offend the Huangjimen, there is no good fruit to eat. When the head of the Huangjimen, Daosheng Prince, comes to the door, how can Zhang Kun resist his Tianwei?" Everyone shook their heads again and again.

Zhang Kun is indeed amazing. Even though he failed to break through and train Qi, it seems that his strength has not declined but has risen. However, if he wants to show his prominence in the Xiaoshuo Empire, he must first pass the Huangji Gate.

But no one is optimistic about him, because there are so many talents in the world, and those who offend Huangjimen, few of them will end well.

"Don't be dazed, go back to your post." Zhang Kun waved his hand, awakening everyone from the shock, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed, and the deeds of Zhang Kun abolishing the Sui and Jin dynasties in a few steps began to appear in Poling City Locusts generally spread!
This time the tide of undead is a big event, Huangjimen took out a mirage to transport the heroes from all over the world who came to help, and Jinghonglou was not to be outdone, and brought a Zhenzong secret treasure to Poling City.

That is the magic weapon of Lord Jinghong. There is a cave in this magic weapon, which can make the disciples of the sect gathered in Poling City live in it. It is a pity that it cannot be moved easily, otherwise it would be a mobile fortress on the battlefield like existence!
"Everyone, this wave of undead is no different than ordinary wars. It is more cruel and desperate. I hope you are fully prepared! We must unite, win glory for the sect, and fight for our names. Stay on the breaking spirit list!" Coming to the residence in the cave, Han Dongxu immediately held a meeting in the team.

As the captain, he is naturally responsible for taking good care of everyone in the team, but every time he said a word, he glanced at Zhang Kun intentionally or unintentionally, because his existence was hard to ignore, and Han Dongxu was afraid that he would not be able to command This big Buddha.

"Then, Zhang Kun, do you have anything else to say?" Han Dongxu asked nervously.

Zhang Kun nodded and said, "Senior Brother Han spoke very well, but"

"You still underestimated this disaster. You didn't come here for fun. You will die at any time. You'd better not have any strange illusions." Zhang Kun said lightly, his plain tone seemed to cast a chill on everyone. Basin of cold water.

Suddenly his tone changed: "However, that's a normal situation, it's different here, because I'm here!"

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, Xue Zhenghao even frowned slightly, and Qi Zhengyan looked closely at Zhang Kun.

"You are all disciples of my Yaohuang Mountain. You have started the alchemy way early, and maybe the alchemy ranks are still higher than mine." Zhang Kun looked around at their immature faces and said: "But you are in the medicine. Those who studied in Huangshan were all elixirs for curing diseases and saving lives, and never understood what changes alchemists should make in the face of war!"

Zhang Kun's voice was not loud, but it exploded in their ears like thunder. After entering the state of refining the mind, Zhang Kun's gestures were in harmony with the way of heaven, and the words he said casually seemed to have magical power, able to draw everyone's minds .

"We not only want to live here, but I also want your points to be among the top ten on the Poling Ranking. I will put my words here today. If I can't, I will quit Yaohuangshan!" Zhang Kun's mouth curled up. With a smile, he finished speaking word by word.

As soon as these words came out, all the members of the team fell into a slump, shaking their heads again and again, and all of them entered the top ten of the spirit breaking list?

This is impossible, it is completely wishful thinking, the strength of the few of them is completely bottom-to-bottom in Qi training, only the first and second levels of Qi training, and at the Qi training stage, the gap between each level is a natural moat , is even more difficult than congenitally advancing into Qi training!

And what kind of monsters are the top ten on the spirit breaking list?The mysterious powerhouse of the foreign sect, Bai Yangxuan, the prince of the Xiaoshuo Empire, the head disciple of the Huangji sect, the Taoist saint, the beautiful girl who is as beautiful as a fairy, the fairy Xixian, and the top fighters of various sects are all on it!
Even Gongsun Yangyan's other apprentice, Prince Zifang, is not qualified to occupy a place on it. Just based on whether they can really do it, Zhang Kun swears that they can do it, but they themselves don't believe it!
Looking at the dejected crowd, Zhang Kun smiled slightly: "As long as I'm here, nothing is impossible."

With a wave of his hand, a golden light appeared in front of everyone, on which was recorded the formula of a kind of pill, which was the Wild Flame Pill.

"Explosives, one explosive is enough to kill a piece of congenital and hurt Qi training!" Zhang Kun said expressionlessly.

He moved his hands together, a golden light appeared, and profound and difficult words appeared, and the densely packed words gave people an extremely shocking feeling.

"The elixir refined based on the way of the undead, Yan Luo Slashing Pill, Huangquan Jug, Fading Resentment Pill!"

"Poison pills that can poison all living things within a few miles, pills that can summon phantoms, magic pills that can form pill formations, pills that can trigger a one-off attack from the power of heaven and earth." Zhang Kun snapped his fingers, and appeared in front of everyone. There are countless kinds of strange medicines.

Some of these elixirs are the elixir formulas that he exchanged from Jingyu with a lot of spirit stones and hard-working elixirs, some were coerced and lured out of the mouth of the great Gu master Luo Quan, and some were talked with Gongsun Yangyan that night, He picked out for Zhang Kun some lost pills recorded in several banned books of the sect, and of course there was a magical pill that Zhang Kun didn't take out. It was the secret pill maker that he met in the mission hall that night. , a miracle drug that the mighty gave him.

"The secret alchemist said that the thing is called Vaccine Pill, which is really a strange name." Zhang Kun shook his head, no longer thinking about it, and returned his attention to the pills he took out one after another. The prescription was shocked.

"Alchemy has been a seventh-level alchemist so far, and the only dozens of alchemy recipes he has mastered are enough. Junior brother Zhang Kun has come up with hundreds of them at random?" Han Dongxu opened his mouth wide and looked at the room full of flying There are no words that can describe the shock in my heart right now for the scattered pill prescriptions.

Zhang Kun didn't take it seriously, waved his hand casually, and sorted and integrated those pills.

"Senior Brother Han, the demand for explosives is the largest, and I need you to speed up the refining with me."

"Junior Sister Ding, you are ingenious, ingenious, and ingenious, and I need you to develop the pill array with me!"

"Senior brother Xue, you have a broad mind and wonderful ideas, and I will entrust you with the undead elixir that is difficult to study."

"As for, Senior Brother Qi, everyone go out first, I have something to talk to Senior Brother Qi in secret!" Zhang Kun said lightly, as if he was a commander, everyone recovered from the shock, although suspicious, but still Do as you say, and back out first.

(End of this chapter)

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