Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 457 The King Snake Festival

Chapter 457 The King Snake Festival
Before Xue Zhenghao could react, he raised his fist like a sandbag and was about to smash it down. The air was faintly broken, and a gust of wind pressure came. This time, even Qi Zhengyan didn't move to stop him.

It’s okay for them to be bullied when they first came here, but now they all have thousands of points in their hands. After beheading so many undead, they naturally built up a wave of confidence. The disciples of the Moon Sword Sect also came to mock them, so naturally none of them could bear it!
But at this moment, before everyone in the audience could react, an undead bone general broke through the defense line of the Liuyue Sword Sect, climbed up the tower, jumped up, and landed on Xue Zhenghao's body in shock. forward!There was a violent tremor on the ground, and the small stones trembled, as if there was an earthquake.

This is completely unlucky for Xue Zhenghao. He is tall and tall, and he looks like a giant after activating the secret technique. In the eyes of the undead bone general, he has become the number one target. The thick dark breath above his head instantly broke Xue Zhenghao's defense!

"What, how could it be?" Xue Zhenghao's eyes widened. With the particularity of his skills, his defensive power is extremely strong. The first and second levels of ordinary qi training can't break through his physical defense. At this moment, he only feels his protection. The body energy is as fragile as white paper, being torn apart!
A big hole was poked open in his chest immediately, and he was suspended in the air with a single-handed gun by the undead bone general. Big flowers of blood burst from his body, and the tip of the gun was as black as ink. It erodes his vitality!
An angry roar came from a distance, overwhelming the noise of the surrounding crowd. The undead bone roared again and again, and with a single shot, Xue Zhenghao was thrown to the ground. Several of his sternums were broken immediately, and the wailing continued. The face is blood!

After the undead bone general stabbed Xue Zhenghao, he jumped into the crowd and roared angrily. A powerful fear and coercion filled everyone's hearts. Some of the lower realms could not even stand up. The madness raged, and there was a dark gust of wind between the shouts. In a moment, the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect smashed their halberds into the sand, their swords were broken, and people died, and several people fell in a row!

Zhang Kun frowned, and rushed up quickly, and handed a Chibai Fuling Mixed Color Pill and Fading Resentment Pill to Ding Yingshang who was beside him, asking her to treat Xue Zhenghao quickly, and then he turned into a beam of starlight and rushed up. His aura gradually rose, and he even directly broke through the innate realm, just like a Qi practitioner!
"What is he doing? Is he crazy? A heavenly level rushes up, and he will be crushed into scum in less than half a second!" Everyone in the Liuyue Sword Sect was puzzled, thinking that Zhang Kun was sending himself to death!

After Ding Yingshang took the elixir, she quickly gave it to Xue Zhenghao. She raised her head and looked at Zhang Kun, her beautiful eyes were full of worry. It is true that Zhang Kun's elixir is powerful, but what about his strength?
Zhang Kun's real strength is comparable to the first-level Qi training!
His figure was so fast that he broke through the sound barrier in an instant, and a translucent and crystal-clear divine sword appeared in his hand, which set off a huge spiritual pressure, and immediately smashed the undead bones raging wildly in the crowd. Will be attracted to come over.

It let out a stern roar again, endless dark flames were burning around the long spear made of black jade, and the fear on everyone's faces turned into despair. Under such terrifying power, the only thing they could do was Kneeling down and begging for mercy, Undead Bone will pick up the spear horizontally, and with a big jump, he will cut Zhang Kun from mid-air, and his speed is so fast that it is outrageous. A flash across the sky, the people around quickly scattered in fright!

"Looking for death!" Zhang Kun snorted, and Chengying immediately engraved nine sword patterns on Chengying's light and windy sword body. The nine patterns lighted up at the same time, the power soared, and the whole sword turned into a golden glow!
"The sword style is annihilated, the nine-fold sword pattern!" This Zhigao secret technique recorded in the Kunyu Huazhang Chuyuan Realm, after Zhang Kun's two years of practice and enlightenment, finally reached the ultimate perfection at the moment when he stepped into the state of refining his mind. The nine-fold sword pattern can kill Qi practitioners in the body of an ancient martial arts!
But now Zhang Kun's vitality quality is comparable to that of the first-level Qi training. Using this trick again, combined with the powerful Yingying Sword Intent, the energy power has skyrocketed several times again, and the fierce momentum seems to be able to split the rock. , There were broken holes one after another on the bricks and tiles of the city wall that had endured wind, frost and war, all of which were caused by Zhang Kun's sword intent!
"Death!" Zhang Kun drew out his sword with all his strength, Chengying Sword let out a clear howling sound, and the raging sword intent seemed to penetrate the space, blasting at the weakest point of the undead bone general Black Spear Lieyan!Another wonderful thing about refining the state of mind is that Zhang Kun's powerful mental power forms a huge mind, the opponent's movement track is extremely slow to him, and he can see the weakness of the opponent's moves!

"Boom boom boom!" There were three bangs in succession, and everyone present had to cover their ears!The ground shattered into slag, and the sword intent disintegrated inch by inch, and the spear glow rushed like thunder, forming a violent ocean of vitality.The two forces rolled over each other, and for a while, they were evenly matched, and the last cloud wave that exploded violently almost knocked down the few people watching the battle!
When the black smoke dissipated, Zhang Kun still stood on the spot, with his hands behind his back, and the shadow flew around him like a ray of light. His expression did not change at all, and he looked indifferently into the mid-air, where the undead bones would be struck by him. After sending it to the sky, the sword light was still surging, and after breaking through the heavy battle armor of the undead bone general, it shot straight into the sky!
"Win?" Everyone was astonished. The undead general had at least a sixth-level Qi training state. If he was placed among the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect, he would be massacred, unless those top arrogances and those with profound skills The elder made a move, he was basically invincible against the wall!

Moreover, everyone has experienced his powerful oppressive and destructive power. The city wall that is still shattered and countless fallen disciples have proved his horror, but such a terrifying creature was unexpectedly killed by a person with a heavenly strength. Slashed by a sword?
Everyone looked at Zhang Kun with horror written in their eyes, and they all gasped.

"Didn't he fail in his breakthrough? Why did his strength rise instead of drop and become so terrifying?" Everyone's hearts were overwhelmed, as if a huge wave was rising, and no one could calm down.

However, things are not that simple. Undead Bone General was a general before his death. After being revived by the sky of undead, his strength soared again. It's not the sixth level of Qi training!
It's the desperate peak of Qi training!I saw that the undead bone general who was blasted into the air by Zhang Kun's sword suddenly stopped in the air, suspended in the air, very strange!
The luster of the black moon fell, bathing his whole body, and he became extremely ferocious in a snap of his fingers, and the aura on his body exploded. The long swords in the hands of the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect fell off one after another, and the formed sword array was instantly shaken. Scatter!

"Swallow." The monster under the black moon actually made a human voice, which was extremely unpleasant. He opened his eyes in shock, and a black flame swept across the crowd and undead tide on the ground, and the endless life suddenly disappeared. , Rows of black light rose up and merged into his body!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'!" Even though they were members of the sect, they were frightened out of their wits and ran away without daring to look at him at all!

"Delicious!" After the advanced stage, the undead bone doubled its figure again, and its burly figure seemed to be able to shatter mountains and rivers. He attacked again with a big gun, and there seemed to be a black sun on the tip of the gun!He has only one goal, and that is Zhang Kun, who once embarrassed him!
"Ji Sai, resist him for a quarter of an hour for me!" Zhang Kun's complexion remained unchanged, and with a flick of his fingers, he shot out a but also with a strong vitality, the spirit pill, which can make the soul that has lost its body come into the world again for a period of time , without consuming the power of the soul.

This is fundamentally different from Nanci Xuancheng Pill. Using Jiangling Pill only appeared for a short time, not a resurrection!

"Boom!" The elixir burst from the middle, and a giant blue shadow condensed in front of Zhang Kun's body. It was one of the five peak spirit-enlightenment monsters he subdued in the Flame Dojo of the Flame Demon Cave. The Naga King Snake, Jisai!

"Follow the master's orders!"

His strength is also impressively at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, which is a terrifying level. The Naga King Snake exudes an ancient and noble aura, and the wild and violent momentum sweeps across the world, and the monstrous aura of the peerless monster suddenly appears On the upper floor of the Poling City, it mixed with the dark aura of the undead generals and immediately formed a shocking aura, which made everyone breathless!

As a result, the scarlet alarm sounded, horns blew repeatedly, flags fluttered, and several top Qi practitioners had already rushed here.

"Monster beast, the great monster of the enlightenment period!" The people of the Liuyue Sword Sect suddenly looked crazy. A nearly invincible undead bone general was enough for them to deal with, and a powerful monster appeared on the battlefield out of thin air. Lost to his spirit awakening monster?
"Wait a minute, it seems to be summoned by Zhang Kun's elixir!" Qi Zhengyan was the first to realize that one of the elixirs that Zhang Kun took out yesterday could summon monsters!
"How many cards does this kid have?" Han Dongxu muttered in a low voice, his Adam's apple twitched. Before, he thought that everyone was from the same school and there would be no difference in strength. Now it seems that Zhang Kun once Just one finger can wipe out their entire team.

Ding Yingshang's peach-like moist and delicious mouth is pouting into a round shape. She has seen many outstanding male disciples in Yaohuang Mountain, but it is too frustrating to think that a person like Zhang Kun is an army. Unforgettable!
(End of this chapter)

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