Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 458

Chapter 458

Xue Zhenghao was out of danger soon after taking the elixir. Zhang Kun gave him the top grade [-]-level elixir. After taking it, it would be difficult for him to die. At this moment, he stared at the Zhang Kun.

He saw Zhang Kun and the Naga King Snake charging forward together, the shadowless sword in his hand flying up and down, each sword splitting the space, it was extremely dazzling, the earth was cut by his sword energy There were traces of dust, and the Naga King Snake was holding a trident, using the raging waves as his weapon. The raging waves roared, and the entire city tower was submerged in water. Take a picture, and the undead bone will directly extinguish the magic flame on the body!
All of a sudden, regret, shame, excitement, envy, gratitude, all kinds of emotions flooded Xue Zhenghao's heart. At this time, he finally realized that he was wrong. When Zhang Kun joined the team before, he didn't give him a good face.

When Sui Jinchao insulted their team, he also felt that Zhang Kun was holding them back. In the end, when Zhang Kun faced Sui Jinchao, he was secretly happy and thought he was overconfident!

But today, after he was attacked, he was the first person to rush forward to save him, and he also used the extremely precious pill on him. For a moment, Xue Zhenghao's heart couldn't stop trembling, and his eyes were fixed on him. Looking at Zhang Kun's back!
I saw Zhang Kun stepped forward and entangled with the undead bone general for a while, then hid behind the Naga King Snake Ji Sai, letting Ji Sai resist the monstrous demon flame corpse energy for him, and Ji Sai also used all his strength and strength Undead Bone will be fighting, his naked muscles infused with molten iron, showing the power of the Naga royal family to the extreme, the trident will be smashed down with raging waves, and Undead Bone will use the big gun to block again and again!
"Ji Sai, he has the blessing of the undead sky and corpse energy, you just hold on for a while!" After Zhang Kun gave an order, he concentrated his energy and entered a mysterious state.

"Boom boom boom!" Sure enough, as Zhang Kun said, the undead bones will be extremely powerful on the battlefield full of corpses. Dead breath!

The undead bone in such a state would be too terrifying. He swallowed the dead energy and essence around him fiercely, and the aura on his body was maintained at a terrible high point. Can't be defended, after all, he was summoned by Zhang Kun with the power of elixir, and his strength is not at its peak!
The sacrificial competition was retreating steadily, and his burly body was gradually covered with scars. The corrosive force attached to the black gun eroded his noble royal blood, and several black air appeared in the pure blue blood. His right arm was even pierced, he couldn't hold the weapon in his hand steadily, and the waves were interrupted for a while!
"Ah!" Ji Sai wailed in pain, blood flashed in his eyes, and he was so angry that he trampled on the ground heavily, causing a wave of mountains to shake and the ground to shatter, and many disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect were affected!

The undead bones will be extremely violent, with scarlet eyes like hellhounds, a big gun ruthlessly strangles and harvests life, where the black air of the big gun spreads, countless disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect fall down like wheat, killing them only Just need the aftermath.

This is not the worst, because of the appearance of the undead bone generals, the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect were in a mess. Countless undead took the opportunity to climb up the city wall, and they tore the disciples with terrifying claws and fangs body of.

The disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect could only hold back the flying swords in their hands, but the brilliance formed by the sword energy became weaker and weaker. Everyone felt a wave of despair and fear pervading their hearts.

"Master, I can't hold on for too long!" Ji Sai wailed and roared, the scales on his body were about to be completely peeled off, his burly body was torn apart, the battlefield became chaotic, and the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect suffered heavy casualties !
"Chengying Sword Skills, I have already comprehended Wild Wind and Obscure Moon, but I have never been able to penetrate the extremely profound and pure Ye Shiyu, but now that I have reached the state of refining my mind, I can already see the meaning of deep and pure."

Zhanjing is the supreme and wonderful state recorded in the ancient Buddhist scriptures. It requires the enlightened mind to be transparent, the mind to be calm and the voice to be calm, there is no past and present, and the spiritual platform is like a mirror. Only when entering this state can one realize the true The essence of morality.

"What is he doing? It's such a critical situation. This kid is still playing tricks here?" The disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect couldn't understand what Zhang Kun was doing at all, and they all shook their heads, not understanding his behavior like a lunatic!

Zhang Kun pressed the sword with one hand, and the aura on his body fluctuated up and down, bright and dark, but his mind was as still as water, and he completely forgot everything around him, only immersing all his thoughts in the Chengying sword.

"I didn't know it in the past. Until today, we can't fully release the power of this sword until the divine sword has a spirit and unites with the sword spirit!" Zhang Kun muttered to himself.

He had already seen the miraculousness of Chengying Sword in the past. Not only was it sharp and sharp to cut iron like mud, but as Zhang Kun became more familiar with him, the sword's recognition of Zhang Kun also increased. It once evolved sword skills on its own, and Ye Feng and Obscure Moon were both learned by Zhang Kun in this way!
After entering the mind refining state, Zhang Kun can not only gain insight into people's hearts, but also can slightly sense the spirit in Chengying Sword. At this moment, the two have completely merged into one. Fight against the High Priest in the Realm!
At that time, Zhang Kun was only in this mysterious state by accident. After he reached the level of mind refining, this state became normal.

"Die, ants!" The undead general smiled sharply, showing his sharp teeth, and the big gun struck again, directly splitting Ji Sai's body, and the effect of the spirit elixir completely dissipated, and Ji Sai His soul was seriously injured and returned to the mirror domain space.

"Hahaha!" Undead Bone General laughed wildly, killing the elixir body of Jisai did not consume too much strength, his killing intent was showing, fighting to the point of madness, the terrifying power appeared again this time and rushed straight Come with Zhang Kun, because he can feel that there is a power in this human being that makes him frightened!

Seeing this scene, Xue Zhenghao's expression changed wildly. Zhang Kun lost the barrier of the sacrificial competition and was completely just a target for the undead bone general. Everyone has already seen the power of the undead bone general, which is as strong as the peak monsters in the enlightenment period. In the battle, although Zhang Kun's tactics are mysterious, his body is only heaven-level strong, and even if he is contaminated with a trace of black energy, he will explode and die!

"Damn it!" Xue Zhenghao gritted his teeth immediately. He urged the secret to increase his figure several times again. His muscles seemed to be made of steel. He was invulnerable. He took a step forward and rushed to Zhang Kun and the undead. Among the generals, they wanted to fight for the last bit of time for Zhang Kun!
"Brother Xue, don't!" Han Dongxu and Qi Zhengyan's expressions changed immediately, and they quickly stretched out their hands to stop them, but Xue Zhenghao's strength was too great, and he broke free from their hands.

Ding Yingshang even covered her own eyes, she couldn't bear to see that cruel and bloody scene!
"Ignorant, go die!" Undead Bone General showed no sympathy at all, facing the man he had picked up and flew away, he shot with a big gun, without any delay!
Xue Zhenghao's righteousness is awe-inspiring, his eyes are wide open, and the vitality of his whole body is gathered at one point, condensing into an indestructible stellar energy, so he wants to forcefully use this move!

"Hey!" At this moment, a soft sigh fell down like green smoke, and everyone present felt as if their hearts were being pulled, and an unspeakable throbbing occurred, and they all focused their eyes on this moment!
"My man, you dare to move twice?" Zhang Kun smiled half-smile, put one hand on the sword, and muttered in a low voice. The next moment he disappeared completely, becoming transparent and invisible like Chengying sword. Like a ghost, it actually passed through Qi Zhengyan's indestructible body and landed lightly in front of him.

"Zhanjing Ye Shiyu!" Zhang Kun drew out his sword, as if he was playing a piece of music. Zhang Kun clasped his fingers on the sword, and the sound of Qingyue's sword sounded, and countless sword shadows bloomed at that moment , like the most beautiful flower, countless petals are spinning around at the same time, releasing boundless and beautiful sword light!
A miraculous scene happened, all the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect felt the sword body in their hands trembling, they did not listen to their command, they lowered down unanimously, and a stream of sword light flowed into them. To Zhang Kun's shocking sword!
It was like a cold night rain that kept falling, the sword light was as clear as water, and the dense raindrops were like the sound of a lute, hitting thousands of points on the body of the undead bone general!
These ten thousand points of sword light are not empty fingers. In an instant, Zhang Kun really used his sword [-] times. This time, Zhang Kun didn't use the power of the stars or even expend half a wisp of vitality, only the extremely pure sword intent!

The filthy aura on the black gun slowly dissipated under the baptism of the night rain, and the endless corpse aura around him was also swept away by Zhang Kun in an instant, and the aura of the undead general was weakened every inch , In the end, there is no one out of ten!

"This is the last sword!" Zhang Kun said lightly, and he slashed out a sword casually. It seemed a very ordinary and simple sword, but it contained countless condensed and incomparable sword intentions. The bright sword light seemed to come out of the clouds at night. Like the bright moon, the shower stopped, and the sword light, which was as bright as white snow, was destined to be remembered by everyone present!

"Boom!" Undead Bone General couldn't bear such a powerful attack any longer, he collapsed, and the last ray of undead fire was completely extinguished in his godless eyes!
"Zhanjing Yeshiyu is worthy of being one of the Chengying sword skills." Zhang Kun watched this scene indifferently, as if all of this had nothing to do with him, he slowly withdrew his sword, as if a person who was immersed in this way The hundred-year-old master of swordsmanship, all his sword intentions are restrained at this moment, as if he has never made a move!
(End of this chapter)

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