Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 459 Please come with us

Chapter 459 Please Come With Us

"It's over?" Everyone couldn't believe it at this moment, and their faces showed surprise. The powerful and terrifying undead bone general has turned into dust and no longer exists!

Originally, they needed to pay ten times more blood to suppress this beast with the power of the Liuyue Sword Sect's sword array, but now they were killed lightly by Zhang Kun.

What's even more impressive is that Zhang Kun's sword didn't have the flashy vitality bursting bombardment, the power of blessings triggered by the vision of heaven and earth, and even the slightest sound, but it was so powerful that even the monsters in the spirit enlightenment period The undead bones who were unable to win all fell directly under this sword.

Without the slightest resistance, he died directly, and Zhang Kun obviously only had the strength of the sky level. The difference between the sky level and the peak of Qi training is not as simple as one or two realms. !
"Gulu!" Everyone couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, staring at the sword light that flickered around Zhang Kun. The moment he drew the sword just now, he was able to attract countless people from the Liuyue Sword School. The disciple's sword intent!
He also made all the swords, no matter they were low-grade magic weapons or top-grade magic weapons, or even a quasi-dao weapon, point their swords down as if they were worshiping the emperor!
"This is too scary, is this kid still human?" Such a shocking scene has been deeply imprinted in everyone's minds, and for countless nights after that, they will recall today's scene in their dreams, This kind of shock goes deep into the soul!

At this time, the high-level Qi trainers who were in charge of supporting various places in Poling City came in a hurry. This time, there was a whole team of elders who came to support.
Their faces were extremely serious, and the vitality in their hands had begun to condense. When they looked around, they saw a mess and the scene was broken, but they couldn't find the culprit. With a high crown, he asked cautiously with a solemn face: "What's going on, where will the undead bones be?"

"Could it be hiding underground?" The five Qi trainers carefully scanned the battlefield, but they couldn't see any trace of the undead bone general, so they couldn't help asking again and again.

"We clearly saw the demonic aura here from a distance, and the deadly aura of the undead was extremely strong, covering the entire city wall. We thought this place was in danger, and we rushed here when we heard the siren horn sounding!"

Seeing that no one spoke below, the gray-bearded old man frowned and asked, "This is the area in charge of the Liuyue Sword Sect. Please explain what's going on! Is someone deliberately playing tricks on us? You must know that this is a critical moment, and we are always in danger." Can't delay!"

"If we let us know that someone delayed the military plane, I will definitely punish him severely!" The gray-bearded old man blew his beard and stared angrily, and he looked at Zhang Kun who was in the middle of the battlefield who was silent.

Suspicious in my heart, I asked: "That kid, what's going on, did you send the alarm indiscriminately?"

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly, and said with a slight smile, "Trash, you're late."

"What are you talking about? Which sect are you from? Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that!" The old man with the white beard was furious, and the aura on his body was ignited to the limit in an instant. A terrifying spiritual pressure was generated, and everyone They all surrendered under this terrifying coercion!

Many people were stunned. They didn't expect that Zhang Kun would dare to talk to Feng Feng in such a way. They couldn't help but gasped, their eyes danced, and they were extremely nervous!
"Reporting to my lord, the undead bone will indeed appear, and the peak strength of the ninth level of Qi training is extremely terrifying. My Liuyue Sword Sect suffered heavy losses, but in the end it was this young man who defeated it." A disciple of the Liuyue Sword Sect walked out and said The old man saluted respectfully.

"What, nonsense!" The gray-bearded old man immediately became angry. This is completely nonsense, complete nonsense, they are very clear about the strength of the undead generals, even if their team combined has to fight for a long time before they can win miserably !

If it is said that even that good-for-nothing boy who seems to be only at the sky level can defeat the undead bone general, the shadow of the lunar eclipse has long since had no chance of winning. Qi practitioners like them don't need to make a move at all, just sending a few sky-level and innate talents is enough Calm the tide of the undead!

"Hahaha!" The qi practitioners burst into laughter one after another, looking down at Zhang Kun with a look of mockery in their eyes, they all thought that the disciple of the Liuyue Sword Sect was crazy.

"I think you and that boy are accomplices, because you dare not admit to making trouble on purpose, so you came up with this trick to deceive us!" The high-level Qi practitioners were furious and scolded again and again, looking at Zhang Kun's eyes even more displeased .

It doesn't matter if you speak wild words in front of them, but you still find someone to help you lie, and the level of the lie is so low, to say that you have defeated the general of the undead bones, this is the greatest joke in the world!

"No, this young man really defeated the undead bone general, and everyone present can testify!" The disciple of the Liuyue Sword Sect also panicked, although he knew that this matter sounded really absurd, No wonder those people didn't believe it, but it happened to be true!

"Okay, then I'll ask everyone present, is there any of you who come out to expose the two of them?" The gray-bearded old man looked at the people around him with confidence and a smile. He thought it was a farce, and soon Just expose them!

However, everyone took a step back one after another, their faces still pale, as if they were still immersed in the previous shock, and they didn't respond at all to what the gray-bearded old man said!
"I said, are you all deaf? Expose them!" The gray-bearded old man suddenly became angry, raised his right hand in the air, grabbed a disciple out of thin air, grabbed his collar and yelled.

The disciple's body trembled as if he was sifting chaff, and cold sweat broke out. He looked at the gray-bearded old man, took a deep breath and said, "My lord, we all saw that this young man beheaded the undead bone general, and Only one sword was used!"

"What?" The five high-ranking qi practitioners looked at each other, and they could all see the deep horror in each other's eyes. This was already the second person who said that, and the disciples below were also nodding and no one refuted. They have to accept that this is the truth!
"It only took one sword to kill the undead bone general who was at the peak of the ninth level of Qi training?" The white-bearded old man fell into a long-term stupor. He kept shaking his head, unable to believe it was true. At this moment, he looked at Zhang Kun.

I saw Zhang Kun shrugged his shoulders indifferently, as if he was saying look, but I didn't lie to you, you didn't believe it yourself!He froze in mid-air in a daze, unexpectedly he didn't say a word for a long time.

Thinking of this, the words that Zhang Kun scolded him as a waste were deeply engraved in his mind. Looking at the eyes of the people below looking at him, the old man with white beard suddenly felt completely humiliated!

"Damn it, let's go!" The old man's face turned red. It was the first time he had been forced to such a degree by a teenager in his life.

Zhang Kun glanced at their backs as they went away. He didn't say a single word to defend himself except scolding a piece of trash from the beginning to the end, but even those high-level Qi practitioners had to admit that, Zhang Kun is the one who beheaded the undead bone general with a single sword!
"Hiss!" The audience gasped involuntarily, they are the elite of Qi practitioners, they are not comparable to fledgling disciples like them, they are the elites drawn from the elders of various sects, every One of them is a senior veteran Qi trainer with outstanding strength!

Moreover, they supported everywhere, eliminated the powerful undead that appeared frequently, and established countless meritorious deeds, but today they lost all face in front of Zhang Kun and returned in embarrassment!

The eyes of everyone looking at Zhang Kun have changed. The person in front of them is not a celestial waste at all. He is more terrifying than the undead bone general. Killing the Undead Bone General is really too monstrous!
But this person is only 15 years old, younger than all of them!

"Ah, the undead are coming again!" Just now, as the undead bones were about to be wiped out, the undead's attack slowed down for a while, but now the undead surged up again like a tide, and the city was once again shrouded in dark clouds. Only then did the disciples of the Sword Sect wake up from the shock!

"Zhang Kun, I did something wrong before, and I apologize to you." Xue Zhenghao came to Zhang Kun and bowed deeply, taking advantage of the opportunity to kneel down and apologize.

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, helped him to stand up and said, "It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter, I still have to thank you for standing up for me to block the knife!"

Xue Zhenghao's face turned red immediately, it was obviously Zhang Kun who saved him twice in a row!
"Okay, don't say so much, let's greet those undead bastards with explosives!" Seeing this, Han Dongxu smiled and patted Xue Zhenghao on the shoulder, Ding Yingshang also smiled, and Zhang Kun shook his head helplessly.

His disposition is not like a 15-year-old boy at all, but like an old monster. When he stays with these teenagers, he seems to be much more mature.

"Fuck, what's going on, they're all monsters!" The disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect fell into a stupor after a while, and they only saw Zhang Kun leading the people in his team in the city. The head was filled with elixir, and then there were flames rising into the sky one after another, countless undead were buried in the sea of ​​flames, and the explosion shook everyone's mind!
It wasn't until Zhang Kun and the others threw away all the Wildfire Flame Pills that they returned to their residence amidst everyone's shocked and envious eyes.Along the way, the atmosphere of the team became cheerful and laughing, no longer depressed, and the previous events suddenly shortened the distance between the boys and girls.

Before he had time to take a look at the new changes on the Poling List, someone had already waited at Zhang Kun's residence. He had a look of arrogance on his face, and when he saw them coming back, he glanced at them and said, "Who is that?" Zhang Kun, the city lord has something to do with you, so come with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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