Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 460 Intrigue

Chapter 460 Intrigue
"Excuse me, what is the purpose of the city lord looking for Zhang Kun?" Han Dongxu frowned, with a hint of worry on his face. It might not be a good thing for the city lord to summon Zhang Kun after this!
"Don't ask too much about this. The city master sees Zhang Kun. You just need to tell me who Zhang Kun is!" The disciple who was in charge of spreading the message seemed to be from a great sect, and his gestures showed a rebellious expression. It seems to represent the will of the city lord.

Xue Zhenghao was about to explode, but was stopped by Zhang Kun's pat on the shoulder. He walked up and said lightly: "I am Zhang Kun, what's wrong?"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, the city lord is looking for you!" The disciple had a schadenfreude smirk on his face. It was obvious that Zhang Kun's trip this time was not a good thing. The anger in the eyes of the gray-bearded old man before contacting them knew it!

"No, Zhang Kun, you can't go alone, in case there is any danger." Han Dongxu frowned slightly, pulled Zhang Kun aside and said softly.

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "What danger can there be? I have defeated even the Undead Bone General, and there are not many people in Poling City who can move me!"

Seeing Zhang Kun's plain and confident face, everyone was in a trance. Even after seeing Zhang Kun's terrifying strength, they still used to treat him as a boy much younger than themselves!

"That's not okay, it's not difficult for us to see you in danger alone! If we want to go, we will go together!" Xue Zhenghao shook his head vigorously, resolutely opposing Zhang Kun to act alone.

In Poling City, Zhang Kun had many opponents. Originally, there were Tianhuozong Shendaomen and others who were very unhappy to see him, but now he has to add Huangjimen and five high-level Qi practitioners!

Zhang Kun saw that the firm eyes on their faces never wavered, as if they were going to hold themselves here to prevent him from moving if he didn't take them with him, so he sighed and said, "Okay, let's go see the city lord together." !"

The disciple who sent the message got a little impatient, and urged again and again: "It's all right, the ink is dead, and many city lords will put you on the death rack!"

"You!" As soon as the words came out, the anger on everyone's faces became even stronger, and they couldn't help but stare at him, Han Dongxu said coldly: "We ask to go to see the city lord with Zhang Kun."

Seeing that everyone was about to get angry, the disciple who sent the message was timid at the moment, thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, okay, if you want to come, come together!"

"En!" Ding Yingshang immediately nodded her cute little head and went up to hold Zhang Kun's arm. Zhang Kun looked at her helplessly, and everyone surrounded her, and followed the disciple who sent the message to the City Lord's Mansion.

Because even the Poling City itself was built temporarily, the so-called City Lord's Mansion is nothing more than an ordinary house, but despite the ordinaryness of this place, it can be called the highest command of the entire local battlefield. From here, all kinds of strategic issues are discussed by several high-ranking elders here!

The meeting hall of the Lord's Mansion of Poling City was already filled with elders from various sects. They lowered their heads and whispered. On the main seat, sat an old man with white beard and hair, eyes closed and meditating.

He is Huang Zhongheng, the city lord of Poling City, and the supreme commander of this undead war. Huang Zhongheng does not belong to any sect, but a casual cultivator. His cultivation talent is not high, and he is an unknown character, but with him Young people of the same age have turned into a pile of loess, only he has reached his current position step by step.

And because he is willing to promote some talented young people, he has a very high prestige in the cultivation world of the Xiaoshuo Empire. Even some important figures in the sect received his help and guidance when they were young, so this time It was because of the great war that he was invited out of the mountain, and only he sitting in this sensitive position can convince those sects.

But now, Huang Zhongheng, who is highly respected, has a headache because of something. At this time, an attendant walked up to him and whispered. He glanced at the people in the lobby, cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, please be quiet, and then we will start this meeting."

The door of the meeting hall was suddenly opened, and a few young people walked in. The elders cast their eyes on Zhang Kun in unison, with different emotions in their eyes, including playful, admiring, and angry.

Zhang Kun saw himself being watched like this, and probably understood why he was called this time, but he still stood with a smile on his face, turning a blind eye to the eyes of those people, but his teammates were a little uneasy , looking worriedly at Zhang Kun standing in the front.

Huang Zhongheng had a panoramic view of everyone's reactions, and after seeing Zhang Kun's calm response, he nodded secretly, and he also had a good impression of Zhang Kun in his heart.

"Ahem, Zhang Kun, I called you and your teammates here mainly for two things." Huang Zhongheng straightened his expression and said seriously, "The first thing is about your team's killing on the city wall just now. We have never seen this kind of undead, so we need the detailed process of your battle with it."

"City Lord Huang, please allow me to tell the story." Han Dongxu said first, and at the same time gave Zhang Kun a worried look.

When these words fell into everyone's ears, the expressions of those old guys became playful. Could it be that the relationship between their teams is not harmonious?But after seeing Zhang Kun nodded, Huang Zhongheng also acquiesced to Han Dongxu's request.

After Han Dongxu described the situation on the city wall in detail at that time, he said very seriously: "So, it is all thanks to Zhang Kun that he was able to kill this undead general, and it is also because of him that our part of the city wall was not killed by the undead general." capture."

Those elders had all met Zhang Kun at the original master apprenticeship ceremony, and they all knew that he failed to break through, and even fell to the tragic state of heaven.However, after listening to Han Dongxu's explanation, they all fell into deep thought. Based on their investigation, Zhang Kun's realm was indeed only at the sky level, but his strength actually rose instead of falling. Even monsters at the peak of Qi training were no match for him. Also too suspicious.

"Hmph, Han Dongxu, isn't it? Zhang Kun is only a celestial, how can you kill this undead general who is at the peak of Qi training? Where is it?" An old man with a hooked nose and gloomy eyes stood up and said gloomily.

After hearing this, the others all looked suddenly enlightened, thinking that the truth should be what Elder Cai said, otherwise it would be too shocking.

"Elder Cai, the disciples of the Liuyue Sword Sect also saw this incident." Han Dongxu wanted to argue, but was interrupted by Cai Xu.

"Hmph, who knows if you all teamed up to lie to us." Cai Xu said coldly, with a sinister light shining in the depths of his eyes. He made up his mind not to let Zhang Kun make such a great achievement. It will be much easier for him to move Zhang Kun.

"Okay, okay, Elder Cai Xu, as an elder of Huangjimen, why do you have to argue with the juniors? This matter is over." Huang Zhongheng made a final decision, and thought for a while: "In view of the great achievements made by Han Dongxu's team, Reward each person in the team with two thousand contribution points. Do you have any objections to this?"

Zhang Kun has been watching with cold eyes. After hearing that Cai Xu is the elder of Huangjimen, he knew the reason why he would rather tear his face than squeeze their credit, so he secretly teased Han Dongxu and signaled him to stop talking.

"We have no objection." Han Dongxu was still a little unhappy, but he was stopped by Zhang Kun, so he had no choice but to cup his fists and say.

Cai Xu sneered, although he gave a lot of contribution points, but he did not promote their team's position, so his goal was achieved.

Seeing that both sides had no objections, Huang Zhongheng continued, "Then the second thing is about a few days ago, someone reported that Zhang Kun and you had caused trouble in the city and injured someone. Is there such a thing?"

"Elder Xu, the disciples of your sect blatantly beat our disciples in Poling City, and they were extremely vicious. They were even abolished immediately. You Yaohuangshan must give us an explanation for this matter!" Cai Xu stood up abruptly. Get up and ask aggressively.

The elders with the old gods were all shocked by the news. Although they also got the news that Zhang Kun and Sui Jinzhao had a conflict as soon as they entered Poling City, what they didn't expect was that Zhang Kun would be so ruthless. Let Sui Jinchao become a useless person. Although Sui Jinchao has a flawed personality, he is also a key disciple of Huangjimen. They have always been the only ones who bully others. How could they let it go after suffering such a big loss this time.

After hearing Cai Xu's question, Elder Xu, who had been half-closed his eyes, raised his head and glanced at him under the gaze of everyone, raised his eyelids, and said a word softly: "Get lost."

There was a wave of waves, those elders didn't expect that Xu Feng would not give Huangjimen any face at all, and just let him go, and responded back with the most stubborn attitude.

Although no one has dared to make a move here yet, the tense atmosphere in the field is already very obvious. Two groups of people headed by Yaohuangshan and Huangjimen have begun to confront each other. Dozens of old men look at each other unkindly. looking at each other, and the rest are Jinghonglou who did not participate in the dispute and some sects who watched the theater.

"Is this the attitude of your Yaohuang Mountain? Are you determined to protect them?" Cai Xu didn't expect Xu Feng to be so disrespectful to him, so he was taken aback for a moment before he realized that his old face was almost blackened. .

"Oh, so what?" Elder Xu said lightly, this completely unreasonable attitude almost made Cai Xu spit out a mouthful of old blood, Zhang Kun saw it and smiled knowingly, for this somewhat unreasonable elder A little bit of goodwill was born.

(End of this chapter)

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