Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 461 The Powerful Elders

Chapter 461 The Powerful Elders
"City Master Huang, look, look, this doesn't have the aura of a sect, it's a complete hooligan, you have to give us justice, such contempt for the city rules, we must be dealt with seriously." Cai Xu no longer talked to Xu The elder spoke, knowing that if he continued, he might be pissed off, so he turned to Huang Zhongheng and cried miserably.

Huang Zhongheng also had a very headache. Both of these two families have big families and great careers. It is not good to offend either side, so he nodded and took it. With a smile, he asked Zhang Kun: "You injured Sui Jinzhao?"

"I did the injury, but at the beginning he insisted on competing with me, so I had no choice but to try against him, but I didn't expect him to be so weak. He was obviously at the Qi training stage, but I haven't even met him yet, so he I fell down, probably because I was overwhelmed by my momentum." Zhang Kun said solemnly, and shook his head very sadly.


Everyone was stunned by Zhang Kun's words, only Ding Yingshang couldn't help laughing out loud, which was particularly harsh in this quiet lobby, seeing everyone looking at her, her pretty face slammed Turning red, she lowered her head and stopped talking, but she glanced at Zhang Kun from time to time, and there was a trace of affection in her eyes that she didn't realize.

"I think Elder Xu, the quality of your Huangjimen disciples still needs to be strengthened. This Sui Jinchao is obviously not strong enough. Your sect let him out to practice like this. Fortunately, he met me first, otherwise if If you really go to the battlefield, if you meet those undead, it’s not as simple as hurting an arm or breaking a leg.” Zhang Kun completely ignored Cai Xu whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and still said to himself.

"Zhang Kun, you are right. Speaking of which, I think your Huangji Sect should also thank us, Yaohuang Mountain, for saving the life of an important disciple for you." Elder Xu was also fooled by Zhang Kun. Yes, but he reacted quickly and said with deep conviction.

It's really shameless, everyone stared dumbfounded at the old and the young who sang together, and secretly slandered in their hearts. Could it be that the Huangjimen will send you a pennant to save lives and heal the wounded at Yaohuangshan?

Those sect elders who were originally dissatisfied with Huangjimen's domineering behavior, now looked at Cai Xu who was holding his chest and was speechless, and felt a little sympathy in his heart.

"Son Zhang Kun, how dare you bully me like this!" Cai Xu finally came back to his senses, and he yelled in rage. All the vitality of the world rioted and squeezed towards Zhang Kun. Even the air scattered and fled. Zhang Kun felt that every movement of his hands and feet was greatly hindered, and he could only watch helplessly. His sharp claws approached him with a frighteningly cold glow.

However, there was no fear in his eyes. Instead, he showed a faint mocking smile. Cai Xu was even more furious when he saw it, and the violent vitality caused a storm in the entire conference hall.

Zhang Kun was about to die in the hands of Cai Xu in the next second, but Cai Xu's face suddenly changed, and he turned around and retreated faster.

However, the quiet and blue flame flower followed closely behind Cai Xu like a gangrene, and approached him at a strange speed.

"Xu Feng, are you crazy?" Cai Xu yelled in horror. After he felt the tyrannical energy contained in this ghost fire, he no longer had the desire to fight Xu Feng. Xuan'ao terrified him even more, this Xu Feng really wanted to kill him, this ghost fire alone was enough to make him fly out of his wits.

Unlike Xu Feng, who is famous as the elder of Jiushan in Yaohuangshan, Cai Xu is just an ordinary elder of Huangjimen, and he only has the confidence to question Xu Feng here by relying on his sect. I don't pay much attention to it, as soon as I make a move, it is a killer move, which makes him unable to get off the tiger now, so he can only use his body skills desperately, trying to get rid of this group of ghost fire.

"Elder Xu, stop. It's true that Elder Cai went too far in what happened just now, but what's wrong with you?" Huang Zhongheng looked at Cai Xu, who was like a bereaved dog, sighed, and interceded aloud.

"The death penalty is inevitable, but if I don't give her a little punishment, it will really make others look down on our Yaohuangshan, thinking that why cats and dogs can show off their power in front of me, and dare to threaten our Yaohuangshan disciples, really think that our Yaohuangshan is useless. person!"

As soon as Xu Feng finished speaking, the ghost fire sped up instantly, ignoring Cai Xu's heavy defenses, and melted into his body under his horrified eyes.

Cai Xu paused suddenly, his whole body froze there, and the gathered heaven and earth energy quickly escaped, and the aura that had been expected to reach the peak also fell instantly. His expression was distorted and terrifying, as if he was enduring extremely severe pain.

"What is this?" Xue Zhenghao exclaimed.

Cai Xu's body surface actually burned with a layer of illusory blue flames, but what was strange was that his clothes were unscathed, as if the flames started burning from within his body.

Huang Zhongheng looked at Cai Xu who was rolling and crying on the ground, and felt a little helpless in his heart. He could help Cai Xu extinguish the ghost fire, but this would not be offending Xu Feng, and what Cai Xu did just now was indeed unkind.

You said that you don't have the strength to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. How can you threaten Madman Xu?Huang Zhongheng glanced at Xu Feng, who was drinking tea calmly, and sighed secretly, even he didn't know how to deal with this matter, if he failed, it might really trigger a war between sects, which he absolutely couldn't bear, Especially before the tide of undead is not over.

"Crazy Xu, aren't you afraid of provoking a war between sects when you treat our elders like this?" An ethereal voice resounded in the entire meeting hall, but no one was speaking, and the ghost fire burning on Cai Xu It has also been extinguished, but he has already passed out. Judging by his withered appearance, he may have lost a lot of life.

"Heh, you old tortoise is finally willing to come out? Come on, let's do it first." Xu Feng finally became serious, but the words he said were still extremely domineering, just like Huangjimen. style.

"Foreign aggression is not over, I will not take action against you." The voice echoed in this space again.

"Then don't talk nonsense with me." Xu Feng swung the teacup in his hand, and it turned into a stream of light and went straight to Cai Xu who was lying on the ground.

"After so many years, you are still so impatient." The teacup stopped in mid-air, and a figure of a person appeared vaguely in the originally empty place, and it quickly became clear.

It was a handsome middle-aged man, with a gentle smile on his face all the time, making people feel close to him. He clasped the cup with three fingers, respected Xu Feng from a distance, raised his head and drank it do.

"Elder Qu, you have to decide for us." Several Huangjimen elders who Nuonuo didn't dare to speak just now saw him, as if they had a backbone, they crawled to his side and said in a sad voice.

"I have my own conclusions on this matter, you take Elder Cai down to heal your wounds first." Elder Qu smiled and nodded, those elders gave Xu Feng a hateful look, and hurriedly took the unconscious Cai Xu away up.

"Quyang Pass." Han Dongxu whispered word by word, but his expression was extremely serious, Qi Zhengyan and the others also darkened when they heard his name.

Zhang Kun looked at this middle-aged man who was attracting attention just by standing there, and some information about him emerged in his mind. The third elder of Huangjimen, Quyangguan, the capital of Tianzong, had proved the Tao 50 years ago As for how far Zhuji has reached now, I am afraid that no one knows. If Quyangguan is determined to make things difficult for him, then even Xu Feng may find it difficult to keep him.

"Old Huang, long time no see." Qu Yangguan cupped his fists respectfully towards Huang Zhongheng. He was taught by Huang Zhongheng when he was young, and even though his strength has surpassed Huang Zhongheng now, he still treats him as a half-master.

"Yangguan, it's been a long time. I don't know what you think about this matter?" Huang Zhongheng also showed a gratified smile on his face. Zhang Kun's teammates were constantly sinking in their hearts, but seeing Zhang Kun Still with a calm look on his face, he really doesn't know where his confidence comes from.

"Elder Huang, it is true that Elder Cai has gone too far in this matter, so even if Elder Xu has crippled his skills for ten years, we have no objection. This is his own fault." Qu Yangguan paused when he said this. Dun cast his eyes on Zhang Kun again, and said seriously: "But it was indeed the disciple of Yaohuangshan who injured my disciple of Huangjimen before, but he also made contributions to Poling City, so I suggest that it is better to assign that mission Let them do it."

Quyangguan is a step back. I won't hold you accountable for injuring Cai Xu, but Zhang Kun and the others must be responsible for the abolition of Sui and Jinchao.

"Dreaming!" Unexpectedly, Xu Feng's reaction was very violent, and he refused: "I didn't expect to see you in a few years, and you will play tricks at Quyang Pass. If you want to send my sect disciples to die, you can't even think about it." Do not think."

"Elder Xu, don't you want to hear the opinions of the parties involved?" Qu Yangguan's expression was still so indifferent, and the words he said were all misty.

"May I ask Elder Qu, what is the mission you are talking about?" Zhang Kun looked aggressively at Quyang Pass.

Quyangguan didn't care about Zhang Kun's rude behavior, and said this task that had troubled Poling City for a long time, the whole lobby suddenly fell into silence, and everyone looked at Zhang Kun and the others.

Zhang Kun was about to turn his head to ask Han Dongxu for their opinions, but saw them nodding at him. Han Dongxu said, "Zhang Kun, you decide this matter. No matter what choice you make, we will support you."

Zhang Kun's heart moved slightly, and he said with a smile: "City Master Huang, then, our team will take over this task."

(End of this chapter)

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