Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 463 Meeting Baek Yang-hyun

Chapter 463 Meeting Baek Yang-hyun

In the western outskirts of Poling City, after the continuous attack of the undead tide, the entire land was stained with blood, and countless limbs and debris piled up together, which looked very terrifying.

On this red land, there are several figures walking slowly.

"I said, what's the matter with those guys in Poling City? Aren't we sent to do a difficult task? Why do they all have such strange eyes?" Xue Zhenghao said boredly, holding the broken bones by the roadside.

"Oh, I'm afraid we are no different from the dead in their eyes." Qi Zhengyan still had a straight face, but there was a kind of dissatisfaction in his words.

"It's not an easy task even if you have a map to detect the hiding places of the shadow of the lunar eclipse and the cultists in the black mist. No wonder no one answered." Han Dongxu said with a smile, but his tone was very heavy.

This time, as punishment, they were given the task of investigating in detail the hiding places of the Shadow of the Lunar Eclipse Cultists. A sect used spirit birds to find this strange place without black mist in the Shiwanda Mountains shrouded in black mist. The elders suspected that it was the hiding place of the Shadow of the Lunar Eclipse Cultist, but they couldn’t be sure, and if they sent high-end combat forces in, they might startle the snake, and those low-level disciples were unable to go deep into the black mist, so this task fell to Zhang Kun on their heads.

"At the end of the day, it's because of me that I hurt everyone." Zhang Kun said apologetically, this time he was indeed a little lacking in consideration. Although he was not afraid of retaliation from those people, his teammates might suffer.

"Zhang Kun, don't say that. You made the move for us, and we are a team, aren't we?" Han Dongxu said sincerely. To be honest, although he knew that this task was very difficult, he still felt in his heart. It even inspired a fighting spirit.

"That's right. Don't you know that the whole Poling City has been talking about us these two days. There are not many people who dare to threaten Quyang Pass in person. We are really famous this time." Xue Zhenghao said hastily, after going through the city wall After what happened on the Internet, he became Zhang Kun's most loyal admirer.

Zhang Kun nodded silently, showing a sincere smile.

"Let's not talk about one mission, even if it's ten or a hundred times, we can complete them all. When we bring back the information, I'd like to see the expressions of those people at Huangjimen." Han Dongxu said loudly.

"That's right, we will definitely complete the mission and come back safely!" Xue Zhenghao shouted excitedly, also full of enthusiasm.

The originally dull atmosphere of the team instantly became active, and even if they might face endless undead next, they were not afraid.

Zhang Kun secretly thought that he must protect everyone in this team no matter what. He doesn't have many friends, but after being recognized by him, he will treat him sincerely.

"Well, Yingshang, are you uncomfortable?" Zhang Kun glanced at Ding Yingshang, who was at the back of the line. She hadn't said a word since she left Poling City. look.

"Ah?" Ding Yingshang was taken aback. When she found out that it was Zhang Kun, her expression became even more flustered. She tried her best to cover up her emotions and said with a very unnatural expression: "No, I'm fine, maybe I didn't do anything yesterday. Rest well."

Seeing that Zhang Kun's clear eyes were still looking at her, Ding Yingshang unconsciously opened her eyes, and covered her eyes in a panic: "Let's hurry up too, we have to find a place to camp before dark."

Zhang Kun responded softly, and looked at Ding Yingshang's back hurriedly walking forward, showing a little puzzled expression.

"There's someone in front!" Qi Zhengyan said suddenly, and everyone looked at him with a serious expression.

There was originally a bush in front of it, and those bushes were even taller than people, but as if a hurricane had blown by, all the tall bushes were broken and slanted, sticking softly to the ground, obviously a big battle had been experienced here.

And in the depths of the bushes, a young man in a luxurious golden robe faced them with his back, and on the opposite side of the young man stood three huge living skeletons breathing out black mist.

Zhang Kun could still vaguely tell that they were three dragon-armored lizards. This kind of desolate beast was originally known for its tyrannical defense, and it was difficult to break its thick carapace even at the Qi training level.

And after being transformed into a living skeleton, the scale armor on his back is even more indestructible after being transformed by the black mist. If these dragon armored lizards appear in the tide of undead, it will cause a big panic. The squad composed of soldiers is not an opponent.

"Should we help him? These are three dragon armored lizards, even Qi practitioners would have a headache when they encounter them." Xue Zhenghao suggested.

Han Dongxu also nodded, but when several people were about to rush to save others, they were stopped by Zhang Kun.

"Wait, there's something wrong with this boy." Zhang Kun frowned and said, this boy was too calm, he didn't look like he was being chased by a desolate beast at all, and he could vaguely feel the intense fluctuation of vitality left here.

Although the four of Han Dongxu were very puzzled, they still listened to Zhang Kun's words and chose to watch for a while. After experiencing these things, they would involuntarily believe in Zhang Kun's judgment.

Infected by the black mist, the dragon armored lizard, which lost its mind, took heavy steps and rushed towards the golden-clothed boy. The body that looked like a hill would shake when it stepped on the ground. To break bones and tendons.

But the golden-clothed boy didn't intend to dodge at all. Instead, his body was aroused with a fighting spirit. He slid his left foot back and made a gesture of accumulating power.

Zhang Kun and the others could clearly feel the coercion from the boy in gold, domineering and majestic, Zhang Kun stared at the boy's left hand, where the vitality had been condensed to a terrible level, when he exploded, it would inevitably explode. It is earth-shattering.

He didn't use the vitality of the heavens and the earth to evolve any exquisite spells. He just gathered the vitality so simply that he already had such a huge momentum.

When the three dragon armored lizards approached, they punched out, and a series of deafening explosions sounded. Before the three dragon armored lizards touched the white fist, they were swept in by the violent fist. The huge body split open at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the indestructible scales exploded, revealing rotten flesh exuding black air.

"Huh." The young man looked at the three dragon armor lizards that could not die any more, exhaled softly, and turned to look at Zhang Kun and the others. It turned out that he had discovered them a long time ago.

"You, who are you?" Xue Zhenghao was shocked by the massacre-like scene, and asked stammeringly.

The golden-clothed boy glanced at Xue Zhenghao and the others, his eyes stayed on Zhang Kun, and he said very conceitedly, "You are Zhang Kun, I've heard of you."

Zhang Kun glanced at him and said lightly, "I don't know you."

"Hahaha." The boy suddenly laughed loudly, and said arrogantly: "If you are really as talented as the rumors say, we will see you again, by the way, if you are going to enter the depths of the black mist, you'd better be careful, This place has been a bit weird recently, I would be very disappointed if you just died like this."

After the boy finished speaking, he patted his bloody hands and walked into the depths of the jungle.

"Who does this person think he is? He must be sick." Xue Zhenghao murmured dissatisfied.

"If I'm not mistaken, the only one who has the ability to hunt undead in the wild, and is so young, is probably the No. 1 in the legend, Bai Yangxuan." Han Dongxu looked at the young man's back and said seriously .

"He is Bai Yangxuan?" Xue Zhenghao's eyes widened, and he looked at the boy's back in disbelief.

"Bai Yangxuan? Interesting." Zhang Kun said in a low voice, silently remembering this boy in his heart.

"Anyway, since he reminded us, we'd better be careful." Han Dongxu said seriously, the matter was so important that everyone dared not take it lightly, and nodded one after another.

However, the next itinerary went smoothly beyond everyone's expectations. According to the map given by Huang Zhongheng, the group quickly found the location marked above.

Although I encountered a few undead along the way, they were quickly resolved with the cooperation of everyone, and I didn't even encounter other obstacles. It went so smoothly that I felt a little worried if there was a trap, but I kept waiting for them to find the one. There was nothing unusual in the settlement, which made them slightly relieved.

"Xiaohao, record this place with a photo ball." Han Dongxu hid behind a black tree, looked at a large area of ​​buildings surrounded by a huge formation in front of him and the people in black walking between them, and pointed at Xue Zhenghao said.

Xue Zhenghao hastily took out a crystal ball, which was given to them by Huang Zhongheng. The ball can record the scene in front of them to prove that they have completed the task.

After Xue Zhenghao recorded all the scenes in the formation, several people prepared to retreat the same way.

"I'll come to the queen." Ding Yingshang suddenly asked when they were about to retreat.

"No, we can't put you in such a dangerous position." Xue Zhenghao said immediately, while Qi Zhengyan and Han Dongxu also objected.

"It's okay, you guys took care of me along the way, I have always been ashamed, I also want to make some contributions to the team, and I am more careful, can help us erase some traces, and prevent those believers from discovering that we have been here Traces." Ding Yingshang, who was originally soft and weak, insisted strongly, uncharacteristically.

"Let her go." Just when Han Dongxu was about to refute, Zhang Kun said, who hadn't spoken. Han Dongxu thought about it, although he was still puzzled, but he no longer objected.

But until everyone walked out of the forest, there was no danger. Zhang Kun looked back at the spooky black forest and always felt that something was wrong with this operation, but he couldn't find anything unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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