Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 464

Chapter 464

"Elders, City Lord Huang, this is the information about that area." Zhang Kun returned to the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion and handed the photo ball to City Lord Huang, and reported the completion of the task to several high-ranking elders , As for some details in the middle, such as meeting Bai Yangxuan, he omitted them all, and only reported the results truthfully.

At this moment, everyone in the meeting hall looked at him with shock, surprise, relief, and appreciation!
"Why is he back?" In the city lord's mansion, the faces of the elders of the various sects changed slightly, but their hearts were already surging!Although they couldn't show anything on the surface, each of them paused slightly, each with their own thoughts.

Zhang Kun grew up too fast, far exceeding their expectations!
"Zhang Kun didn't die, and actually let him come back alive. How is this possible? Generally speaking, the survival rate of this kind of mission is appallingly low!" Elder Cai Xu of Huangjimen was a little surprised and shocked. He sent Zhang Kun to carry out this dangerous mission, hoping that Zhang Kun would die on the way, so as to avenge the Sui Jin Dynasty!
Last time he was crippled by Elder Xu for ten years, after cultivating for a while, Huangjimen still sent him to the meeting hall to let him play some residual heat, and of course deprived him of all his powers. Only one mouth remained.

It's a pity that not only did Zhang Kun come back unscathed, but he also brought back extremely valuable information and made a contribution. This is not what they Huangjimen want to see.

"I didn't expect the shadow of the lunar eclipse to have such a trick. It is extremely insidious and cunning. If it weren't for the information that Zhang Kun and the others worked so hard to pass back, we would still be kept in the dark!" Elder Xu of Yaohuang Mountain praised sincerely Zhang Kun and many elders around nodded frequently.

"Well, this information is very useful, reward Zhang Kun's entire team with [-] contribution points per person." City Lord Huang nodded incessantly, and with a wave of his hand, a golden light flew towards him, and he immediately felt refreshed Cool, his points on the breaking spirit list jumped again, and he rose up, leaving countless heroes behind!
City Lord Huang picked up a small flag and stuck it in the sand table in front of him, marked this place additionally, cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, please be quiet, now we should discuss what to do next!"

Huang's falcon-like eyes scanned the faces of the people below. He knew that the next move of the Xiaoshuo Zongmen's allied forces would determine the outcome of this war. At this critical moment, he must try his best to use everyone's strength .

"Since there are so many Lunar Cultists gathered there, it means that this place must be an extremely important place. We even have reason to guess that it is the main altar of the Shadow of the Lunar Eclipse!" an elder of the sect speculated.

"After going through so many battles and paying so much price, we finally have the chance to completely defeat the shadow of the lunar eclipse!" City Lord Huang waved his arms, looking full of confidence and high spirits!

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "This is indeed an excellent opportunity, and we also understand what the ultimate purpose of the shadow of the lunar eclipse is."

"Quickly tell me, they planned for so many years at such a high price, and killed so many people in our Xiaoshuo Empire. What is it for?" Everyone's eyes focused on Zhang Kun in an instant. The answer they have waited too long!
Zhang Kun took a deep breath and said: "You have encountered a creature on the battlefield, which was summoned by the elite disciples and elder priests among the Lunar Cultists. It looks like a tiger and wolf, extremely ugly, full of black air, and its strength varies. Extremely terrifying!"

Everyone present frowned as if recalling some bad memories. As high-level Qi practitioners, how could they have never seen such an evil creature?

"That can be said to be the killer weapon of the Shadow of the Lunar Eclipse Cultists. It is called the Incarnation of the Black Moon!" Zhang Kun said lightly, but there was a chill in his tone.

All the elders looked at each other in confusion: "The incarnation of the black moon, is it a creature that exists in the round of black moon they summoned?"

Zhang Kun nodded and said: "It can also be understood in this way. The black moon incarnation is the clone of the master of the black moon. Its strength is only tens of thousands of that of the real one, but it is also extremely terrifying. It can practice Qi with the most elite here. Let's go head to head!"

"The Lord of the Black Moon? Is that the one those Moon Cultists recite every day?" Elder Xu from Yaohuang Mountain blurted out as if he had thought of something!

"The Lord of the Black Moon is the god in their minds, with infinite power and power. In terms we can understand, he is an ascendant, a legendary fairy!"

"Ascended? Immortal?" As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned. This word seemed to have magical power. Once it was said, everyone felt a buzzing in their brains.

Fu Linjing, the real daughter of Yuxu, Nanhuang, the proud daughter of heaven, Chong Yan, the master of the Yanmo Cave, and the inventor of Fuling Qingdan, they are all ascenders, but that's just an ancient legend, I don't know how many years, There have been no ascenders in this world.

It seems that this land has been abandoned by the world.

As for immortals, this word has not entered people's field of vision for a long time. The common people regard Qi trainers as immortals, and worship the emperor of the empire as gods. Of course we understand what it means to be a fairy. It is an invincible existence, which only exists in myths and ruins. No one has ever seen a fairy with their own eyes!
Zhang Kun nodded and said: "Now you understand, all of this is planned and manipulated by the Lord of the Black Moon behind the scenes, and the shadow of the lunar eclipse is just his endorsement in this world. Their real purpose is to make the Black Moon The Lord of the Moon has come to this world."

"I don't know which space the Lord of the Black Moon is in, but I only know that if he is successfully summoned to this world, no one of us will be his opponent, and everything will be wiped out by him!" Zhang Kun said in a deep voice, It was cold.

"Hiss!" Everyone gasped again and again. As the top combat power in the empire, they understood for the first time what kind of enemy they were facing. This was different from enemy invasion and internal rebellion. The supreme fairy master wants their lives!

For the first time, they felt a sense of powerlessness. They had never seen the scenes of Qi trainers with gold and iron horses after hundreds of battles, but at this moment, they trembled like little chickens. The news that Kun brought to them was enough to make them terrified!
"Then, do we still have a chance of winning?" The voices of many people trembled. Even if the enemy is tens of thousands of spirit enlightenment monsters, they will not yield them, but the Lord of the Black Moon is beyond this world. Existence, he is mysterious, powerful, and unknown!
Faced with such an existence, their firm Dao hearts were shaken. Of the people present, only Zhang Kun and Huang Chengzhu could remain indifferent.

"Yes, that is to destroy the altar that summoned the Lord of the Black Moon before he descends. We are still unable to determine the specific location of the altar, but it must be in this area, covered by some kind of secret method." Zhang Kun He said firmly, judging from his experience of so many fights with the shadow of the lunar eclipse, the main altar, the gate of the black mist, and the foundation of the undead sky are all hidden here!
Old City Master Huang stared at the sand table below thoughtfully, and said for a long time: "However, this area is a mysterious ancient battlefield, and the corpse aura is extremely strong. During the time when countless ancient war spirits roamed around, now they are even more surrounded. The shadow of the lunar eclipse occupies it, and the weakest undead there are all first-level Qi practitioners!"

"It's impossible for our people to enter here wantonly. That will definitely attract the attention of the shadow of the lunar eclipse. It would be bad if the altar is moved!" A beautiful woman in Jinghonglou thought for a moment before she spoke.

"Yes, it seems that we can only send an elite army to sneak in here and carry out a decapitation operation." Huang Chengzhu stared at the sand table, recalling the repeated heavy losses suffered by Poling City these days, he had no choice but to make up his mind , solved this trouble once and for all.

"Huangjimen is willing to send the most elite troops to enter!" Cai Xu was the first to say, and everyone understood what he meant. He wanted to monopolize this great achievement. If he failed, that's all. It's not too big to lose a small team's elite qi training, but if it succeeds, it will be earth-shattering and a major event that will go down in history!
The position of the Huangji Sect in the Xiaoshuo Empire can be stabilized even more. The head of the Huangji Sect naturally wants to see such a situation. Recently, the Yaohuang Mountain, the Jinghong Building and other forces have emerged one after another, which is enough to give the royal family and the Huangji sect The gate brought a threat, but if it succeeds this time, the status and prestige of the Huangji Gate in people's hearts will reach an unattainable height!

"This wave of undead is what our sects all over the world are united to face together, how can we only let the brothers of Huangjimen take risks alone?" Many elders raised objections.

"Haha, my Huangjimen is the guardian of the Xiaoshuo Empire. Our Huangjimen will do our part in such an important task. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Don't worry, comrades, we will definitely return victorious!" Cai Xu argued.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Kun couldn't help shaking his head slightly. The disaster is imminent, and they are still fighting each other for fame and wealth. No wonder the huge Xiaoshuo Empire was destroyed by the shadow of the lunar eclipse in just half a year. point!

"Enough is enough. We need the top Qi trainers to participate in this operation. The three major sects of Huangjimen, Jinghonglou, and Yaohuangshan each send two Qi trainers at the peak of the ninth rank to participate in this battle. Others The sect will continue to stay in Poling City." City Lord Huang made the final decision, which was the result of balancing the interests of all parties.

Everyone can only accept it. After all, there is almost no return after all. This kind of hot potato is not something that everyone rushes to ask for.At this moment, Cai Xu pointed to Zhang Kun who shook his head and sighed with regret in his eyes.

"We ask Zhang Kun to act with us!"

(End of this chapter)

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