Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
The elders in the council hall were dumbfounded by Zhang Kun, and only now did they realize that their majestic Qi practitioners actually wanted to obey his orders. When will the military affairs of the Xiaoshuo Empire be controlled by a heavenly boy?

"Hmph, a young man's heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper. Give him a little sunshine and he will be brilliant. He really regards himself as the core, and our actions can't be done without him!" Ben, the elder of Tianhuo Sect Seeing that Zhang Kun was very upset, he even cursed behind his back at this moment.

"If other people dared to speak like that in front of me, I would have slapped him to death!"

Cai Xu snorted coldly and said, "Comrades, we don't need to listen to Zhang Kun's demonic words to confuse the public. We are powerful Qi practitioners. Even if the Undead Canopy can affect the heavenly innate, it will definitely not shake us. There is no need to take him. The so-called elixir can also resist the undead sky!"

"That's right, that's right, Zhang Kun said that he is fine because of his special skills. Why, is the skills practiced by our sect inferior to others?" The elder of the Shendao Sect took the opportunity to ask back.

"Well said, don't pay attention to Zhang Kun's arrogant kid, really think that he can practice a few kinds of elixirs and become the best in the world? Let's continue to discuss the details of this operation and finalize the specific candidate!" Cai Xu sneered, His purpose is to weaken Zhang Kun's role and let the world know that Huangjimen is leading them to victory!
Elder Xu from Yaohuang Mountain sneered and said nothing after all, Old City Master Huang sighed and could only nod his head, looking thoughtfully at the back of Zhang Kun going away.

Zhang Kun returned to his residence, sat down cross-legged, and thought about the harvest of this trip. Up to now, Zhang Kun has no idea how to deal with the terrifying and invincible Lord of the Black Moon. I don't have any intuitive impression, I only know that it is very powerful.

But Zhang Kun, who owns the Mirror Realm, knows that the so-called immortal is an existence beyond this world. On top of Jindan, there are so many realms such as Nascent Soul, Mahayana, Fusion, Void Refining, Transforming God, and Transcending Tribulation. Achieve the fairy body, become a fairy and become a fairy!

However, in the eyes of the world, the almost invincible Golden Core cultivator is nothing more than an ant in front of Cai Yuanying, who can be destroyed with a random palm. It's just a blank sheet of paper.

"The only hope is to interrupt their summoning ceremony before the arrival of the Lord of the Black Moon, but the girl leader holds a fragment of the mirror field in her hand, and she can use the powerful power in it. I am afraid that even if the empire sends a golden core expert, it may not be possible. I can defeat her!" Zhang Kun frowned, he understood the power of the mirror field better than anyone else.

With his weak strength, he was already able to defeat enemies several times stronger than himself by virtue of the various benefits brought by the mirror field. That is still under the condition that the energy of the mirror field has not been fully used. The power of this unimaginably high-grade artifact will shock the world!

Shaking his heavy head, Zhang Kun decided to go to the supply department first to refine the elixir that needs to be used.In the days when he was no longer breaking the spirit city, the members of the team needed to use various elixir for killing the enemy, and he had to make sure of it.

As a fourth-level elixir, the Wildfire Flame Pill is easy to refine, and Han Dongxu has fully mastered it, but it is very difficult to make pills such as the Pill Formation and Undead Pills. After mastering it in a short time, Zhang Kun had to see if there was any available manpower in the logistics department to help him.

Taking advantage of the fact that the undead's attack did not come for a while, and his teammates were resting, Zhang Kun walked out of the residence alone to the logistics department.

Compared with the front line of the city wall where Zhang Kun and the others are located, the supply department is much safer, and it is also located in the magic weapon of the cave in Jinghonglou. It has always been safe.

Passing through the armory lined up in the magic treasure of the cave and the market that was still lively at night, Zhang Kun asked a few passers-by before he found the hidden supply department. As a military important place, no one else is generally allowed to enter.

But the people guarding this place saw the robes Zhang Kun was wearing as a disciple of Yaohuang Mountain, and the guest medal pinned to his chest, anyone could tell that he was a powerful alchemist .

Under the respectful eyes of the guards, Zhang Kun slowly walked into the delivery department, and saw that the lights here were brightly lit day and night, the sound of clanging irons came bursts, and the flames in the bellows lasted for a long time. Pieces of weapons and sharp weapons are forged from here and supplied to move forward.

Zhang Kun even saw the hundred-foot-tall blast furnace, in which the powerful defense equipment of the empire was refined, and the churning molten iron splashed sparks all over the ground. Before seeing the true appearance of the finished product, it was awe-inspiring.

There are also tens of thousands of alchemy furnaces working at full capacity, and countless flames of different colors are burning and jumping in them, dyeing the sky a bright red color.A scent of pills came out, as if this place was a huge pharmaceutical factory.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Kun couldn't help but be amazed. You must know that the alchemy factory he wanted to build so far has only five monsters in the mirror field refining one by one.

"Hey, you're new here. Don't just sit around here. Get the materials to refine whatever you can refine. Don't stay here to be an eyesore!" Just as Zhang Kun was looking around at the spectacle of the supply department , a man in brocade robe interrupted his imagination.

"Oh, he turned out to be a disciple of Yaohuang Mountain, so he can't be lazy. Are you right, Brother Jia Yintao?" Beside the brocade-robed man was a lovely-looking woman with a pretty face, who was entwining his arm and acting coquettishly. road.

"Yes, Xiaoru, you are right. Did you hear that one? If you are lazy, don't blame me for being rude!" The brocade robed man swaggered his fist, and a gust of wind blew Zhang Kun's temples.

Zhang Kun glanced at him indifferently, but didn't speak. Seeing this, the girl seemed to lose interest in him, she leaned over to the man in brocade robe and smiled softly: "This man is a fool, brother Jia Yintao, let's ignore him Well, I have taken a fancy to the new work of an armor maker over there, the Buyaoliu Immortal Dress, which seems to be a middle-grade magic weapon, but this is not important, its style is so beautiful!"

"Don't worry Xiaoru, I don't dare to control everything in the logistics department, but I still have this little power, you just wait for my good news, I want you to wear this fairy dress tonight, we Come and experience the taste of happiness!" The man in the brocade robe showed a lewd smile, and his hands had dishonestly touched the girl's buttocks.

"I hate it, can you stop being so impatient, last time you tore up that skirt, please be gentle with her!" Xiao Ru lowered her head, blushed, and lightly hit Jin Jin with her fist. The chest of the robed man.

"Huh?" Zhang Kun naturally didn't bother to care about their nonsense, but he found out from the conversation between the two that the man in the brocade robe should be a manager here. He was not interested in them at first, but If he had such an identity, it would be different.

"Two, please wait a moment, are you the person in charge here?" Zhang Kun said in a flat tone.

"Hey, why don't you leave like this? There must be a limit to being lazy, right? Who are you?" Wearing a guest medal.

"Isn't he the guest of the Alchemist Association? There are so many people like this, not to mention that you can get one even if you donate some money to the association. This kid is probably a person who is trying to catch fame. What kind of wolf is he pretending to be here?" Jinpao The man sneered and demoted Zhang Kun thousands of times in his heart.

"Me? I am the new person in charge here. If you are in charge, I have something to tell you." Zhang Kun said lightly.

"Hahaha? Manager, you?" The brocade robed man bent over with laughter, and the girl next to him, Xiaoru, gave Zhang Kun a cold glance, then turned her head away, as if seeing a pile of excrement dislike!
"What big talk, it's disgusting!" Xiao Ru sneered.

The brocade robed man laughed enough, raised his waist and looked at Zhang Kun jokingly: "Just because of you, a guest minister of the Alchemy Association, you want to be in charge of the supply department of my Poling City, are you crazy? How old are you, little brat, you are still playing house!"

Zhang Kun glanced at him lightly, and said expressionlessly: "You just need to answer me, are you the person in charge here?"

"Of course I am, but you don't know how many levels of alchemists there are, and you want to order me?" The man in the brocade robe pointed at Zhang Kun's nose and laughed.

Noticing the commotion here, many people put down the things they were refining and gathered around to see what happened.

"The brocade-robed man is Jia Yintao, he seems to be the nephew in charge of the shipping department. He is very powerful, and he is also responsible for transporting our refined products to the outside world!" Everyone recognized him and discussed secretly.

"Who is that man, why is he so unfamiliar, why did he have any conflicts with Jia Yintao, then he is miserable!" Everyone couldn't help feeling sad for Zhang Kun,

"I am a sixth-level elixir." Zhang Kun replied flatly. Since he broke through the spiritual power last time, he has reached the sixth-level elixir since he refined five sixth-level elixir at once. With his advanced level, and after he had consolidated it through meditation, few of the sixth-level elixir could defeat him any more.

"Hahaha, you are so honest, I thought you would brag about your ninth-level alchemist!" The man in brocade robe couldn't take care of himself. He smiled brightly at the crowd and said, "This person is six High-level alchemy disciples, so they want to take charge of this place, can you tell me, what level of alchemy disciples are you all?"

(End of this chapter)

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