Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 467 Are You Satisfied?

Chapter 467 Are You Satisfied?

"Hahaha, you're only a sixth-level alchemist, you idiot!"

"I'm level seven! I'm level seven!" A confident voice emerged from the crowd.

"I am an eighth-level Dan disciple, you all give way!" On the other side, a middle-aged man held his head high, proud of his rank.

There was a sudden commotion among the crowd, and at the place where everyone's eyes gathered, a tall and elegant man trembled, his ice blue clothes like silk, and a handsome face with deep contours like carvings. It is imposing.

"It's Mr. Su Qianjue!" Everyone recognized this person immediately, and their eyes focused on the unique medal on his chest. Surrounded by silver olive branches and gold-rimmed auspicious clouds, it was dotted with nine stars!

"Hiss! Ninth-level alchemist, the legendary realm of alchemy is only half a step away!" Everyone was shocked. In front of the brilliance of ninth-level alchemy, everything else became insignificant. Everyone couldn't help taking a step back, and those Dan disciples of the seventh and eighth rank retreated into the crowd.

"I didn't expect Master Su Qianjue to be here too. This kid is so arrogant. He even said that he wants to take charge of this place. He really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. You are a disciple of the elder of Yaohuang Mountain. You dare not say such a thing. Even if Gongsun Yangyan's direct disciple is here, I'm afraid he is qualified!" Jia Yintao, a man in brocade robe, looked at Su Qianjue with a smile on his face.

But Zhang Kun said abruptly: "Gongsun Yangyan's direct disciple? I am!"

"Look, Mr. Su, he's still stubborn. How can there be such a person? It's really an insult to Yaohuangshan's face!" Jia Yintao sneered, looking at Su Qianjue expectantly.

Su Qianjue glanced at Zhang Kun lightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "That's right, he is Gongsun Yangyan's direct disciple!"

"What?" Everyone present was really taken aback. This is a completely impossible thing, but it happens that these words are said from Su Qianjue's mouth, so they have credibility, and everyone agrees. Focus on Zhang Kun.

They exclaimed repeatedly, this young boy is actually Gongsun Yangyan's direct disciple?Can't see anything extraordinary at all.

"Really!" Jia Yintao couldn't help but took a step back, looking at Zhang Kun with trembling eyes, the ordinary Yaohuangshan disciples are fine, but Gongsun Yangyan's direct disciples are different, even the current The level of alchemy is not high, and it will definitely shine in the future. If you mess with such a person, his future will be gloomy!
Just when everyone in the audience was shocked by Zhang Kun's identity, Su Qianjue smiled lightly and said, "It's a pity that he failed to break through and became the laughing stock of the world. How could he be sent to the front line? I didn't expect him to come here again to find a sense of presence, bullying you are not well-informed!"

"So that's how it is!" Everyone suddenly realized that the so-called direct disciples were just a thing of the past, and a disciple who fell out of favor was nothing but a waste.

"Hahaha, it turns out to be a waste," Jia Yintao was about to cry and apologize to Zhang Kun, but his face suddenly changed, and he pointed at Zhang Kun with a grim expression and said, "Still pretending to me, if Master Su Qianjue wasn't here today Here, I will deceive you!"

"Brother Jia Yintao scared me to death, this man is really disgusting!" Xiao Ru looked disgusted.

"Tsk tsk, this kid is really shameless. He has fallen out of favor and came here to show off his power. He is really not ashamed!" Everyone pointed and looked at Zhang Kun contemptuously.

"Go away, trash, what are you still doing here?" The eighth-level alchemy student who had stood up suddenly felt superior, and waved his hand to Zhang Kun in disgust, and everyone frowned and looked at Zhang Kun's gaze. kind.

"A toad wants to eat swan meat, but a cripple wants to be the manager of the logistics department?" Jia Yintao sneered, reaching out to push Zhang Kun.

However, Zhang Kun just glanced at this person indifferently. Immediately, people felt that time stopped for half a beat at that moment, and the vitality of the whole space also froze. Caught in general!
And the next moment, Jia Yintao froze with half of his outstretched hand, and it fell down. The corners of his eyes were cracked out of nowhere, and blood flowed out from his seven orifices. His body softened and he knelt down, panting heavily. Screamingly: "You, you can't treat me like this, my uncle is here to take charge!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The accident happened so suddenly that they didn't know why it happened. Everyone looked at Zhang Kun with a little more fear in their eyes.

Seeing this, Su Qianjue immediately glared at Zhang Kun and scolded: "Zhang Kun, in the name of senior brother, I order you to stop quickly. This person has an unusual status, you can't kill him!"

"Su Qianjue?" Zhang Kun didn't care about Jia Yintao, who was half dead and in boundless pain, and looked at Su Qianjue calmly and said, "Why can't I kill, I dare to destroy even the core disciples of Huangjimen?" , do you think you are comparable to the Sui and Jin Dynasties, and dare to intercede for him?"

"What?" Su Qianjue's face changed wildly for the first time. Sui Jinchao was abolished by Zhang Kun?It's okay, didn't Huangjimen arrest him? What's going on? After Zhang Kun failed to break through, he should have no status in Yaohuang Mountain, and where did he have the strength to abolish the Sui and Jin Dynasties?
"Speak wildly, hasn't your master taught you to be humble in front of people who are stronger than you?" Su Qianjue reacted immediately, and the aura on his body rose steadily and soon reached the level of Qi training. Realm, directly ascended to the third level before barely stopping!

Zhang Kun still didn't see him in his eyes, but said blankly: "Su Qianjue, you are my disciple of Yaohuangshan, why are you even afraid of a mere dude, what kind of circle are you messing around with, oh yes Now, Feng Feng and Peng Weihuang are also yours, so that makes sense!"

Su Qianjue's handsome face suddenly turned into the color of a pig's liver, and a trace of sternness flashed across his eyes, suppressing his almost roaring voice and growling: "Zhang Kun, because of the door rules, I don't want to Kill you, you can do it for me!"

"Jumping clown." Zhang Kun just chuckled, but Su Qianjue was suddenly angry, and he was about to burst into tears. As a noble son of the Su family, he enjoyed glory and wealth, and was admired by thousands of people. It's his own face, how has he ever been said that before!

"Very good, you have successfully aroused my interest. Although the method you used is extremely clumsy, I will soon let you know what cruelty is!" Su Qianjue said through gritted teeth. Take a few steps back, away from him.

Because they all felt the terrifying murderous aura on his body, which suppressed everyone's hearts like a substance, and they all understood that this handsome man in the past was really angry!

At this moment, Jia Yintao, the brocade robed man, was howling all the time. Xiao Ru was terrified. Seeing her man turned into this, she panicked, screamed, and then ran out of the crowd, as if she was crazy.

Jia Yintao's shrill cry finally caught the attention of the management personnel of the supply department. Because of his special status, the management personnel knocked on the door in charge of the supply department without stopping.

Jia Daman, who was still in bed hugging and rolling with the beautiful woman, was in charge of the delivery department, with a big belly and sweating profusely. After being awakened by a knock on the door, he hurriedly got dressed and rushed over.

"Master Jia, it was this boy who injured your nephew!"

Jia Daman walked over wearing a loose robe, his wretched demeanor subsided immediately, and an invisible authority was released. Everyone couldn't help lowering their heads when they saw him. Although this person looked greasy, he was once a powerful man. Practitioners.

"Okay, I want to see who has the guts to make trouble with me in such an important place as the logistics department!" Jia Daman was so angry that the fat on his face trembled like a big fat pig!

Zhang Kun glanced at this person indifferently, and couldn't help sighing, he didn't expect to hit the young one and then an old one appeared out of nowhere, it was really helpless.

"Hmph, Zhang Kun, I didn't expect you to run away in embarrassment so soon!" Su Qianjue saw Jia Daman appearing from a distance, a sneer flashed across his heart, gloating!

However, Jia Daman originally had the mentality of wanting to teach the person who caused the trouble a good lesson, but when he saw that the person was Zhang Kun, he was stunned, and his body trembled as if sifting chaff.

He hastily bowed and said: "It turns out that Master Zhang Kun is here. The little Jia Daman didn't know it, and he was far away to welcome him. I also ask Master Zhang Kun to make amends!"

Jia Yintao, who was struggling in a pool of blood, was instantly stunned. He managed to hold on until his uncle arrived here, but instead of speaking for himself, he bowed down to that young man!

Jia Yintao was about to die of anger, and Zhang Kun crushed his heart, and he passed out immediately. Jia Daman didn't care about this person's life and death at all, and kept a respectful posture and bowed deeply, as if It looks like Zhang Kun won't get up if he doesn't speak!
"What's the situation, what did Lord Jia just say, what is he doing?" Everyone fell into a stupor, and they felt that their world view was about to be shattered. It was obvious that Jia Yintao brought in the rescuers, so why did he turn out to be respectful to Zhang Kun? salute?
"Okay, I don't want to see this person." Zhang Kun lightly pointed to Jia Yintao who was lying on the ground and passed out. Jia Daman immediately kicked Jia Yintao when he heard this, and kicked him out a few times. Ten meters before stopping.

Jia Daman looked at Zhang Kun with a smile on his face and said, "Master Zhang Kun, are you satisfied now?"

(End of this chapter)

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