Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 468

Chapter 468
Seeing this scene, Su Qianjue's eyes widened. Jia Daman, who even wanted to give way to him, was so respectful to Zhang Kun. What was going on, he couldn't help asking: "Master Jia, It was Zhang Kun who injured your nephew, what are you doing?"

"Shut up!" Jia Daman replied coldly, not wanting to talk to him at all.

Su Qianjue's status as the son of the Su family is so noble. Whenever he was so angry, he immediately became angry. Seeing Zhang Kun's indifferent face, he was even more angry. He waved his sleeves and was about to leave the scene angrily. .

But Zhang Kun said lightly behind him: "It was a long time ago that I failed to break through. Didn't the elders tell you the truth in private?"

When Su Qianjue heard this, his body froze. Although he didn't know what Zhang Kun was telling the truth, judging from Jia Daman's performance today, Zhang Kun's failure to break through had far-reaching effects. It's not as big as he imagined, and even Zhang Kun's status in Yaohuang Mountain has risen instead of falling!
And none of the elders told him about all of this. It is self-evident what this means. Just now, Su Qianjue laughed at the lack of information from everyone, saying that Zhang Kun was already an abandoned disciple, but now it seems that the news is not good enough. The psychic person is me, and I was also abandoned by those elders!

"Pfft!" Su Qianjue couldn't control his emotions when he thought of this, his blood surged up, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, his pride and conceit for 20 years was shattered at this moment, his face turned pale To the extreme.

He stretched out a finger and pointed at Zhang Kun tremblingly, but he couldn't speak. He just felt that his vision was spinning and the vitality in his body couldn't condense. His body was on the verge of falling down!

He was horrified and speechless as if a sharp knife was pressed against his throat in his sleep.

Zhang Kun ignored him and looked away. Su Qianjue staggered back with the support of his servants. After all, he was still Zhang Kun's senior brother. Zhang Kun did not completely smash his way like Sui Jinchao did. Heart, but after experiencing what happened today, if Su Qianjue can't walk out by himself, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make further progress in this life!

"Master Zhang Kun, City Lord Huang has already greeted me here. I didn't expect you to come so soon. Please forgive my nephew for contradicting me!" Jia Daman lowered his head even more, As if buried in dust.

All the people on the sidelines were petrified one by one. What kind of situation is this? Jia Daman, who is in charge of the logistics department, is in charge of the wealth and goods that are in charge of as much as a cow's hair every day.

Now he bowed his knees to the young man in front of him, and didn't even care about his own nephew who was half dead beside him. This is really shocking!

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said, "Forget it, get up, I have something to tell you, I need a group of high-level alchemy disciples."

"Yes, yes, please tell me, Mr. Zhang Kun, we have gathered the best alchemists from various sects here, and many of your brothers from Yaohuang Mountain are here!" Until Zhang Kun raised his hand to signal him to get up, he didn't Dare to move, at this moment his back is completely sweaty, and the clothes he just put on are all wet.

"From now on, Master Zhang Kun will be the only one to follow. You all have to listen to me. From now on, Master Zhang Kun's words will be mine. If there is any conflict, Master Zhang Kun's will prevail!" Jia Daman hurriedly ordered Everyone said that his ability is not very good, but he has a lot of ability to adapt to the situation, otherwise he would not be sitting in this important position.

Everyone just felt that their brains had lost the ability to direct their own actions. They stood there motionless like a log, staring at Zhang Kun with dazed eyes as he was invited to the reception room by the nodding and bowing Jia Daman.

"No way, am I dreaming?" Everyone was stunned, and they didn't wake up until Zhang Kun disappeared from everyone's sight.

Jia Yintao, who was so powerful in the supply department, was deposed, and even kicked away by his uncle. Su Qianjue, a genius disciple of Yaohuangshan, was so angry that he vomited blood and left tremblingly. Who was Zhang Kun? What kind of existence is it!

Everyone was full of doubts, and at the same time, they also expected that Zhang Kun's appearance would bring a little change to this long-dreary and shady supply department.

Jia Daman brought Zhang Kun to a reception room like a small attic. There were gold-rimmed carpets and many precious ornaments hanging there, all showing a luxurious atmosphere. Other places in Poling City were improvised and extremely crude

"Master Zhang Kun, how precious are these elixir prescriptions? You really just gave them to our supply department?" Jia Daman was completely stunned looking at the densely packed novel elixir recipes in front of him. He handed over the other pills to Jia Daman.

"Well, I only have one request, immediately send someone to refine in large quantities, and find a way to solve any difficulties. You have so many alchemy talents here, it is not difficult to develop the alchemy I am talking about?" Zhang Zhang Kun said.

"Of course, no problem. This is a place where the world's talents gather. As long as they put in their best efforts, the efficiency is still very high. After all, they are all alchemists in the sect!" Jia Daman seems to be a member of the court. The situation in the Zongmen still has some understanding.

Zhang Kun also seemed to understand the meaning of his words. Those alchemists have no problem with their strength, but their efficiency is not high enough. In this oil-filled supply department, many alchemists will hide the pills they handle privately. It seems that It has become an unspoken rule here.

"Jia Daman, I'm too lazy to care about your tricks, but as long as I'm here for a day, don't play tricks on me, otherwise," Zhang Kun's tone was slightly aggravated.

Jia Daman's face turned pale immediately, and he quickly climbed to the front of Zhang Kun, knelt down and said sincerely: "Master Zhang Kun, I will strictly restrain the people below, and I will definitely not delay your plan."

"Okay, I have to get it out within seven days." Zhang Kun said lightly.

Jia Daman nodded as if he was pounding garlic and said with trepidation: "Master Zhang Kun, don't worry, the Lord City Lord has instructed me personally, and our supply department will definitely satisfy you!"

Zhang Kun glanced at this person lightly, and he knew that he had a lot of tricks under him. Now that he came here with the order of the city lord, he naturally didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

After explaining his request to Jia Daman, Zhang Kun left from the supply department. No one knew about him when he came, and everyone ignored him, but when Jia Daman respectfully sent him away At that time, everyone looked at him with incomparably fanatical eyes!
Who doesn't desire or envy a 15-year-old boy who has reached this position?

At this time, the sky is already full of stars and moon, and the night is coming quietly. Outside the window, the crescent moon is like a hook, and the faint breeze is blowing, rolling up the mats. Zhang Kun is walking on the street, and suddenly sees a white figure in the distance. familiar.

"Lingxue?" Looking at the beautiful figure in the distance, Zhang Kun couldn't help muttering, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked up.

Although Liang Lingxue was injured by the Sect Master of Tianhuo Sect last time, Gongsun Yangyan took the initiative to treat her, and she quickly recovered. After resting for a few days, she asked her master to send her to the front line of Poling City.

"I don't know where Brother Zhang Kun lives. I found the residence of Yaohuang Mountain after asking several people, but there are so many disciple rooms here, which one is Brother Zhang Kun's?" Liang Lingxue was immediately troubled.

She frowned beautifully, her bright and beautiful facial features were extremely elegant, and Huai Shuang Saixue's skin was as beautiful as two years ago. In addition, because of her cultivation in Qingyun Pavilion, her temperament became more outstanding. Wearing a green shirt, it suddenly seems like a fairy is in the dust.

The reason why she is so eager to come to Poling City for such a dangerous journey is that she has Zhang Kun in her heart. He just failed to break through in a state of attracting worldwide attention. If she changed her, she would definitely not be able to bear such a blow.

"What are you looking for?" Zhang Kun came to behind Liang Lingxue like a ghost stepping on light steps, and stretched out his hands to pinch her slippery shoulders.

"Ah!" Liang Lingxue's body trembled like a frightened little rabbit. She turned her head and was about to get angry when she saw Zhang Kun's handsome face close at hand.

"Brother Zhang Kun!" She turned around and hugged Zhang Kun in great surprise. Zhang Kun felt a gust of fragrant wind blowing, and his body like nephrite was pressed against him. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"I didn't expect this little girl to take the initiative in two years!" Zhang Kun smiled helplessly in his heart, and hugged Liang Lingxue and the two for a long time before Liang Lingxue reluctantly pushed Zhang Kun's firm chest away.

"Lingxue, why are you here? Your injury is just right, and it's better to heal your injury in the sect." Zhang Kun is not limited to the power of the panacea bestowed by Gongsun Yangyan. He can see Liang Lingxue's strength when he meets him The physical condition is very good, and the breath is not weak at all, even stronger than himself!

Liang Lingxue lowered her little head and looked at her toes in bewilderment. Her bold move today was because she couldn't restrain her longing for Zhang Kun these days, and she was completely released at that moment.

"Because someone has only heaven-level strength now, and he ran to such a dangerous battlefield, I don't trust you!" Liang Lingxue mustered up her courage, raised her beautiful face, and stared at Zhang Kun nervously. Said.

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and said: "Haha, my sister can protect me after not seeing me for two years. Lingxue, you are already in the third level of Qi training?"

"Yeah!" Liang Lingxue nodded subconsciously, and then looked at Zhang Kun in bewilderment: "Brother Zhang Kun, how do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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