Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 469 Chapter Recalling the Past

Chapter 469 Recalling the Past

A Qi trainer's ability to control vitality is extraordinary. Others can't see through a Qi trainer's strength at a glance. They can only vaguely estimate the opponent's strength from the breath. Only the big realms of Qi training and foundation building can see through it at a glance. , and the Qi Cultivation Realm of Jiuchongtian is generally difficult to be seen from the outside.

"I'm your brother, of course I know about you." Zhang Kun ruffled her hair, and the two sat on the stone steps together, looking at the moon.

"It's just that I didn't expect your cultivation speed to be so fast. When you left Changyang, you were only at the prefecture level. In two years, you have already reached the third-level Qi training state. This is too fast. I think that Daoist The crown prince practiced in Huangjimen since he was a child, and he is only slightly higher than you!" Zhang Kun couldn't help being a little bit surprised, he was already enough evil, and his cousin was younger than him.

There seemed to be memories in Liang Lingxue's eyes, her pretty face flushed slightly and she rested her head on Zhang Kun's shoulder calmly, the three thousand black hair exuded a tangy fragrance.

"Well, that's a very long story. I was found to be very fit for Qing Yun Pavilion's practice. I advanced very quickly. In addition, I went out to experience a few times and went deep into several dangerous secret realms. It's also a bit of an adventure. Come on, brother Zhang Kun, do you want to hear it?" Liang Lingxue turned her head and looked at Zhang Kun with a smile on her face.

"Okay, tell me." Zhang Kun smiled gently. After being separated from Liang Lingxue for almost two years, he also seemed to know what happened to Liang Lingxue. It implies a lot of bitterness and bitterness.

Under the faint moonlight, Xu Lai's breeze urges the girl's flying black hair. Only then did Zhang Kun understand how Liang Lingxue got to where she is today in Qingyun Pavilion. At the beginning, her low strength also suffered a lot. Bullied, and harassed by a few greedy seniors, but soon her talent caught the attention of the master.

She passed the difficult entry test, and finally worshiped under the master of Qingyun Pavilion, and obtained his true biography. What is even more fortunate is that she has a relationship with Qingyun Pavilion's Zhenzong Dao Artifact, and she is born with a physique suitable for controlling that magical weapon. Qingyun Pavilion Everyone was overjoyed, because for hundreds of years, no one has been able to truly exert the full power of Zhenzong Daoqi!
All the resources were poured into Liang Lingxue. She shouldered too much pressure, but at the same time lived up to the expectations. After only one year of entry, she was promoted to the realm of Qi training, and after three months, she was promoted to the first level, and now she is already at the third level. Qi training environment, one of the Taoist artifacts gave her a lot of help, and there were almost no obstacles along the way.

Then Qingyun Pavilion sent her to go up to practice. Following in the footsteps of several senior brothers, she completed several missions of the master's sect. In a hidden secret relic, she once again obtained the secret code left over from the ancient times, and her strength once again skyrocketed.

"Fortunately, your sect treats you well, otherwise" Zhang Kun whispered in his heart. Now it seems that Liang Lingxue has been doing well in the past few years under the protection of Qingyun Pavilion Master. Must hold the sword and ascend Qingyun Pavilion!

"It's just that the secret book is really obscure and hard to understand. What's recorded on it is not words and mental methods, but only some strange depiction symbols. It's a big headache at first glance, but after I get over it, I don't know why, and I feel that it's right. My comprehension has deepened." Liang Lingxue said a little confusedly.

Zhang Kun nodded silently. The sky in the mirror field was almost covered with such mysterious symbols. Zhang Kun now somewhat understood that it was the manifestation of Taoism, and each rune represented a certain supreme avenue.

"Huh?" Zhang Kun had a slight sense that the most powerful people in this world are just golden cores, but even they think it is impossible to leave such symbols. The mystery contained in those symbols is far greater than that of the golden cores beyond the realm of understanding.

The more Zhang Kun thought about it, the more strange it became. There are many secret realms in this world, some of which are as dense as the inside of the Mirror Realm, and the opportunities contained in them are not inferior to the few secret realms arranged by the Mirror Realm for Zhang Kun.

Could it be said that this world once gave birth to a strong man far surpassing the strength of the Golden Core, such as an immortal like the Lord of the Black Moon?But where did they go later? If they really disappeared, where did the ascended ones go in the end?
Zhang Kun faintly felt that the world he was in was a bit strange, otherwise the Lord of the Black Moon would not have coveted this place so greedily.

"Brother Zhang Kun, when I left Changyang, you had just stepped out of the ethnology, and now you are the focus of all the sects in the world. There must be many stories in it." Liang Lingxue curled up in Zhang Kun's arms , like a lazy kitten, she murmured in a low voice.

Zhang Kun chuckled and said, "It's all trivial things."

He briefly told the story of how he won the first place in the trial of the Flame Demon Cave until he became famous in Wojia King City through Dan Dao. In the end, the tide of undead broke out. today.

"It's just that I didn't protect you well, and you were injured on Yaohuang Mountain." Zhang Kun closed his eyes as if reflecting on his own shortcomings.

"It's okay, I'm fine now, brother Zhang Kun, don't think about going to the Skyfire Sect to take revenge, my master said that the Skyfire Sect has hidden a lot of strength, and there are people like the Taoist Prince among them." Liang Lingxue was a little worried Said, after all, Zhang Kun's current strength is only at the sky level.

"Oh, I don't have time to talk to them now," Zhang Kun secretly calculated the time in his mind, and said casually, "Perhaps tomorrow you will receive the news of the death of the lord of the Tianhuo Sect."

"Ah?" Liang Lingxue's beautiful eyes were full of doubts. She didn't know why Zhang Kun said that. She quickly held Zhang Kun's hand and said, "I won't allow you to do anything stupid for me."

Zhang Kun smiled lightly: "Silly sister, don't talk about this, I will continue to tell you. After arriving at Poling City, the elder Quyangguan of Huangjimen gave me a task."

Zhang Kun's tone was very flat and calm, but the thrills behind these incidents still made Liang Lingxue's pretty face full of sadness. Asking Zhang Kun to say this, her heart seemed to be pulled.

"It's all related to the shadow of the lunar eclipse." Liang Lingxue said casually.

Zhang Kun nodded slightly. Since he smashed their conspiracy in Changyang City, the organization seemed to be entangled with him, and all the incidents he encountered next were related to them.

Seeing that the moon in the sky was getting darker, and the sky was gradually showing a fish belly, the two of them had already chatted all night without knowing it.

"Okay, Lingxue, you should go back. People from the Zongmen will be anxious if they can't find you." Zhang Kun said gently.

"I don't want to go back. That senior brother Qiu Mo is always courteous for nothing. I don't like him very much, but he doesn't listen to what I say. He just keeps leaning towards me." Liang Lingxue sighed softly and frowned slightly. frowning.

"Besides, I came to Poling City to find you. Anyway, there are undead killers everywhere. Brother Zhang Kun, please take me to the battlefield of Yaohuang Mountain!" Liang Lingxue said mischievously.

Zhang Kun touched his nose helplessly and said: "It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, and the disciples of Yaohuang Mountain are all alchemy disciples, and they are very good at refining elixir, so they can have a support on the battlefield."

Seeing what Zhang Kun said, Liang Lingxue immediately beamed and smiled like a flower. She looked at Zhang Kun jokingly and said, "Brother Zhang Kun, you are only at the sky level now, but I am different. I am very good. I just came to Poling City yesterday. It's on the breaking spirit list, and now it's 86th!"

Looking at her innocent expression, Zhang Kun couldn't help smiling: "Ling Xue, didn't you look up?"

"Above, there's nothing to see here. They're all regular people. Plus they came earlier, so they must be higher than me. But the master said that my strength will make it to the top fifteen!" Liang Lingxue exclaimed. Yan Yixiao was a little complacent.

Zhang Kun rubbed his nose and finally decided not to hit her. He completed the mission last time, which was worth other people's fighting here for a week. In addition, he usually sprinkled wild flames into the pile of undead when he had nothing to do. Dan, if you let Chengyingjian go out for a circle by himself, he will kill a lot of people.

And everyone still couldn't see how those undead died. The invisible and invisible sword was too weird. The disciples of Yaohuangshan looked at Zhang Kun as if they were watching a monster. As a result, his points on the breaking spirit list are soaring all the time.

Just after City Lord Huang gave their team another [-] contribution points, he has quietly stepped into the top ten and is now ninth!

Only Bai Yangxuan, Daosheng Prince, Fairy Xixian, Zhang Juzheng who fought hard to come from behind, Qian Hongshan, the head disciple of Tianhuozong, Gu Anmo who was born in the Xiaoshuo Empire's military, and the bloody killer organization Xianwei are the only ones who surpass Zhang Kun on the list The young master Tu Chen, and the genius Yu Yefeng who joined the Qixing Pavilion, and the No.10 who was stepped on by Zhang Kun was Tang Fenghen from the Tiandaomen.

The situation on the breaking spirit list is basically consistent with the ranking of the sects in the world. Except that the Huangji sect, which was supposed to be the number one in the world, was robbed of the limelight by a pervert like Bai Yangxuan, the three powerful sects also occupied the top three.

Bringing Liang Lingxue back to the team's residence, Han Dongxu and the others seemed to be frowning together and discussing something. When they saw Zhang Kun came back, they quickly called him over. At the same time, they also saw Liang Lingxue behind Zhang Kun. Everyone was stunned. Putting aside the topic that was still under serious discussion, he looked at Zhang Kun.

"Ahem, brother Zhang Kun, what do you say, as the captain, I want to tell you a few words, you are not yet of age!" Han Dongxu saw the fresh and sweet Liang Lingxue obediently following behind Zhang Kun, and coughed a few words .

Xue Zhenghao put his arms around Zhang Kun's neck, grinned and asked, "Introduce us quickly, who is this!"

(End of this chapter)

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