Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 470 Changes on the Spirit Breaking List

Chapter 470 Changes on the Spirit Breaking List

Zhang Kun shook Xue Zhenghao's nose helplessly and said, "This is my sister, Liang Lingxue, a disciple of Qingyun Pavilion."

Liang Lingxue obediently greeted the people in Zhang Kun's team, and then sat next to Zhang Kun. Everyone smiled and nodded at her, only Ding Yingshang's eyes flashed a trace of sadness and some unknown emotions .

"Sister, real sister or good sister?" Xue Zhenghao teased persistently.

Zhang Kun grinned and said, "What were you talking about just now, you seem very serious?"

Han Dongxu pondered for a moment and said: "Well, it's a little troublesome. After we completed this task, our points ranking has risen, especially Zhang Kun, you have already entered the top ten!"

"Ah?" Liang Lingxue couldn't help covering her cherry-like moist mouth, and stared blankly at Zhang Kun, as if looking at someone she didn't know.

Zhang Kun smiled apologetically at her. The news that he entered the top ten is indeed too shocking, because it is the rest time and few people pay attention to the situation on the breaking list, but when the sun rises completely, everyone will definitely be excited. You will see the dazzling name of Zhang Kun's team.

"Did someone notice that our points are rising too fast?" Zhang Kun asked.

"That's right, although a large part of our points comes from the special missions performed by Zhang Kun on the undead bones that you killed, many people have seen us use explosives to kill a large number of undeads. Some people have come to ask us to disclose the formula of the explosive!" Han Dongxu introduced the situation to Zhang Kun in a few words.

Zhang Kun frowned slightly and said: "These people are really interesting. Although we fight against the enemy together, it is also interesting to blatantly covet the pills in my hands. Why don't they contribute all their own exercises, secret books, magic weapons and Taoist tools?" For everyone to use together?"

Zhang Kun's words immediately made everyone laugh, and they all nodded in agreement. Zhang Kun took out the explosives, and whether he is willing to hand them over to share with others depends entirely on his wishes.

"But it doesn't matter, our points are high enough, and next week I need to go out to perform a task and will not be in Poling City. Let's give the alchemy to the disciples in the sect first, and then gradually expand to the whole Poling City. They are low The speed of killing enemies should also be improved!" Zhang Kun said.

"It doesn't matter if you give them the flaming pill. Brother Xue's undead pill and poison pill are almost refined. Ding Yingshang's pill formation is indeed a bit difficult. It is enough for you to master the core part. The rest I will leave it to those people in the logistics department to do it!" Zhang Kun thought for a moment.

"With these new means, even if they have the Madfire Flame Pill, they can't catch up with our efficiency. I said that I will help each of you to be in the top ten of the breaking spirit list. What I said is not I will break my promise!" Zhang Kun assured, patting his chest.

Han Dongxu looked at Zhang Kun gratefully, his eyes full of excitement: "Actually, it doesn't matter to us, I'm already very satisfied to be in the top [-]. Without you, we wouldn't even be able to get into the top [-]!"

Qi Zhengyan and Xue Zhenghao also agreed one after another. Since Zhang Kun was willing to hand over the formula of the Wild Flame Pill to Poling City, they naturally would not have any objections.

"It's just that the price of the raw materials of the Wildfire Flame Pill has soared several times recently. I suspect that someone is secretly targeting us!" Han Dongxu frowned suddenly.

Zhang Kun waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, some people want to use this to force us to disclose the formula of pills, but they have no idea that we don't care at all. We will use poison pills and Lei Dan to kill the enemy from tomorrow, let them cry."

"Hahaha, Zhang Kun, you have more ideas!" Han Dongxu and the others laughed. Fortunately, Zhang Kun's medicines for war emerged in endlessly, and Zhang Kun's team was still able to maintain its uniqueness in Poling City.

"Why can't I understand what you are talking about?" Liang Lingxue could not understand what she was talking about, and she had a cute expression on her face. She waited until they had finished speaking before asking weakly.

Zhang Kun smiled and said: "Aren't you wondering why my points ranking is so high? It's very simple, because the elixir in my hand can kill people!"

"Ah?" Liang Lingxue suddenly fell into a slump, her pretty face froze. She had lived in the sect for so many years, and this was the first time she had heard of such a thing, although she also knew that some poisons caught in the water could It caused a wide range of poisoning, but the outside of Poling City was full of sand and soil, and there was no condition for the poison to spread, let alone kill people.

Zhang Kun didn't explain much to her. She didn't understand Dan Dao at all, so he just blinked at her and said, "Every day you follow me to the tower of Yaohuang Mountain and you will understand."

"En." Liang Lingxue lowered her head and responded softly. She has been practicing hard in Qingyun Pavilion for the past two years in order to be able to fight side by side with Zhang Kun one day. Now that she can finally get her wish, she can't help feeling A ripple.

Ding Yingshang saw all this in her eyes, and her eyes wavered a little, but she concealed it very well, and no one noticed her abnormality.

The magic weapon of the Dongfu provided by the Jinghong Building to the sects is extremely spacious. The residence of Zhang Kun's team has several rooms, enough for Liang Lingxue to live here.

It is only one or two hours before dawn. Everyone hurry up to rest. According to the forecast of the outpost, the next wave of undead will come when the sun rises. The sun is no longer able to exert its full power in the current breaking spirit city. Great power, the undead sky in the distance has covered a quarter of the sky, where it is already an eternal night, a black moon hangs high, and the sun will never rise again.

Therefore, the tide of the undead is becoming more and more dangerous. With the help of the powerful corpse aura and the existence of the undead canopy, these extremely filthy undead creatures can already ignore the sun's supreme yang energy, and they can haunt during the day. Extremely distressed, the huge mirage continued to move, transporting soldiers and sect disciples from all over the empire to support the battlefield.

In the few days when Zhang Kun was away, the number of casualties in Poling City had reached thousands, and many names on the Poling List would never shine again, and those favored children of heaven also fell.

There are even several terrifying undead bones that will explode during the siege of high-level Qi practitioners, killing several noble elders of the sect. Although the breaking spirit city has not yet reached its final moment, It's already stormy!

The arrival of Zhang Kun has brought a lot of changes to the supply department. Now the supply department has become a machine that is running at full power. The daily output of pills and weapons has greatly increased. Jia Daman changed from not caring about the production situation at all to being a ruthless overseer who supervised the production day and night. The alchemy disciples in the logistics department studied the alchemy array given to them by Zhang Kun day and night.

Many people in Poling City have already woken up. The first thing they do after waking up is to check what's new on the Poling List. Most of them just skip the top ten names, because Except for Zhang Juzheng's sudden burst into the top ten last time, it seemed like a pool of stagnant water hadn't stirred up waves for a long time!

"Baiyangxuan Daosheng" At this time, a disciple of Tiandaomen came to the towering broken spirit list, and gently read the names of the strong people above from top to bottom.

"There is no change at all, Tu Chen, Yu Yefeng, next should be Brother Tang." The disciple of Tiandaomen thought so habitually without thinking, and suddenly his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Zhang Kun? Zhang Kun shot in front of Senior Brother Tang?" He was stunned. Senior Brother Tang has tens of thousands of points and it is extremely difficult to be surpassed. How could he be overtaken in an instant?

"Wait a minute, the name Zhang Kun seems familiar!" The disciple of Tiandaomen seemed to have remembered something, and was shocked and stunned, speechless on the spot.

"It's the devil who destroyed the magic sword Xueqi Liyun, but he was punished by heaven and fell to the strength of the heavenly level, so why is he still ranked ninth?" It was sent back to Zongnei.

After listening to his speech, no one would believe what he said, but when they went to the breaking list with curiosity to see what happened, they were all speechless.

"It's unbelievable, this is really unimaginable!" All the Tiandaomen were stunned. Those who can be listed on the breaking spirit list are not ordinary people, at least they must be the best in the second-level Qi training realm!
Those who can reach the top ten are the evildoers among the evildoers, and there are many fourth-level and fifth-level Qi training experts. Although they are also disciples, they are slightly inferior to Zhang Kun and Daosheng in terms of resources and magic weapons, but they are older. The lead in the realm of a few years old has made up for some gaps!
However, Zhang Kun, who has become a heaven-level trash under the attention of all the people, unexpectedly appeared on the breaking spirit list today!

"I bet he must have cheated!"

"That's right, maybe there's something wrong with this breaking spirit list!" Everyone was discussing, and as the sky gradually brightened, many people from other sects also gathered around to watch, and after seeing Zhang Kun's name, they all looked at Zhang Kun. I staggered in shock and almost fell down.

Tang Fenghen was squeezed out by Zhang Kun, he stared at Zhang Kun's name on the list, his angry eyes seemed to be able to kill people, and he was overtaken by a heaven-level waste, so proud of him It is a great disgrace to the people!

"Zhang Kun destroyed my sect's divine sword, we have long been at odds with him!" the disciples of Tiandaomen yelled, further igniting the anger in Tang Fenghen's heart.

"Hmph!" He drew out the long knife at his waist and slashed fiercely at the void in front of him. A pure golden energy shot out, as if it could faintly split the space, and bombarded Zhang Kun's name on the breaking spirit list with incomparable precision. superior!
"Boom!" A shocking wave erupted from the breaking spirit list, and the green-gold vitality filled the surrounding space, scaring the onlookers back a few steps, but the anger in Tang Fenghen's eyes still persisted. He sneered: "Zhang Kun, it's best not to let me touch you!"

(End of this chapter)

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