Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 471 The Violent Red Shirt

Chapter 471 The Violent Thousand Red Shirt
More and more people noticed the situation here and gathered around one after another. After seeing the changes on the Poling List, all of them stared like big yellow dogs, not just Zhang Kun, Han Dongxu, Qi Zhengyan , Xue Zhenghao, and Ding Yingshang's names all appeared in the forefront.

"I'll go, who are they? I didn't even notice that there was such a person before!"

"No way, they are all from Yaohuang Mountain. I checked and they are all members of Zhang Kun's team!" A well-informed person suddenly broke out a shocking news!

"This is impossible, they must have cheated!"

"They are mediocre, not even as good as me, so why are they on the breaking spirit list?"

All four were shocked, everyone was like a stone statue, Zhang Kun broke into the top ten alone, maybe Gongsun Yangyan gave him some treasures, and there are many people on the Poling list who do not rely entirely on strength, some magic weapons are naturally suitable for dealing with There are piles of undead, let them fight in a ring, maybe the ranking will be completely rewritten.

Especially Qian Hongshan of the Sky Fire Sect, she has a red lotus fire suit, which exudes a hundred feet of flames, which is very useful in the crowd of undead, but the actual combat power is far inferior to other disciples.

"I know why, I have seen people in their squad fighting, using a strange medicine, its power is comparable to the shells projected by the Yuanjing machine!" A disciple of the Liuyue Sword Sect stood up and said road.

"Damn it, is there such a good thing?" The crowd immediately boiled over. You must know that Han Dongxu and the others are not qualified to enter the list of breaking spirits, but now they almost broke into the top ten, which shows how powerful those pills are.

"That's right, we asked them several times for this pill, but it's a pity they kept it secret from us!" The disciple of Liuyue Sword Sect looked annoyed.

"It's unreasonable. We agreed to fight side by side and fight against the undead together. How can the people in Yaohuang Mountain hide their secrets? Let's go to them and ask for the pill formula to be disclosed!" Everyone was immediately annoyed. No matter that much.

"It's Qian Hongshan from the Skyfire Sect. She must be in a panic now. With Zhang Kun's climbing speed, she should be overtaken soon!"

Surrounded by several people, a woman dressed in red in the distance came here like a queen, and everyone started whispering.

Sure enough, after Qian Hongshan finished reading the breaking spirit list, her unattractive face turned gloomy. Although she is a female cultivator, she doesn't seem to care about her appearance very much. It is said that she has been able to change herself after she has cultivated to the state of Qi training Part of her appearance was changed, but she didn't do so, and there were even a few pockmarks on a horse's face.

But this does not affect Qian Hongshan's status in the eyes of everyone. After all, she is also one of the top ten powerhouses in the breaking spirit list, and she is one of the few women.

"Senior Sister Hongshan, this is Zhang Kun, who insulted my sect and forced me to kneel down and beg for mercy!" Liu Xicheng followed behind her, and said softly, the sternness in his eyes was beyond words.

"Hmph, you can't even defeat a heaven-level trash?" Qian Hongshan gave Liu Xicheng a cold look, which made him sweat on his forehead.

"Senior Sister Hongshan, he wasn't a heavenly class at that time!" Liu Xicheng argued.

"Then what was his strength at that time?"

"Xiantian." Liu Xicheng said weakly, looking at Qian Hongshan with a bit of timidity, this senior sister of Tianhuo Sect has a bad temper at all!
Sure enough, Qian Hongshan coldly snorted contemptuously: "Then you are still a waste, forget it, you come with me, today we will meet him for a while, anyone who dares to touch my Tianhuozong, I want to see him now Do you have this strength!"

"Senior Sister Hongshan," another disciple of Tianhuo Sect reminded: "I heard that Zhang Kun had a conflict with Sui Jinchao, and Sui Jinchao was abolished for some reason!"

"Hmph, it's just a rumor." Seeing Qian Hongshan's face change slightly, Liu Xicheng quickly defended.

This matter was originally a turmoil, but under the suppression of Cai Xu and Quyangguan, Huangjimen finally suppressed this extremely embarrassing news.

For the sake of Zhang Kun's safety, Yaohuangshan did not make too much publicity at this time, so in the end only dozens of people who were present saw the truth.

Dozens of people can't make any waves among thousands of sect disciples. In addition, under the tide of undead, everyone is in danger, and they don't have much time to take care of these things. People are just rumors.

"That's right. It's probably edited by Yaohuangshan. It's for Zhang Kun to show off. After all, his failure to break through Yaohuangshan doesn't look good!" Qian Hongshan said after pondering for a moment.

Seeing this, Liu Xicheng echoed again and again: "Yes, it must be like this, what a Yaohuang Mountain, it looks magnificent on weekdays, it turns out that the city is so deep!"

"Okay, today I'm going to tear up their hypocrisy and let them disclose the recipe, so that everyone can master the way to kill the enemy!" Qian Hongshan encouraged the people around, with a gesture of venting their anger for everyone.

"Okay! That's how it should be, long live Lord Qian Hongshan!" Everyone agreed, and followed Qian Hongshan to the area in charge of Yaohuang Mountain. Liu Xicheng looked happy when he saw this, and he had Qian Hongshan to support him , Zhang Kun is doomed this time.

"Hmph, without Gongsun Yangyan here, I want to see who you, Zhang Kun, are hiding behind this time?" Liu Xicheng grinned, showing his sharp white teeth.

At the Yaohuangshan resident, everyone was ecstatically taking over the formula of the Wildfire Flame Pill from Zhang Kun's hands. They had clearly seen the power of this thing in the previous few days of fighting. The undead, one fell down and turned into ashes, and the explosion range was extremely wide. Compared with it, the Yuanjing machine was simply a backward product that should be eliminated.

"Are these really given to us for nothing?" The disciples of Yaohuangshan felt a little dreamy and couldn't believe it. They saw with their own eyes that the members of Zhang Kun's team made it to the breaking list with these pills, and now they have the same opportunity In front of their eyes, everyone felt dreamy.

Zhang Kun nodded lightly and said: "All of you are disciples of our Yaohuang Mountain, and we should fight together to defeat the enemy."

Liang Lingxue also followed Zhang Kun, looking at the small red pill that Zhang Kun gave her, she looked puzzled, can such a small pill really wipe out a large number of undead?

Today's undead sky is getting closer, and there are more and more types of undead in Poling City, and they are getting stronger and stronger. Like Zhang Kun's team at the beginning, they can use explosives to solve the miracle in their area. Now it is impossible to happen again. .

The strength of those undead gradually climbed up. Even the Wildfire Flame Pill can only seriously injure and cannot be killed, but it is still a very efficient fighting method.

"What are you here for? The sects of the world are each responsible for the defense of the Poling City in a certain area. You are not allowed to do this." Before a disciple from Yaohuang Mountain could finish speaking, Liu Xicheng held his shoulders and threw them aside.

"Boy, it's not right for you to say that. The rules are made by people. Didn't you see that Master Qian Hongshan from our Skyfire Sect is here?" Liu Xicheng sneered.

Qian Hongshan glanced at that person indifferently, and the disciples guarding Yaohuangshan immediately stopped daring to speak, because not only Qian Hongshan came here alone, but behind her were a large number of Tianhuozong disciples, and a large number of spectators who didn't mind the excitement Great sect disciple.

Qian Hongshan walked up to the top of the city swaggeringly with these people, she swept her eyes away, not angry, she shouted in a sharp voice: "Where is Zhang Kun, let him come out to see me quickly!"

"Who are you, you came to my territory of Yaohuang Mountain so early in the morning? Don't you know that the tide of undead is coming?" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain frowned immediately, put away the pills in their hands one by one, and came to Qian Hongshan scolded in front of her.

Sure enough, the trumpets sounded all over the sky, and carrion beasts drilled out of the ground outside the city wall of Poling City. They are a kind of parasitic beasts attached to undead creatures, and they have mutated under the nourishment of a large amount of corpse energy. Laughing like an adult, spraying highly poisonous substances!
"Aren't they just some carrion beasts?" Qian Hongshan laughed loudly, the bright red flames in her hands condensed, and the red lotus fire suit she was wearing suddenly shone brightly. A fire ring soaring into the sky was released, and the energy of the fiery explosion continued to push forward, making several explosions!

"Prick, prick!" Suddenly, there was a smell of burning, and thousands of carrion insects were completely burned into barbecue under one blow, a sea of ​​flames, like purgatory.

Everyone gasped again and again, is this the strength of the top ten Tianjiao on the breaking spirit list?

It's just that her control was not good enough, the ring of fire touched several Yaohuangshan disciples, and they all stood up immediately, surrounding her.

"Qian Hongshan, you must give us Yaohuangshan an explanation!"

"Papa papa!" Liu Xicheng took the lead in applauding, and he kept nodding his head in praise: "As expected of Senior Sister Qian Hongshan, I really admire her power to kill tens of thousands of enemies with one blow, and now Yaohuang Mountain can let Zhang Has Kun come out to speak?"

"Damn it! The second-rate sect of the Tianhuo Sect is showing off its power in front of my Yaohuangshan!" The disciples of Yaohuangshan were furious and clenched their fists secretly. It's a pity that Zhang Juzheng went to perform a certain task. With the general in command, everyone could only focus on Zhang Kun!
"What's the matter? Today we are here to ask for advice. Why do you dare to call Yaohuangshan the three major sects together with Huangjimen and Jinghonglou?" Liu Xicheng said with a look of embarrassment.

"Liu Xicheng, don't you have a long memory? How dare you come to the door to provoke me after being abused so badly by me?" Zhang Kun shook his hands, finally raised his head, and took a step in front of the Tianhuo sect.

"You hurt my Yaohuangshan disciples and insult my sect, you should be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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