Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 474

Chapter 474
Zhang Kun spread his hands and looked at Liu Xicheng, who was begging for mercy at his feet, with no expression on his face. With a wave of his hand, Han Dongxu and others surrounded him.

"Lock it up first, and then hand it over to the City Lord's Mansion." Zhang Kun didn't bother to kill her, fearing that his hands would be dirty.

All the members of the Tianhuo Sect had left, and the remaining disciples of the other sects stood there in a daze. Originally, the Huo Sect came to trouble Yaohuang Mountain aggressively that day, but they were also the ones who left in embarrassment in the end!
Everyone was stunned, and finally opened their mouths to make a nana sound, at a loss.

Some people who had insulted Zhang Kun and Yaohuangshan panicked when they saw this before, and quickly stepped back and left the scene. The rest of the people were all petrified there. Silence fell.

"It seems that after today, no one dares to trouble Zhang Kun anymore!"

"Not necessarily, there are Huangjimen and Jinghonglou. The real Tianjiao has not made a move yet, and this time Zhang Kun is relying on that woman!" Everyone discussed in private, but there is no doubt that they are all right. Zhang Kun Heng gave birth to a trace of awe!
Sure enough, this world is still controlled by the strong, and the winner is respected. If you win, you will naturally be surrounded by cheers, if you lose, you will be reduced to the target of everyone's criticism, and you will even be trampled under your feet and bullied at will.

After making Liu Xicheng disappear with a wave of his hand, Zhang Kun came to Liang Lingxue with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that it was you who came to save me in the end, thank you." Zhang Kun smiled gently, his delicate face was like the rising sun.

Liang Lingxue's cheeks turned red suddenly, like maple leaves in autumn, she lowered her head and lowered her eyelids, her long eyelashes trembling slightly.

"I know, you helped me in the end." Liang Lingxue nodded dignifiedly and gracefully, smiling sweetly, with extremely complicated emotions in her beautiful eyes.

Zhang Kun smiled dryly and said: "You can see it, it's not that I don't trust your ability, it's just..."

"It's okay, it's just that I couldn't help you again. I'm causing you trouble again." Liang Lingxue lowered her head involuntarily, her eyes darkened. The last time he blocked a blow for Zhang Kun when he was at Yaohuang Mountain, but In the end, it was Zhang Kun who made a move to force those sects back.

Zhang Kun seemed unable to bear to see her look like this, and stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

"You have worked very hard, leave the rest to brother." Zhang Kun fondled her hair and messed it up. The soft touch and the faint fragrance were more refreshing than the fragrance of any elixir.

"En." Liang Lingxue leaned her head on Zhang Kun's right shoulder, looking cute, but her heart was struggling.

"Is it just brother?"

Zhang Kun held her in his arms for a while and then let her go. Looking at the increasingly thick dark aura on Poling City and the approaching sky of undead from a distance, he made up his mind to defeat the shadow of the lunar eclipse and protect her. Be good to the one you love.

The loud and clear horns sounded one after another, casting a shadow over everyone's hearts again. Every attack by the undead meant that some of them were going to die. It was already a miracle that Broken City was able to defend until now. up.

After all, Yaohuang Mountain is one of the three sects, and it is supported by pills. The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain can even spend a lot of money to hire some strong men from casual cultivators and mercenary groups to protect themselves. Even so, the daily losses of Yaohuang Mountain are not small. However, the area assigned by Poling City to the Emperor Mountain is also larger than that of ordinary sects.

Not to mention those small sects and sects, they were simply suppressed by the undead and couldn't take care of themselves. Countless people died in battle, the city walls were broken, and the undead rushed to the streets. Fortunately, this is not an ordinary residential city, but A strong fortress built to resist the undead. During the interval between undead attacks, the craftsmen of the empire once again built the city wall.

In the end, those small sects and aristocratic families could only unite to hold a certain area, and they had almost reached their limit. After this wave of undead attacks, perhaps a few more powerful people who used to dominate the Xiaoshuo Empire will be wiped out forever Name up.

Like the few families in Changyang City, Qi trainers only have five or six big cats and kittens, and they will be completely wiped out without a wave of attacks on the battlefield of Poling City!

Zhang Kun's expression became more and more dignified. If he hadn't appeared on the battlefield of Yaohuang Mountain and given all kinds of medicines that emerged in an endless stream, the casualties here would have reached an unbearable level, right?
Just as he was thinking, the earth trembled. Today's people have understood what it means, no longer flustered, but grasped the weapons in their hands, and looked into the distance with misty eyes. For many people, this A fight can mean life or death.

More than a dozen Yuanjing Machines have been misfired, and the top formation masters and craftsmen in the empire are developing Danzhen for Zhang Kun in the supply department. They seem to have decided to abandon the inefficient tool of Yuanjing Machine.

"Boom, boom, boom!" On the Yaohuang Mountain position this time, the flames were more magnificent than in the past. Countless wild flame pills bloomed like fireworks on the battlefield, and all kinds of stumps and arms were thrown into the sky. The eyes of Huangshan's disciples all showed excitement, they were the first to kill the undead so readily!

Zhang Kun stood on the top of the tower, the rising sun shone on his young face, and the morning wind blew his hair. He seemed to be sensing something, and suddenly he said hurriedly: "Zhenghao, three hundred people in front of the left." Zhang position, Wuzhen Demon Pill!"

Xue Zhenghao urges the secret method to swell up, and the clothes on his body are broken, revealing his strong and exaggerated muscles. He nodded and threw dozens of dark green pills into the distance as Zhang Kun said.

"Boy, are you finally willing to use the pill I gave you?" Luo Quan's joking voice came from Zhang Kun's mind.

Zhang Kun didn't pay attention to him, and stared at the front intently, only to see that the thick green fog rose up on the battlefield in an instant, and the air in that area contained a rich emerald green substance. The cone spreads out for several miles!
The undead, skeletons, and zombies shrouded in it didn't have noses, but those strange green substances fell on them silently, like pollen spores, but they were hundreds of times deadlier!
I saw that the green light seemed to be eroded by a raging fire, and those green lights were extremely corrosive. Once they were shrouded in it, they would be corroded continuously. Even the bones and skeletons couldn't resist, and the bones turned into pus!
"Success!" Xue Zhenghao shouted excitedly. He saw that within a stick of incense, all the undead creatures for miles were dissolved by the poison, and the scarred ground was filled with vicious acid water.

Beside Xue Zhenghao, golden lights soaring into the sky flashed one after another, and the nouns on the breaking spirit list really skyrocketed crazily!
In the distance, Tang Fenghen of Shendaomen was extremely upset by being overtaken by Zhang Kun in points. These undead who rushed up the tower immediately became his best vent!
I saw him using a sword technique similar to that of Elder Tang Cui, holding the long sword high above his head, and slashing down, as if breaking through the waves, the knife cut off the water, the earth roared and shook, a huge crack appeared, and countless The undead died in landslides and ground fissures.

"Okay, it's a quick kill. This time it should surpass that kid Zhang Kun!" Tang Fenghen laughed loudly with the knife on his shoulder, and looked back at Po Ling Bang with full expectation, but his eyes widened. Until my name is no longer under Zhang Kun's name, but it's not that my ranking has improved, but has dropped by another one. Now there is a person named Xue Zhenghao on my head!
"Impossible!" Tang Fenghen waved the long knife in his hand like a maniac, and a burst of terrifying knife energy swayed again and again, and the space around him was full of sharp knife light!
"I've already been squeezed out of the top ten. The rewards for the top ten and those behind are very different. Zhang Kun, Xue Zhenghao, just wait for me!" Tang Fenghen's eyes seemed to be filled with fury!
But Zhang Kun didn't know about these nonsense. He took Liang Lingxue to kill in the camp of Yaohuang Mountain, and the pills thrown in his hands never stopped. There were several kinds that even Han Dongxu and others couldn't recognize. Immediately, the battlefield was filled with flames, thunder, and raging waves!

"In addition to the festival, the four of you should also come out to get some air!" Zhang Kun waved his hand and shot out four spirit elixirs, and phantoms of four monsters appeared out of thin air under the tens of feet high city wall, and they were captured by Zhang Kun. Trapped in the mirror domain every day refining alchemy is really suffocating, now is the time to come out and kill!
And he himself was even more violent to the extreme, and jumped off the tower directly. Zhang Kun waved a bright red pill and took it, and the vitality in his meridians was immediately transformed into a violent fire attribute. It became thousands of swords of fire, spreading like wildfire, burning everything!

Even the few powerful corrupted spiritual enlightenment monsters that appeared on the battlefield were slaughtered by Zhang Kun alone and the four major monsters!
The soaring blood reflected Zhang Kun's cheeks red. At this moment, everyone really understood that this seemingly heavenly boy seemed to have the power of a demon god, and no one dared to underestimate him anymore.

"It turns out that we were all kept in the dark!" The disciples of Yaohuang Mountain were stunned. Zhang Kun failed to break through but they saw it with their own eyes. It was just a rumor that he abolished the Sui Jin Dynasty and defeated the Undead Bone General. Now he finally Showed his own strength, the world is shocked!

The advantages accumulated by those arrogances on the breaking spirit list for several days were overtaken by Zhang Kun. Just killing a monster in the enlightenment period can bring him thousands of points, and with the help of the four monsters , he slaughtered a corrupt monster like a dog. The clear night rain washed away the dirty air, the wild wind raged across the battlefield, and mushroom clouds rose beside him. At this moment, he was like a demon god!

(End of this chapter)

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