Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 475

Chapter 475
Zhang Kun's points rose at a terrifying speed, and soon he surpassed several of the heaven's favored ones above. There are too few people like him who can jump off the city wall and fight the undead close to hand, but at the same time he also He got a high profit, because there is such a powerful creature as the undead general, Zhang Kun has no way to go deep into the rear of the undead army, otherwise his destructive power can be increased several times.

Since the battle, the level of undead is gradually increasing. It is more and more difficult to kill them, but at the same time, the points obtained by killing them are also rising. Before those undead who were at the level of heaven, killing two One point, and one in the early innate stage is one point, and the undead appearing under the walls of Yaohuang Mountain at this moment have all reached the terrible late innate stage.

With Zhang Kun's sword sweeping away, dozens of innate undead were hacked to death, and their bones were shattered all over the ground. Each of them could bring him ten precious points.

Yu Yefeng led the mercenary regiment of Qixing Pavilion to guard one side of the city wall like the sects of the world. The people of Qixing Pavilion are rich and powerful. The pills in Zhang Kun's hands did not have a large damage range, but the various scrolls, talismans, and formations in Yu Yefeng's hands could all bring him powerful buffs!
With every gesture, Yu Yefeng used several scrolls with mysterious symbols on them, depicting blue-purple thunder and lightning, and the battlefield was immediately plunged into a sea of ​​thunder disaster, and thousands of undead were bathed in it. Then he was electrified, and then he threw several spirit stones frantically, and these spirit stones exploded in the air, each one set off a violent explosion, and all kinds of gorgeous vitality rose up, Shocking cracks appeared on the ground, and countless undead were submerged in them.

"Roar!" A piercing howl came from a distance, wearing armor and holding a long knife, an undead bone general descended from the sky and directly landed on the top of the Seven Star Pavilion.Everyone immediately looked solemn, and clenched their weapons tightly. The appearance of this kind of creature usually means that there will be a large number of casualties in the camp, but Yu Yefeng just sneered, and he waved out eight formations in succession, among which were the traps of confinement and restraint. There were bombardment and explosion fire and thunder, and a maze and phantom formation, which immediately enveloped the bones of the undead!

Seeing this, the other fighters in the Qixing Pavilion immediately urged all kinds of attack methods in their hands to the extreme, and directly blasted away at the undead bones. A smile appeared on the corner of Yu Yefeng's mouth, and a dark and terrifying wave appeared in his hand. The talisman, he pointed to the sky and shouted: "Break!"

A series of thick thunderbolts descended from the sky, like a divine punishment, directly blasting the bones of the undead into waste!
"Young Master Yu, this magic talisman is the trump card that the pavilion master gave you to save your life. It is worth a hundred thousand spirit stones. Why did you just use it up like this?" An old man beside Yu Yefeng looked at it with a sad face Yu Yefeng got the talisman that was broken and could not be used again.

Yu Yefeng turned his head slowly. He put away the broken talisman with one hand, and his wide snow-white sleeves hung down softly, swinging gently with the wind, as gentle as clouds and as soft as the moon.

"It's okay, the rare thing is money. You don't need to say more, Mr. Bai!" Yu Yefeng said arrogantly: "As long as the ranking on the Poling list can be improved a few more places, those rewards are not enough to make up for our losses, but they can. It's worth it to start the reputation of our Seven Star Pavilion!"

Seeing this, Bai Lao had nothing to say. He turned his head to look at the towering Lingpao in the city, where the golden light shone continuously. Bai Lao searched for Yu Yefeng's name, and suddenly he froze, and patted Yu Yefeng. Feng's shoulder said slowly: "Young Master Yu, something has happened, your ranking has been overtaken!"

"Impossible, I just killed an undead bone general, that's thousands of points." He turned his head to look at the broken spirit list as he spoke, his face turned cold and he opened his mouth slightly, the muscles on his face trembling .

"Who is Zhang Kun, and why is he above me?" Yu Yefeng jumped into a rage, and shook his sleeves fiercely: "How much effort, how much money and spirit stones have I spent on this war, why would he dare to be here?" above me!"

Bai Lao thought for a moment before hesitatingly said: "This Zhang Kun is still somewhat related to our Seven Star Pavilion. When he was in Wojia King City, the great elder there once regarded him as a guest of honor!"

"Hmph, what's a mere guest in a branch pavilion? Mr. Bai, don't you mean that I'm not as good as him?" Yu Yefeng glanced at Mr. Bai coldly, with anger shining in his eyes.

Cold sweat suddenly appeared on the old man's forehead, seeing his young master so furious, he was helpless.

Yu Yefeng's row of karate, dao, talisman, spirit stone and spirit array leaned into the tide of undead like money!

"Hey, I hope the pavilion master didn't see this scene!" Old Bai could only shake his head repeatedly.

The strong wind is blowing, and the scorching sun is scorching the earth. At the same time, on the other half of the sky, the incomparably monstrous black moon is releasing strange fluctuations. In the world shrouded in the sky of undead, countless corrupted and powerful The monsters howled at the moon, and densely packed undead crawled on the ground. Their eyes were filled with scarlet light, looking at the insignificant and precarious city of Poling in the distance, but they had never been able to conquer it. The bloodthirsty blood in their blood The meaning is irresistible!

And under the pitch-dark night, a blood shadow that was too fast to be caught by the naked eye was dexterously shuttling back and forth. A young man in a blood-colored cloak, with long dark red hair and a pair of breathtaking blood pupils opened instantly. The dagger and short knife in his hand are sharp!

"Shua, shua, swipe!" The sound of a sharp weapon slashing sounded one after another, and blood gushed out, and the blood from the throats of each huge monster was cut off, and the arterial bleeding turned out to be a shocking black. Every time the boy The attacks hit the vital points directly, and the sharp blood blade pierced the monster's body, and a wave of blood color passed through it, directly shattering their internal organs!
"No matter how powerful a creature is, it has weaknesses. What I pursue is one-hit kills." Where the blood-eyed man passed, several terrifying and corrupt monsters that were powerful enough to capture a city wall were instantly killed with their throats cut, and they stared wide. The last thought in front of them is revealed in their eyes, that is unbelievable!

The blood-eyed boy seemed to be able to see the weaknesses of all the enemies. His hands quickly made no unnecessary movements, and each knife was a fatal attack.And his speed was too fast, turning into a blood shadow and flickering beside this monster. Those giant monsters tried to catch him, but they always returned in vain!

"I hunted a lot of interesting prey today, so I should surpass that guy Gu Anmo, right? Thinking that there are so many people in front of me makes me feel sick." The blood-eyed boy is the bloody killer The young master who organized Xianwei, this organization is a hundred times more powerful than Prison Blood. Thousands of top assassins hiding in various parts of the empire work for this organization. They even dare to take on the task of assassinating the prince of the county, but the price is too high. It's sky-high!
Even their first king of killers once successfully assassinated a Jindan strong man, and became famous all over the world!

The eyes of the blood-eyed boy seemed to be able to pass through endless space. He was in the sky of the undead, but he saw the situation on the breaking spirit list at a glance.

"Huh? Zhang Kun? Impossible!" The face of the blood-eyed boy changed suddenly. His ranking did not rise, but was pushed down by Zhang Kun.

"Another troublesome guy, if he has no background, I don't mind just wiping his throat off!" Tu Chen's eyes completely turned into a terrifying blood color, and the fierceness inside burst out completely, as if there was blood in them Burning like a raging fire!
The yellow sand is all over the ground below Poling City, and the most elite troops of the Xiaoshuo Empire are guarding the main gate of Poling City. They wear golden helmets and armor, and they are equipped with a transmission device. After injecting spiritual power, the user's speed can be greatly enhanced. And strength, those squads who were directly swallowed by the black mist under Changping City were wearing this set of armor.

Gu Anmo closed his eyes, with the hunting wind in his ears, mixed with the miserable cries of countless people and the ungodly screams of the undead, countless soldiers fell in front of him, and countless people rushed forward to strangle the undead, taking the place of the original people , but he seemed to have not seen all this.

"Young military master, with your current military achievements and ranking on the breaking spirit list, I think the military master will be very happy to see it. I think he will give you a promotion and become his deputy. In a few years , you can take over the military power of the Xiaoshuo Empire, and become an existence below one man and above ten thousand people!" An attendant beside Gu Anmo smiled.

Gu Anmo nodded indifferently. To him, entering the army is just a matter of qualifications. As the son of the military master, he will be able to take over the tiger charm and military power from his father sooner or later. Although it is dangerous to come to Poling City this time, it is also necessary. Yes, without certain military achievements, his father can't let him inherit the position blatantly!

"I think the young army master will soon surpass those arrogant sect members. Those guys are just flowers in the greenhouse. How have they ever experienced war?" Gu Anmo's lips couldn't help but curl up at the servant's praise. It's obviously very useful!

"What you said is very good, let me see if my ranking has improved!" Gu Anmo laughed loudly, looking at the breaking list.

"Hmph Daosheng, Xixian is still accumulating points, don't the two of them know how to rest?" Gu Anmo's face was a little displeased, with the existence of these two people and Bai Yangxuan, it is impossible for him to get involved in the top three!

"The Young Master doesn't need to compare with them, the prince is a prince after all!" said the attendant.

"Huh?" Gu Anmo saw the following, his eyes widened, he stepped on the ground suddenly, and frowned: "Zhang Kun?"

(End of this chapter)

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