Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 476 Why is he taller than me

Chapter 476 Why is he taller than me
"What kind of thing is this Zhang Kun? He is full of prominent figures on the Poling List. What kind of stuff can he be? How dare he surpass me, the military master?" Gu Anmo exploded immediately, and he felt an uncontrollable wave in his chest. The anger in his eyes almost exploded!
"Impossible, how is this possible, young master, you lead the army and you only rank up to this term. He is just a mere Zhang Kun, how high is the useless disciple of Yaohuang Mountain? I bet there must be something tricky in it! "The attendant frowned immediately, he knew Gu Anmo's temper best, and he must be very angry at the moment.

He can allow Dao Sheng Xixian and the others to have higher scores than himself, but what kind of thing is that Zhang Kun, the name sounds like trash to them, a heaven-level trash, who swallowed Gongsun Yangyan and specially refined it for him A guy who can't break through to the realm of Qi training even if he came out of the pill, how on earth can he get such a high score?
"Damn it, he must have cheated. Come on, call me Tu Chen, Qian Hongshan, and Tang Fenghen. I don't believe they can swallow this breath!" Gu Anmo cursed angrily, directly A soldier was pulled over, and he yelled at him angrily.

Zhang Kun was sneezing again and again, and he was a little tired from the killing spree. Seeing that his position on the standings had reached a high point, only his fellow brother Zhang Juzheng stopped, and he and Han Dongxu and others ordered a few After the sentence, he left the city wall directly.

The alchemy formation he handed over to the people in the transportation department should have taken shape after a few days, but Ding Yingshang, who is in charge of the core of the formation, seems to be a little depressed these days, so Zhang Kun didn't call her over, and walked to the transportation department After seeing him, everyone nodded their heads again and again. After what happened last time, everyone has understood how terrifying energy Zhang Kun has, and they all bowed respectfully and shouted: "Master Zhang Kun, you Here we come, Master Jia Daman is already waiting in the room!"

Zhang Kun glanced at the people present, but he didn't find Su Qianjue, his senior brother from Yaohuang Mountain. Since he was crushed by himself last time, he seems to have lost his soul and has been trapped in the He was cultivating hard in the secret room, but there was always a strange feeling in his heart. Zhang Kun's voice seemed to be lingering in his ears, and Zhang Kun's expression appeared. He was about to collapse these days!
"I didn't come to see Jia Daman. I didn't go down the pill formation before. How are you doing?" Zhang Kun glanced at the crowd and said calmly.

"Well, your lord's alchemy formation is really exquisite. We were all amazed after seeing it. How did your lord develop such a creative thing?" A man wearing a moon-white alchemy robe walked out of the team of alchemists. This man is not a disciple of Yaohuang Mountain, but a ninth-level alchemy disciple of the Alchemy Association in the secular world. Compared with Su Qianjue, he is a bit more calm and sophisticated, and of course he is also older. .

His name is Hu Hanren, and he is pressing Zhang Kun with admiration on his face. Everyone is dumbfounded. This Hu Hanren is a ninth-level alchemist! His status is so honorable, comparable to the existence of an alchemist. At this moment, he is respectful to Zhang Kun, who is a sixth-level alchemist. , the appearance of an apprentice meeting a master.

Zhang Kun touched his nose in embarrassment, and asked him how he developed it. He didn't know it himself. Jing Yu got a free panacea from Jing Yu, but Zhang Kun never asked for it. He saved half a year's worth and went to Jing Yu in exchange for the arrangement method of this pill formation.

That is the value of six spirit pills, a peerless fetish that cannot be bought with tens of thousands of spirit stones!
"This requires some luck and opportunity. I had a dream the other day. When I woke up, I realized something, so I recorded my thoughts!" Zhang Kun started the nonsense mode. It really coaxed those alchemists into a daze.

"As expected of Mr. Zhang Kun!" Everyone was overwhelmed by Zhang Kun's talent. They didn't believe it at first, but now they can't help but admire it!

"Master Zhang Kun, as long as the core layout of this pill formation is completed, we have already completed several kinds of pills on the periphery!" Hu Han said with a smile, full of expectations for the soon-to-be-completed pill formation.

Zhang Kun nodded involuntarily and asked, "So what kind of effect is expected to be achieved?"

"As long as the supply of pills is sufficient, this pill formation can cover the entire range of Poling City. The powerful spiritual power contained in the pills can transform into a solid rune barrier, which can resist the attack of the undead. Only enemies who have reached the middle stage of Qi training can attack Danzhen shields cause harm, and damage below this level is nothing more than gnats shaking trees!" Hu Hanren introduced.

A smile finally appeared on Zhang Kun's face. This effect was beyond his expectation. With this large alchemy array guarding the rear, Zhang Kun could safely leave Poling City to carry out his mission.

It's not that Zhang Kun thinks he is so important. He really doesn't know what will happen to the shadow of the lunar eclipse. Once he leaves Poling City, he doesn't know what will happen here. Things in the city will be troublesome, because the mission he is about to perform will almost completely deplete the existing peak combat power of Poling City!
"Okay, there are still a few days to prepare. I need this alchemy to protect Poling City for a week!" Zhang Kun ordered, taking out a few pills that can improve aptitude and giving them to those who participated in the refining alchemy. The alchemy disciples, they took the elixir given by Zhang Kun respectfully, and their eyes were full of excitement. Zhang Kun's alchemy level may not be as good as them, but his elixir is famously precious.

After Zhang Kun airborne the supply department that day, everyone began to collect information about Zhang Kun. What’s more shocking is that the quality of his elixir is too high, the middle-grade ones are completely invisible, and all the shots are top-grade Excellent!

After inspecting the supply department, Zhang Kun went to find Ding Yingshang. She returned to her residence early for some reason today, and her pretty face seemed a little pale.

"Yingshang, what's the matter with you recently, why do I feel that you are a little absent-minded, are you okay?" Zhang Kun asked with concern, he could see that there seemed to be something complicated in the little girl's eyes, as if her heart was struggle.

"Brother Zhang Kun, I have already finished the core of the alchemy array you gave me. Please take a look!" Ding Yingshang shook her head again and again, and quickly covered up the look in her eyes. She waved her hands and counted. Dazzling lines appeared in front of Zhang Kun, and a radiant pill lay in Ding Yingshang's palm.

"This is the elixir used as the core of the pill formation. I used the best materials and refined it many times. Finally, this one is the one I am most satisfied with!" Ding Yingshang seemed to have regained her innocence. With a lively look, he stretched out his plain hand to show Zhang Kun the elixir.

Zhang Kun picked up the elixir with a smile, and after just one glance, he realized that this elixir really condensed Ding Yingshang's painstaking efforts, and the surging energy contained in it made him feel terrified. The figure of the girl working day and night, but I didn't see it. Thinking of this, Zhang Kun couldn't help looking at her with a gentle look.

"Well, thank you!" Zhang Kun smiled gently, and Ding Yingshang couldn't help but pursed her lips to hide her shyness, and then smiled, with bright eyes and bright teeth, captivating all beings.

Zhang Kun asked Quyangguan and others for seven days. On the one hand, it was to consolidate his realm. On the other hand, Liang Lingxue was here. He had to protect her safety. Leave at ease, now that the alchemy formation has been completed, with the core refined by Ding Yingshang and the formation pattern used by the supply department, it is enough to arrange this large formation that condenses the efforts of alchemists and formation masters!
This formation is called Qianyuan Guarding Pill Formation, and it is a township formation of a large sect recorded in the Mirror Domain. It is infinitely powerful and has seven to seven 49 mysterious changes. Unexpected effects can be achieved. Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Kun to fully exert the power of this formation here, but as long as one ten-thousandth of it is exerted, it is enough to deal with the tide of undead.

Therefore, Zhang Kun only has to consolidate the state, which has not been completed. His state of refining the mind has been rare in this world, and no one has even entered it. But Zhang Kun has the knowledge of Kunyu Huazhang, so he naturally understands that this state can last for a long time. Short, as long as the state of mind is perfected, you can directly break through and reach the state of Qi training, but it is not so easy to refine the heart in the world of mortals. Zhang Kun still feels that he has not touched the boundary of this state.

However, his heaven-level strength can be improved quickly. With the ten-fold acceleration in the mirror domain, the great tonic pills that replenish vitality in the alchemy hall, and the quiet room for cultivation provided in the Taoist hall, Zhang Kun can use it in a short period of time. In just seven days, he has recovered from the heavenly level to the innate peak again, and there is only one step in the realm of Qi training. At this time, what hinders him from breaking through is not the perception of Taoism nor the quality of vitality, but the state of mind.

On the last night before Zhang Kun's mission, he sat cross-legged on a mountaintop outside Poling City. The various visions caused by his cultivation were too dazzling, and it was really eye-catching in the city. So he simply stayed in the wild and hunted the undead like Bai Yangxuan. When he was tired, he sat cross-legged and practiced. After the training, he continued to teach some profound lessons to the undead who dared to disturb him.

He has only Liang Lingxue to accompany him every day, and the two of them live together and live comfortably.

At this moment, Zhang Kun breathed out a stream of Bai Lian, which was extremely pure vitality. He suddenly opened his piercing eyes, looked at the extremely dark night around him and said lightly: "Since you are here, just show up Well, Zhang has been waiting here for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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