Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 477 Divine Sword, 9 Xiao Tianlan

Chapter 477 Divine Sword, Nine Heavens

I don't know when thick clouds and mists appeared on the hills near Zhang Kun, as if they were trying to cover this place and not be noticed by the outside world.

Surrounded by deep clouds and fog, a few figures walked slowly out of nowhere, and they were looking at Zhang Kun with a sneer on their faces.

"It seems that only a few of my teammates know my whereabouts?" Zhang Kun said lightly, for a moment he didn't know who betrayed him and exposed his location.

"Hmph, Zhang Kun, you are dying, why bother with such a trivial matter?"

Zhang Kun glanced calmly, and saw that there were men and women, old and young, but they all stood proudly in the void, looking at the lonely Zhang Kun below like a king looking down on the world.

"Qian Hongshan, Gu Anmo, Tu Chen, Yu Yefeng, Tang Fenghen. Why are you here too, Elder Cai Xu?"

Zhang Kun's gaze was calm and unwavering, and finally stopped on the last person, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Haha, there is a good show here, why can't I come?" Cai Xu sneered again and again, behind him was the Huangji Gate, but Quyangguan didn't show up in person, I don't know if it was disdain or he didn't know what happened today.

"Hehe, you are all top ten masters in breaking the spirit list. If you don't kill the undead, what are you doing here?" Zhang Kun smiled playfully, scanning each of their faces.

Sure enough, people who have reached this level of strength generally have extremely strong Dao Hearts, and they have not revealed any flaws. Even Zhang Kun can't easily smash their Dao Hearts.

"You don't need to talk too much nonsense, Zhang Kun, you have risen too fast, beyond all our expectations!" Qian Hongshan said coldly, last time he was defeated by the cooperation of Zhang Kun and Liang Lingxue, But now she still has a few great geniuses by her side, does she not believe that Zhang Kun can escape under such circumstances?

"You can't escape even if you have wings!" Gu Anmo sneered, even if the five geniuses teamed up, even the Taoist prince would not dare to take over this battle, plus an elder Cai Xu, this is a dead end, completely The lore, Zhang Kun has no chance!
Qian Hongshan was dressed in a fire suit, and patches of fire rained down around her body. This time, she seemed to have another scepter inlaid with bright red agate, which was obviously a Taoist artifact.

Gu Anmo was dressed in golden armor and was extremely majestic. The spear in his hand had been stained with the blood of countless enemies. His eyes were cold and he regarded Zhang Kun as a dead man.

Without saying a word, Tu Chen actually had a phantom of a blood demon behind him. Several knife shadows formed a knife array. Once released, it could dismember a monster in the enlightenment period into pieces of flesh!

Yu Yefeng wore a gorgeous brocade robe, on which there seemed to be countless gems and spirit stones, each of which could cause a terrifying explosion. He held a divine seal in his hand, and the surroundings were filled with brilliance composed of vitality.

Tang Fenghen closed his eyes and pressed the long knife with his hand. All the sharpness was concentrated to one point. A magic knife from Tiandaomen was in his hand, ready to cut Zhang Kun's corpse into thousands of pieces at any time!

Elder Cai Xu stirred up the vast vitality between heaven and earth to fill his body, and urged Huangjimen's exercises to the extreme, so he seemed to be somewhat majestic.

"Shouldn't I be honored to have five of the top ten on the Poling City list?" Zhang Kun chuckled. He didn't expect that the most favored sons of heaven would gather here tonight, except for the most powerful Bai Yangxuan, Daosheng Prince and Xi. Fairy Xian didn't come outside.

The peak combat power of the new generation of sects in the entire Xiaoshuo Empire has already arrived. This is a deadly trap. Anyone who falls into it will be a death sentence. feeling scared!
But Zhang Kun had a calm expression on his face. He was still sitting cross-legged without any intention of getting up. He said calmly, "Do you think you are my opponent?"

"Hmph, how dare a celestial trash speak wild words?" Yu Yefeng sneered again and again, and suddenly he paused and said, "Oh, so you have already broken through to innate, so what's the difference? Just die!"

His words immediately made several people laugh. Even one of them is more than enough to face Zhang Kun. This time, they came out in full force to ensure the lore and not leave any way for Zhang Kun to survive.

"Just because I surpassed you on the breaking list?" Zhang Kun smiled playfully.

"Hmph, if you're not stupid, you should know that you abolished the Sui and Jin Dynasties without any effort, and you were able to kill the undead generals with only heavenly strength. How many secrets and treasures do you have?" Yu Yefeng said bluntly. .

Sure enough, these people still coveted Zhang Kun's miraculous skills, invincible swordsmanship, and terrifying ability to fight by leaps and bounds.

"Yaohuangshan is just the sect of pill medicine, where did you learn so many methods?" Tu Chen said indifferently.

Zhang Kun shook his head slightly: "No comment."

"We know that your strength is comparable to that of a beginner Qi trainer. If you explode, it will be even more terrifying. If you are given time, you can kill the existence of the peak Qi trainer. Anyone who sees the secret method on your body will be greedy! Not to mention As an alchemist, you have countless medicinal materials, precious pills and tripods, all of which are priceless!" Tang Fenghen sneered.

Zhang Kun is really special, which makes them all greedy.Moreover, his background is the weakest, so if he is killed, he will be killed. Is it possible that Gongsun Yangyan is going to ask the five major forces for an explanation?
"You guys know me quite well?" Zhang Kun got up casually with sarcasm in his eyes. Since he dared to expose his strength in Poling City, he had already expected today's battle, and of course he didn't care what these people said to him He became greedy.

"If you want to fight, then fight. If that's the case, I will dim the stars on the Poling List!" Zhang Kun suddenly soared into the sky, and all the vitality in the world followed his steps, and the torrent-like momentum climbed to the peak. Chang Feng Lie Lie, the world trembled for it!
"Death!" Tang Fenghen took the lead, and the long knife in his hand came out of the sheath directly. In an instant, he slashed three times, cutting from three different directions. The fierce saber air slashed across the ground, creating deep ravines!
Zhang Kun looked at the sky, and drew out a stream of vigor with his hand, and the unparalleled vitality of heaven and earth gathered. Under the guidance of Zhang Kun, it turned into a long dragon, and the scales and claws of the dragon were lifelike, soaring directly into the sky , crossing the sky and rushing towards the three saber glows, bursts of dragon roars resounded crisply, and the two sides collided fiercely, crushing each other, only to see that the saber aura gradually dimmed, and the long dragon turned into vitality and returned to heaven and earth.

"What's going on, his strength has improved again?" Everyone was shocked, and the expressions on their faces were a little dignified.

At this time, Liang Lingxue, who brought Zhang Kun back with food, was stunned to see this scene. She quickly accelerated, and her figure transformed into a stunning figure and came directly to Zhang Kun's side.

"What's the matter, Brother Zhang Kun?" Liang Lingxue's eyes showed anxiety. These are the five masters and a powerful elder. If they fight together, can Zhang Kun survive?

Zhang Kun took a gentle look at Liang Lingxue. Although they had been together day and night, Liang Lingxue still didn't know Zhang Kun's true strength!

"Don't worry, Ling Xue, you stay here, don't make a move, and watch how I slaughter them!" Zhang Kun comforted her, squeezing her slippery little hand.

Zhang Kun looked at the six people with cold eyes, his cold thin lips moved slightly, and only uttered one word: "Kill!"

The long knife in Tang Fenghen's hand is like a horse training, urging the secret method of Tiandaomen, the boundless knife intent seems to crush the void, the momentum is far from what he just could compare, Tang Fenghen is a third-level Qi training, But relying on the power of the magic knife in his hand, the attack can be compared to the fourth-level Qi training state. This blow is so powerful that even the people who besieged Zhang Kun couldn't help but be amazed!
"Zhang Kun, you once destroyed my Heavenly Knife Sect Sword, today I will use another magic knife to kill you, and use blood to worship Li Yun!" Tang Fenghen's eyes were filled with anger, and the long knife in his hand finally revealed its true face.

Dao artifact, Jiuxiaotianlan!
Nine gorgeous real fires of different colors, clouds, and mountain winds surround this magical knife, forming a series of circular streamers, protecting the blade, just like a wonderful work of art. The blade is straight and sharp, and the cold light is overwhelming People, those who are under Qi training will probably faint from fright when they see this knife!
"Has Tang Fenghen, the supreme treasure of Tiandaomen, already mastered a Taoist weapon of this level?" Everyone was horrified. Tang Fenghen had never used such a terrifying weapon in the previous battle. It seemed that he was It's a real move!

Everyone only thought that he was the last existence on the breaking spirit list, but today he is in charge of Jiuxiaotianlan, and his strength has suddenly skyrocketed to a level!
"Waste copper and rotten iron!" Zhang Kun took a casual look at the magic knife in his hand, and commented casually.

Tang Fenghen only felt that the anger in his chest was about to jump out. Jiuxiao Tianlan is the treasure of the town school. Even if the master of Tiandaomen is here, he must be respectful when using this knife. In order to persuade the master to borrow I don't know how much effort and painstaking effort it took to make this knife, but Zhang Kun actually dismissed it as scrap copper and rotten iron?
"Death!" Tang Fenghen became murderous in an instant, holding Jiuxiaotianlan in his hand, he looked like a maniac, and seemed to be able to suppress the world with a single blow, he didn't even use any moves, only relying on Jiuxiaotianlan's divine power, he was a knife Cut out, the pitch-black night seemed to be cut through by this knife!
"Nine Heavens Crash!" At this moment, it was as if the sky was falling apart and the world was being destroyed, Liang Lingxue's pretty face turned pale!

Everyone gasped again and again, even they couldn't resist such an attack at all!
"There is no magic soldier in the world, but he made scrap iron famous!" Zhang Kun sneered, a golden rainbow shot out around his body, and the crystal bright starlight descended, and nine divine patterns that suppressed the world were imprinted on the Chengying sword , Zhang Kun closed his eyes in an instant, his heart still like water.

"Zhanjing rain at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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