Shenfu Danzun

Chapter 478 Tianjiao Falls

Chapter 478 Tianjiao Falls
The sound of pattering rain replaced everything, everything seemed to be immersed in the rain, everyone stopped still, and the monstrous knife light like raging waves was completely wiped out at this moment, there was no explosion, no color, only The intoxicating sound of rain, and the sword light flying all over the sky!
Jiuxiao Tianlan's slash was shocked to disperse, and the lights and shadows attached to it melted in the rain at this moment, causing the surrounding vitality clouds to roll and spread!

"What's going on?" Everyone felt as if they had entered an unknown field. It was obviously that Jiuxiao Tianlan came to Zhang Kun with the momentum of landslides, and even the space lost was faintly about to be collapsed. Broken, the earth exposed a ferocious wound, and the vitality of the world was in chaos for a while, but Zhang Kun had only one seemingly light piece to block it!

"Who said that he is just a waste of heaven, who can temporarily rival Qi practitioners by relying on secret techniques, but is actually just a paper tiger?" Tang Fenghen's face was extremely ugly, Zhang Kun's performance far exceeded their expectations .

Can that exquisite swordsmanship be mastered by a young man of the sky?Even an old monster who has practiced swordsmanship for countless years can't achieve such a profound blow!

Liang Lingxue's face turned red when she saw this scene. Zhang Kun told her not to make a move. She didn't know what to do, so she chose to believe him.

"Cut again!" Tang Fenghen was furious immediately, raised his knife and slashed again, the seemingly endless tide of vitality around Zhang Kun was cut apart, only to see a large swath of cold knife light flying up, colliding with each other and exploding, real fire Nine colors of clouds, clouds, and mountain winds rise up, and the terrifying power is frightening!

Zhang Kun smiled lightly and controlled the Chengying Sword. The endless starlight on the sword was shining, piercing the sky like a gorgeous comet, as if flying straight down to the Milky Way for nine days, the unstoppable light of the sword wiped everything out. Slash through, before the sword light arrives, the sword intent penetrates the world!
Liang Lingxue bit her lip. She is also a sword practicer, so she can naturally see the boundless power contained in this sword intent. This is not a realm she can reach, even though she is also the pride of heaven at the third level of Qi training Female, but she is overshadowed by this sword!
The faces of Qian Hongshan and the others changed wildly, and with a cold snort, they each performed Taoism and superimposed light round shields and barriers on their bodies, only in this way could they offset Zhang Kun's escaping sword intent.

Tang Fenghen, on the other hand, could only face this peerless one directly. He roared angrily, pouring his vitality into the divine sword, Jiuxiao Tianlan was aroused to the extreme, and the swords, lights and swords all over the sky collided together!
There was a sudden violent explosion, and the two saw a ring of clouds rising directly, and the overwhelming momentum hit Qian Hongshan and the others, making their expressions change.

"Why is Zhang Kun so powerful?" Qian Hongshan was horrified again. She had experienced Zhang Kun's sword intent before, but it was after all with the help of Liang Lingxue's power. But today she realized that the really powerful one is Zhang Kun!

Tang Fenghen couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. His third-level qi training strength was not enough to trigger the magic knife for a long time. The excessive use just now made people feel a surge of qi and blood, and Zhang Kun's sword intent was even more impressive. The human body is trembling and crumbling!
"Tang Fenghen is about to lose, I'll help him!" Yu Yefeng snorted, and the shining brilliance flickered frequently in his hands. They were five extremely precious gemstones, each of which was of the highest quality jade, containing With boundless power and power, he urged it with a secret method, only to see a red gem shining in the eyes of everyone, the color of blood covered the sky, and the monstrous fire suddenly ignited, and at this moment they all rushed towards Zhang Kun.

Everyone's expression changed, the power of this blow might not be able to be followed even if they joined forces, it was almost the power of foundation-building level!
Zhang Kun just stood there without dodging or dodging, letting the terrifying power of jade bombard him!
"Okay, Zhang Kun will never recover!" Yu Yefeng laughed, but a figure seemed to walk out of the blood!
"Kunyu Physique!" Zhang Kun's mouth twitched into a smile, and his body suddenly turned into a white and flawless jade color, crystal clear as if a god descended into the world, although it looked like jade, it was as solid as a rock!
What's even more miraculous is that the terrifying burst of gemstone energy hit Zhang Kun's body without any effect at all. Instead, it was directly absorbed by Zhang Kun like a mud cow entering the sea!
"Impossible, how is it possible, there is no effect?" Yu Yefeng's eyes were about to pop out. The few precious gemstones in his hand were his hard-earned fetishes, and each one could only be used once. But that power is not weaker than the full blow of the Dao Qi!
This full blow was not an attack forcefully urged by Qi trainers like Tang Fenghen Qian Hongshan and the others who were not of the same level, but the real Master Establishing the Foundation holding the Taoist weapon and roaring down, destroying the world!
But this kind of power was useless against Zhang Kun's body like a breeze, and it was absorbed by him instead?

"Impossible, come again, I don't believe you can still live this time?" Yu Yefeng felt like his chest was about to explode. He just shot a treasure worth [-] spirit stones, and now he shot another water The blue spar, that beautiful gem is as pure as the tears of an angel!

It seemed to be the color of the sea. At this moment, it was crushed by Yu Yefeng and summoned a water-blue beam of light, which shot directly at Zhang Kun. Like a tsunami, it rushed in all directions, and the entire wild mountain top seemed to be If you want to level it, Zhang Kun's temporary residence is just crushed into pieces!
There are still a lot of undead monsters below that have been directly blasted into waste, and within a few miles, only these few Tianjiao can stand still!

"With such power, Yu Yefeng can't be messed with at all!" Everyone's expressions changed. Although the power Yu Yefeng displayed had nothing to do with himself, who made him the young master of the Seven Star Pavilion, and endless resources poured into him On his body, the gems he casually threw out were enough to train a Qi trainer!

"If Zhang Kun doesn't die now, he must die, right?" The thought was in everyone's mind, Tang Fenghen's eyes were full of pleasure of revenge, but Liang Lingxue stomped her feet anxiously on the spot with anxiety on her face, but she couldn't help Zhang Kun every bit!
"It's not enough, how about another one?" It's a pity that something that disappointed everyone happened. Zhang Kun was unscathed. The energy was actually absorbed by him!
Kunyu's physique was originally constructed of jade, and spar gemstones have no effect on him at all. Instead, he can absorb the power and power contained in it. At this moment, he is sitting cross-legged in the void, with a majestic appearance, reflected by the crystal clear Kunyu's physique. Unlimited divine brilliance came out, and there were even Sanskrit chants chanting inside, and everyone was shocked!

"No, Yu Yefeng's attack has no effect on Zhang Kun!" Gu Anmo snorted coldly, raised the golden spear and joined the battlefield, but Zhang Kun's body surface released a lot of protective energy, and he couldn't break through for a while, everyone Tianjiao shot again and again, hitting Zhang Kun's body surface but couldn't shake it in the slightest.

"Like Lan Sixin, like a pine tree. The river flows endlessly, and the deep and clear are reflected. The right leads to the wide interior, and the left reaches the bright." Zhang Kunxiu uttered the truth, and the endless tide of vitality and the energy and power of the two rare gems were all absorbed by him In the body, his body became more and more brilliant, like diamond glaze, exuding colorful brilliance!

"Damn it, he dared to break through the flesh in front of us?" Everyone's face changed wildly, and everyone jumped into a rage, and their anger reached the extreme.

"The energy of the Dao Pill of Origin is so huge, even if I entered the refining state, I still haven't exhausted its energy and power, and many remaining medicinal powers are stored in my internal organs. At this moment, it is finally complete with the help of your attack!" Zhang Zhang Kun slowly opened his eyes, and the deep eyes were like a starry sky, with golden lights shining in them.

"Damn it!" Everyone became angry immediately, and Yu Yefeng's face was like a pig's liver. He quickly replaced the gemstones, and several magic talisman arrays poured out towards Zhang Kun, and countless waves of thunder and flames surged towards Zhang Kun. Let Zhang Kun go!

However, Zhang Kun's physical body has reached perfection. Kunyu's body was only a small achievement before, but now it is in the state of first-level perfection. Baoxiang solemnly raises his hands and gestures to attract the vitality of the boundless world. At this moment, his physical body is comparable to the right way device!
Countless attacks rained down on Zhang Kun's body, but it was a pity that even the slightest splash was startled.All the violent power can smash the hardest rock, but Zhang Kun stands still, just feeling the breeze blowing on his face!

"Death!" The word "death" was said lightly, but with absolute confidence and subtle contempt.

Zhang Kun stretched out his hand, turned into a giant palm and slapped it directly at Yu Yefeng. This power is really terrifying. Although it was just a simple attack without any skill, it was suffocating. Yu Yefeng fired all his firepower. , Countless rays of light shot out, but it is a pity that facing Zhang Kun at this moment has no effect, his eyes are wide open and his body is trembling as if sifting chaff!
"Shield talisman!" He called out the talisman, and the miraculous brilliance flowed on it, similar to the one used by Yuyang, which can withstand the blow of foundation establishment!
It's a pity that Zhang Kun shot out a stream of water from the underworld, the undead thing, which cut off the relationship between the vitality and the magic talisman in his hand, and the powerful aegis dissipated suddenly!

Pushing the giant palm horizontally, as if crushing an ant, Yu Yefeng exhausted all means, leaving only a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth.

Kill with one hit!The murderous aura rushes across the endless space, making one's hair stand on end!
"Yu Yefeng is dead?" Everyone was stunned. That was the young master of the Seven Star Pavilion, an existence loved by thousands of people. He was escorted by the elders of the Seven Star Pavilion all the way. There are so many methods, even if it is a strong foundation builder, he can hold on for a while!
(End of this chapter)

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